InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Military Warfare ❯ Flooded ( Chapter 8 )

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Military Warfare: Flooded ( Chapter 9 )
Anime: Inuyasha
Genre(s): Comedy / Hentai / Romance | Type: Alternate Universe
Author: NekoFluffylover
Uploaded On: April 13, 2004 14:04 EDT
Pages: 9 | Words: 7236 | Size: 41 KB | Visits: 56 | Status: Completed

Maybe it won't be so bad after all. Or maybe not. ( Chapter 1 ) [Dec 06, 2003]Physics at its best ( Chapter 2 ) [Dec 08, 2003]SORRY ( Chapter 3 ) [Dec 14, 2003]Welcome to my hell ( Chapter 4 ) [Dec 19, 2003]Wake up Call ( Chapter 5 ) [Dec 31, 2003]Hell have no fury like a woman scorned ( Chapter 6 ) [Jan 04, 2004]The affects of the Domino Effect ( Chapter 7 ) [Mar 17, 2004]Paintball paradise ( Chapter 8 ) [Feb 12, 2004]Flooded ( Chapter 9 ) [Apr 13, 2004]
Paintball paradise ( Chapter 8 )

Sorry for the incredibly long delay. But a lot’s happened and writers block is a bitch!
Anyway disclaimer: me no own, you no sue.
And now I have a beta who I would like to thank for having to deal with all of my horrible spelling errors. Thanks to lovin_sesshomaru_isnteasy you rock


Chapter ummm: Flooded!

It was a beautiful Thursday morning. Ms. Maiochi was still missing; the councilors were still in charge, and with the exception of Kikyo being alive. All was perfect. Even the obstacle course was fun.

The boys were avoiding the girls, and the girls understood...a little. A relationship had bloomed, one was pretty close to blooming, one was...err...Inuyasha and Kagome, and the other one could bloom...into a full blown case of homicide. Oh yeah, Leah had won $20. (1 1/2 hours later the crazy monkey sex began) And Kirara got a taste of what the Spanish Inquisition was like.


Kirara stumbled into the girls cabin at about 7:30, when dinner starts at 7.

"Umm...hi guys." She smiled at the girls in the cabin. They looked at her from head to toe, and then the inquisition began.

"Ok who is he? Do we know him? What group is he in? And most big is he?" Rin asked anxiously, earning wide eyed stares from everyone in the cabin.

"What!?! You guys were thinking it, I was just saying it." She defended.

"True, but you're the innocent one," Kagome grinned.

"Innocent...riiight. So anyway, Kirara?" Rin continued.

"I don't know what you guys are talking about!" Kirara said innocently averting the questions.

"My ass. There's a twig in your hair." Sango pointed out. Kirara's hand flew to her hair, grabbed the twig and threw it out the door.

"What are you guys talking about? There isn’t a twig, see?" Group sweat-drop!

"Your lip-gloss is smudged." Kagome pointed out.

"Your hair's a mess." Rin continued.

"And your clothes are out of place." Sango ended.

"Oh my God!! It was Shippo!!" Rin squealed.

"How do you know that!?!?!" A bright blush flared on Kirara's cheeks.

"I didn't… until now!!" Rin said with a smirk.

Kirara glared at Rin, Rin looked at the ceiling, Sango stared at Kirara, and Kagome just looked lost.

"Um...who's Shippo?"

~OK, now flash forward, stop and play~

It was now about 8 and the boys are just coming back from dinner, and what'd ya know, there's a pretty little flood of water coming from their cabin. Wooohooo, let the fun begin!

"Um...guy, why is there water coming from our cabin?" Miroku decided to play the clueless one. (Must be taking lessons from Hojo)

"What the fuck!?!" Inuyasha yelled as he looked at their enigmatically flooded cabin.

"What happened?" Hojo asked from the sidelines.

"We’ve got to find Saku and Sakura." Miroku said.

"Ok letch, now tell me, where are the councilors' cabins?" Sesshomaru demanded as he sent a cold look to said letch.


"Come to think of it, does anyone know where their cabin is?" Hojo asked next. Little question marks appearing above everyone’s head.

"Howdy dowdy, dudes." Saku and Sakura popped out of nowhere, scaring the crap out of the very deep in thought boys.

