InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Military Warfare ❯ Wake up Call ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Me no own, you no sue.

CH.4: Wake up Call.

Dinner was pretty uneventful, except for the constant yelling match going on between Inuyasha and Kagome.

And then there was Hojo. (Hojo, Hojo, Hojo.)




Hojo walked up to Kagome totally oblivious to the flashing red signs saying "Go Back!!', "Danger Zone", "Angry Woman, Be Afraid", and "TURN AWAY IF YOU LIKE YOUR BALLS WHERE THEY ARE!!" Kagome didn't even notice him, she was to busy listing all of Inuyasha's flaws.(That might take a while)

"Uh...Kagome," He tapped her on her shoulder and she turned to face him with a glare that could freeze hell, and then smiled sweetly.

"Um...hi uh...Holo."


"Sure thing, what's up."

"I was wondering if we could um... go out somewhere. Like a date." He stared at her hopefully, she stared at him like he was crazy, Sesshomaru stared at his hair, and Inuyasha just stared.

'Ok this is the first time I've ever met a man ditz. I wonder if he even noticed the fact that we're at MILITARY CAMP!?!' Kagome thought as she mulled over ways to let him down easy.

'Hahahahaha. He's such a dork. Poor little Kagome. HAHAHAHAHAHA! I'd love to see her get out of this.' Inuyasha thought with a grin.

'Hmm, maybe I should use a different conditioner, my hair looks frizzy. Hey, the yelling stopped, wait, I've probably just gone deft. IS THAT A SPLIT END!?!' Sesshomaru thought, eyeing his hair with his normal stoic mask.

"Um...well Hoho"

"It's Hojo."

"Whatever, my um... grand...mother is ...uh...sick, and this is a very...uh...a very sad time for me. So um... I don't think that I'm really emotionally stable (right about now Inuyasha mutters "or mentally stable" and gets kicked in the shin) enough in a relationship with someone." Kagome gave herself a mental pat on the back.

'I'm so smart.'

"Oh well when she feels better then."

'Why couldn't I say she was dying. That would have been smarter.'

"Yeah, definitely."


Of course Inuyasha did think that was the funniest thing in the world, and laughed at Kagome until his stomach hurt.

~Now it is morning, welcome to the first official day of Military Camp!~

The morning horn blew to wake up the kids. Scaring the shit out of Miroku who fell off his bed, which was the top bunk, laying spread eagle on the floor.

~_~_~_~In the girls cabin~_~_~_~_~_~_~

"I swear if they blow that fucking horn one more time, I'll stick it so far up their ass that it'll come back out of their mouth." Kirara mumbled from her pillow. Kagome pulled the covers over her head, while Sango made he way to the bathroom eyes still closed. Rin was still sound asleep.

Saku burst through the door with a huge smile and dragging a large duffel bag.

"Wake up! It's time for breakfast, well a jog and then breakfast." She smiled as she went to shake Rin awake. The other people in the room tried to stare at her like she was crazy...but that that's kinda hard to do when your eyelids won't stay up.

"Um...where's your sister?" Kirara asked not even bothering to try to open her eyes. (Oh I just realized I never said what Kirara looks like: cream colored skin, short dark red hair, like Yura of the hair length. She's about the same height as Kagome, and has red eyes. Two tails, just like in the Anime, claws etc. that about it)

"Well drinking is bad for you. She currently has her head in the toilet throwing up half of her insides. And I think I gave her uppers instead of aspirin, oops."(If you don't know what an upper is then you have serious problems. Or maybe I have the problems for knowing what one is. Hmm.)

"So anywho, I came to give you guys these." She threw the duffel bag to Kagome, who would have caught it, if she was awake. So that really didn't work out, and it landed on her head. She let out a muffled groan, and then a light snore. So much for waking her.

"Ok, that's your uniforms, and TADA!" She reached in her pocket and pulled out eight dog tags (and if you don't know what a dog tag is, and I don't mean what dogs wear then your sadder than me; is sadder a word?)

"NAME TAGS!!" Again this is a moment where people would stare... if they were awake. She threw four of the tags to Kirara, apparently she doesn't know when people are sleeping and when they're awake.

"Anyways, I hope I got the right sizes. I'll be back in about an hour. Bye." About 15 minutes after she left the girls started to wake one by one.

"Where'd I get these from." Kirara asked as she held up the dog tags.

"Weird" Kagome muttered as she pushed the duffel bag from her face. Rin made her way to the bathroom, opening the door she saw Sango sleeping on the floor, with her toothbrush sticking out of her mouth snoring peacefully.

"Aw man, I needed to go pee too."

~_~_~_~_~To the boys cabin~_~_~_~_~_~_~

"Morning guys!" Saku burst through the door with her hands covering her eyes. Dragging another duffel bag.

