InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Military Warfare ❯ Wish Upon A Star ( Chapter 14 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
1) POLLS ARE CLOSED! Votes have been counted (by the way, you’re all bad people, not 1 vote for something good to happen to Kikyo. Meanies! lol)

2) Yes this is the last actual chapter, I know I was supposed to do two more and an epilogue, but I just squished the two chapters into one, epilogue will be up soon.

3)I just wanna say Thank You to everyone who offered their support for my father!! You have no idea how much it meant to me that you guys cared. Um...unfortunately he passed away shortly after he found out. It was really horrible for me, he was like the best dad in the world, and I really love him more than anything, so I was devastated and I just couldn’t really do anything for a while. I went into denial and everything, I still don’t really think I’ve accepted his death and its been over a month, but we were really close, and I was just so sad because I never got to say anything to him before he passed away since my mother said I couldn’t go down to Grenada to see him when I found out he had cancer.

I don’t mean to depress anyone, but I just want to say thank you all from the bottom of my heart.


Chapter 12...or 13, or something, LAST CHAPTER!!!: Wish upon a star

"Toto I don’t think we’re in Kansas anymore." Rin muttered staring at the fully decorated mess hall.

"This is definitely not the same mess hall." Kirara said looking around

The councilors had gone all out for this one. All of the huge bench like table that were normally set into rows around the room were gone, and replaced by smaller circular purple tables that could seat up to six. There were intertwined streamers of purple and white hanging from the ceiling. A huge stage was set up in the front of the room with a set up for a D.J on one corner. The tables were arranged so there was a large amount of room for a dance floor in the center of the room. Two large tables were set up in the corner filled with all kinds of food, drinks, and snacks, and two huge punch bowls in the middle of each table. The walls were even repainted a deep bluish purple to mirror the night sky, it was even decorated with little painted on stars that glowed in the slightly dim light of the room. Clouds were painted on the wall around the stars and on the ceiling there was the painting of a large full moon that also glowed a bit. On one of the walls a desert scene was painted with huge mountains of sand and glitter was glued onto the walls in swirling designs to show wind. And to top it all off there were even belly dancers dressed in purple and white. It looked like a scene out of Aladdin or something.

Painted banners from the councilors were hung from the ceiling of the large room all saying weird things like:

"So long losers"
"I'd miss you, but I have an inability to care."
"I was told to write we'll miss you."
"I was soooo stoned the whole time I was supposed to be supervising."
“I hope you die and I hope it hurts.”
"You ruined my sleeping time you should burn."

It really makes you feel loved doesn’t it?

"I feel bad for whoever had to pay for this." Sango breathed out.

"That would be auntie Mai," Saku said as she and her sister walked up behind them.

"Of course, she doesn't know we used her credit card." Sakura added with a grin. They were both dressed up in pinstripe skirts and blazers with white collared shirts. They both had their hair up in executive buns with their bangs pulled into the buns. They were even wearing glasses and heels.

"What are you two supposed to be?" Rin asked the question on everyone’s mind.

"Well duh, responsible adults." Sakura said striking a pose.

"That's a stretch." Kirara mumbled, but the twins ignored her.

"We were gonna go for something totally out of our personalities, like Sy who’s dressed as a prep." Saku continued.

"Yeah, I was gonna be Ms. Maiochi and Saku was gonna be her mole."

"But we didn't want to scare people too much." Sakura said with a smile, making the kids in front of her sweatdrop.

" how'd you guys get all of this done in two hours." Kagome asked looking around the elaborately decorated room.

"Pixie dust." Saku answered with a smile, earning a slap on the back of her head from her sister.

"Wallpaper, lots and lots quick dry paint, and hundreds of dollars of auntie Mai's money." Sakura said, still staring at her sister like she was an idiot.

"Anyway, we've got punch to spike, find a table, have fun. No public displays of affection...kidding." Saku said waving a quick goodbye to the gang.

