InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Military Warfare ❯ Two Halves to Every Heart ( Chapter 9 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Do you think:

1) Kikyo should hook up with Naraku.

2) Kikyo should fall into the lake.

3) Kikyo should be happy

4) Kikyo should get Inuyasha.

5) Or all of the above, except 4 and 3.

Pick as many as you want, it doesn't matter!

guess who back, back again, Leah back, tell a friend. (you have no idea how long I've wanted 2 say that. What can I say I love Em. and I'm a loser)

I Know it's been long awaited, and the rating went up for a reason, now I will end my babbling, ENJOY!!

Heavy fluff, OOC-ness, and LEMON WARNINGS!

HUGE SPECIAL THANKS TO ANGLEBABE for helping me with the lemon. Thanks sooooooo much, your awesome!! And of course another huge thanks to my beta: Lovin_sesshomaru_isnteasy, for having to dealing with me and being so cool.

ITS MY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'M OFFICIALLY LEGAL 2 DO...absolutly nothing important! fuck! anyway, i would've had this ch posted LONG ago, but my comp hates me and wouldn't let me go 2 I've had it typed for weeks.

Chapter...seriously what chapter am I up to: Two Halves to Every Heart

'I wonder if she'll give me visiting rights.' Kagome winced as her arrow missed its mark by not even a quarter of a centimeter.

Sure in the beginning it was fun, with some good 'ol fashion Kikyo ass kicking, and then things turned ugly, and I'm not just talking about Kikyo.


"Rules are: No purposeful attacking of anyone with your arrows please." Sango said, glaring at Kikyo. "But...who can stop an accident." She winked at Kagome.

"You guys are betting Inuyasha's balls, to the winner, use them well." Kirara said with a giggle. "But seriously, if the bitch wins, she gets the bastard. If Kagome wins she gets the bastard. I dunno why she would want
him but whatever, and the bitch has to leave her and the bastard alone."

"10 rounds, one arrow each, per round, most bulls-eyes win." Rin set down the rules.

The first seven rounds were easy, both had tied, but by the eighth round the ugly had started. They had to move back 10 feet from the targets, then an added five feet for every round after.

Kikyo missed a bulls-eye by not even half a centimeter in the eighth round, while Kagome got a bulls-eye. In the ninth round both had gotten the mark.

--End Flashback--

And that brings us to where we are now. If Kikyo misses this shot Kagome would win, but if she made it, would be a tie.

Kikyo notched her arrow and carefully took aim. The entire field went silent, even the councilors turned to look in anticipation. She took a deep breath and let her arrow fly.


"What's going on over there?" Miroku asked Inuyasha who had finally finished trying to shoot at him about 10 minutes ago. Inuyasha turned from the target to the spot where his best friend was looking. Practically everyone in the camp was crowded around two people, and there was a dead silence over them.

"Who know, who cares." A loud gasp echoed through the crowd, Inuyasha only looked away in boredom.

"I feel like target practice,I hope your legs aren't sore Miroku."


The arrow flew through the air with such speed it was almost invisible.

There was a loud *THUMP* of the metal arrow head meeting the solid wood target and a loud gasp rippled through the crowd.

"Bulls-eye." The monotonous voice of the white haired girl broke the silence.

"Tie-breaker." Kagome groaned out.

"Well, what is it!?!" Kikyo snapped at Kagome's friends, who were the parts of the self-appointed rule makers.

"Uh....well we'll have to consult with someone else." Kirara answered. "Wait! Why the hell am I even answering you!" She grumbled but went over to the councilors anyway.


"Well if that's gonna be the tie-breaker then we're gonna need someone to judge it." Jasmine said to Kirara, tapping her chin thoughtfully.

"Sad thing is, she's not thinking anything." Leah mumbled to Saku.

"Got it!" Jasmine said as she smacked her cousin in the back of her head. She pulled out her cell phone and dialed a number.

"Hey, can you come over to the archery field for a sec?" A female voice was heard saying something from the other line.

"Yeah I know I owe you....not my fault, you bloody alcoholic.....bite me....fine....thanks....fuck you two, bye." Jasmine hung up and smiled at the demon in front of her.

"My cousin is coming to judge. She doesn't know either of them so she'll be a fair judge, and she's actually good at archery."

"Not her." Leah groaned, but Kirara was already off to tell Kagome and the bitch.


"OK tie-breaker, you each get one shot, to whatever target you want, from whatever distance you want. It will be judged on the distance from the target, aim, and all that other archery crap that I don't know." Kirara announced to everybody else. "Now we're just waiting for the judge to g-"

Kirara was cut off by a loud feline hiss, followed by a shriek, then a loud thump, coming from where the councilors were. Seconds later a tall girl with lower back length blackish-blue hair, a creamy complexion, and dark blue eyes looking thoroughly pissed off approached the group, growling low in her throat, her Inu-youkai ears perched atop her head twitching madly in annoyance.

"So who am I supposed to be judging?"


"Looks like another Kagome vs. creepy obsessed chick thing going on over there." Miroku said to Inuyasha as he looked to the crowd once again.

"Wanna go watch?"

"Yeah, but after the mess hall incident I really don't want to be anywhere near Kagome with sharp projectiles.And I just plainly don't want to be anywhere near Kikyo...ever." Inuyasha shuddered when the mentioned creepy
chick blew a kiss at him.

"I think my lunch is coming up."


"I'm Sephora, I'm pissed, I'm about to kill someone, so let's get this over with so I can go back to my one true love, my bed. So if you people of the lollipop guild don't mind I'd like to do this as fast as possible, so I can return to my threesome with Orlando Bloom and Johnny Depp." Sephora said, earning wide eyed stares from everyone. (How do I come up with these things.)

"Welcome to I-really-didn't-need-to-know-that land. To your left you can see Sephora, a demon whose dreams will probably haunt yours." Sango to Rin who giggled.

"You're supposed to be judging those two." Kirara pointed to the two girls who were currently throwing insults at each other.

"I know sluts less slutty than you!!" Kikyo barked at Kagome.