"They usually just do that." Miroku said trying to get his heart rate back to normal.

"What's with all the-oh crap. Not again." Saku groaned looking at the mini flood coming from the cabin.

"Again?" Sesshomaru asked, quirking an eyebrow. (That’s a funny word, quirk, heehawed—LSIE!!)

"Yeah, while it is the second largest cabin, it is also the crappy one. It floods every few months. Weak pipes or something." Sakura explained. (Is it just me or is hold music getting gayer. oh, sorry I'm on hold, cuz my sis doesn't feel like doing this herself) (Lazy pain in my ass)

"Well come on, we've got to find you guys a new cabin." Saku said, as she and her sister lead the teens through the camp.

"Hey, just out of curiosity," Inuyasha started "where are the councilors' cabins."

"Oh sorry we can’t tell you that. You see, our cabins are a mystical place. Where only people 21 and over are allowed. You youths would be shunned and possibly hung if you were ever to stumble into our territory." Saku said in a dreamy tone. Even her sister had to sweat drop.

"What are you on...wait, let me rephrase that...what aren't you on?" Sakura stared at her sister. "Our cabins are like 10 feet away from yours." Sakura pointed to about 6 cabins behind the boys'.

"Why have we never noticed that?" Miroku muttered.


"What do you mean, exactly, by “share a cabin,” because I am not getting it," Kagome stared at her councilors with hope that she heard wrong.

"I mean that you'll have to share a cabin with them." Sakura said

"Why, why, why!?!" 'I swear there are giant cosmic forces coming together to ruin my summer!' Kagome whined as she looked over at the people the girls were to share their cabin with.

"You guys better start working on those sleeping arrangements, it's almost bed time." Saku cooed as she and her sister left the cabin. Kagome just glared at their backs, 'WHY!?!' she thought again.

Turns out the camp was completely full for the summer. (Lots of evil parents) So the boys would have to share the cabin with some other group. Sure they could've shared with group four, since that is the closest group of boys. But where's the fun in that?


After the boys got all their stuff that wasn’t completely drenched, it was time to work out the sleeping arrangements. Saku and Sakura were no where in sight, apparently they foresaw the oncoming arguments, and left while they had a chance. Smart bastardettes.

"Umm... why don't we have two girls to a bed and two guys to a bed?" Rin suggested, getting looks of disgust from the guys, except for Hojo who...smiled. (Ewwwwwwwwwwww)(Ewwwwwwwwwwww) (I'm still on hold)

"Guys don't share beds, it's...wrong." Inuyasha said, looking completely disgusted at the idea.

"And I would never want to sleep near Miroku; I don't know where his hands wander in his sleep." Sesshomaru stated, inching away from Miroku a bit.

"How 'bout a guy and a girl share a bed." Kirara said, not even listening to herself. About five milliseconds later she realized what she said, and in front of who.

"Great idea! Which lovely lady do I get the honor of spending the night with?" Just bring on the charm. The girls’ collective thoughts: 'Maybe if I move away slowly he won't notice.'

"Keep your hormones to yourself letch." Inuyasha growled out when Miroku came a little too close to Kagome.

'Ok moving on to....Rin!' Miroku moved closer to the girl and would've hit on her, if it wasn't for the warning growl coming from Sesshomaru.

'Apparently they're off limits,' Miroku maybe a pervert, and quite possibly was a sex deprived old man in a past life, but he wasn't an idiot...well, he wasn't that much of an idiot. He was after all the best friend of a dog demon, well a half dog demon, and he knew Sesshomaru, so he did know enough about dog demons to know that they were off least while Inuyasha and Sesshomaru were around.

"Kirara, may-" Hojo started but was cut off by Kirara.

"Over your dead body." She grumbled. Miroku went up to Sango.

"My lovely Sango, will you do me the honor-"

"I will use his dead body to beat you over the head until you dream of nothing but his dead body." Of course Miroku didn’t take no for an answer, well at least not without groping someone in the process, and of course that someone had to be Sango.

*SMACK* 3, 2, 1 *THUMP*

"Is it just me, or does Miroku fall unconscious a lot sooner everyday?" Kagome said as she lightly kicked him.

"He touches people so much I would swear he takes pleasure out of being hit." Sesshomaru said emotionlessly.

