InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Military Warfare ❯ Paintball paradise ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Do you think:

1) Kikyo should hook up with Naraku.

2) Kikyo should fall into the lake.

3) Kikyo should be happy

4) Kikyo should get Inuyasha.

5) Or all of the above, except 4 and 3.

Pick as many as you want, it doesn't matter!

This is my disclaimer thingy-merjiger-ish yeah. So anyway: Me no own Inuyasha, but I'm keeping Sesshomaru hostage MUAHAHAHA

I would like to thank Sniper-of-death, for their wonderful idea, for the paint ball thing. (you'll see) Loved the idea, and I would never have thought of it.

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What chapter am I up to: Paint ball Paradise

Poor, poor little Hojo. By the time they remembered him, it was too late. He had already been scarred for life. Saku did a cool 180-ish turn thing, when she realized what she forgot, and almost crashed into her sister's car. (The cursing that followed was enough to put Inuyasha to shame though) And Saku headed to the mall at the top speed, not exactly the most fun for the people inside the car.


"I...feel...sick." Rin said as she buried her face in Sesshomaru's tail.

"I think...I'm gonna hurl." Kagome said sticking her head out of the window, not a good idea, especially when a car is going at 190mph,

"Please not on me." Inuyasha mumbled to her as he rubbed her back. (KAWAII!!!)

Saku stepped on the brakes as soon as she saw the mall, landing perfectly in the parking lot.

As soon as the car stopped Saku ran out and into the mall, going right past Hojo. About 2 minutes later, she came back out with a bag.

"I forgot my shirts, and they're Triple Five Soul too. I'm such an idiot! Oh hi Hojo, what are you doing here, I thought you were in the...oh shit! Sorry Hojo, really I am." Saku said as the people in the car sweat dropped.

But they had arrived to late, poor Hojo, he had been hit on, by a 400 pound ugly old gay guy.

~_~_~_~_~End Flashback~_~_~_~_~

ut who really cares, that was 2 days ago. Anywho it is now lunch time and the people of groups one and two were spending their free time...SLEEPING!! (that's how I spend my free time too!)

Snore! Snore, snore, SNORE!!

"Papa can you hear me" Saku grumbled in her sleep, and started snoring again. (It's from "Will & Grace")

Sakura on the other hand was trying her best not to strangle her sister as she let out another rather large snore, and grumbled about a white cat.

Sakura settled for poking her sister instead. Poke, poke, poke. (Like my sound effects) Grumble, grumble, SNORE!

Poke, poke. 'I need a knife for this.' One last poke.

"I swear to Kami-sama if you don't stop poking me I will bite off your finger and push you in front of a school bus." Saku grumbled and went back to sleep.

"Crap, it is contagious."

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Rin felt something tugging on the edge of her conscious mind, or maybe it was something tugging on her shirtsleeve, she couldn't really tell.

"Rin! Rin! WAKE UP!!" Kagome screeched at her sleeping friend.

"WHAT!?!" The now fully awake Rin screeched back.

"Get up. Pleeeeeeeeeeeeease!" Kagome whined.

"No...why?" Rin whined back.

"Because your on my bed." The whining continues.

"So sleep on my bed."

"But...but, I'll miss my bed." Kagome said with huge anime tears forming in her eyes.

"Grrrrrr....fine." Rin rolled onto the floor and crawled to her bed. (literally)

"Happy now?" Rin asked Kagome as she settled into her bed.


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"Get out!!" Kirara yelled as she banged on the bathroom door for the millionth time.

"NO!!" Sango yelled back, from inside the shower. (Remember they have to take a "short" jog in the morning around the entire camp, so I would want another shower too.)



A very feline like hiss echoed from behind the door, followed by stomping.

"FINE I'LL ASK KAGOME!!" The stomping grew farther away until it disappeared completely.

"Stupid cats." Sango said and continued showering.

