InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Military Warfare ❯ Sexual Tension at its breaking point ( Chapter 10 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Do you think:

1) Kikyo should hook up with Naraku.

2) Kikyo should fall into the lake.

3) Kikyo should be happy

4) Kikyo should get Inuyasha.

5) Or all of the above, except 4 and 3.

Pick as many as you want, it doesn't matter!


Chapter...something, I dunno, what do I look like, the author or something gosh,:

Sexual Tension at it's Breaking Point





"What!?!" Rin glared at the three girls sitting across from her. They were in the cabin's living room like thing after, kicking out the boys, to have a good 'ol fashioned girl talk...about Rin's newly discovered love life.

It was Sunday morning and after a whole night of not questioning Rin and her doggy lover, (ok that sounds like bestiality) mostly because they were sleeping, the girls were reallllllly getting a bit restless. So let the questioning begin!!!

"Six pack?"

"How big?"

"Was it good?" The questions all came so fast and right behind each other, Rin didn't even know who said what.

"OK then, you all need sex by the way," Rin began, earning glares from her friends, "Perfectly chiseled, huge and it was heaven." Rin blushed a bit, but her smile still remained.

"And...." The other girls leaned in when their friend continued. "He said he loves me."

Four collective squeals rang through the room followed by three loud "Awwwwww"s.

~~~~~~~~~~Now to the male bonding~~~~~~~~

All the guys were leaned against the back of their cabin, basking in the sunlight...well not really, they just had nowhere else to go since their cabin was under siege by three nosy women and their poor victim.

"Good?" Miroku asked Sesshomaru, not even bothering to look away from the girls running by.


"Love?" Inuyasha didn't even glance as his brother.



"Not yet, soon."




"Ok we have some very sad news for you all." Sephora announced to the camp which was assembled in from of her. "We didn't save a bunch of money, because we didn't switch to Geico." Group sweatdrop, and group anime style fall.

It was time for the obstacle course, and Ms. Maiochi was still "ill" so today Sephora, Jasmine, and Leah were in charge of the munchkins.

"We as councilors, and new overlords of this camp, pride ourselves in our originality." Jasmine began.

"But," Leah cut in, "It is with a heavy heart that we announce...that after 3 parties, endless bottles of booze, and stripers by the dozen. We still couldn't think of anything original for you to do today." Leah ended by overdramatically whipping away an invisible tear.

"We know this'll be hard for you, it's hard for us too, but you’ll have to-" Jasmine choked on her words and leaned on her cousin. "I can't do it!! You tell them!" All of the camp attendees were staring at the councilors like they were crazy, you would think that after so long they'd get used to it, but apparently not.

"What she's trying to say," Sephora continued, while trying to push Jasmine off of her, "is, you guys have the day off, since our brains have finally combusted. So go, be merry little ones!!" Loud cheering echoed through the crowd...and a few groans from sports enthusiasts.

"You guys can go chill in the cabins, or pig out in the mess hall, or do it in the forest. And if you really have nothing...or no one to do, we're gonna have the soccer and baseball stuff from a few days ago lying around." Leah yelled over the cheering crowd.

"Oh, and remind your councilors to take you shopping for the end of camp costume ball this Sunday!!!" Jasmine yelled.


"We need to talk." Kagome grabbed Inuyasha as he was on his way to the mess hall.

"But-but, I want a Yoohoo!!!" Inuyasha let out a very dog like whine, and his ears drooped, but he trailed behind the girl anyway.

"You're such a baby." Inuyasha mumbled something that sounded like "pedophile", which Kagome ignored. (think about it)

"So where are you taking me anyway?" Inuyasha grumbled when they entered the forest.

"Somewhere private."

"You wanna-"

"You have such a one track mind. I just want to talk, you perv." Kagome shot him a glare over her shoulder and continued walking, until they were in the same clearing where Inuyasha told Kagome the star story a few nights before.

"I do not have a one tra-"

"What would being mated to you mean?" Kagome cut Inuyasha off and stared him straight in the eye.


"Kirara could you please get off Shippo, because honestly no one wants to see that, and do me a favor?" The young demoness flipped off Sango, and rolled off of her boyfriend and stood up, dusting off whatever grass that was stuck in her hair or on her clothes.

"You know, some people actually play sports out here, instead of going at it." Sango said, making Kirara grumbled a few choice four letter words under her breath and glare at her.

Since Sango was...Sango, she wanted to play ball instead of sitting in the mess hall and doing absolutely nothing, but pig out. And since everyone, but Sesshomaru, was scared of her, they "complied" to her "request" to go and do something fun. Sesshomaru was there too because, he may not be scared of Sango, but he was terrified of Rin.

"So what do you want me to do, your royal pain in my ass-ness." Kirara said a a fake sweet voice, adding a curtsy.

"We need another bat, one of the councilors told me the equipment and stuff is in that cabin over there. Can you go get one." It wasn't so much a question as an order. Kirara nodded and went to the very small cabin a few yards away, grumbling the whole way.

As soon as she opened the cabin door her eyes almost popped out of her head, and her jaw nearly reached the floor.

'Oh...holy...fuck!!!!!" She nearly slammed the door shut and pressed her back against it.

"'My poor eyes!!!"

"Kirara! What's taking so long." Sango yelled, coming up to the shed/cabin.