"Damn masochist." Sango muttered. (Woo, my favorite word, right up there with voyeuristic) Anyhow while this was going on Sesshomaru made his way to Rin, very gracefully I might add.

"Rin?" The girl in question looked up at Sesshomaru’s amber orbs expectantly. (Stupid Adult Swim, stupid Cartoon network, stupid sister) (Who is currently harassing me with her feet, so I will get off the computer) (Ok the last one is totally irrelevant, but it's true!! I have to live with her!!)

"Are you-?"Rin cut him off before he could finish.

"No." A bright blush stained her cheeks.

"Can I-?" She cut him off again.

"Uh-huh." a tiny smile formed on Sesshomaru's face, while the blush on Rin's face grew deeper. Now onto the other happy couples.

"HENTAI!!" Err... I take back the happy part.

"So Kagome, are you sleeping with anyone tonight?” (That sounds sooooo wrong) Kagome gave Inuyasha a dry look as an answer to his stupid question.

"So um.... will you...err...let me...uh...stay with you tonight?"

"Yeah sure.” She didn't even think about it for a whole two seconds, sign of the apocalypse, most definitely. 'Look at my other options, the annoying pain in the ass, or Miroku, the annoying pain in the ass...literally.'


"But Sango-"

"No! It'll be a cold day in hell when I share a bed with you.” Sango looked over at Miroku and mentally cursed. He was giving her the cutest puppy dog eyes ever, and who could resist that.

"Fine letch, just don't touch me, or I won't hesitate in getting you neutered."

"Will you be doing that yourself my lovely Sango?"



"Um Kirara-"

"Couches were made for a reason; I suggest you get friendly with one."

"But the other guys are sleeping with the girls." Hoko whined.

"Really!?! I'm happy for them." Sarcasm rocks!! Hojo opened his mouth to retaliate at that moment Saku and Sakura burst through the door.

"More mature my ass!" Saku snapped at her sister.

"What? I am!" Sakura snapped back.

"But I'm older!!"

"By 3 freaking minutes! Just cuz you're older doesn’t mean you are more mature!!" Sakura said to her "older" sister, and then the two went into a glaring contest, while the other occupants of the room just stared.

"This is like the second time in not even a whole week that this has happened." Inuyasha whispered to his girlfriend...oops, I mean Kagome. (Hallo ^_^)

"Uh-huh, I wonder how long it'll take them to notice we're here." Kagome whispered back. I'm sure that they wouldn't have noticed for a really long time, but Sesshomaru cleared his throat rather loudly to get their attention.

"Huh, oh, hey guys, we forgot you were there," Saku said, snapping out of the glaring contest.

"So we've come to say that the guy who fixes the pipes and stuff, or as we like to call him, Butt-crack Bob, said that fixing the pipes might take a while, and then he'll have to pump out the water, so you'll be here for about a week or more. But I do have some good news... I just saved a bunch of money on my car insurance by switching to Gieco." Everyone else sweat dropped while Saku and Sakura laughed their heads off. (I love the Gieco commercials. Hate the Quizno ones. Those are some scary mutated rodents. They look just like my hamsters that killed themselves. They kind of look like half-chewed pork chops. My sis swears they say 'eat us at Quiznos')

"Anyway, we knew you guys would argue about the sleeping arrangements, so we've made them for you." Saku explained

"And since guys sleeping with guys is just plain wrong, the guys will be sleeping with the girls." Sakura explained.

"Ok, Inuyasha with Kagome, Sango with Miroku, Rin with Sesshomaru. Hojo with couch and Kirara you get the bed all to yourself." Saku continued.

"And no arguments please. Our decisions are final." Sakura ended. Rin opened her mouth to say something, but Sesshomaru stopped her.

"Just let them think they helped us." He whispered for her ears only, a slight nod was his only response.

"Well 20 minutes 'til lights out. You guys should get ready for bed." Sakura said, as she and her sister made their way to the door.

"Night all!" They said in unison and left. (It's 2:19 in the morning. It's dark, and my typing skills have reached an all time low.)

8 battles for the shower later

About 20 minutes later Saku and Sakura came back, as promised.

