InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Military Warfare ❯ Hell have no fury like a woman scorned ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
This is my personal favorite chappy. Me and my sis actually did this to some one once. It was fun!!

Disclaimer: Me no own, you no sue :)

CH 5: Hell Have No Fury Like A Woman Scorned

It was 8:30, dinnertime. And Kagome, Sango, Rin and Kirara were practically sleeping in their food. After breakfast they had exercise. Push-ups, pull-ups, jumping jacks, crunches, etc.

And after that it got even better. They had lunch and then...obstacle course! So not only were they sweaty and muddy they were sweaty, muddy and sleepy. Even the demons were tired.

The girls were happily snoring away in their food when Kagome was disturbed by a hand on her shoulder.

"Huh, what?" Blue eyes met with gold.

"Oh, hey Inuyasha. What's up?"

"Can we talk?"

"Sure, do we have to get up or something, cuz I'm really tired and I hardly think my legs would be able to support my body weight."

"Feh." He placed one hand behind her back and the other behind her knees and lifted her out of her seat and took her outside, and set her down by the lake. Keeping his arm around her waist even after she was standing still.

"About what happened at breakfast." Inuyasha said slowly.

"Yeah." She said equally slow.

"Sorry 'bout that." He was uncomfortable, and he didn't exactly know why. Sure he'd kissed tons of girls before, I mean look at him. But with Kagome it was different, she was different.

"It's alright." She said reassuringly.

"Uh...Inuyasha?" Her eyebrow started to twitch.


"Can you please move your hand from my waist!"

"Maybe." A sexy smirk spread across his face, that made Kagome want to melt, but she'd be damned if she did that.


"I wonder where they went." The now awake Sango (thanks to Miroku, never let a good opportunity pass by) said aloud. Inuyasha and Kagome were gone for a while now.

"I wonder what they're doing?" The now awake Rin (thanks to Sango's screech) said to no one in particular. Bad thing to say, especially when there's a Miroku around.

"Well, I have a few ideas on that." A lecherous grin formed of his face. Sango didn't even have time to smack him (gasp) because at that moment a dripping wet, mad as hell Kagome burst into the mess hall. Followed by an equally mad, but dry, Inuyasha.

"YOU PUSHED ME INTO THE LAKE!!" Kagome roared, glaring daggers into the hanyou who only glared back.

"YOU SMACKED ME!!" Ok now everyone in the mess hall was listening, even the councilors.




"CUZ I'M NOT SORRY FOR IT!!!!" If looks could kill Inuyasha would be six feet under right about now.


"YOU UGLY OLD HAG!!" The entire room gasped and then went silent as they stared at the soon-to-be-dead hanyou and the shocked girl. Even Sesshomaru stared. (double gasp.)

'Ok, maybe he won't have a mate by the time this is over...if she kills him, I wonder if I could have his room'

"Ok Inuyasha. Goodnight." She spoke eerily calm, even though her aura was blood red, and flaring wildly, so everyone could see how mad she was. She walked around him gracefully and calmly and exited the room. Every girl in the room shot Inuyasha dirty looks. Rin and Kirara ran out after their Kagome, while Sango went up to Inuyasha.


"You bastard. Kagome is dangerous when she's mad." Inuasha's only thought was:

'Now I see while Miroku goes unconscious so fast.' Sango turned and left to go to her friend.

"Oh poor little Inuyasha. Do you know nothing of the female species?" Inuyasha turned to see Miroku staring at him sorrowfully.

"I know enough to not grab their asses."

"At least I don't say that they are ugly. Be afraid my friend." Miroku left to go back to his dinner.



"Breathe Kagome." Kirara instructed.


"Calm down. You're gonna give yourself a hernia." Sango said while trying to pull Kagome into a seat in the cabin.

"Yeah, I'm sure he didn't mean it. You know how guys speak without thinking." Rin said trying to calm the obviously enraged girl.

"Ok, we're here!" Saku and Sakura had just entered the cabin, carrying a bottle of Hersery's Chocolate Syrup and a jar of honey.

"Where did you get those?" Sango pointed to the syrup and honey.

"They're mine." Sakura said with a huge smile.

"Why do you have them?" Kirara asked Sakura, but Saku answered instead.