"Are you getting the bat or not."


"Move over." She pushed the neko girl from in front of the door and opened it.

"Wait! You don't wanna-" It was too late, Sango had already opened the door, a look of horror and disgust spread across her features, with a hint of confusion.

Kirara quickly shut the door, once again resting on it.

"I- I'm stuck between throwing up and having a stroke." Sango whispered hoarsely.

"I know....that-that was just wrong." Kirara replied just as hoarse.

"That was Sessho-"


"And Ri-"



"I know!!"

"I just saw-"

"Me too!!!!!!!!" Huge anime tears were forming in both girls' eyes.

"I'm gonna need years of therapy for this." Kirara mumbled.

"Me too, and maybe some hypnotism. That was just too disturbing. I'm gonna have nightmares, I can never look at them the same way, ever again. "

"Oh god!!! I see it when I close my eyes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"Um..." Sango started in a slightly puzzled tone, " that position-how did they-"

"I think it's best if we never find out."



"What-What would being mated to you, Inuyasha, mean?" Kagome asked in a very quiet voice.

"Well it would mean that we would be bonded together for life, and your life span would extend-"

"No, I mean, what would it mean to you." She dropped her gaze to the forest floor, missing Inuyasha's look of utter joy.

'She wants to be my mate! What the hell did I do to deserve her?' Kagome began to fidget nervously, he hadn't said anything in so long.

'Maybe he doesn't want me anymore.' Tears formed in her eyes blurring her vision of the oh so intriguing grass. Her efforts to blink away her tears failed miserably, causing a few tears to roll down her cheeks.

"You know what, don't bother."


"The happy one and the scary one?" Saku asked Leah.

"Doing it, but not mated. What about the perverted one and the abusive one?"

"In need of serious counseling. What about the loud one and-"

"You know, they do have names." Sakura grumbled, cutting off her twin.

The twins decided to keep Leah, Jasmine, and Sephora company since it was either that or supervise the food fight in the mess hall...not one of their favorite ways to mess up their hair. Besides, there were like 10 other councilors there, they could handle it.

"Like you even know what they are." Saku said to her sister, staring at her through narrowed eyes.

"I just said that they have names, not that I know them, dumass."

"You're such an-"

"Hey, do you guys smell that?" Jasmine asked interrupting the twins' pointless argument. The other four demonesses tilted their noses towards the sky and took obvious sniffs.

"Uh-oh." Leah mumbled when the scent registered.

"This can't end well."


"Hey," Kirara mumbled to Sango, visibly sniffing the air. "You smell that?" Sango gave her a dry look and threw the baseball she was tossing around at her. They were walking back to the field where the baseball game was being played when Kirara just stopped and started sniffing.

"I'm human remember."

"Oh yeah, forgot." Kirara said sheepishly.

"What do you smell?"

"Um..toilet water, and... rotten fish. It's a familiar scent, but I can't place it."

"Ok there's no alcohol, so that rules out all the councilors, um...maybe Kikyo?"

"No, I don't smell any silicone." (Can you smell silicone?)

"That only leaves...."

"Ms. Maiochi!!" They screamed in unison.


"What? Kagome! Where are you going?" Inuyasha's hand shot out and grabbed Kagome's arm.

"What the hell is wrong with you!?" She didn't answer, and tried to walk away, but Inuyasha pulled her back to him, making her lose her balance, falling, and taking Inuyasha with her. He twisted mid-fall so he took the brunt of the impact, but flipped them over as soon as they hit the ground, and glared at the girl laying below him.

"What are you crying about wench?" His voice lacked its normal gruffness as he stared into her stormy orbs.

"I'm not crying!" Kagome said indignantly, moving a hand to wipe away a stray tear, but Inuyasha firmly held both of her hands over her head with only one hand.

"Yes you are."

"No I'm not!"

"Yes you are!"

"No I'm not!! And if I were, it would all be your fault you big jerk!!"

"Huh.." Kagome only turned her head to the side and pouted. Inuyasha sighed and closed his eyes, and opened them again to look down at the girl who refused to face him.

"Being mated to me," Inuyasha began, hoping to get some reaction out of Kagome, all she did was loose the pout. "Would mean that you wouldn't get annoyed by my slight jealousy, (Kagome snorted) and you'd be subject to my never ending devotion. You'd have to, somehow, manage to deal with my family, a feat which I have yet to achieve." Kagome giggled a bit and turned her stormy eyes to his golden ones, a rare smile spread across his lips.

"We'd be there for each other, emotionally...and physically." His voice dropped an octave, and he licked away a stray tear. Kagome's eyes widened and she blushed crimson at his insinuation.

"We'd be together for as long as we both live, you'd be mine, and I'd be yours. We'd have a long and happy future, we'd trust, love and try to understand each other. And no matter how many fights we get into, and knowing us it'll be a lot of fights, there'll always be, make up sex." He nuzzled her neck and released her hands so she could rub one of his doggy ears, causing a low purr to rumble from his chest.

"So the only question is, are you willing to be my mate."


"Where is she, where the hell is she!!?!" Kirara growled low in her throat pointing her nose into the air, sniffing wildly while Sango tapped her foot impatiently. Seconds later she stopped sniffing and a frown crossed her face.


"Uh-oh? What uh-oh? Uh-oh is bad! Very very bad!! Stay away from the uh-oh!!! So what's the uh-oh for?"

"She's headed towards...." Kirara paused for a few seconds making Sango stare at her curiously.