"Why am I not surprised that you even know sluts! Are they the ones that you hang out with on the corner!?!" Kagome screamed back.

"Oh you've gotta be kidding me." Sephora groaned, but went up to the two anyway.



"Takes one to know one!!"

"That's got the be the most immature thing anyone has ever said to me, not counting Inuyasha!!"

"Alright, break it up Hobbits." Sephora said jumping between the two girls. "Grab your bows and arrows, and lets get this over with." She said, practically holding back each girl. "The rules have already been explained, and since pale chick won the coin toss, lets start this thing." (lets just say there was a coin toss, and Kikyo won OK!)

Kikyo took a minute to look around the field, then smirked.

"I suggest you say bye-bye to Inuyasha now." She scoffed at Kagome, then moved back, really far back, almost into the surrounding forest which was at least 30 feet away.

She notched her arrow and let it fly. It whizzed through the air, then there was the tell-tale THUMP.


"What just happened?" Leah grumbled from the floor.

"Well cousin from hell just came, kicked your ass, then left to judge Kagome and creepy pale chick." Saku said, helping Leah off the ground.

"What I don't get is how I get attacked when it was Jasmine who called." Leah glared at said girl, who blatantly ignored her and looked to the archery field.

"Oh my." She raised a hand to her mouth. "Looks like Kagome can kiss Inuyasha's balls goodbye." Jasmine said, eying Kikyo's shot.

"That sounded so wrong." Saku muttered.

"Did you just say 'oh my'?" Leah stared at Jasmine wearily.


The crowd "ooh"-ed as they watched the arrow streak through the air.

"Good job pale chick." Sephora said, inspecting the target. "Perfect bulls-eye, from a distance of I'd say 50 feet gave or take. I give it, a 9.4." Sephora said, eying the arrow in the target Kikyo was previously using.

Kagome stood gaping, the only thought running through her head was how to tell Inuyasha why he was now Kikyo's love slave.

"Top that, whore." Kikyo smirked as she strolled past Kagome.

"Will do, bitch." Kagome said confidently, but on the inside she was anything but. She scanned the area for a few seconds then a huge smile lit her face.

She practically skipped to where Kikyo was standing by the woods, notched her arrow, and let it fly.

A heavy silence took over the crowd of onlookers.

"HA! You missed!!" Kikyo's excited squeal filled the air.


"Oh no!!" Saku yelled.

"She missed!!" Jasmine screeched.

"Inuyasha's balls!!" Leah got smacked in the head by both girls.

`o` (I'm running out of idea's for faces, can you tell? I'm also stalling for dramatic effect, can you tell?)

"Seriously, what's with all the gasps and stuff coming from the crowd." iroku said as he dodged yet another arrow coming from Inuyasha.

"Dunno." Inuyasha turned to look over to the crowd then an arrow whizzed past his cheek.

@_@ The end, tune in next chapter, to see what happens......OK even I'm not that cruel, ONWARD! @_@

Kikyo's squeal of glee went unnoticed by the raven haired girl. She watched as the arrow flew past her target, but her smile only got bigger. She watched as it whizzed past Inuyasha's cheek, leaving behind a trail of blood, but her smile only turned into a grin. She watched as it made a perfect bullseye on Inuyasha's target, by then she was grinning like a maniac.
Kagome strolled up to Kikyo, who had her mouth wide open, and in her sweetest voice said,

"You know your face will stick that way if you stay like that too long, but then again, mouth wide open, eyes looking ahead, and glazed over... probably how you look most of the time anyway." Kagome smirked and walked past the other girl.

"Well we all know who the winner is. Pale chick!!" Everyone turned wide eyes to Sephora, "Oops, I coughed, I meant not pale chick!!" Everyone in the crowd cheered, even though half of them didn't know either of the girls, it's the thought that counts.

Kikyo stomped over to Kagome and glared at her.

"You know what they say Kagome, it ain't over 'till the fat lady sings." Kikyo practically growled. Kagome only smirked at the angry girl in front of her, 'She makes it so easy.'

"Oh Kikyo I didn't know you could sing. Guess you do learn something new about someone everyday." Kagome said with a fake thoughtful expression.

Kikyo sent one last glare at Kagome and stormed off in the direction of the cabins.

"Um.. pale chick!" Sephora yelled as she raced after the girl, "bows and arrows stay here!!"

After Kikyo's over dramatic departure Kagome was circled by Kanna, Kagura, and Yura.

"Good job perky chick." Kagura said as she started to fan herself, Kagome idly wondered where the fan even came from, but shrugged it off.

"Indeed. Your performance was excellent." Kanna said in her monotone voice.

"It's about time someone kicked her off her high horse, unfortunately I didn't get to do any of the kicking." Yura said, eying Kagome's hair.

"Aren't you guys supposed to be her friends?" Kagome asked looking over the three girls suspiciously.

"Don't make me laugh." All eyes turned to Kanna in shock.

"You can laugh?" Yura asked breathlessly.

"Anyway, we're being paid to be dragged behind that annoying bitch and compliment her." Kagura drawled.

"Naraku better triple our payment now that we're gonna have to listen to her whining for days." Yura said with a pout.

"Or at least buy us some ear plugs." Kanna said idly.

"Yeah, well we better get going, might as well get this over with." Kagura said with a sigh, and walked away from Kagome, with Kanna and Yura in tow.

"Oh and by the way," She briefly stopped but didn't bother to turn to look at Kagome, "I would be very careful if I were you. Kikyo's got Naraku to help her, and that bastard has no boundaries. So watch your back." She continued walking, as if nothing ever happened.

"'K, thanks, bye!" Kagome called to the girls, and turned around to talk to her friends, but was met with molten golden eyes instead.

"What, the fuck, is this wench!?!!" Inuyasha growled out and pointed to the already healing cut on his cheek.

"Hmm...well, from the looks of it, I'd say it was a cut Inuyasha," Kagome said innocently, while trying to hide her bow behind her back. Today's lesson: long bows just cannot be hidden behind your back.

"And what's that?" Inuyasha asked just as innocently as he tried to look behind her.