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After getting the Aleve from Kagome's bag, Kirara went over to the boys' cabin to take her shower. Grumbling the whole way about people who spend to much time in the shower. Namely Sango.

Inuyasha and Sesshomaru stood up and sniffed the air. And sniffed again before turning to the other two people in the cabin, fear evident on their faces.(Sesshomaru...emotions...gasp!)

"Hide." Sesshomaru muttered as Inuyasha ducked behind a couch.

"What for?" Hojo asked.

"Just do it man!" Inuyasha yelled. Miroku, being the smart one (cough) did as he was told and hid under a nearby table. Sesshomaru ran under the bed, while Hojo locked himself in the bathroom.

Seconds later Kirara burst through the door, and stomped over to the bathroom door.

"GET OUT NOW!!" She screeched at Hojo, who came out within seconds, only to be roughly pushed aside by the enraged girl.

"What just happened?" Miroku said from under his table, after Kirara slammed the bathroom door behind her.

"Well Sesshomaru and Inuyasha told us to hide, and then Kira-" Inuyasha cut off Hojo's mindless ranting.

"That's not what he meant. Homo."

"It's Hojo."

"I know."

"Cool it ladies. So back to my question, what just happened?" That was the last thing Miroku said before he got knocked out by a not to happy hanyou.

"Don't ever call me a lady, lecher." Inuyasha growled as he looked down at the swirly eyes Miroku.

"So anyway, what did just happen?" Hojo asked totally unfazed by Miroku's ladies comment.

"P.M.S, and I think it is contagious," Sesshomaru said coming out from under the bed. "I think we should avoid the girls for a few days. I personally like my balls where they are."

"What's the matter." The now conscious Miroku teased "Is the almighty Lord Sesshomaru afraid of some little girls?" Miroku taunted, until Sesshomaru's claws began to glow green.

"I think I'll knock myself out this time."

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After a happier Kirara came out of the shower, and the boys ducked and covered, except for Sesshomaru, who ran into the bathroom because his hair got dirty from going under the bed. So after that it was time for everyone's favorite activity...THE OBSTACLE COURSE!!

All of the tortureies were herded onto the obstacle field, but instead of being greeted by the beautiful face of Ms. Maiochi they were met by four other people. Two of which were Sakura and Sy.

"OK, we will be your obstacle course supervisors or something like that, for a while." The girl with lower back length fire red hair with silver tips was the first to speak, her light red eyes glinted with mischief, she had two red ears perched on top of her head, and fluffy red Kitsune (fox demon) tail. She had creamy white skin, and an hour glass figure.

"I'm Leah. Councilor for group 4."

The other unknown girl had her dark blue eyes and dirty blond waist length hair with blue tips, she was slightly paler than Leah, but still had creamy colored skin. She also had two ookami (wolf demon) ears perched on top her head, that was the same color of her hair, and she had a tail that resembled Kouga's except in the same color as her hair.

"And I'm Jasmine. Group 5 councilor" She said.

"I'm Sakura, with group 2."

"I'm Sy, group 3."

"So, Ms. Maiochi is sick or something, and we are gonna be in charge for a while." Sy said.

"Hmm...must've been something in the water." Sakura said innocently, you could practically see the halo around all four councilors' heads.

"Anyways, we have something special planned for you guys. But your gonna have to please break up into your respective groups." Leah said. After they did that Jasmine continued.

"Today you will have target practice. And as much as we would love to give you little delinquents anything that would cause death, we can't. So we've settled for the next best thing."

"PAINT BALL GUNS!!" The councilors (except for Sy) said in unison.

"It won't kill you, but it will inflict bodily harm!!" Sakura cried ecstatically. Sy along with everybody else sweat dropped.

"OK, you all know this game, find the other teams flag, shoot people. And more importantly, try not to shoot your own teammates." Jasmine said to the delinquents.

"And most importantly, if you get hurt or anything at all, we're always here...but that doesn't mean that we actually care. So don't bother us." Sy said dryly.