"Do any of you guys sleep in the nude...or can I move my hand?" Silence. 'Hmm, I'll take that as a yes.'

"WAKE UP!! Gosh what is it with you people? Hojo is the only one awake." Sure enough everyone was asleep except for Hojo who was sitting on his bed. (Dork!)

Sesshomaru was next to wake up and made his way to the bathroom trying to fix his hair with his claws. (I love him to much to call him gay. That and reviewers are scary when they're mad ; don't hurt me. I bruise easy) Inuyasha was next to wake, stepping on the semi-conscious Miroku on his way to get to the bathroom.

Saku bent down next to Miroku and poked at him.

"Are you okay?" Apparently getting a little to close.

"HENTAI!!!" And then there was a smack that woke up practically the entire camp.

~_~_~_~`In the girls cabin~_~_~_~

"Sounds like Miroku's up." -_-; Sango muttered dryly.

"And now he's probably down." Kagome muttered back.

~_~_~Back to the boys~_~_~_~

"Get outta there will ya!!!" Inuyasha yelled as he banged on the bathroom door. Sesshomaru just ignored him and continued showering.

Saku glared at Miroku from her spot on the farthest side of the cabin. It's amazing how fast a person can move when there's a pervert around them.

"Your uniforms are in the duffel bag over there." She pointed to the bag lying near Miroku, not even daring to go near him to get it.

"Dog tags are in there too, that's all. I'll be seeing ya'll in an hour." She inched her way to the cabin door, staying as far away from Miroku and as close to the wall as possible.

Inuyasha went over to the possibly unconscious boy on the floor and kicked his arm.

"I was wondering when you were gonna do that. Kinda shocked you didn't propose to her last night." Inuyasha muttered as he none to gently nudged Miroku's head with his foot.

Hojo just stared at them from his spot on his bed. Completely unnoticed.


Saku made her way back to the cabin she shared with her sister and two other councilors. When she entered she was greeted by the snoring of her sister who apparently fell asleep on the bathroom floor, her arm resting on the toilet flusher thingy. She bent down and flicked her sister at the top of her nose.

Sakura opened her eyes and glared at her sister's finger. But it didn't really look threatening since Sakura couldn't really make out how many fingers there were, and she did look cross-eyed glaring at her nose.

"I thought I told you never to wake me." She moved her glare onto her sister, while trying to figure out when she got 3 sisters.

"I don't care if the angels are blasting their little trumpets and Kami is descending from on high to judge the damned and the deceased. I'M STILL NOT TO BE WOKEN!!!"

"Drama queen. Look we've gotta earn our paycheck."

"We don't get paid." Sakura answered flatly.

"Well smash all my hopes and dreams why don't ya? C'mon the little ones have to take their morning jogs. You can run with the humans. I'll take the demons. So wake up sleepy head, it's time to rise and shine." Saku said in a baby voice.

"Ok two things. 1: I don't shine. And 2: I thought I told you mixing pills and coffee is bad for you."


An hour later Saku burst through the door in the girls' cabin, just like she promised. Pulling her sister behind her by her hair.

"Well at least they're dressed." The girls were lying all around the cabin snoring peacefully. Rin was even drooling from her spot draped over the couch.

"Hey! Wakey wakey!!" Saku yelled at the girls, while she was going around poking them in the ribs.

"Mmm...five more minutes mommy." Rin muttered as she rolled over and off the couch.

"Owwy" At least she's up.

"I'll go get the boys, have fun." Sakura muttered as she left to go to the other cabin.

"C'mon wake up. Um... it's time for breakfast." 'Hmm... lying is bad. But what they don't know won't hurt 'em.' Sango woke up groggily at the sound of breakfast.

'Hmm... this isn't working. I got it!!'

"Oh my god!!! IS THAT A CUTE SHIRTLESS GUY WITH A SIX PACK!?!" That did it.

"What, where? I don't see him!" Kirara yelled.She and Kagome were up as soon as the words left Saku's mouth. Everyone else in the cabin just shook their heads and sweatdropped.

"HENTAI!!" The yell and a loud smack echoed through the camp. Inevitably followed by a thud. Seconds later a red eyed Sakura burst through the door in the girls' cabin.

"You take the boys! NOW!!" Well all the girls were awake now, and so was everyone else at the camp.


The entire camp was assembled to the grounds right in front of the mess hall. Everyone was dressed in the same thing. A forest green sleeveless shirt, green camouflage pants and a matching hat, and dog tags.

"Ok you little maggots. You will be divided into two groups, one of human and one of demons. And you will have a little jog, around the entire camp." Ms. Maiochi said as she paced in front of the kids.

A girl with red eyes, and pale skin raised her hand to ask a question.