"Trust me, you don't wanna know. I didn't wanna know, but now I know. So trust me when I say you don't wanna know."

"SY!!" Sakura squeaked.

"Sigh?" Everyone except Saku asked, looking puzzled. Saku looked like she was gonna throw up.

"No, Sy. He's my boyfriend/mate." Sakura squeaked again.

"And the reason for the honey and syrup. And DO NOT ask what they use it for, cuz then she'll go into the whipped cream, and then you'll wish your ears would fall off." Saku said, looking really sick. Realization and then the I-really-didn't-need-to-know-that look crossed all of the girls' faces.

" why are those here?"(anyone with perverted thoughts all I have to say is "EWWW" and "you disgust me") Sango said looking at Sakura like she was mentally ill.

"Because we saw everything that happened in the hall." Saku announced.

"And since what he did is so totally and completely wrong. We've decided that, even though ya'll are little kindergartners in elementary school or whatever, we will help you get payback." Sakura continued for her sister.

"And what better way to get payback than to mess with the hair." Saku ended, then both sisters did "the evil laugh", and the normal, mentally stable humans, and demon, stared and sweatdropped. (Hey sweatdropped is not a word. I did so not know that, and I am currently on a caffeine high woooo. Oh dear Lucifer I sound like Burcak. That can't be good.)

"Um...are you two...sober?" Kagome asked staring at the cackling sisters.

"Or stoned?" Kirara muttered.

"Nope, we're perfectly alcohol and drug free." Saku said proudly.

"At the moment anyway." Sakura muttered.

"We will be back at midnight. Be prepared, and DO NOT tell anyone about this!" Sakura stated.

"She has a spell to prepare, and her memory sucks so it'll take a while." Saku said pointing to her sister.

"He is a hanyou after all. And an Inu hanyou, they have excellent hearing, and an even better sense of smell, even while they're asleep." Saku continued.

"Spell?" Kirara asked.

"Yep, I know a couple of people like Kagome, they taught me some stuff." Sakura said, like that would clear up everything.

"Like Kagome?" Rin asked slowly.

"Yeah, you know, mikos, duh." Saku said.

"You're a miko!?!" Kirara screeched.

"Surprise." Was Kagome's shy reply.

"She's a very strong one too. Obviously untrained though. I was surprised when she didn't purify Inuyasha right there." Saku said.

"Would've been funny though. Well we've gotta go. See ya'll in a couple of hours." Sakura said as they left.

"We've got the best councilors." Kirara said. Sango went into her bag and pulled out lipstick and other makeup.

"Whatcha doing?" Rin asked innocently.

"We can't just give him a new hairdo without a complete makeover." Sango smirked at the other girls.

"That would be so wrong." Kagome pulled out ten different colored nail polishes.

"You guys are so right." Rin said as she pulled out some blush.

"This is gonna be fun." Kirara smirked as she went through her bag.


"Howdy doody chiclets." Sakura said as she burst through the door.

"You are a loser you know. Hi other losers." Saku said from behind her sister.

"Are you sure you two aren't drunk?" Sango asked the two girls.

"Abso-positivio-lutely." Saku answered.

"Ok, maybe a little." Sakura giggled.

"Does this surprise anyone? Anyone at all?" Kirara asked dryly.

"Whatever. They're asleep. The puppy'll be knocked out 'til morning. So lets go." Sakura pulled the pajama-clad girls out the door, towards the boys' cabin.

Pitch black was an understatement. Kagome couldn't even see her hand in front of her face. The girls had to rely on Saku, Sakura, and Kirara's demonic vision.

"We're here. SHH!" Sakura threw a couple of small flashlights to Kagome, Sango, and Rin.

"Hurry up. If Mr. Maiochi finds out about this he/she would kill us."

"Or worse. Send us to mum! And she'll try to :shudder: spend time with" Sakura whispered with fear.

"Ok, so can we start now?" Sango whispered back.

The crept into the room. None of the boys made any move to wake up. Sesshomaru was on the top bunk and Hojo on the one below his. On the other side of the room Miroku was on the top bunk, and their target was on the bottom.

Kagome pulled off his covers and was met with flesh and boxers.