"Oh this," Kagome said, taking the bow from behind her back. "looks like a bow to me, I wonder how that got back there." Kagome said with an innocent thoughtful expression.

"YOU SHOT AN ARROW AT ME!?!?!" Inuyasha roared at the girl.

"No silly. If I shot an arrow at you, you would be dead. I shot an arrow at your target." Kagome said, continuing her fake innocents.

"Fucking stupid wench." Inuyasha grumbled and turned to leave, but was met by three angry girls instead.

"HOW DARE YOU CALL HER A WENCH!!!" Sango roared.

"She just saved you from certain doom...and sex slave-ness!!!" Rin yelled, poking him in the chest.

"You march back up to her and apologize right now mister!! Whoa, serious mother moment right there." Kirara mumbled.

"What the hell are you three babbling about?" Inuyasha barked.(no pun intended...OK maybe a little) He whirled around to look at Kagome but she was long gone.

"If she lost that archery thing, you would have been stuck with Kikyo. Forever." Sango said darkly.

"Well, um...actually just until the end of camp." Rin mumbled.

"That's besides the point, you'd have been stuck with Kikyo. You'd be subject to her disgusting desires. You'd be her love slave, her sex bunny, her lap dog-"

"OK I think he gets the point Kirara." Sango muttered.

"Her daily dose of puppy loving. OK now I'm done."

"He left like 10 seconds into your love slave speech Kirara." Rin muttered with a shake of her head.


"Kagome!!" Inuyasha yelled as he ran through the trees of the nearby forest.

"Dammit, where the hell could she be!" Inuyasha grumbled, casting a glance over to the horizon. The sun had set a few minutes ago, and still no one had seen Kagome since the contest.

"Stupid wench." Inuyasha grumbled and sped up. Then he caught a familiar intoxicating scent coming from near the pond.


"Why do we even have to do this? Inuyasha's already looking, she doesn't need us looking too." Miroku grumbled as Sango pulled him around the camp grounds.

"I can't take your whining anymore! You go that way, I'll look over there. Meet back here in like an hour."

~Half an hour later~

Sango opened yet another cabin door expecting to see the normal emptiness, not exactly what she found here. Miroku currently had his tongue stuck down some random girl's throat in a heated kiss.

"Ahem!" They broke apart and looked up to see Sango standing at the door, the girl turned bright red and ran out of the cabin.

"Err...hello, Sango dear." Miroku smiled innocently at the girl.

"This is how you look for Kagome?" Sango glared at the boy in front of her.

"See, I was looking for her, but then I met this girl, and she said her throat was hurting her, so I decided to take a look for her. I did take health class last year." Miroku's only response was another glare. 'OK then, excuse number two.'

"It was an accident." Miroku said weakly.

"How could it possibly be an accident. She tripped and your lips broke her fall!?! God Miroku, you are such a pervert." Sango turned walked out of the cabin.

'A pervert that I just happen to be head over heels in love with.' She sighed and wiped away the stray tear that rolled down her cheek.


Inuyasha ran towards the pond where he could smell Kagome the strongest. 'It's always the last place you look.'

Kagome was sitting by the pond, gazing into the water, when he entered the clearing. He quietly walked over to her, still unnoticed by the girl, until he sat down next to her.

"Oh, it's just you." Kagome said scathingly, only looking up for a second, but she still managed to get in the glare.

"Yeah...just me. Look Kagome, I just came to say...sorry. You're friends told me 'bout the whole contest thing," Inuyasha mumbled. Kagome's head shot up so fast it was a wonder how she didn't break
her neck, and gave him a wide eyed stare.

"You're what?" Kagome asked breathlessly, hoping she heard right.

"I said I was sorry. You want a parade or something!!" Kagome sighed and looked back to the inky black water, deciding not to push her luck, an apology, and gratitude from Inuyasha in one day, must be some sort of record or something. Inuyasha looked at the girl next to him with a small smile, then turned his eyes to the stars.

"You see those two stars." Inuyasha pointed to two stars that were separated by a small stream of other less bright stars.

"Yeah." Kagome mumbled looking away from the pond.

"My mother always told me the story behind them when I was little." Kagome looked at him with interest.

"They were once people, lovers. They promised themselves to each other in life. But one died before the other, and promised to wait for their lover, so they became a star. The other died later, of a broken heart and also became a star. It searched for it's lover, but I guess it took to long, or was a guy and was afraid of commitment." Inuyasha chuckled sadly. "By the time he was ready to go to her it was too late. Other stars had already gathered between them. Now they'll be separated forever. Each with only half of a heart. When your other half is so close, but you can't get to them, life just doesn't seem worth living." Inuyasha had stopped looking at the stars long ago, and was looking at the girl he had fallen for at first glance.

"It's really sad, to give up something like love, just because you're afraid of what could happen." She muttered, Inuyasha wasn't sure if she was talking about the stars anymore, or something else.

"It really is a stupid mistake. One that I don't ever plan on making Kagome." The way he said her name made a shiver run up her spine. He wrapped his arms around the girl as they both stared up into the night sky, they both knew that they had to leave sometime, but not now. They enjoyed being in each others arms, for now.

"Um...we should be heading back now." Inuyasha mumbled when he felt the girl shiver in his arms.

"Mmmhmm." Inuyasha got up and offered her a hand, which she ignored and opted for hoisting herself up.

"Why were you all the way out here anyway?" Inuyasha asked, brushing off the imaginary dirt from his clothes.

"Oh, well I was planning to go back a while ago," Kagome started, a blush already staining her cheeks. "But I um... sorta.... got lost." Inuyasha sweat dropped and did the anime fall.

~20 minutes later in the cabin~

"Kagome!! Where were you!!!" As soon as she stepped into the cabin she was attacked by three excited/worried girls.

"Fine, be like that." Inuyasha mumbled "No Inuyasha we were so worried or anything. I'm hurt." Inuyasha said sarcastically, but everyone still ignored him.

"Aw, Kagome, we were so worried. Group hug, c'mon girls."