"OK, group 1 and 2, your together. 3 and 4, 5 and 6 you get the picture. Pick your guns, hide your flags, so...begin.


"Gross Sakura."

"Can you even breathe."

"Do you think if we poke 'em with a stick they'll separate?" Jasmine and Leah stared at the couple who had been making out in front of them for about a good 10 minutes.

"Please god don't say they do that in our cabin, the last thing I want is to see images of that before I go to sleep." Leah put on a face of disgust. (Leah and Jasmine share a cabin with Saku and Sakura. By the way Leah and Jasmine are cousins) About two minuets later the couple finally parted.

"We thought you guys died, and were just stuck in that position." Jasmine said looking at the blushing Sakura who ignored her.

"So are you sure this is safe, I don't wanna incur my aunt's wrath when she "feels better" again." Sakura said to the other councilors from her position on Sy's lap.

"What could be safer than paint ball guns?" Leah responded.

"How 'bout an axe, and a couple of butcher knives?" Sy mumbled.

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They were about 20 minuets into the game, and the girls of group 1, couldn't find the boys, and they were a little lost... just a tiny bit.

"I swear we passed that rock already." Kagome muttered

"Really they all look the same to me." Rin said picking up a rock.

"So bored." Did I mention that they took out about 80% of all the other people. Don't mess with PMS-ing chicks.

"Where could they be?" Rin asked no one in particular as they continued their hunt for the boys.

"I dunno." Kirara answered.

"It was a rhetorical question, smart one." Sango mumbled.

"Do you think that they're avoiding us!?!" Kagome screeched with anime tears already forming in her eyes. And then the mood swings kicked in.

"I swear I'll kill 'em when we find them." Kagome said holding her paint ball gun rather fondly. (o_O)

"Calm down Kagome, they would never leave us. They're probably just lost." Sango said in her motherly tone.

"Like we are." Kirara muttered.

"We're not lost, we're just directionally challenged." Rin said brightly.

"I still think they're just avoiding us."

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"We are so avoiding them." Inuyasha said as the rest of the boys ran into a more heavily treed area. (Yeah there are trees around the obstacle course. The course is sorta in a forest.)

"Can...we please...take...a rest!?!" Hojo panted out as he caught up with the other demons, and Miroku.

"Feh, pathetic human."

"Translated into normal person that means: yes, pathetic human." Miroku said from the sidelines, a.k.a. the farthest place away from the hanyou. Sesshomaru stuck his nose in the air and sniffed a slight frown crossing his completely gorgeous features.

"Come out." He growled to the nearby bushes.

A redheaded boy, well a red-headed Kitsune youkai popped out of the bushes. He was very handsome and tall, and to top it all off had a cute fluffy Kitsune tail. He was wearing the same out fit for all the other kids that were sent there. And he looked about 17.

He was about to shoot them, >Bang< but Inuyasha got him first. (Have you ever been shot by one of those, it hurts like hell.)

And the boy immediately crumpled to the floor, clutching his wounded forehead. And Inuyasha being the nice person he is walked away saying: "god bless the madman that thought up a paint ball gun."

And Hojo being the ever smart one (Insert sarcastic comment here) went to see if the boy was alright.

"Are you alright?"

"Do I look alright!?!" The boy huffed, but got to his feet anyway

"You big jerk, did you really have to shoot me in the FACE when you were like a foot away!?!" He growled at Inuyasha.

"Feh, you were gonna shoot me, so I just got you first. It's a dog eat fox world kid." Inuyasha smirked at the boy who glared at him.

"What's your name kid?" Inuyasha asked the boy who he had so wonderfully dubbed "kid".

"Takeji Shippo."

"Shiro Sesshomaru"

"Kazanna Miroku."

"Taiji Hojo."

"I'm Shiro Inuyasha."