"Oh yea," Sakura said before she too left, "we ran out of those mint things on the table, so unless you wanna wake up in Minnesota with a stamp saying "Property of Bubba" on your head. I think you shouldn't take any chances." She said with a smirk, walking away from the teens.

"Who else thinks they were high when they did this?" Kagome asked with a sweatdrop.

"I think they were high when they did everything this summer. C'mon let's find some seats." Inuyasha said, putting his arm around Kagome's waist, leading her to one of the empty tables, followed by the others.

"Sesshy, can you get me a drink please?" Rin asked giving him her most innocent face, well as innocent as you can get when you’re dressed up as playboy bunny.

"Inuyasha can you get me something too?" Kagome asked batting her eyelashes. Inuyasha kehed but got up with his brother anyway and went to get the girls something.

"I love having a pet...I mean boyfriend." Rin giggled out.


"What are we supposed to be getting them anyway?" Inuyasha growled looking at the very large assortment off drinks.

"Um...punch I guess." Sesshomaru answered stoically.

"Whatever." Inuyasha shrugged and he and his brother began filling cups with punch. Inuyasha took a sip from one of the cups and almost choked on it.

"What the hell is this!?!"

"Gosh can't you children read now a days." Leah asked coming to stand next to the guys. She was dressed in a pink and white-stripped dress that frilled out from the waist down, reaching right below her butt, with stocking that reached mid thigh. There was a little frilly white apron tied around her waist, and she was holding a little basket with little pieces of candy in it.

"I mean, it says it right there." She pointed to two very small barely noticeable slips of paper under each punch bowl. In tiny black letters one said "spiked" and the other said "wimps". They had taken from the spiked one.

"You all drink way to much." Inuyasha said with a sweatdrop. "What are you supposed to be anyway?"

"Candy striper. Anyway, have fun, and most of these drinks are spiked, so read the fine print." Leah smiled and was about to leave, but turned back around and grabbed the cups of punch from the boys' hands.

"Never let good liquor go to waste."


Inuyasha returned to their table with the alcohol free punch, to find Mrs. Clause (oh I forgot to describe Kirara's costume, she was wearing a red mini-skirt with white feathery trimming and a red velour top that reached about her hips and fastened over her breasts, leaving her stomach exposed. With white trim on the sleeves. And wearing the classic red and white Santa hat. Anyway) to find Mrs. Clause sitting on Captain Jack Sparrows lap.

"Nice costume Shippo." Inuyasha said looking over the teen that was dressed as the lovable drunken captain from Pirates of The Caribbean. Putting the cups on the table he pulling Kagome onto his lap, grinning when the girl eeped.

"Thanks man. Why are you all, human looking tonight?" Shippo asked looking at Inu's darkened hair and eyes.

"It's a half-demon thing." He answered, not even paying attention to the boy as his hands slowly inched further up Kagome's inner thigh.

Kagome was taking a sip of punch when the mess hall doors opened, and her punch came flying out of her mouth, some splattering on Inuyasha's face.

"Oi wench, watch where you're spitti-."

"Oh" Kagome said, cutting him off, staring at the person who just entered the room. "Kikyo, she's an...angel?!" All of the people at the table's attention flew to the doorway, and all they could do was stare. Sango and Rin nearly choked on their drinks, Kirara, Shippo, and Inuyasha started laughing like maniacs, Miroku nearly fell out of his chair, and even Sesshomaru quirked an eyebrow.(A shocked eyebrow!!)

There at the door, stood Kikyo with a fake halo over her head, feathered wings attached to her back, and the normally floor length white angel dress cut reach her upper thigh, and of course, she had on a pair of white stilettos.

"That has got to be some form of blasphemy." Rin mumbled still staring at the girl.

"That's got to be the ultimate form of blasphemy." As soon as the words left Inuyasha's mouth the angel turned and looked straight at him, sending him a seductive smile.

"Yeah, I think if we sacrifice you she won't "grace" us with her presence." Miroku said, earning a punch to the head from his fuming friend.

"It's good to know you care perv." Inuyasha grumbled.