"Ok I've got a date, so let’s cut this one short," Sakura started. "It's bed time, go to sleep, don't do anything I would do, tobacco is wacko if you're a teen, say no to drugs, don’t talk to strangers, look both ways before you cross the street-"

"I think they got it sis," Saku muttered to her sister.

"Ok then, bye." Sakura said as they left the cabin, everybody in the cabin sweat dropped.

"That was...different." Sango muttered.

"Well, bed time, night night." Kagome said, making everybody stare at her, making the boys notice what the girls were wearing, making the boys turn into mindless drooling monkeys.

"Seriously, it's only tank tops, and shorts." Kagome muttered.

"Testosterone driven monkeys.” Rin mumbled.

"Turn down the hormones." Sango muttered. (my bio teacher says that to us ^_^ not sure if that's a good thing.)

"Damn, they took all the good things to say." Kirara said with a pout.

All the girls were wearing pajama shorts and tank tops. Rin's had Tigger on them, Kagome's had a turtle in it's shell, that said "not ready to face the world today", Sango's had a bunch of small kisses on the shorts, and a big kiss in the middle of the shirt, And Kirara's had a frog in the middle of the shirt that said "don't bug me."

"Anyway, I'm kind of sleepy, err… ready for bed guys?" Kagome looked over at the still drooling boys.

"Guys? Hellooo? Anybody home?" Rin waved her hand in front of their faces... still nothing.

" that a topless super model!?!" Kirara yelled, that definitely got their attention.

"Huh? What!?! Where!?! I don't see her!!" They said in unison.

"Pathetic." The girls muttered in unison

A few minutes later, in Kagome’s bed.

"Move over!" Kagome mumbled to the boy next to her.

"Nope, I like it here." Inu Yasha replied, his cocky smirk already in place, not that she could see it in the dark anyway. Inuyasha had decided that, as Kagome put it, he wanted to torture her while she was awake and now when she was sleeping. So...let the cuddling commence!! (Sounds kind of gay when a guy does it)

'Grrr!! He is evil!! The shirtless devil, in boxers!! Damn him and his perfect, extremely gorgeous, inhumanly hot chest. And his all around perfect body, and the sexiest eyes on the planet, with the nicest hair, and the cutest ears on the planet, and the most gorgeous face, and did I mention his heavenly chest? Damn him!! Stupid incredibly hot bastard!!'

"Do you take some sort of twisted pleasure out of torturing me?" Kagome said and had a serious deja vu moment.

"What? You're not comfortable? How's this?" He pulled her even closer, and lightly nipped her neck, earning a soft moan from the girl.

'That evil sexy bastard.'


"Cross the pillow line and die. Come close to the pillow line, and die. Touch the pillow line, and die. Touch me, get castrated, and then die. Got it?" Sango glared at Miroku, even though it was dark and she was probably glaring at the wall, but whatever, it's the thought that counts.

"Of course, my lovely Sango."



"You don't sleep nude, right?"


"Fluffy? Are you awake? Hello anybody home? Fluffy! Fluffy! FLUFFY!!"

"What is it Rin?" Sesshomaru opened one tired golden eye to stare at the girl in front of him.

"Nothing, I just wanted to see if you were sleeping." Rin replied innocently.

"You are a very strange human. Cute, but strange." Sesshomaru was too tired to even think about what he was saying, but Rin was wide awake, and wide eyed.

"You think I'm cute?" She muttered.

"Yes and very pretty. Now please go to sleep." He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her closer to him. Rin snuggled into his shirtless chest. (Drool!!!!)

"G'night, Fluffy." She muttered as she drifted off to sleep.

"Goodnight, my Rin."


Kirara let out a loud snore, while Hojo rolled off the couch and everybody else snuggles.


"Shh!! They're still sleeping." Saku whispered to her sister as they tip-toed into the cabin.

"I feel bad about waking them. Can we just let them sleep in just for today? Please Saku?" Sakura said as she gave her twin her best puppy dog eyes ever.

"That face may work on your love kitten, but not me. But fine, only because they all look so cute together."

"Yeah, our plan is genius." Sakura smiled at her sister.

"You mean my plan." Saku glared at her sister.

"Ours, yours, same thing, point is, it worked." They gave each other a quick high five. Possibly the stupidest thing they've ever done and they've done a lot of stupid things.

"Why are you two here?" Sesshomaru muttered from the bed he shared with Rin.