"Now that we're done with the introductions I think we should get going, I can smell the girls coming this way." Sesshomaru said in his monotone voice.

"What!?! Why didn't you tell us sooner, baka!!" Inuyasha exploded at his brother.

"Tell me, little brother is it your time of the month too, you do seem like you should be with the girls today."

"I'll kill you, you hair obsessed freak!!"

"Um... sorry to break up this wonderful showing of brotherly love and all, but the girls are about three feet away, even I can hear them." Miroku said to the bickering brothers. And of course the boys ran, fearing for the safety of their balls. They all scattered, except for Shippo who was left in the clearing looking completely clueless.


"Are you sure you smelled them here, Kirara?" Sango looked over at the cat demon next to her. Kirara only nodded her response.

"Well they must've sensed us, Inu youkai have a very strong sense of smell after all." (Sango)

"If I were a boy, where would I hide?" (In Pamela Anderson's shirt! OK glad that's outta my system) Rin said looking into the bushes.

"Rin you're a genius! I have an idea!" Kagome said and started whispering to her friends.

"Jinky's Velma, that's swell" Rin muttered. Kagome ignored her and continued whispering.

"You're kidding, right?" Kirara looked at her in total disbelief.

"I am so not gonna do that!" Sango screeched at her lifelong friend. Rin said nothing because she was laughing to hard, and looking at the expression on Sango's face was not making it any better.

"Please Sango!?! I'll be your best friend!" Kagome stuck out her bottom lip and wobbled her chin, while giving Sango her biggest innocent eyes.

"Over my dead body! There is no way in hell I'm gonna do that!!"

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"I can't believe I'm doing this." Sango grumbled, glaring at her life long ex-best friend. Kagome cleared her throat and spoke in a voice a little higher than normal, but still not yelling.

"It really is hot out here, right Sango?" Sango grumbled a few choice words under her breath, then mumbled out her lines.

"Yeah, I'm burning up, it's beastly hot." She looked over at Kagome and gave her a look that said 'beastly, really?' (Inside joke I have with my sister.) Kagome just gave her a glare that said 'just finish.' Sango glared back, but continued anyway.

"It's beastly hot, I think that I'll take off my shirt. After all it's only us." Hmmm....who could this plan be made to lure out. I wonder? There was a slight shuffle in the bushes by Kagome.

The girl spun around, and fired three shots into the bushes. A very un-Miroku like yelp came from the bushes followed by a thud.

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"How long have they been gone?" Jasmine said to the other councilors as she peered out into the forest, the sky slowly getting darker.

"Will you two please stop, for the sake of my sanity, and my eyes. Mostly my eyes." Leah glared at the "cute" couple. Sakura was sitting in Sy's lap cuddling into him.

"You're just mad you're not in love." Sakura stuck her tongue out, but regretted it when she saw the girl's features sadden.

"Love is a stupid emmotion." Leah said softly.

"Honey, did you take your pills today?" Sakura broke the silence.

"Did you take my pills today?" Leah shot back in her normal I'm-gonna-kick-your-ass voice. Thus beginning the 'let's see who can glare the longest' game between Sakura and Leah. until Sy broke the silence, and tension.

"Uh...honey, could you please get up for a second, my legs are starting to go a little numb." Jasmine and Leah let out a gasp and prayed for Sy. Let the countdown commence, 5...4...3...2...1

"Are you saying that I'm...FAT!?!" Sakura screamed at her cringing mate.

"WELL!?!" Sakura screeched at her mate.

"No honey, I'm not saying you're fat, far from it."


"No I'm not saying you're anorexic, or fat. It's just that after a while people's legs go numb when they have a certain amount of weight...on...them." He looked over at Leah and Jasmine "I shoulda stopped a while ago, huh?"

"Oh yeah." They said in unison. This only proves that the scientific fact that men are incapable of knowing when to shut the bloody hell up is true.

Sakura glared at him for a second, then burst into tears and ran away.