"Miroku get the hell away from me." Sango said practically pushing him away with her leg when he tried to "hug" her.

"Touch Kagome and I promise to kill you slowly and-" The loud bang of the door bursting open cut off Inuyasha.

"Nope it's all about tribal. Trance is too weird." Sakura said, her speech slightly slurred as she and her sister leaned on each other.

"Tribal is freaky, trance is the shit." (What I'm obsessed with Trance music, and tribal's hot too.) Saku argued, then looked over at the teens who were staring at them weirdly.

"Hey, since when are there fourSesshomaru's?" She muttered to her sister.

"I dunno. Where'd the other two come from? Definitely have to start cutting down on the body shots. Anyhow, lights out soon, we're going to a tennis thing tomorrow, sweet dreams munchk-" Sakura never finished her sentence because that was about the time she and her sister passed out.

"You've gotta be kidding me." Inuyasha grumbled.

"Should we just leave them there?" Hojo asked. (see he does exist)

"No that would be mean." Rin answered.

"That's why you guys are going to take them to their cabins." Sango said looking over at the boys.

"What!?!?!!!" They yelled in unison.

"Well, you're the big strong manly men, and we're just the little 'ol damsels in distress." Kirara said overdramatically. All the boys practically choked on their laughter.

"Damsels my ass." Inuyasha scoffed.

"Distress...yeah right." Sesshomaru mumbled.

At about the same time the girls were about to pummle the boys, Sy, Leah and Jasmine came into the cabin.

"Hey, do you think we should stop them?" Leah mumbled to the other councilors.

"Where's the fun in Rin's got one hell of a right hook." Sy winced slightly.

"Ouch, Kagome's gonna yank his ear off." Jasmine said, twitching one of her canine ears.

"Ok little people, break it up!" Sy yelled, of course not being dumb enough to jump between four angry women and their prey.

"We'll just take what's ours and be on our way." Leah said, grabbing one of Saku's arms and pulling her out of the cabin. They dragged the girls outside and then dragged them to their cabins.

"Eww, Sy switch with me. I can see down your girls shirt. Please tell her to wear a bra!" They heard the retreating shriek from outside.

"Um....right. Anywho, I'm sleepy." Kagome yawned and got off of Inuyasha. (the fight you pervs.)

"Me too." Rin said, and made a dash for the bathroom.

~* 8 fights for the bathroom later *~

"Stay over there, and nobody'll get hurt." Sango said, building back her pillow defence.

"Sango, can I ask you a question, and you have to answer it honestly." Miroku asked, leaning closer to the girl, trying to make out her face in the dark.

"No I will not bear your children." Sango glared at him through the darkness.

"Darn. Ok another question."

"Um...sure." Sango answered cautiously.

"Why do you always have your defences up, and I'm not just talking about the pillows. Why don't you just trust people?"

"I do trust people, and I have up my defences for a reason." There was a tinge of saddness in her voice that would've gone unnoticed by anyone, but Miroku wasn't anyone.

"Why don't you trust me then?"

"Trust is earned, not given...and it might have something to do with the hand on my ass."

^_^ I like to call this part 'Unofficially Official' ^_^

"Alright I get it, you're sorry." Kagome giggled out, and tried to roll over, but the arm wrapped around her waist only pulled her back to its owner. Apparantly Inuyasha enjoyed the reaction he got from her when he apologized, mainly the slight spike in her scent, so much that he kept doing it...but just a little different this time.

"But..." Inuyasha mumbled and kissed her neck. "I'm really, really, realllllly sorry." Every word was marked by another kiss on her neck.

Kagome giggled, but her giggle soon turned into a moan when Inuyasha raked a fang over the vain in her neck, then ran his tongue over the spot.

"How 'bout I show you how sorry I am?" Inuyasha whispered huskily and rolled them over so he was straddling her.

"Your brother and Rin are right above us." Kagome whispered and tried to push the demon off of her.

"Fine." Inuyasha quickly rolled off of her, and stole a kiss in the process. "Stupid bastard ruining my fun."

"I never said that we couldn't do anything at all." Kagome whispered, and rolled on top of him, and kissed him. She took charge of the kiss, pushing her tongue into his mouth, and coming to play with his tongue. Inuyasha ran his hands up her sides and under her shirt.

^_^ Muhahahaha I'm evil, I try ^_^

Poke, poke, poke.

"Sesshomaru?" Rin whispered and poked Sesshomaru's nose.

"Sesshomaru." Rin whispered a little louder and poked him again.

"Sesshomaru!!" She almost yelled. Sesshomaru only opened one golden eye to look at her.

"What is it Rin?"

"I just wanted to see if you were awake."

"Rin, the next time you yell my name, I want it to be for other reasons." Sesshomaru whispered huskily into her ear, sending shivers up and down her spine.

T_T I'm the guy from Kiss, hahahaha

"Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!" Saku and Sakura screamed, jumping on the couch, which just happ0ened to contain Hojo.

"Owwy, I can't feel my legs." Hojo groaned.

"Hey kid, you should get life insurance." Sakura said, still jumping.

"I think we should stop, it's not waking 'em, and this kids screams are starting to annoy the hell outta me." Saku said, pulling her sister off the couch.

"Can we jump on their beds?"

"Bunks remember."

"Stupid camp." Sakura grumbled.

"We're already awake." Kagome grumbled from her bed.

"Oh, well we're leaving in two hours. Bye!!" Saku said, draggin her sister out the door, and closing it behind her.

"What time is it?" Inuyasha mumbled to the girl in his arms.

"I dunno, I just wanna stay in bed with you. OK that sounds wrong."

"I think I'm a bad influence on you." He said with a smirk, and nipped her neck. "Tired from last night?" He whispered with a lazy grin.

"Perv, see if I ever make out with you again."

"You know you can't resist me."

"Cocky bastard."

"Gosh, if you two are about to do it, please do us all a favor and go into another room." Kirara said from her face down position in her pillow, making Kagome and Inuyasha turn bright red.