"Crap, do we have to get up now?" Inuyasha muttered, pulling Kagome closer.

"Has anyone told you two your hearing was too good?" Sakura mumbled to the brothers.

"Has anyone told you to bite me?" Inuyasha mumbled back.

"No, but I have told Sy-"

"Stop, for the sake of their innocence and mine." Saku interrupted her sister’s mindless ranting.

"Anyway, go back to sleep, no jogging today." Sakura said.

"Yeah, we're not really here, we’re only a pigment of your imaginations." Saku said as they headed for the door.

"Your just a pigment of an idiot.’K bye." Sakura snapped as she pulled her sister out the door.

The brothers just shrugged, and went back to their hopefully soon-to-be's.


It was about 8, when Kagome woke up, feeling perfectly warm and content. She wasn't really awake, but not really asleep either, just on the border between the two, slowly drifting to awareness. She was about to try to snuggle back into her pillow and reclaim sleep, only problem, she couldn't find her pillow.

"Damnit, now I have to go looking for it." She grumbled some really Inuyasha-ish words and tried to open her eyes. After the mini-battle with her eyes, she finally got them open, and the first thing she saw...Inu Yasha’s chest, which her head was so comfortably rested on. Her thought pattern went pretty much like this:

'Chest, shirtless, my bed, PANTS!?! Boxers, six-pack!! No shirt, abs, muscles, drool, soft, SHIRTLESS!! Mental squeal.' Ok seriously, what girl would be thinking straight with something like that in front of them?

'Ok Kag, calm down, you've seen tons of shirtless guys before, ok complete lie, but whatever. Oh crap!! What time is it!?! Damn there not being a clock in this room. Ok maybe if I getup really slowly, he won't notice." After a soft sigh Kagome slowly tried to get out of the bed

Only one problem, the arm wrapped around her waist.

"Where are you going?" 'Well that's one plan shot to hell' Inuyasha grumble, pulling Kagome back to the bed.

"Um...weren't we supposed to go jogging this morning." a bright blush flared on Kagome's cheeks.

"We have the morning off." Inuyasha closer while his eyes remained shut. "Go back to sleep mate.” He muttered to her.


"Go back to sleep Kagome," His sleep fogged mind corrected.

"But-" she was cut off by the short nip on the junction where her neck and shoulder met, sending little electric jolts through her whole body.

"What about-" She was cut off again by a small kiss to the same spot.

"Shh, just go to sleep Kagome, I'll be right her, so sleep." He nipped her again, this time she just sighed and tried to drift back to the wonderful world of dreams. Inuyasha pulled her closer, molding her body to his and gave her a small kiss on the cheek before he too drifted off to sleep.


"I thought I told you not to touch me." A cold voice sneered at the black haired boy next to her.

"Remember our deal darling, you belong to me now." Naraku's was laced with the essence of a threat. (Bet ya'll thought it was Sango and Miroku^_^)

"Don't remind me." Kikyo glared at the boy next to her, he smirked evilly at her, making her involuntarily shudder. "What are you going to do about the girl?" Kikyo didn't even bother whispering, they were in the crowded and loud mess hall, and it wasn't like anyone was listening anyway.

"Just leave that to me, my beautiful angel."

"Don't make me hurl." Kikyo moved away only to be pulled back by the arm wrapped around her waist. "You're disgusting." She mumbled, hatred lacing her every word.

They were both oblivious to the azure eyes that watched them.


"They look so peaceful." Saku whispered to her sister

"Yeah, and so adorable." Sakura whispered back.

"On three, 1, 2, 3"

"WAKE UP!!!!!!" the twins screamed in unison.

Kirara did the really cat like thing, and hissed, then rolled off her bed, ok the last part not that cat like, but whatever. (Top bunk, ouch) Hojo, who was still on the floor, rolled into a near by table. Kagome bolted into a sitting position, only to be pulled back to Inu Yasha’s chest. Rin snuggled into Sesshomaru’s tail, and he pulled her closer. Sango groggily opened her eyes and were, met with wide lavender ones.

"Our cue to leave?" Saku looked at her sister.

"Oh yeah." They made a mad dash to the door to avoid being pummeled by 8 angry teenagers. Five seconds later they poked their heads through the door.