"Um... why'd you stop?"

"I'm pausing for dramatic effect, duh." Sango sent her neko friend a glare that would make even Sesshomaru cower.

"She's headed for Sesshomaru and Rin."


Kagome stared into Inuyasha's amber eyes and smiled brightly at the warmth, trust and love she saw there. The hand that was gently rubbing his ear stopped, but still rested on his head.



"That's not good is it?" Sango mumbled.

"Nope, not at all."

"Now would be about the time where we run and try to stop her right?"


"So we should start doing that now huh?"

"Yeah." Kirara said and took off to the little cabin, with Sango following not far behind.

They managed to get there in time to see Ms. Maiochi coming up the other side of the hill. They leaned on the cabin door, trying to seem as normal as possible. Kinda hard to do when you're panting and have a stitch in your side.

"Don't be nervous, she can smell your fear." Sango mumbled to Kirara who fought to stifle a giggle.

"Play along ok." Kirara whispered to Sango when Ms. Maiochi came within ear shot. "So she was like yeah, and I was like totally, and he was like really, and we were like yeah really."

"Oh my god, really?" Sango asked in a fake intrigued voice.


Ms. Maiochi walked up to the two and without so much as a hello started to yell.



"No?" Inuyasha breathed out.



"No." He felt his heart break into millions of pieces that couldn't be put back together again. Inu youkai mated for life, even if they weren't mated, his demon side picked her. He couldn't pick anyone else, he needed to leave. But he also needed to know,



"Why aren't you two at the obstacle course!?!?!" Ms. Maiochi's shrill voice cut through the air, shattering eardrums miles away. "Move aside, I need to get to that shed!"

The girls ignored her last comment and worked on ways to get her away from the cabin.

"Oh, Ms.Miaochi, you're finally back, things haven't been the same without you." Sango began, taking a step towards the so called woman. "We've missed you so much, things just haven't been the same without you. You're such a wonderful camp leader." Sango had to hold in her gag, while Kirara had an ill times coughing fit behind her.

'Flattery and blatant lies, works on mom and dad, why not try it on her...him.'

"Yeah you're such a wonderful role model, can I get a picture to hang in my room. Everytime I look at it, I'll see what I want to be." Kirara forced out. 'And it sure as hell isn't you.'

Ms. Maiochi looked between the two, a scowl replacing her

"If you think flattering me is going to stop me from canceling the dance, you're wrong. Now move!" As soon as the words left her mouth a muffled scream came from the shed.

"What was that!?” Ms. Maiochi looked at the two girls suspiciously

"Um...That" Kirara said, her brain going into overdrive trying to think of a lie. "I was bitten by a...bird. Delayed reactions, hehe." She finished off lamely, hoping someone would buy it.

Sango starred at her friend and sweatdropped. 'We are so screwed.'

"Well walk it off." Ms. Maiochi said without a hint of concern. (My gym teacher says that, you could be like "I think I broke my ankle." And he'd just say, "walk it off.")

"I'll be fine, thanks for asking. You know I think if I just stay here, I'll be good. Yep, right here, in this spot, in front of the shed, riiiiiiiight here."

"Would you kids move before I make you run forty laps around the camp. Eighty for the demon."




"I like you a lot Inu," Kagome began, reaching up a hand to rub one of his fury ears, but he jerked away as if her touch burned.

"But, I don't want to be your mate-" Before she could even finish talking, he was gone.

"Inuyasha!! Wait! Let me explain!"


He ran deeper into the woods, as far from her as he could get. He needed to cool off and think, he needed to find Kouga to get into a good fight to vent some rage.

'I was so dumb. I actually thought she loved me. She looked so happy at the tennis courts, I wonder if that stupid wench even knows what she does to me.' He came to a stop in a clearing and dropped to the grass, staring up at the clouds.

'I'll have to face her sooner or later. I fucking share a bed with her. I still need to talk to her, even if she doesn't want to be my mate, I need to make sure things aren't gonna be bitter between us-' His thoughts were cut off by a calm voice filling the clearing and shattering the silence.



'They seriously owe me for this.' Kirara thought, leaning against the cabin door, her demonic hearing catching some noises she much rather not hear. 'They owe me a lot!'

"But it bit my leg, I don’t think I can walk."

"Yeah, and we don't even know if it was a poisonous...bird. I learned that if you're bitten you should stay completely still so the poison doesn't spread." Sango lied. (OK if you ever get poisoned DO NOT DO THAT!!! I don't even know makes poison spread faster, I think it does but DON'T DO THIS! And if you do cuz your that dumb DON'T SUE ME!)

"Is there even such a thing as a poisonous bird!! I think you children are lying to me!!" Ms. Maiochi was seriously beyond annoyed, more like borderline homicidal.

"Yeah there are poisonous birds, they're very very rare. They're brown, and gold, and hop around on one foot, and they.....have blue beaks and can't fly. Um..and they're really really small." Sango said scratching the back of her head nervously. "And they're native to Southeast Africa, I should tell the wildlife conservation people-"

"Auntie Mai!!" Sakura called, cutting off a very relived Sango. The neko demoness was just coming up the hill with Saku and Leah trailing behind her.

"We thought you'd have been gone longer." Sakura sent a pointed look to her twin before turning back to her aunt-in-law with a fake smile plastered on her face.