"You know..." Jasmine drawled "this would be your cue to chase after her like a love sick puppy, and then you two will make up and have crazy monkey sex."

"Right." And Sy left to chase after his mate.

"He is a demon, you would think he would know what time of the month it is. At least he's hot." Jasmine muttered looking at the neko's image fade away.

"This truly proves." Leah said "that men are complete and total idiots."

"Yep. Shoulda just stopped talking when she said 'well', that would have been smarter." Jasmine added.

"I guess we're the only ones left to go fetch the toddlers from their paint ball fights."

"Damn, guess you're right." The two girls strolled out to the forested area of the obstacle course.

"Hey, $20 says they have makeup sex between now and one hour." Leah said

"I say 1 to 2 hours."

"You're on"


"I could have sworn it would have been the perv." Sango said looking down at their swirly eyed captive.

"I always thought he was the good one." Kirara sighed.

"I always thought he was innocent." Rin mused.

"I always thought he was the spawn of Satan." Kagome said as she poked him on his forehead, where he got shot.

"Inuyasha, you drama queen, wake up." Kirara poked him in the side with a stick, no response.

"I don't think he's gonna wake up." Rin muttered. "Did you kill him Kagome!?!"

"He's alive, trust me." Kagome leaned down to one of Inuyasha's doggy ears and whispered something in a very seductive voice, so only he heard.

"Inuyasha, wake up, it's Kagome. Have I told you how hot you are lately. I want you Inuyasha, take me now." She moved away and looked at the girls with a smile on her face and muttered "3..2..1."

"WHAT THA HELL!?!" Inuyasha was awake and staring at Kagome with wide eyes. Then he did a perfect imitation of a fish. He was gonna say something but the stinging from the paint ball, and the girls questions stopped him. Mostly the questions.

"Where's the perv?!" Sango demanded.

"And Fluffy?!" Rin said

"And...the other one?!" Kirara said. Inuyasha stared at the girls for a second, then started laughing. The girls moved away slowly and stared. About five minuets later the laughter stopped...a little.

"You...called...the almighty, I'll break your neck in a second, Lord Sesshomaru...FLUFFY!!!" More laughing, more staring, and more moving away. About 20 minuets later Inuyasha finally stopped laughing, by then the girls were drifting off a little.

"So anyway, where are the other guys." Kagome asked Inuyasha.

"How the hell would I know, we split up when we smelled you guys coming." Inuyasha said as he reached up to touch his aching forehead, and got paint on his hand.

"You know you're supposed to use these on people on the OTHER teams." He growled at the girls, who put on their innocent face.

"You startled me." Kagome said innocently.

"What were you doing here anyway, we were expecting the lecher." Sango huffed.

"Feh, I was looking for Shippo, we forgot him here, guess he got away though." Inuyasha said as he got up and brushed off his clothes.

"Err...Inuyasha, is Shippo the name of the little voice in your head?" Kirara said as a loud growl erupted from the hanyou as his eyebrow started to twitch furiously.

That was about the time Leah and Jasmine wandered into the clearing.

"Pink is a shade of red!" Jasmine cried.

"No it's not, it's a different color. Why would they call it pink, instead of light red unless it was a separate color!?!"

"What do you get when you add white to red!?! PINK that's what!!" That's about the time they noticed the staring teens. (Most of these arguments are stuff that actually happened between me and my friends or me and my sister. We have no life.)

"Oh, hi. We are supposed to come and collect you people. It's almost time for dinner." Leah explained.

"Oh, I have an idea, can you guys help us, since Sy and Sakura are "making up" right now it's only us so can you guys like split up and tell all the people you find it's dinner time. Please." Jasmine pleaded.

"Sure," Kagome said.

"YAY! Your name' Kagome, right?" Leah asked.

"Hai." (yes)

"Can you and the inu hanyou go that way. (She pointed south.) And you three go that way. (She pointed to the remaining girls, then pointed east.) Just tell all the kids you meet that it's time to leave, when you get tired or think it's too late just leave. Thank you. BYE!" With that the two girls left.