"Oh yeah, we forgot to tell ya'll." Sakura started.

"Lunch is in 40 minutes." Saku said.

"Don't be late." They said in unison and left.

"I TOLD YOU NOT TO COME ONTO MY SIDE!!!!!" Screeching when you first wake up, what could be better?





"You're on my side."

"Huh?" Sango looked around and mentally cursed.

"Uh, sorry about that Miroku." A light blush colored her cheeks.

"It's alright, but since you're here, and we're both in a bed. Might as well put it to good use.


"Old habits die hard." Miroku muttered.

"Annoying perverts die harder."


"Damn floor." Kirara grumbled from her face down position on the floor. "Damn mornings, damn cabins, damn no TV, damn summer, damn parents, damn Eskimos." Kirara kept grumbling into the floor. (I mean no offense to Eskimos, even though I don't even think they have computers in Eskimo land) (Sadly social studies are my best subject.)

"Right, anyway, I got first shower." Kagome said, desperately trying to remove her hanyou friends' arm from around her waist.

"No you don't" Inuyasha grumbled from under the covers, and tightened his grip. "You're staying here." He pulled her closer to emphasize his point.

Kagome glared at him and secretly wished she had a necklace that would make him eat dirt whenever he annoyed her. 'Guess he'd be face down for the rest of his life.' She kept glaring, but said nothing.

With Rin, and Sesshomaru



"Oww, my head hurts."


Kirara got first shower, then Hojo, then Kagome, after threatening Inuyasha with making him sleep on the floor like a good puppy, then Sango, then Inuyasha, then the now conscious Miroku, and lastly the partially awake Sesshomaru.

"What about Rin?" Miroku asked Sango.

"Oh, she's not really a morning person."

"It's 12:30"

"Minor detail."

"I'll wake her, you guys go ahead." Sesshomaru said in his normal monotone voice. (A very sexy monotone voice I might add)

" sure Sesshomaru?" Kagome looked between him and the sleeping girl. 'Something's going on.'


"Alrighty then, let’s go." Kagome said and ushered, more like shoved, but ushered sounds nicer, everyone out of the cabin.

Once the door was shut he went over to the girl and lightly shook her shoulder.

"But mommy the bunny ate the pizza." She grumbled and rolled over. (Bunnies are terrifying demonic creatures. That poops A LOT!)

"Rin, wake up." He shook the girl again.

"Sesshomaru." She moaned in her sleep, and he leaned closer to hear what else she would say. "Your tail is soft." Anime fall!!! (^_^)

"Rin, wake up, it's time for lunch." he shook her again, this time a little harder. Rin slowly opened her eyes, and stared into beautiful amber ones.

"G'morning Fluffy." She mumbled.


"Afternoon!?! As in after noon?! I have to take a shower, I have to get ready. Why didn't you guys wake me?" Rin rolled off the bed, and scrambled to the bathroom.

"Calm down, we all got to sleep in, the councilors let us."

"So where is everybody else?" Rin yelled from inside the bathroom.

"They left already, I stayed to wake you." Sesshomaru yelled back. (Seriously cannot see him yelling)

"So, um..., when we had that paintball thing, you said you didn't have a mate, right?" Rin hollered from inside the shower.


"And you don't have a girlfriend, right?"


"Why not, there’s got to be some reason, I mean look at you." Rin said shyly. "I'm sure hundreds of girls practically throw themselves at you."

"Not literally, except for that one time. But most of the girls I've met are too materialistic. I've only had one girlfriend before, but it wasn't really anything serious. What about you?" He heard her turn off the water.

"I told you, I haven't found the right guy, they're all pretty much the same to me. I’ve had a couple of boyfriends before though." 'Shit I forgot my clothes.' "But all we did was kiss." Rin said as she came out of the bathroom. It took all of Sesshomaru's will power to not drool.

She was still dripping wet (really good trance song) and her hair was plastered onto her face. And to top it all off, she was only wearing a towel.

Before she could even blink an eye Sesshomaru had her pinned to the wall, with his body pressed against hers. He gently nipped the junction where her neck and shoulder met.