"We have some really important stuff to talk to you about." Saku said, putting her arm around her aunts shoulder trying to lead her away.

"Yeah, I just love your bun, maybe you could teach me how to do that some day." Sakura said, her voice going squeaky as she fought down her gag. She squeezed her eyes shut and cringed as she touched Ms. Maiochi's bun.

Leah approached the two girls currently leaning against the shed door, while Saku and Sakura led away the evil councilor lady.

"Get you're freaky friends out of the shed as soon as possible. And honestly, between the two of you, a poisonous bird was the best you could come up with. And here I thought the loud one was the dumb one."


"Hey Shippo."

"What's up Miroku?" The orange haired boy turned to his approaching perverted friend.

"Has Kirara every mentioned anything to you about Sango's past?" He asked nervously, never one to be indirect.

"Well she has mentioned something, mostly by accident though. You know, she really likes you." Shippo said offhandedly.


"NO! Sango you idiot!!" Miroku looked a little relived and he was one happy pervert.

"I knew my charm would win her over sooner or later." Shippo sweatdropped when he saw the Inuyasha worthy smirk on Miroku's face.

"Yeah, charm, that's what it was. So, what's with the sudden interest in her past?"

"We were talking a few days ago, there's something there, I can feel it."

"Well Kirara let something slip about a painful past, but she never went into detail. Just don't turn into a snooping stalker, being a regular stalker is enough, k Miroku...Miroku?" Shippo turned to look at the boy, but he as already long gone.

"Great, Kirara's gonna hang me by my balls if he says anything."


"Inuyasha?" The silver haired boy sat up lightning fast and stared at the person standing just outside of the clearing. With a sigh he mentally cursed himself for not realizing that they were there before.

"What do you want Kikyo?" The girl flinched slightly at the harshness in his voice, but walked closer to him none the less.

"Um.... you seem angry. Mind if I ask what's wrong?" Cautiously she sat down next to him, looking for any signs of rejection, but he showed none.

"Nothing's wrong wench." She was being unusually nice, but there didn't seem to be any threat, so what the hell. Afterall misery loves company.

"If it was nothing I think that you would be out on the field playing with your friends. You look a bit tense." Inuyasha wasn't even looking at her but he could hear the ruffling of her clothes, signaling her movement. He didn't really care...until he felt her hands touch his shoulders.

"Just relax and tell me what's wrong." Kikyo cooed in his ear, pushing his hair over his shoulder and started kneading at his sore muscles. Her massage wasn't good, but it wasn't bad either. He could feel her cold body pressed against his back, making him shiver involuntarily. She must have thought it was a happy shiver because her smile widened and her hands moved lower.

Even through the layers of his clothing, Inuyasha could still feel the cold from her hands.

'Kagome was always so warm. And her hands were never this boney-.' He was shocked out of his thoughts when he felt tiny kisses being placed on his neck then along his jaw.

His eyes nearly popped out of his head and in a flash he was out of her arms and half way across the clearing.

"Inuyasha, we're made for each other, can't you feel it?" If anything Inuyasha's eyes only got wider and he took another giant step back.

"OK crazy lady, You know, I've heard asylums are really pretty this time of year." Kikyo laughed softly and stood up, dusting off her clothes.

"Inuyasha we both know you want me. Just leave Kagome and we can be together, we belong to each other Inuyasha, I've been told so."

"By the voices in your head?" Kikyo let out a bone chillingly creepy laugh and took a step closer to Inuyasha who moved back, until he was pressed against a tree trunk.

'Fucking nature, so this is how it screws me over.'

"Don't you think I'm pretty Inuyasha?" Kikyo asked, bating her eyelashes while Inuyasha frantically searched for an escape route.

"Yeah, you a horror movie, undead zombie who wants to steal your soul, sorta way." Kikyo was standing directly in front of Inuyasha now, with a playful pout, which only creeped Inuyasha out even more.

"Can't you see it? Kagome is nothing, you are mine!" Kikyo crashed her lips to Inuyasha's silencing anything he had to say.

'OK dad told me not to hit girls, but I'm not sure if she, really is a she.' Inuyasha pushed the girl away and fought down a gag. But before he could say anything a high-pitched scream shot through the clearing, making Inuyasha's heart momentarily stop.


"Inuyasha!! Wait! Let me explain!" But Inuyasha had already disappeared from view. "Dumb dog, never lets me finish talking." Kagome grumbled a few choice words under her breath and pushed herself off the soft grass, going in search of the "dumb dog."

"Now I remember why I got lost here last time. Wonder where he went anyway. Great now I'm talking to myself, all I need now is a to name a volleyball, and start talking to that." Kagome grumbled stomping through the forest.

"When I find him, I'll murder him. I can practically hear what he's gonna say when I finish talking to him. 'Stupid wench, why didn't you just say before. You're so stupid.' What a jerk." Kagome mumbled.

"My dear, talking to yourself isn't healthy." A cold voice drawled from behind Kagome, who quickly spun around to look at the stranger and let out a reflexive scream. He had wavy black hair that flowed down to his waist, and burning red eyes and was a bit taller than her. And to top it all off he had on purple...eyeshadow.

"Um...this may sound really mean, but..uh...are you a guy or girl?" The stranger sweatdropped and did an anime style fall.

"She thinks I'm a girl." The "stranger" groaned from on the floor, before springing back up and glaring at Kagome.