"It is a separate color!" (Leah)

"No, it's not, you whore."






"Jackass's asshole." The voices died away and 5 teens were left in the clearing thinking 'And they're supposed to supervise us...'

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So do you think Saku was right?" Leah whispered to her cousin as they walked away from the clearing.

"She better be, I hate setting people up. But I think the hanyou must be interested in the miko girl. He has a scent mark on her." Jasmine whispered back.

"That little innocent girl has a scent mark from the other inu youkai on her. He's creepy, how could such an expressionless person like such an expressional one?" Leah whispered.

"Hey why are we whispering?"

"Good question."


They had been looking for other people for about 10 minuets and then got lazy and just left.

"Are you going to the mess hall for dinner now?" Kagome asked the boy walking next to her.

"Feh, I would if you haven't attacked me with paint balls. Stupid wench, now I have to go take a shower." He glared at the girl who put on her most innocent face.

"Then to the cabins it is!" She grabbed his hand and ran to the cabins, which were not that far away.

"Hey Kagome?"


"Err...about what you said...umm...out of curiosity, was it just to wake me up or...not?" Inuyasha looked everywhere but at the blushing girl in front of him.

"Hmm...I don't seem to remember what you're talking about, can you refresh my memory?" Kagome had to surprise a laugh when she saw the bright blush that spread across his cheeks.

"Yes or no question wench!"

"Hmm...well what'd ya know, this is my cabin. See ya." Kagome ran up to her cabin door while Inuyasha grumbled about woman and demonic hell spawns.

"Oh and Inuyasha." Kagome called from the doorway. Inuyasha looked up at her in response.

"Yes." She ran inside, leaving a very confused hanyou behind.

"I knew she liked me." He smirked and headed for his cabin.

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'Deep breaths. Remember the boots.'

"Move...your...hand....NOW!!" Sango's eyes developed a really pretty twitch. Miroku's hand found nicer places to rest, other than her ass. (Think about it, think about it. Now go ooohhhh. Now hit yourself really hard if it took you this long to figure out where his hand was.) Anyway, when the girls set out in search of other people, they found the boys they were looking for before, and they broke up into groups of two. And wouldn't you know who Sango got grouped with, none other than the perv.

"Ah, but Sango your body is like the most beautiful piece of artwork on the planet. And none can come close in comparison. For anyone to resist to touch such a beautiful piece of art would be a crime."

"People look at art, not touch, you lech." Sure Sango would have swooned at his words if his other hand hadn't traveled lower than the other one currently on her chest, and was now groping her ass.

'Screw the boots' She wasted no time in beating him into a bloody pulp. 'Damn masochist. Damn hot masochist.'

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"'re a Kitsune, cool."

"'re a neko, cool." Talk about sexual tension.

Kirara was paired up with Shippo, (who finally met up with the rest of the guys) after she finished staring at him.


"Uh...Kirara? Hello...anybody home!?!" Sango waved her hand in front of Kirara's face, who completely spaced out when she saw Shippo. Sango did the only thing she thought was necessary to wake up her dazed friend. She...flicked her. (DUN DUN DUN!!)

That got Kirara's attention, for a little while anyway.

"Close you're mouth Kirara, I think you're drooling." Sango muttered.

~_~_~_~_~End Flashback (Short, sweet and completely pointless)~_~_~_~_~_~~

Of course Shippo liked her too, it was a match made in heaven. (Y'all thought I would put her with Hojo. Eww, that's just plain wrong. That's a big No no)

"So you're -" Kirara was cut off by Shippo's lips on hers. And she wasted no time in responding to the kiss. (And I know Shippo's OOC, but I ran out of ideas for them to talk about so if you don't like it bite me!)