"Yes. And state your name." Ms. Maiochi said staring at the girl.

"I'm Kagura. And exactly how many laps are we to run?" Her voice was cold and emotionless.

"Six, Miss Kagura. Does anyone else have any questions?" She asked in a sugarcoated voice. Nothing.

"Alright, Saku and Sakura are your group leaders today." The girls gave Ms. Maiochi the finger behind her back.

"Joy." they muttered in unison.

Saku had the demons, while her still slightly hung over sister had the humans. And because the demons were, well demons, they had to do twice as many laps around the camp. And one thing that everyone learned was that the camp was wayyyy bigger than it looked.


" they" The panting Kagome asked Sango.

"I it...and...see if...they...make us...stop." Sango panted back.

" legs...are...dying." Rin panted to them.

"I...can't...even" Kagome said.

"One...more...lap." Sango chanted under her breath.


Inuyasha and his brother weren't exactly having fun either. Inuyasha was racing against a wolf demon named Kouga. They had a not so friendly meeting, and a lot of pretty words were thrown around. Most of which consisted of: "Flea bitten mongrel", "Rabies infested wolf", and of course "Bastard." Lots and lots of "bastard"s. What would any argument be without "bastard"?

Currently Kouga was winning as they were coming in on the last lap. And Inuyasha was not exactly a happy puppy.


"FOOD!!!" Kirara yelled as she disappeared into the line for breakfast in the mess hall. Appearing five minutes later with about one of everything. She and her overly stuffed tray happily plopped down on a table next to her new friends, who were happily munching away.

Sango Kagome and Rin had only survived because of Miroku, they would have to thank soon as he was conscious again. They were about to collapse when Sango felt an unwelcome appendage on her ass. And apparently Miroku doesn't know that you should not mess with a sleep deprived girl who has pissed off sleep deprived friends. So the last lap just flew by while they were trying to catch Miroku.

"Hey what day is it tomorrow?" Rin asked quietly from her seat next to Sango.

"Um... SATURDAY!!" Kagome squealed.

"No jogs, no waking up at 6:00, no Ms. Maiochi." Kirara squealed.

"I'm gonna spend the day sleeping." Sango said with starry eyes, and a starry background. The other girls sweatdropped. A minute later a flaming mad Inu hanyou and a calm Inu youkai came into the room, and sat at the table with the girls and the unconscious Miroku.

"Where were you guys." Sango asked, her only response was a muttered string of curses from Inuyasha.

"He got in an argument with an wolf youkai from one of the other groups. And verbal sparing is not what Inuyasha is good at." Sesshomaru answered in his normal emotionless voice.

"I'm leaving." Inuyasha grumbled before he left the mess hall not even getting anything to eat.

"I'm going after him." Kagome grabbed a nutri-grain bar and followed the angry dog demon.

'Hmm... I believe Inuyasha will have a mate by the time camp has ended.' Sesshomaru thought as he looked to the girl rushing out the door. He stole a quick glance over to Rin, to find her looking at him. She turned her head as soon as she saw he caught her, a slight blush colored her cheeks.

'He may not be the only one.'


"Hey Inuyasha! Wait up!" Kagome yelled as she fought to catch up with the boy who was at least six feet ahead of her, after all, her legs still hurt like hell.

"Go away wench!" He snapped back at her, not even bothering to turn and look at her.

"Not until you tell me what's bothering you." He stopped and turned to glare at her.

"You are." She reached up to him and fixed him with her own glare, stopping inches in front of him.

"You're such a baby."

"You're such an annoyance."

"You're such a jerk." While they were arguing it went completely unnoticed by both teens that inches became centimeters, and centimeters became millimeters, and millimeters became nothing as he captured her lips in a short but sweet kiss. His lips were gone as soon as they were there.

"Um...I brought you something" Kagome whispered against his lips.

"Thanks." He whispered back.

"So are you gonna tell me now?" Kagome asked as she moved back, her cheeks burning red.

"No." Inuyasha answered flatly.

"Fine, jerk!" Kagome stomped back to the mess hall. But her bright red blush ruined the effect.

"Girls." Inuyasha muttered and headed off into the opposite direction.


Ok that chapter kinda sucked. And the kiss was ssssooooo not supposed to be there, but whatever.

I have somethings to clear up Danielle says to tell people that the "speaking of asses. Smack. 'Hentai'" thing in last chapter was all hers. And it was, so go Danielle. She wrote it while she kidnapped my book.

And I would like to thank:

LovingSesshomaruisnteasy. She's really cool and helped me through my writer's block.

AND A SUPER SPECIAL THANKS TO: Aylee Campbell. Who helped me with all this military stuff.

Next ch-"Hell have no fury like a woman scorned." C ya 'til then