"Feh, why would I want this wench, she's loud, bossy, annoying-"

"Hey! I'm right here ya know!!" Kagome screeched, pulling one of his dog ears."And she does that!"

Kirara who was still more than half asleep said the one thing that made Inuyasha's blood run cold, and go completely pale and stiff as a board.

"So why do you have a scent mark on her?" Kagome felt Inuyasha freeze next to her, she even thought he stopped breathing.

"What's a scent mark?" Inuyasha almost jumped out of his skin at the sound of her voice.

"Um...would ya look at the time, I call first shower!" He rolled onto the floor, scrambled to his feet and ran to the bathroom.

'Oh crap.'


Inuyasha spent the rest of the morning trying to avoid Kagome... kinda hard to do when you share a cabin, but it's worth a shot. While Kagome spent her time trying to find out what a scent mark was.

The demons in the cabin blatantly refused, saying it was Inuyasha's responsability to tell her. Sango refused, and sided with the demons, Hojo was, of course, clueless. And it was hard for Miroku to tell her when Inuyasha was standing behind Kagome flexing his claws...and Rin, was...sleeping. Of course there was ten minutes of the boys oggling thegirls in between questions and threats.


"So how do we look?" Rin, asked as she and the other girls came out of the bedroom, which they kicked the boys out of 20 minutes earlier. The boys looked up, and stared...and stared...and stared-

"Well? Say something." Sango practically yelled. As soon as the words left her mouth Miroku was in front of her, on one knee.

"Marry me." He grasped her hand and kissed it.


"You're not going outside in that." Sesshomaru said going up to Rin

"Why not?" She huffed, poking him in the chest.

"I don't want other guys seeing you like this."

"You're a pig."

"So,what do ya think?" Kagome looked up shyly at Inuyasha.

"That'd look better on my floor." Inuyasha said with a sexy smirk.

Rin was wearing a white short sleeved belly shirt, with white shorts that stopped just below her butt. And a white visor with the nike logo on it, like the rest of the girls, with matching white sneakers. And had her hair out.

Kagome had on a white tank-top, and a white mini skirt, that was definitly too short for her to bend down in without someone getting an eyefull. (Inuyasha definitly planned on using that to his advantage) She also
had on a visor, and matching white sneakers, and had her hair in a high

Sango was wearing a white wifebeater, that left little to the imagination, and the white short pleated tennis skirt, that reached her uper thigh. And a white visor, matching sneakers, and her hair was in a high ponytail with a few strands in the front to frame her face.

Kirara wore a white tank-top, with white shorts the reached her upper thigh, and a white visor. She also wore white sneakers, and her hair was out. (I got so tired of typing all of that. And does anyone know why the official tennis color is white?)

----End Flashback-------

Two hours later Saku and Sakura were back as promised.

"Hiya dudes and dudettes!" Saku said, bursting into the cabin.

"Hey Kirara chick, we've got a surprise for you!" Sakura said in a sing song voice.

"TADA!" The twins said in unison and stepped apart to reveal Shippo.

"We found out from our sources-"

"Our cousins walked into the clearing when you guys were making out during the paintball fight."

"that you two go out." Saku continued, as if her sister never interupted her. "So, we decided that you should have a make-out buddy for these trips too."

"Hey! What about me?" Hojo asked, from the corner.

"Sorry, we just haven't found the right guy for you yet...anyway, back to more important people. It's against camp rules to take people from other groups with us-"

"But," Sakura started, cutting off her sister, "since we like you guys so much, we pulled a few strings, slept with some councilors-"

"That was all her, coincidentally Sy is his counsilor." Saku cut in.

"So here he is."

"Now you may worship us." Saku said with a huge smile.

"You jerk!!!" Kirara screamed at Shippo making everyone in the cabin flinch.

"I said I was sorry a million times Kira."

"Uh...what's going on?" Kagome whispered to the twins.

"They had a lovers trist a few days ago, about something stupid though. And Kirara's been pissed ever since." Saku explained.

"OK I must be missing the point or something, why did you bring him here?"

"'Cuz nothing interesting ever happens around here, so it's our job to liven things up. And since we know absolutely everything that goes on around here, we thought it would be funner this way." Sakura answered with the same huge smile. (I know funner isn't a word.)

"You're both sick." Kagome mumbled.

"Oh my god, now say no I will not have sex with you and you would sound just like my therapist!" Saku said earning a wide eyes stare from Kagome.

"Ok kiddies, time to go, so mush!"

~_~_~_~_~_(I ran outta ideas for faces)~_~_~_~_~_~_~~

After everyone was piled into the cars, they left for the tennis courts.

"How far is this palce anyway?" Kirara asked Sakura.

"About a two hour drive."

"Oh great." Kirara mumbled and glared at the person whos lap she was sitting on.

"I said I was sorry and I do mean it." Shippo pleaded, Kirara only "humph"ed and turned her head. Shippo growled low in his throat and hooked a finger under her chin, and turned her face to his.

"Kira, I was being an ass, I think you're perfect in everyway. But right now you're just being a bitch, so if anyone should be mad right now, it should be me!" As soon as he was finished Kirara crashed her lips to his in a passionate kiss, which he quickly dominated. His tongue ravaged her mouth before coming to play with hers in a battle for dominance. When lack of air forced them apart Kirara spoke.

"I love a guy who takes charge." She said, and leaned in for another kiss.


"That's so gross." Sango mumbled to Miroku, looking at the couple next to her.

"I think they forgot we were here." Miroku said, scratching the back of his head.

"I swear if they keep doing that I'm gonna stick my head out the window into on-coming traffic."

"Maybe we should take the hint, and be like them." Miroku smiled lecherously at Sango.

"I think you're right." Sango said, running her hands over his chest.










"Ple-" Inuyasha crashed his lips to Kagome's in a heated kiss shutting her up. He nibbled on her bottom lip, making her moan into the kiss, slipped his tongue into her mouth, tasting all of her, before coming to play with her tongue.

"No." He whispered against her lips when they broke apart.

"Tease." Kagome mumbled, and crossed her arms. "Just tell me what a scent mark is!!"