"Because, the purple eyeshadow kinda confuses me a bit." Kagome muttered scratching the back of her head.

"I am Naraku!!!!!"

"Um...does that mean you're both or something?" Naraku's eyebrow began to twitch furiously and his fists clenched and unclenched at his sides.

"I.AM.A.GUY!!!!" He ground out through clenched teeth, his eye twitch getting worse.

"Are you should really get that twitch looked." Naraku rubbed his temples and took in a deep breath, and exhaled.

'Inner calm. Breathe in, breathe out, 3...2...1...1...2..3.. who the hell is bothering me?'

"You know if you cut your hair a little, and take off the eyeshadow that mascara?" Kagome's voice broke through his finding of inner calm. "Ooh, is that blush, it's a really nice color, covergirl?" (TM, R whatever) Naraku's eye twitched even more and all thoughts of inner calm escaped him, and were replaced by little doodles of how to kill the girl in front of him.

"Can you teach me how to make the foundation blend so well, it looks ama-" Kagome was cut off by Naraku pinning her to a tree behind her, trapping her arms above her head, and pressing his body to hers, making it impossible for her to move her legs.

'I really end up in this position way to much.' Kagome thought idly.

"I. DON'T. WEAR. FOUNDATION!!!!!!!" Naraku's eyes flickered dangerously and Kagome screamed the first name that came to mind when she saw the fire and
lust held within his red eyes. Her blood-curling scream was soon cut off by Naraku's lips crashing onto hers.


"Ok Kikyo, I've got to go now." Inuyasha said, trying to get out of Kikyo's grip, the girl was latched onto him like a leach. "I know the voices in your head were probably louder than that scream, but there was a scream, and it was from Kagome." Inuyasha growled, pushing his hand into Kikyo's face when she moved in for another smooch.

"But Inuyasha, what about us?!"

"Ok turn down the crazy! There is no us, there never was an us, and there sure as hell will never be an us!" Inuyasha almost screamed, finally breaking free from her iron grip.

"INUYASHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Another scream cut through the forest, louder than the first. Inuyasha jumped onto a tree branch as Kikyo lunged for him, making her land face first into the dirt. Inuyasha fought with the smirk that threatened to grace his lips as he sprinted towards his damsel in distress.


Kikyo glared at the boys retreating back. 'Just you wait Kagome, he will be mine.'


Naraku was ripped away from Kagome and punched in the jaw. Sending him flying into a nearby tree, immediately knocking him out.

After coughing and gagging, and making "eww," "ack," "ugh", and throw up noises, Kagome turned to face her rescuer with a huge smile.

"Inuya-! Kouga?" A huge smile that quickly disappeared. "But I; and Inuyasha- the girl; you- you saved me?"

"Well I see mutt-face isn't here, must've finally realized you're my woman."

"Yeah...I'm sure that was it." Kagome sweatdropped and scratched the back of her head. 'Ok, he may be kinda slow, at least he's hot.'

"Anyway, thanks for rescuing me from Naraku, Kouga." Kagome said shyly sticking out her hand for a handshake, instead Kouga pulled her to him in a rather awkward hug.

"It's ok, you are my woman-"

"The hell she is!" Kagome let out a small gasp and tried to pull out of Kouga's extremely strong grip.

"Inuyasha! You're here!"

"Of course I am wench." His harshness stung, and Kagome winced slightly. "Now get your hands off of her, mangy wolf." He shot at Kouga, ignoring Kagome's pained look.

"She's mine mutt." Inuyasha clenched his fists at his side nearly drawing blood with his claws.

"No she's not!"


"Yes she is!!"

"No she isn't!!"


"Yes she is!!"

"No she's not!!"

"SHUT UP!! BOTH OF YOU!" Both guys stared at Kagome who finally broke free from Kouga's hold and was now standing between the two canines.

"Kouga, look, I'm sorry but I most definitely am not yours." A huge victory smirk spread across Inuyasha's features...until Kagome turned to him.

"And you and I, need to talk."

"Feh, you've said all you've had to wench." Kagome's eye twitched and she grabbed Inuyasha by the ear.

"Cut the crap! Stop being a drama queen! And for once in your life listen to other people!!"

"Um...should I leave for this?" The forgotten Kouga asked from the corner of the clearing.

"Yes please." Kagome smiled brightly at Kouga, still tugging Inuyasha's little doggy ear.

"You know." Kagome began after Kouga left, "you are officially the biggest idiot on the planet."

"Yeah, I've been told." Inuyasha grumbled, "But you're just a bitch." A loud slap echoed through the clearing after Inuyasha spoke.

"Inuyasha can you please listen to me now." Inuyasha glared at the girl in front of him and lightly touched his abused and slightly red cheek.


"Like I said before, I don't want to be your mate-"

"I know what you fucking said wench-"

"Yet." Kagome ended as if the boy never interrupted her.

"Wait, huh?"

"Inuyasha I know I care about you, more than I've ever cared about anyone else. I've only known you for less than a month and I'm only 17 but that doesn't really matter to me. And I don't know how I know it, but you're the only person that I'd ever want to spend the rest of my life with-"


"But I need time. I don't know if I can say.... it. But someday I know I'll be able to say those three words. I don't know if you still want me," She bowed her head and stared at the grass, her voice lowered, just above audible.

"But, I'll always need you."


"Hey guys. Have any of you seen Inuyasha and Kagome?" Rin asked her friends as she and Sesshomaru came up to them. After the Ms. Maiochi incident Sango and Kirara returned to their friends, agreeing to: "never ever EVER speak of what we saw in that shed ever again....ever!" In those exact words.