"From now on, I'm the only one you kiss." He whispered into her ear huskily. All she could do was nod dumbly. Sesshomaru's lips crashed onto hers in a heated passion filled kiss. He gently nibbled on her bottom lip asking for entrance which Rin granted. His tongue ravaged her mouth before finally coming to play with hers. Rin moaned into his mouth, and went weak at the knees. A few seconds later they separated for air, but their lips were still centimeters apart.

"Um...clothes...I get"


"Yeah those!"

"Yeah, we have to leave soon. But I promise you, we will finish this later." He gave her a quick kiss, and moved off of her.


Kagome sat at her group table in the mess hall talking to Sango who was sitting across from her, when everybody's favorite man ditz came up for round 2.

"Hey Kagome?" Hojo tapped her shoulder, and Kagome, spun around to face him.

"What's up Hojo?" She asked and smiled at him sweetly.

"I was just wondering, how's your grandmother?" Kagome looked up at him with confused eyes.

"She's fine, why?"

"So then we can go out this weekend, like you promised, remember?" (It would be so funny if Yuka, Eri and... that other chic, just popped up out of nowhere and were like "Of course she will Hojo, it's a date.")

"Oh yeah." 'Crap, leave it to me to forget that. Now I need a good lie.' "Well Hojo, I would love to have a boyfriend now." Kagome gave him a big smile.

"Oh, so who is the lucky guy?" Hojo said, looking really disappointed.

"!" Kagome grabbed the nearest guy which just happened to be (drum roll please (even though you all know who it'll be anyway (can you even have parenthesis in parenthesis))) Inuyasha.

"You know Inuyasha, my boyfriend." Kagome said to Hojo with a smile and prayed to whatever god that was listening that Inuyasha wouldn't say anything.

To bad they weren't listening.

"Oi wench, what the fuck are you talking about, you-"Inuyasha was cut off by Kagome's "gentle poke" to the spleen.

"Heh, don't mind him, he's just really shy when it comes to our relationship. Right Inuyasha?" Kagome glared at him, daring him to say something stupid, Inuyasha just smirked at her.
'Oh crap what's he gonna do now.' Kagome mentally groaned 'Why me.'

"Right, sorry Hopo, but Kagome's all mine." Inuyasha said and put his arm around Kagome's shoulder. "Isn't that right babe?" Inuyasha whispered to a blushing Kagome.

"Right." 'I'm gonna strangle him!!!!'

"Oh, I didn't know you two went out., I'll see you guys around." Hojo waved to Kagome and left.

"So Kag-babe, how about a kiss." Inuyasha smirked at the girl.

"How about no." Kagome growled at him and tried to pry off his arm.

"I always knew you had a thing for me." Inuyasha made no move to remove his arm.

"I swear I just saw your ego grow." Kagome said as she tried to push herself away from him. And that was the exact moment Inuyasha decided to let go, and sent her flying into the nearest thing. That thing just happened to be a person...well demon.

"Oof!" Kagome was hurtled face first into the person’s chest.

"Oh sorry." Kagome looked up and was met with ice blue eyes. Kagome pushed herself off the person and turned to glare at Inuyasha. Until the arms snaking their way around her waist turned her glare into a wide eyed stare. She spun around at break-necks peed, and smacked the person behind her in the face.

"Let go of me!!" The person only touched their cheek, and then smirked at her.

"I like my girls feisty. You are now my woman." Kagome stared at him with a sweat drop forming on her head.

"WHAT!?!" That's about the time Inuyasha decided to crash the party.

"She's taken." Inuyasha growled out before punching the guy right in the nose.

"You mangy mutt." The guy with the brown hair growled out.

"Dumb wolf." Inuyasha grabbed Kagome and pulled her to him.

"Let go of my woman!!!!"

"Shove it Kouga! I told you, she's taken." (Poor Kagome, stuck in between two incredibly hot guys who are arguing over her. must suck to be her) (Incase you didn't notice that was sarcasm ^_^ slow people) (But I love your reviews^_^ ;)

"By who? I don't see anyone." Kouga looked around, while Inuyasha and Kagome sweat dropped.

"He's kidding, right?" Kagome, whispered to Inuyasha

"His stupid is not to be underestimated." Inuyasha whispered to her (hey who needs to be smart when your hot.)

"Right here dumbass." Inuyasha growled to Kouga.

"Yeah right, surely...uh..."