'Ok Kag, drooling is bad. Don't drool, it's just his chest. His perfect, beautiful well muscled chest, with a gorgeous six pack. And perfect leg muscles and not too bulky and STOP! Now is not the time.'

"Can we shave him?" Rin whispered.

"I think we should stick to the plan." Sango whispered back. They parted his hair and covered one half in honey and the other half in chocolate syrup. They were about to do his make up when they heard someone move.

"Mess with his ears, he hates that." Sesshomaru was awake...and telling then what to do. Brotherly love is an amazing thing.

"Uh...thanks...I think." Kagome looked over at him uncertainly. But he was "sleeping" again so the girls went back to work.

"That's not blush you idiot."

"What's your point."

They left the cabin about an hour and a half later, but not after Kagome put on her "finishing touch".

"I wanna see him when he wakes up." Kirara whispered.

"He's so gonna kill us." Rin said.

"But it'll be worth the pain." Kagome snickered behind her hand as the left the cabin.


"WHAT THA FUCK!?!?!?!!!!!!" The cry rang through the entire camp as soon as the sun rose. All of the girls in group 1 and their twin councilors ran to the boys cabin. Trying their hardest to look shocked and innocent, while trying to hold in their laughter.

"You look.... pretty Inuyasha." Saku said, turning red from withheld laughter.

"I think you should keep the look." Rin said in-between giggling fits.

"Definitely suites you!" Kirara gave him a thumbs up.

Inuyasha glared at everyone in the cabin. His hair was in pigtails, half of his hair was covered in chocolate syrup, and the other half in honey.

He had on bright red lipstick that wasn't exactly done right, so he has lipstick smudges all around his mouth. His eyelashes were curled, and done with blue mascara, (my friend has that. So pretty) and he had on green eyeshadow. (Which when applied correctly can give the illusion of wide awakeness. Really) (I need to stop hanging around with my sister)

He had blush on either cheek, well bright pink on one cheek and cherry red on the other. And someone drew a smiley face with eye pencil on one blush-covered cheek.

And his claws...were um... beautiful. Every nail was done in a different color. Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, gold, purple, white, brown, and course PINK! And on one hand in black letters it said "I love" and the other hand said "guys". His ears now had little hearts colored on in eye pencil.

And lastly there was a red lipstick kiss in the middle of his stomach.

Miroku was rolling on the floor. Hojo was laughing from his bed. And even Sesshomaru was chuckling.

Sango, Kirara, and Rin were holing onto each other laughing. Saku and Sakura were nowhere to be found.

The thing that caught Inuyasha's eye was Kagome. She stood in the corner, giggling.

"You did this!?!" He pointed a purple nail at her.

"Who? Me?" Was her innocent reply. You could practically see the halo.

"Now why would I ever think of doing a thing like that?" And now you could see the wings.

"C'mon girls, it's way to early to be up on a Saturday, don't you think?" Kagome said as they turned to leave.

Kagome turned to Inuyasha, as she was about to go out the door.

"By the is so not your color." She blew him a kiss and left.

"I told you women are scary when they are pissed my friend." Miroku said as he got over his laughing fit. But he would burst into another fit of laughter every time he looked at Inuyasha.

Seconds later the girls burst into the cabin with a camera. SNAP and they ran away in a fit of giggles.

"They are so dead" Inuyasha muttered as he stomped into the bathroom.


Around midday Inuyasha finally emerged from the bathroom, wearing blue baggy jeans with the punkish chains on it, and a black wife beater with a blue button down shirt over it, completely unbuttoned. And he was completely makeup free.

"I think you looked better with it on." Was the fist thing he heard when he stepped out the door. The girl was wearing a short light blue jeans mini skirt, with blue heeled sandals and a blue tank top with the picture of a turtle on it. And some pink-ish lipgloss.

"What do you want now wench?" He glared at the girl standing before him.

"I came..." She gave him a big sigh and then lowered her head, "to give you these." She threw him an apple and a cereal bar.

"Apology accepted." He said to her. Her head whipped up faster than the speed of light, and she stared at him with wide eyes, and then gave him a glare.

"Who said anything about an apology!?!" Kagome screeched practically deafening the poor guy.

"Fine! I don't accept your apology!" Inuyasha yelled back.