"Nope. So..." A lecherous smile ran across Miroku's lips. "Where have you two been."

Sango and Kirara couldn't suppress the twin shudders that ran down their spines.

"I'm sure they were back at the cabin praying and reading the Bible." Kirara jumped in as soon as Rin opened her mouth. (Sorry if the Bible comment offends anyone, some people are very touchy with religion, so I apologize for any offense this may cause.)

"Last I saw Kag and Inu, they were going into the forest." Sango said stopping anything else Rin might've said.

"Yeah, but that was a while ago." Kirara added.

"Who want's to go after them!" Rin squealed.

"I think seeing one couple going at it in one day is enough for me." Sango muttered.

"Say something Sango?" Shippo asked turning shinning green eyes to the girl.

"Um....I think I'll sit this one out." Sango let out a nervous laugh and sweatdropped.

"Yeah me too." Miroku said moving to stand next to Sango.

"Whatever, don't do anything I wouldn't do you two." Rin called over her shoulder as she and her other three companions walked off. Sango shivered and bit her tongue to stop any comments that tried to come out.

"Sango?" Miroku turned to the girl after their friends left.


"What know in the past." The color drained from Sango's face and she nearly choked on her tongue.


"Keh, you really are a stupid girl." Inuyasha grumbled and hooked a clawed finger under Kagome's chin, lifting her face.

"You're the only one I'll ever want." He pulled her into him for a tight hug as tears fell from Kagome's stormy gray eyes.

"C'mon Kag, don't start crying or anything." He wiped away a tear with the pad of his thump.

"Sorry, but.... that’s just so sweet." Kagome sniffled and wiped her face with the back of her hand.

"Keh, I'm not sweet."

"Just accept a compliment Inuyasha."

"I would, but I'm not sweet."

"You are such a jerk. Happy now?"

" Wench."



"Hey I think I hear something, over there." Kirara whispered as Rin, Shippo, and Sesshomaru (who was being dragged by Rin.) followed her.

"Yeah I hear something too." Shippo whispered back.

"Stupid demons and their stupid demon hearing." Rin muttered.

"We can hear you." Sesshomaru muttered back, Rin only stuck out her tongue at him.

"Hey, I can hear them now." Rin speed up, following the voices.

"OK, right through here." Kirara whispered pushing aside a shrub making a little hole.

"Well are they making out or anything like that!?" Rin asked sitting behind Kirara.

"Um...not.... exactly." Kirara moved aside so Rin could see.

"They're...arguing." Shippo and Sesshomaru sweat dropped and did the anime fall.

"Well that's as close as it gets for those two." Rin sighed and Kirara nodded sagely.


"What are you talking about. I think you've been hit on the head to many times Miroku." Sango let out a nervous laugh and backed away from the boy.

"Sano, I know something happened, just tell me what it was, please?"

"Look I don't know what you're talking about because there's nothing to know!" Sango turned around and started waking back towards the mess hall.

"Sango if you tell me then I might be able to help you." Sango stopped in her tracks, her fists balled up at her sides.

"I don't want your help Miroku, and I sure as hell don't need it! What's my business is my business. And I'd like to keep it that way. So leave me alone and keep your nose out of my past." She kept walking, without giving him so much as a glance, leaving a confused boy behind her.


After nearly having an ear pulled off, Inuyasha finally gave up on winning an argument with Kagome. After watching Inuyasha and Kagome argue for 10 minutes Rin, Sesshomaru, Shippo, and Kirara decided that if they had to one more second of yelling there would be a mass suicide behind the bush. So they left for the mess hall where they met up with a rather disappointed looking Miroku. About ten minutes later a triumphant looking Kagome and an Inuyasha glaring daggers into her back joined them.

"So Kag, what happened back there anyway?" Inuyasha asked the girl when they sat down.

"This, lady man tried to rape me or something. It was reallllllllllllllly creepy. Good thing Kouga was there." A low growl erupted from Inuyasha's throat at the mention of the other canine demons name.

"Uh...I mean.... bad Kouga. But the lady guy had nice makeup."

"Um...Riiight, anyway I'm hungry."

"When aren't you." Sesshomaru grumbled giving his brother a sideways glance.

"And I want my yoohoo." Inuyasha got up "accidentally" hitting his brother in the head on the way.

"You know I would kill you but for some reason mom and dad actually want you around."

"Feh, you wouldn't dare." Inuyasha muttered before heading off to get food.

"Why am I related to that." Sesshomaru muttered with a shake of his head.

"Because the gene pool's a bitch." Sakura said sitting down next to Kagome, her sister sat down across from her. "I speak from experience." Sakura mumbled earning a glare from her sister.

"Oh yeah, like your the epitome of perfection."

"Anyway, we're gracing you with our presence’s to say girls are going costume shopping Saturday, boys are going Friday. We're combining with other groups so it's easier." Sakura ended.

"Ok ladies, See ya." Saku said as she and her sister left their table and disappeared into the crowded mess hall.

"This Sesshomaru is not a lady."

"This Inuyasha begs to differ. And wants to tell that Sesshomaru to stop calling himself this Sesshomaru." Inuyasha mumbled as he came back to the table setting down his tray of food and yoohoo.

"This Sesshomaru is about to kill that Inuyasha."

"This Inuyasha is about to run and hide." Inuyasha said right before running to the nearest exit with Sesshomaru following behind him.

"This Rin is betting that that Inuyasha will get at least two bruises." Rin said with a giggle when the two boys were out of hearing range.