"Kagome." Kagome told Kouga.

"Surely Kagome has better taste than you." Kouga said while Kagome and Inuyasha sweat dropped.

"Well she doesn't!! Wait..."Kagome tried to contain her laughter while Inuyasha thought that one out.

"Look, um...Kouga right?" Kagome began.

"Yes my lovely Kagome."

"Riiight, anyway, can we talk later, I’m kind of busy now." Kagome, smiled at him. He took her hand and kissed it. (awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww) (Ok I'm done now)

"Until we meet again." Kagome blushed and he left. A low growl was heard coming from behind her, she turned around and was met with an angry golden glare.

"Are you done flirting now!?!" Definitely not a happy puppy.

"I wasn't flirting!!" Kagome yelled back

"You were practically throwing yourself at him!!!"

"No I wasn't"

"What kind of girlfriend are you!?!"

"NOT YOURS!!!" Kagome yelled and stomped off.

"You should be." Inuyasha mumbled.


"ARCHERY!! Fun and dangerous, always a good combination!" Leah said. Today the kids had Leah, Jasmine and Saku to make sure they didn’t kill each other. (Although I doubt they would care)

"Anyway, since none of us are good at archery, we're not gonna demonstrate. Just pretend like you know what you're doing and it might go good." Jasmine said.

"Bows and arrows are over there, targets over there, have fun." Saku said and the councilors moved out of firing range.

"Don’t you think this may be a little dangerous?" Saku asked Leah.

"Live and learn... and then get Luvs."

"You are an idiot."


So far so good, no one was killed or maimed...yet.

"So what happened with you and Inuyasha today in the mess hall?" Kirara asked Kagome who was still shooting, and doing pretty good at it to.

"That conceited, arrogant, egotistical, self-centered, pig-headed, chauvinistic, JERK!" Kagome shot an arrow with every word, and got a bull’s-eye for every shot.

Every one else may see a target but she was seeing a certain hanyou's head

"STUPID BASTARD!!" Kagome shot a few more arrows that would probably never be able to come out of the target.

"Uh, what happened at lunch?" Rin whispered to Sango who only shrugged.

"Wait a minute, why weren't you at lunch, come to think of it I didn't see Sesshomaru either." Sango smirked when Rin started stuttering.

"Well...we...what I mean is...what happened it's such a nice day out."

Meanwhile, in the bat cave (to much caffeine) not to far away

"Nice shot Kikyo." The red eyed girl said, looking like the epitome of boredom. She was pretty and really pale; her hair was in a bun with a feather sticking out of it. She looked back to Kikyo as she made yet another bull’s-eye.

"You are a perfect shot Kikyo." The girl with white hair said in a monotone voice. She was tall and very pale, her eyes were blank and she looked like a ghost.

"But it looks like your copy has better aim." The last girl said, her hair was cut short, and it barely went below her cheek bones. She was slightly pale and looked completely bored.

"Don't even say that name around me." Kikyo hissed, firing another bull’s-eye.

"I didn't say a name.” The girl mumbled back.

By now a few people had gathered around Kagome, and watched as she fired one bull’s-eye after another.

"C'mon Kagura, Kanna, and Yura. Let's go burst that copy's happy little bubble." Kikyo stomped over to Kagome.

"Well, well copy. Looks like you've even copied my archery ability." Kikyo snarled from behind Kagome.

"Oh joy, it's Kikyo, could this day get any better." Kagome's sarcasm went unnoticed by Kikyo.

"It's obvious that you aren't as good as I am though." Kikyo scoffed, and the crowd let out an "ooohhh"

"Well Kikyo, if you're that good, then why don't we have a little contest." Kagome smirked at Kikyo.

"Winner gets....hmm...Inuyasha." Kikyo smirked back. Kagome's smirk faded slightly.
'Do I really want to give away someone's freedom, just so I have the chance to see her face if I crush her. If I lose then he'll hate me forever.' Kagome looked over to Inuyasha who was at least 20feet ahead of her. He was currently trying to hit a moving target. That target being Miroku.
'Then again...'

"You're on."


hope u guys liked it since it was 16 GODBLOODYDAMN PAGES!!!! ^___^ had soooo much fun typing it (sarcasm, can you tell?) so review and tell me what ya think