"Gosh Kag, he said no." Rin grumbled.

"But I wanna know what it is!!"


"Hey! Just go back to making out with your lover Rin."

"Whatever you say Kagome." Rin pulled Sesshomaru's lips to hers in a long kiss.

"Ewww, I didn't acually mean it."


'Awww, they're all making out. I'm so proud. I think I feel a tear.' Saku thought as she looked at the two couples in the backseat from the mirror. Her sister's car drove up next to hers, and Sakura gave her a thumbs up, then drove ahead of her.

'3 down, one to go.'


"OK, we're here, stop making out, and get out." Sakura said to the teens, ushering them to the tennis courts.

"Um...we don't really know how to play tennis..."

"But we have done quite a few tennis instructors." Saku said, cutting off her sister, who sent her a glare.

"So anyway have fun, we'll be over there hitting on the hot tennis instructors if you need us...and don't tell Sy."

"Tell Sy what?" A male voice asked from behind Sakura, who spun around to find Sy.

"That I love you. Wait, what are you doing here anyway?"

"Leah and I brought our groups here."

"Ok, whatever."

"Bye guys!" Saku called to them as she was leaving. "Grab your rackets, and grab your balls, and go play tennis....I said grab your balls!!" Saku started laughing.

"How long have you been waiting to use that?" Sakura asked dryly.

"Since yesterday."

"Thought so."


"Tell me PLEASE!!!!"

"No, Kagome." Inuyasha sighed for about the millionth time that day.

"Ple-" Kagome never got to finish her begging, because at that moment, a black and brown blurr raced by, scooping up her up in the process.

"What the--KOUGA!!" Inuyasha yelled and ran after them, unfortunatly like the morning run incident, Inuyasha was just not fast enough.

Kagome looked up at her captor and sighed. 'I just attract the weird ones.'

"Um...Kouga, are you planning on putting me down anytime soon?" 'So I can beat your bloody lights out!!'

"Of course." A few seconds later he put her down in a secluded part of the tennis courts, hidden by the bleachers, for watching the games.

"Did mutt face do anything to you?" Kouga's eyes scanned her up and down, lingering on her chest area a little to long for her liking.

"He wouldn't. Look Kouga, you're a really nice guy, but I really should get going." Kagome turned to leave, but stopped and looked over to Kouga.

"By any chance would you know what a scent mark is?"

"Yeah, what demon doesn't?" Kouga said a little cockily. "It's the basic form of m-" The fist making itself aquainted with Kouga's face cut him off and sent him flying. Inuyasha stood by Kagome with a huge victory smile on his face.

"That felt good." He glanced at Kagome who was glaring at him."Miss me babe?" He smirked at her

"Like a hernia." She mumbled and brushed past him. His hand shot out and grabbed her arm and pulled her in front of him.

"You know, there's no one around right now." He whispered suggestivly into her ear, nibbling on the lobe, as he pinned her to the wall with his body.

"Kouga's right there." Kagome said, pointing to the form on the floor.

"He'll be out for a while."

"You're a pig." Kagome pushed him off of her and stormed off towards the courts.

"Gosh, you save a person from someone and you don't even gat a thank you kiss anymore...ok what I wanted was a little more than a kiss, but still."


Kagome strolled past the tennis courts and made a bee-line for the councilors. She giggled when she passed Sango who was threatening to nueter Miroku with her racket, and nearly threw up when she passed Sesshomaru and Rin who was making out against the wall, especially since Sesshomaru's hand was under her shirt, Shippo and Kirara weren't making her upset stomach go away either. They were currently making out on the bleahcers.

'God people, get a room.'

She passed by Kikyo, Kagura, Kanna, and Yura, then stopped and did a double take.

'Is this bitch everywhere!?!'

They were all to deep in conversation to notice her walking by...correction, Kikyo was deep in conversation, while Kagura was trying to see if she could to kill herself with her fan. Yura was playing with her hair, paying more attention to it than to Kikyo. And Kanna was staring into the mirror pendant on her silver chain. Kagome sighed and kept on walking towards the councilors.

Sakura was currently making out with Sy, so she just stayed away from them, and Saku was flirting with a hot blonde tennis instructor.

She sighed again and flopped down on the bleachers.

"Great, the one time I actually need them for something."

"You know, talking to yourself isn't good for you." She was too busy in her own little word to notice Leah, sitting two rows behind her.

"Oh, hi."

"Hey." Leah paused and took a sniff, "You're the hanyou's girl, I remember you."

"I'm not his girl."

"But the scent mar-"

"I know there's a scent mark on me, but what the hell is a scent mark!?!"

"What kind of miko doesn't know what a scent mark is?" Leah asked with a chuckle.

"One who should have listened to her Jii-chan when he was ranting."

"Well normally I wouldn't tell you, and say that it was the hanyou's job to tell you." Leah paused when she heard the girl let out an exsaperated sigh.

"But since you're so fustrated about it, I'll make an exception, just this once."

"Really?!" Kagome looked up in disbelif.

"Sure, why not. Anyway I plan on consuming enough alcohol to put all of Russia to shame tonight, so odds are I won't even remember telling you a thing. So my concience will be clear." Leah giggled at the expression on Kagome's face, and moved to sit next to her.

"All demons spend most of their lives searching for a mate, basically a husband or wife to humans, except the bond is stronger. Some demons, like inu or neko youkai, chose only one mate, and stick with them for life. If one
dies, and the love the mated pair shared was true, the other usually dies of a broken heart. If it wasn't, then the living one goes on to search for another mate."

'That sounds sorta like Inuyasha's story.'

"Of course to get a mate, there is the courting period, where the male, well courts the female, and on rare occasions it can be the other way around.

"Demons mark those that they are either courting, or intend to court with their scent, making a scent mark. If you choose to accept the hanyou as a mate then there will be the marking, and until you are ready to mate, -since inu youkai are very honorable race he will not pressure you into anything you're not ready for- the hanyou will have to keep renewing his mark on you, before it fades. And then, when you are ready to be bound to him, there is the mating and marking. The mark that you get then is permanent, and pretty much tells all other males to fuck off. Well that concludes the lesson for today. And your lover is coming over here, so I'll be off." Leah hopped off the bleachers and about two minutes later an angry hanyou came into view.