~~~~~~20 minutes later ~~~~~~~~

"You don't look to good." Kagome grinned when she saw Inuyasha coming back into the mess hall with a huge claw mark going down his arm.

"That bastard and his poison claws, this'll take forever to- HEY WHERE'S MY YOHOO!!" Inuyasha looked around wildly then growled.

"Miroku..." He ground out through clenched teeth his eyes landing on the yoohoo in the boy’s hand.

"I'll rip out your intestines and use them to turn you into a puppet!!" Miroku looked up with wide eyes then looked at the yoohoo. Muttering a quick "oh shit" before running right out of the mess hall.

"GET BACK HERE YOU PATHETIC EXCUSE OF A MAN!! I WANT MY YOOHOO!!!!!" Inuyasha yelled and gave chase, almost knocking over his brother who just returned from cleaning "Inuyasha germs" from his claws. "I WANT MY FUCKING YOHOO!!" Inuyasha raged, ignoring his brother’s dirty look.

"I'm ashamed that I'm related to him, I really really am." Sesshomaru muttered and went to their group table.


"Rin do you know where Sango is? I haven't seen her since this morning." Kagome asked the girl across from her who was currently poking at the so-called macaroni and cheese, which shouldn't be oozing green stuff.

"Um...oh yeah! She was here like 20 minutes ago, but left to take a shower. Saying something about no amount of scrubbing would ever make her feel clean again after what she saw. She should be here in like ten minutes." The bubbly girl answered still poking at the so-called food.

"Hmm...That's weird, what do you think she was talking about?"

"Who knows, maybe she saw some deer going at it in the forest or something." Rin muttered.

"Thanks Rin."

"Uh-huh." She returned to the macaroni taking careful sniffs then crinkling her tiny nose.


"Miroku, where are you?" Inuyasha mumbled in a sing song voice, letting out a demonic growl. Meanwhile, Miroku stood pressed against the side of a cabin, yoohoo clutched in his hand.

"I think he might actually kill me this time." Miroku muttered looking around for another place to hide. It was only then did he notice that he was currently pressed against their empty cabin. He quickly ran in, shutting the door behind him and let out a long sigh of relief.

In other places ~ Inuyasha pointed his keen nose into the air and sniffed, then sniffed again before a sadistic smile crept across his face.

"Found ya." He followed the other boys scent all the way to their cabin. "You're in for a world of pain Miroku."


Miroku heard Inuyasha's evil cackle, even from inside the cabin. He looked around for a few seconds, then made a mad dash for the bathroom when he heard an evil chuckle right behind the door.

He was too preoccupied with being scared shitless to notice the shower running in the background, or see the shadow of a woman’s figure behind the curtain.

"Miroku! Get out here and be killed like a man!!" Inuyasha's yell was muffled by the thick wooden door, but the message still got across.

" hablo ingles." Miroku called in a woman’s voice from behind the door.


"As appealing as that sounds, I really rather not."

"You can't stay in there forever, you'll have to come out sooner or later. And I know where you live Miroku." Inuyasha cackled some more before leaving the cabin and going back to the mess hall.

Miroku breathed a sigh of relief and dropped the yoohoo to the floor. "That was too close."

A shocked gasp from behind him startled the boy out of his thoughts. Miroku turned around and was met with a very nude Sango, water from the still going shower cascading down her body.

He didn't even register moving, but before he knew it, his lips were on hers, in a kiss that ended as quickly as it began.