"There was no apology in the first place!!!" Kagome was about to turn into Laurena Bobbit. (I think that's her name. She was that chick who um....neutered her boyfriend) but a very loud "ahem" interrupted all of her thoughts of castrating Inuyasha.

"WHAT!?!" Kagome turned to glare at the person who interrupted her mindless screeching rant . To find (everyone's favorite undead pain in the ass) Kikyo. She was wearing a tight blue leather mini skirt, with a sky blue shirt, blue heels, blue eyeshadow, and red lipstick.

She roughly pushed Kagome aside and went up to the very uncomfortable Inuyasha.

"I heard about everything that this awful little girl did to you." Kikyo ran her hands up and down Inuyasha's chest. Kagome was about to punch her lights out for calling her a "little girl" but settled for laughing at Inuyasha's expression of horror, disgust and then the look of pleading, directed towards Kagome.

"You know she doesn't even deserve to be near you." Kikyo said coming closer to him, making him step back until he was pinned to the cabin.

"So how about I get near to you instead?" She came closer to the poor little hanyou who was desperately searching for a way to escape. Kagome was clutching her side in laughter, but a little part of her felt sorry for Inuyasha.

'Well he shouldn't have called me ugly then.'

"So how 'bout we get to know each other a little better, Inubabe." The way she said "Inubabe" made him cringe. She moved to kiss him, but was stopped by someone's voice.

"I'm sorry for you, but he's taken." Kagome said mentally cursing her overly large heart.

Kikyo turned a hard glare towards Kagome.

"By whom?" She said icily. Kagome moved beside Inuyasha and put her hands on his chest.

"By me." Inuyasha wrapped his arm around her waist.

"Fine. But Inuyasha, when you get tired of this wannabe. The real thing will always be waiting for you." She winked at him and left. Inuyasha was practically holding Kagome back from punching her.

"So I'm taken, huh? And by you too. I always knew you had a thing for me." His cocky smile already on.

"Don't flatter yourself. I wouldn't even let Hoko deal with that...thing." That was about the time they noticed their position. They were now facing each other, with his hands wrapped around her waist, pulling her closer to him. And her hand somehow made their way around his waist.

They separated instantly, a dark blush spreading across both their faces.

" to go see...Sango. Talk to ya later."

"Yeah, bye."


Rin was sitting in the grass near the lake that Kagome had a not so friendly meeting with yesterday. It was near sunset and she watched as the sun showed its final orange and red rays as it began its descent, giving way to the darkness of night.

She sighed peacefully as she watched the sun sink into the horizon. She fell backward onto the grass, closing her eyes.

And that was how Sesshomaru saw her as he passed by the lake, headed towards his cabin. She was wearing a white tank top, and baby blue shorts.

'She looks so peaceful, almost angelic. She really is beautiful, for a human anyway.' With a soft sigh he want to sit next to her. His presence completely unnoticed by the girl, at least that's what he thought.

"It really is an amazing sight. Don't you think so, Sesshomaru?" Rin said to him quietly, opening one eye to look at him.

"What's so amazing. It's only a sunset. It happens everyday, and everyday it's the same thing…what are you smiling about?" He looked over at Rin who had a small smile on her face, sure he thought she looked even better when she smiled, but why was she smiling.

"That's the first time I've ever heard you speak so much. I feel special now." She giggled and sat up to look at him, and gave him a huge smile.

"It's getting late, why are you still out here?" Sesshomaru asked, staring out at the sunset.

I was waiting for the stars to come out. I don't ever really see them in the city." Rin said looking at the now disappearing sun.

They sat together in a comfortable silence as they watched the light fade away and darkness claimed the night. Rin let out a soft gasp when she saw the first star.

"Isn't it beautiful?" She rested her head on Sesshomaru's shoulder. He wrapped his arm around her shoulders, pulling her closer to him. Letting the magic of the night overtake them. He looked at the happy girl in his arms.


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Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. I had to put the fluff. Someone emailed me and asked where Hojo is during most of the chapters. He is with the magical luggage imps ok.

I might put some Sango/ Miroku fluff next ch. but I'm not sure.

Oh yeah I messed up her name last shout out so thankx 2: lovinsesshomaruisnteasy

Next ch: Shopping trip from hell.

'Til then