Kagome stood up and dusted off her skirt and smiled her biggest smile at him.

"What the hell are you smiling about wench? Did you know Kikyo was here, bitch tried to flash me.::Shudder::" Kagome's smile only got bigger as she walked up to Inuyasha until they were only centimeters apart.

"You like me." She said in a sing-song voice.

"H-wha..huh?" Inuyasha sputtered and moved back, Kagome only stepped closer.

"You like me, you love me, you want to mark me." She continued and Inuyasha backed into one of the tennis nets, and fell over, landing on his back.

"I don't know what you're talking about wench." Inuyasha lied, and was about to get up when he felt a weight on his chest. He looked down to find Kagome straddling his chest.

"Admit it. I found out what a scent mark is, so tell the truth and I'll get off of you."

"Maybe I don't want you to."

"Maybe I won't have to. But that all depends."

"I'm not saying anything, wench."

"Guess Hojo will have someone to sleep next to on the couch tonight. Or he could sleep with me, and you can have the couch all to yourself." Kagome said thoughtfully, getting off of Inuyasha.

"Alright, alright," Inuyasha grabbed her thigh and kept her on him. "I like ya. Happy now?"




"Do you like me wench!?!"

"I dunno, I have to think about it." Kagome said in fake thoughtfullness. Inuyasha growled low in his throat and was surprised when he got a low moan from Kagome and a spike in her scent. Then it hit him, she was straddling his chest, which vibrated when he growled. He was gonna have fun with this.

"Well?" He asked with his usual cocky smirk in place, still growling.

"Hmm?" All coherent thought went out the window at the delightfully torturus vibrations of his chest on her nether regions.

"Do you like me or not wench?" Inu asked again, only this time he stopped growling. A chuckle escaped his lips at the whine Kagome let out.

"Yes I do." She replied a bit breathlessly.

"You had better." He growled again, making Kagome squeeze shut her eyes and moan again. He smirked and lifted her off of him and got up.

"You wanna actually play tennis?" Kagome asked trying to get her brain to function right.

"Nope. But I do know a great Kouga free spot where we could finish what we started." Inu whispered in her ear, sending shivers down her spine. Kagome looked down and blushed, seeing the bulge in his pants.

"Well come on then." Kagome grabbed his hand and dragged him to the spot.


Sesshomaru sat on one of the bleachers waiting for Rin to come back from the bathroom, when he heard his name being called. The silver haired boy looked up at the person who called him. Amber eyes met ruby red ones as the figure stopped in front of him.

"Kagura." He got up and smiled at her, "Long time no see."

"Yeah, same here." She pulled him to her in a hug.

"I haven't seen you since we broke up." He mumbled to her, returning the hug.

"Yeah, my family just moved back here. My mom said I was starting to annoy her with the unpacking so she sent me here." She said with a giggle.

"AHEM!" Rin was definitly not a happy camper, she just got back and was greeted with the wonderful sight of her boyfriend hugging some girl. The two immediatly seperated, and Rin sent Sesshomaru a glare that could freeze hell.

"Um.. Kagura, this is my" By then he swore he saw fire in her eyes. 'Nice going baka.'"Rin this is my ex-girlfriend Kagura." Rin turned a fake smile to Kagura.

"Haven't we met? Oh yeah, your one of Kikyo's followers."

"Don't remind me." Kagura grumbled sensing the tension in the air. An awkward silence soon fell over the three.

"Well I better get going before Kikyo realizes I'm missing out on her 'It's all about me' speech." Kagura started. "I'll see ya around Rin. And Sesshomaru, we really have to catch up sometime." She gave him one last hug before dashing off.

Rin rounded on Sesshmaru with a glare that made even him flinch.

"I'm waiting." Before he could even open his mouth to respond Sakura popped up out of nowhere.

"Time to go- I interrupting something?"

"Nope, nothing at all." Rin answered, still glaring at Sesshomaru.

"Ok, well it's time to go." She said running off to pry the racket out of Sango's hand and save Miroku a beating.

Rin turned and walked off to the parking lot, not even sparing the demon behind her a second glance.


"Hey you two, time to go." Saku said, turning Inuyasha and Kagome around and marching them back to the cars.

"What! But I didn't even start to have fun yet." Inuyasha groaned.

"Me either." Kagome agreed.

"You guys can have crazy monkey sex when you get back to camp. Little delinquants, and the best place to do it out here is behind the bleachers in the opposite direction, trust me, I know these things." Saku said, pushing them into the car.

After making sure to do a head count, especially making sure Hojo was there, they drove back to camp.


'Think cold thoughts, think cold thoughts, think cold thoughts!! Ice, snow, glaciers, ice in my pants. This isn't working.' Inuyasha looked at the girl sleeping in his arms. She was straddling his waist and every once in a while she would move slightly, and try to make herself comfortable. And it wasn't exactly helping his little Inu problem

'My grandmother in a bikin...Kagome in a bikini, on a cold day...NO! Not helping. Sesshomaru in a bikini on a cold day.' He looked over to his brother and shuddered. 'That one definitly works.'


Rin was not happy, he could practically feel the anger rolling off of her in waves, and it was all directed to him. She had been glaring at him since the "incident", and even begged Kagome to switch seats with her, and, to his extreme disgust, Hojo. Who they all found out is not gay, and if he was, apperantly he doesn't want Sesshomaru. (who wouldn't want Sesshomaru)

She had gotten even angrier when he agreed with her when she said Kagura was pretty. From then on, he decided to shut up, afterall, it seemed like all the Shiro men had foot-in-mouth syndrome.

'I bet it's genetic.' he thought with sad humor.

"Hey guys," Saku said from the drivers seat, breaking his train of thought. "I'm running low on gas and junk food, I'll be back in like 10 minutes, don't go anywhere." She said, even though Sesshomaru and Rin were the only ones awake. She pulled into a gas station, and hopped out of the car and headed for the little deli.