"Sango, I-I'm sorry, I don't know what-" Sango cut off his mindless stuttering by pulling his now soaked body against hers in a bruising kiss.

"Don't be sorry." A gentle smile crossed Miroku's face before closing the distance between them in a gentle kiss, while his hands roamed down her body. Sango pushed his sopping wet shirt off his body, running her fingers over his well-defined chest. When the kiss finally broke Miroku rested his forehead against hers.

"Sango, if you're not sure-" She silenced him with a finger to his lips.

"I've never been more sure of anything Miroku." She whispered, before her hands reached down to remove his soaked pants. Miroku captured her lips in another kiss, snaking out his tongue to join hers, playing like old friends.

His hands slid down her neck to her chest and cupped one of her breasts. She groaned into the kiss. He gently began to knead the soft flesh, rubbing the rosy peck with his thumb. Sango moaned softly against his lips. He pushed her against the shower wall and began to grind his pelvis against hers.

His hands slid further down her body, her stomach quivering as his fingers ran over it on their downward descent. A gasp escaped her lips when his fingers slipped into her folds. He ran his finger over the hard nub and felt her shudder in his arms. Repeating the action, this time applying more force and was rewarded with a very vocal response. Keeping his thumb over her jewel he slid two fingers into her passage.

Sango moaned again as his fingers began sliding in and out of her, making her toes curl. Her hand slid between them and wrapped around his member. He groaned as she gripped him more firmly and began stroking the his member. She was slightly surprised when he removed her hand after a short while.

Sango looked up at him just as he recaptured her lips, cutting off anything she might have to say.

"Sango, we can stop if you want." He whispered pulling out of the kiss and resting his forehead against hers.

"Miroku, if you don't finish what you started I might kill you." Sango whispered back, a small smile on her face. Miroku smiled back and reached down and pulled her leg up his side to make sure his point was clear. His eyes locked with hers, waiting, begging for her permission. She looked up at him and nodded. He grinned and dipped his head to her neck again, beginning to nibble at her collarbone. His other hand reached down lifted her other leg up his side, then cupping her butt for support. Gently he entered her breaking her barrier.

Sango winced slightly and dug her nails into his shoulder. He gave her moment to get used to the new feeling.

"Are you OK?"

"Miroku, move now dammit." She whimpered, pulling him closer with her legs. He started slow at first, her whimpers quickly became moans as he picked up his pace. She was soon rising to meet his thrusts. The sounds of moans, mewls and groans of pleasure mixed with the running water fueled the fire inside him. Suddenly she screamed, her inner muscles clinching around him and bringing him to the edge.

It took several minutes before either could move again resting against the tiled wall for support. The now cold water cooled off their sweaty bodies.

He pulled out, making them both moan slightly, and gently rested her against the wall.

"Sango, I lo-" Sango silenced him by putting her finger on his lips once again.

"Don't say anything you'll regret Miroku." Miroku kissed her finger before removing it from his lips.

"Those are three words I'll never regret saying to you Sango."


"Where were you?" Kagome asked Inuyasha when he finally got back to the mess hall almost an hour later.

"Well, after I chased Miroku, he hid out in the bathroom in our cabin. So I waited for him to come out, outside the cabin for almost 20 minutes, then I was coming back here and I saw Kikyo, so I hid for a while."

"Oh...wait a minute, did you say you chased Miroku into the bathroom in the cabin."

"Yeah, why?"

"We might just have to go and pull his body from a ditch somewhere. Sango was taking a shower in there." Kagome said, grabbing Inuyasha's hand and dragging him out of the mess hall once again.

"You know, I'm starting to think that eating is now a lost cause." Inuyasha grumbled, fondly looking over to his tray as they left the mess hall once again. Half way to the cabin they saw Sango and Miroku coming out, walking a lot closer to each other than normally.

"Oh, hey, Inuyasha. You can have your yoohoo back." Miroku said tossing the yellow bottle to the boy. Inuyasha sniffed, then crinkled his nose, nearly dropping the bottle before tossing it back.

"After what it's seen, you can keep it." He wrapped his arm around Kagome's waist and pulled her back to the mess hall with him, leaving a bright red Sango and a grinning Miroku behind them.


Sorry for the long wait...the really reallllllllllllllllllllllllllllllly long wait, when was the last time I updated this. SO SORRY!! Anywho to the reviewers:

Koinu: Well here's the update, and about Last Song, I'm not too sure. I know I said that I'll update it when I've typed two chapters for this fic, and this is the second chapter, but since there's only gonna be 3-4 chapters left in this story I may just postpone last song until I finish this story, but you can check my bio for any updates on the status of all my fics. I usually update my bio everytime there's a change in the status of either story.

Tricie328: LMAO! As strange as it sounds, I'm the sanest one out of all of my friends, yeah it's sad.

Kittycat432: LMAO, by the way, I'm a girl, lol.

anime_1190: Lmao!!! I should do that :)

AND TO ALL MY OTHER REVIEWERS: I LOVE YOU ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And I'm reallllllllly flatered that you all like my fic and kept reading it and were patient (or semi-patient lol) with me. And I love the threatening reviews. Some people think they're mean, I just think they're funny as hell. lol.