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"Your tail is so adorable, and I really like your hair, so shiny, what kind of conditioner do you use?" Rin looked up at the silent Sesshomaru. She had been babbling since he was grouped with her, and he was either ignoring her or paying attention and choosing not to say anything. Most likely both.

"Inuyasha and Kagome are such a cute couple. They look adorable together, don't you think so Fluffy?" he growled softly at her pet name for him, and this time actually responded.

"Inuyasha plans to make her his mate, his scent is all over her. I find it rather sickening." His voice was emotionless and his face was composed.

"Mate?" Rin was confused, and she loved talking with him, so the longer she could keep their conversation afloat the better.

"It's like a husband or wife, in human terms. But youkai mates have a stronger bond than human marriages. Inu youkai, like Inuyasha and I chose mates for life. And mates can, sometimes, even take on traits of their mates. The bond is spiritual and sealed by blood. it is very complicated to explain to a human, but that is the general idea." He looked at the girl who was staring at him with eyes filled with innocence, a small smile on her face. Only one word came to his mind 'cute'.

" you... have a m-mate?" She looked away trying to hide the blush that spread across her cheeks. 'Air planes.'

"Not as of yet. Out of curiosity, do you have a boyfriend." He didn't let an ounce of the curiosity that was building in him, into his voice.

"Nope, still single, looking for the right guy to share my time with." Rin smiled widely at him, and began her mindless rant...again.

"But I knew this girl she's just one year older than me. She has a different boyfriend to match every outfit. I could never do that, that's so mean..." Right about now, suicide sounded so nice to Sesshomaru. The "shy" ones, are always the most talkative when you get to know them.

"Please stop talking."

"Make me." Rin stuck out her tongue at him, and crossed her arms.

"Fine" Sesshomaru bent down and placed his lips on hers. Sure she was shocked, but look at him, who wouldn't respond to that kiss. He ran his tongue across her bottom lip, asking for entrance, which he got. His tongue roamed her mouth before coming to play with hers. They stayed like that until a lack of air forced them apart.

"Now will you be quiet." Rin didn't respond, just stood there, with wide eyes.

"I'm a little hungry, aren't you?" Still no response from the girl. "OK let's go." Sesshomaru walked off, with an awe struck Rin trailing behind.



"I want her gone. Understand?" Kikyo said looking over at the person hidden by the shadows.

"For the hundredth time, yes. But remember your end of the deal, dear." The figure chuckled as the girl cringed.

"Fine, I'll be your girlfriend, but only for a week and a half, you sick pervert. And then I'll take what's rightfully mine."

"Uh...Kikyo, do I really have to stand in the shadows?" the "figure" whispered

"Yes, it adds to the suspense."

"Riiiiight. So anyway, what do you want me to do with the girl?"

"Whatever you want." Kikyo smiled evilly. 'pay back's a bitch, just like you. Note to self, write that one down, it's better than the others.' (I couldn't resist)

"Joy" An evil smile formed on his face.

"Shall we m'lady?" He reached out a hand for her to take. Kikyo had to bite back a cringe and took the hand.

"Oh, and by the way Naraku. If you fail me, I promise your punishment will be horrible."

"It depends on what kind of punishment." He smiled at Kikyo's expression. 'What a sick perv.'

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So here is something from my next chapter, which will hopefully stay named Flooded.

-------------"What do you mean, exactly, by share a cabin" Kagome stared at her councilors with hope that she heard wrong.

"I mean that you'll have to share a cabin with them." Sakura said

"Why, why, why!?!" I swear there are giant cosmic forces coming together to ruin my summer!" Kagome whined as she looked over at the people the girls were to share their cabin with.

"You guys better start working on those sleeping arrangements, it's almost bed time." Saku cooed as she and her sister left the cabin. Kagome glared at their backs 'WHY!?!'---------------------

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Alright, the characters are finally getting together, and the story is finally coming to an end. It probably has 3 more chapters left, the most 5.

See ya.