As soon as she was gone Rin got off of Sesshomaru's lap and out of the car, and ran to bathroom.

"Go after her." Kagome mumbled to him, still not opening her eyes.


"You heard the woman, go after her. She's probably in there crying her eyes out." Inuyasha mumbled to his brother, still apperaing as if he was asleep.

Sesshomaru didn't need someone to tell him again, he was out of the car and into the bathroom in the blink if an eye.

"He's such and idiot." Inuyasha mumbled when he left.

"Must be taking lessons from you." Kagome stifled a yawn with the back of her hand and drifted back to sleep, Inuyasha soon followed.

No one was awake when Saku got back into the car, and drove away with two less people.


Sesshomaru stepped into the unnaturally clean bathroom, immediatly his nose picked up the salty scent of tears and distress.


She was standing by one of the sinks staring into the mirror as tiny sobs wracked her small frame. He wrapped his arms around her from behind, mildly surprised when she turned in his arms and cried into his shirt.

"D-do you think...I-I'm ugly?" She stuttered out between sobs. Sesshomaru looked down at the girl in his arms in shock. He lifted her chin, and stared into her hazel eyes.

"You are the most beautiful creature I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. Don't ever doubt that."

"But Kagura's so pretty."

"She is pretty." The girl lowered her head again and new tears formed. "But you are gorgeous." Rin looked up and him with glassy eyes, and he pulled her closer.

"Kagura is my past Rin. You are my present, and my future, if you will have me."

"Of course I will." A whole new set of tears rolled down her face, but for a very different reason this time. "I love you Sess." Sesshomaru leaned down and placed a chaste kiss on her lips.

"I love you too Rin." He leaned down and captured her lips in a gentle kiss. He nibbled her bottom lip, making Rin moan, slipping his tongue into her mouth to taste her.

"I want you, right here, right now." Rin whispered into his ear when they broke apart, licking the lobe teasingly.

"Who am I to deny you?" He whispered back, and pulled her back for a frantic kiss. He pushed his tongue into her mouth making her moan again and press agianst him.

His hands ran down her sides and up her shirt, kneading her breast through her bra. The girl groaned at the feel of his skilled hands touching her so intimately. He pulled her shirt over her head when they seperated, throwing it over his shoulder and attacking her neck with nips and kisses.

The girl took in a shuddered breath as he dragged his fang over the prelimanary mark on her shoulder. Rin moaned and tilted her head, allowing him better access. Her fingers clumsily unbottoned his shirt, dropping it to the floor, and ran her hands over his well muscled chest.

'And he called me gorgeous.'

He nipped his way down her neck to her chest, soothing the skin with his tongue, growling low in his throat when the material of her bra stopped his descent. With a flick of his wrist, it too joined the other articles of clothing on the floor, leaving her bare to his hungry gaze. His hands tugged on her pants, and soon, they were also on the floor.

He lowered her to the floor, kissing the valley between her breasts, before taking one of the mounds of flesh in his mouth.He teased the nipple with his tongue and teeth, then did the same to its twin. The mewls and moans of pleasure from the girl beneath him was music to his ears.

He placed hot open mouthed kisses from her slightly pink breasts to her flat stomach, dipping his tongue in her navel making the girl squirm beneath him. Sesshoamru ran his hands down her sides, barely even touching her, making her gasp and shiver in excitement. He teasingly pulled down the last piece of clothing on her, making sure to lightly drag his claws over the skin of her inner thigh, earning another loud moan from the girl.

He slipped a finger into her slick folds. Rin gasped and arched her body, moaning loudly when he started pumping his finger in and out of her, sending her over the edge when he rubbed the bundle of nervs with his thumb.

Rin screamed his name her inner muscles clinching around his fingers. He pulled out his fingers and licked them clean when she looked at him.

"Delecious." Sesshomaru whispered and stalked back up her body, kissing her gently before removing his pants and positioning himself at her entrance.

'He's huge!' He chuckled slightly at her stare.

"Are you sure you want this Rin?" His only response was a nod from the girl.

He slowly slipped into her, his control slipping slightly. 'She's so tight.'

He reached her barrier, and broke through. Rin squeezed her eyes shut to stop the tears, but still some leaked through. Sesshomaru stopped moving and waited for the girl to adjust to the new feeling, whispering comforting words in her ear, his patience slipping with every twitch of her inner muscles.

"Go." Her mumble was all he needed, he started at an agonizingly slow pace, careful not to hurt her. When she begged him to go faster he happily complied.

The empty room was filled with grunts, moans and mewls of pleasure as Rin met him with every thrust. Soon the pace became erratic as they both neared completion.

Sesshomaru rubbed the little bundle of nerves between her legs with his thumb, once again sending her over the edge in an explosive orgasm >screaming out his name as lights exploded behind her eyes. The spasming of her inner walls soon sent him over the edge, roaring out a broken version of her name.

He rolled off of her so as not to crush her. She looked at him with half closed eyes as he pulled her closer.

"You'll be the death of me woman." He mumbled and kissed the top of her head. "A very happy death." He smiled at her, she smiled back lazily and soon drifted off to sleep.


He carried the sleeping girl in his arms, now fully clothed, not expecting the others to have been there. He sighed and looked down at the girl, and smiled again, he seemed to be doing a lot of that when she was around.
Using his demonic speed they were back at camp in minutes.

Of course the others gave them both "What have you to been doing?" looks, and everyone seemed to have developed a Miroku worthy lecherous smile. He ignored them, and joined Rin in the land of dreams.

'She's mine.' He smiled again, and drifted off.


THANKS TO MY BETA AND ANGLEBABE FOR HELP WITH THE LEMON!!! AND.........ONLY 3 CHAPTERS LEFT IN THIS STORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sad, I know. But don't worry I like to go out with a bang.. or a splash. ^_~

Ok I don't actually know if that is how the star story goes, I knew it once, but not now, oh well. So what did you think? I know I know it's about damn time you finally updated. hey I had writers block.