"Inuyasha!!!" The shrill screech, or Kikyo's voice, came from a few feet away. Inuyasha looked around frantically and gently pushed Kagome from his lap, pulling her onto the dance floor.

"Wha- Hey!" Kagome tried to pull away but he only brought her closer.

"There's no way I'm dealing with her tonight, I've had such a great few days with you, I really don't want her to mess up my good streak." He smiled and leaned closer to her ear. "Especially great Thursday night." He whispered into her ear, nipping the lobe slightly, causing the girl in his arms to shiver slightly.

"And I thought Miroku was bad." Kagome giggled gently slapping away his hand as it roamed over her revealed stomach up to her breasts.

"Bitch, you ain't seen bad yet." Inuyasha said, running his other hand down the small of her back to rest on her ass, bowing his head to nip at her neck. Kagome opened her mouth to tell him to stop before anyone saw, but the voice coming from the speakers cut her off.

"Girls, boys, and all those in between." Saku said, giggling at her own lame joke before the mic was suddenly snatched away by her sister.

"You know, you insult people like that." Sakura said, shooting her sister a glare.

"Says the girl who calls them Satan spawn." Saku snorted. Meanwhile, the forgotten campers all stared and sweatdropped.

"Alrighty then," Sy (who was dressed preppy) said grabbing the mic and pushing the girls off the stage, making them land on the floor with twin "eeps". "That's been enough dysfunction for me today. Anywho, what tweedledrunk and tweedledrunker were trying to say-"

"Did you just call me tweedledrunk!?" Sakura yelled from on the floor.

"No dear, you're tweedledrunker, anyway, what they were trying to say was, welcome to the end of camp bash! On behalf of all the councilors, we just want to say, you've been the best campers we've had in all our years...weeks, of counseling. Or so the guy with the cue cards say." Once again, group sweatdrop.

"Anyway, here's a great song, have fun, and if you don’t see me for the rest of the night, call the police." He ended, dropping the mic and running off the stage with Sakura chasing behind him, yelling about being called drunk. The monster mash came on seconds after he fled.

"The Monster Mash. It's official, they’re insane." Inuyasha said dryly.

"Oh Inuyasha!!" The loud screech cut through the crowd, followed by a string of curses from the hanyou turned human.

"Speaking of monsters." Kagome mumbled as Kikyo emerged from the crowd, looking a tiny bit disheveled

"Oh Inu, I've been looking everywhere for you, I barely noticed you with your hair like that, but your brother pointed you out to me." Inuyasha growled and looked over Kikyo's shoulder to his brother who mouthed the words "Clown jokes" to him.

'Bastard' His growl only got louder when the girl wrapped her arms around his neck.

Kagome's eye twitched and she forced herself to not hit Kikyo. 'She's lucky I'm a peace loving person.' Kagome thought with a sigh, trying to relax...until Kikyo tried to kiss her boyfriend, who put his hand in her face and tried to push her head away.

'Then again, what is peace really?' Kagome was about five seconds away from knocking Kikyo back to hell,(Get it, angel, hell, Kikyo, ok at least a pity laugh, plz.) when Saku and Sakura (who finally got tired of chasing Sy) danced by with a conga line behind them.

"!" Saku interrupted herself looking at Kikyo's costume. She opened and closed her mouth a couple of times before just shaking her head and chuckling, "I can't, it's just too easy."

"Joke overload, too many insults. Must say something about the whore in a halo." Sakura said rubbing her temple.

"Anyway, let’s conga before there’s some divine intervention." Saku giggled at her own lame joke as she and her sister congaed away, with almost all of the kids and councilors congaing behind them.

"Kikyo! Get off me!! I can't breathe!!" Inuyasha said trying to pull her arms off his neck.

"Oops, sorry Inukins," She began, dragging her hands down his muscular arms, much to his annoyance. "You know, we should go somewhere a bit more...private." She sent him a seductive smile that made him want to throw up the potato chips he had eaten minutes before.

"Or, you know, we could not. And you could go back to wherever you came from and never speak to me again and I could die happy. I like that one better, maybe that's just me."

Meanwhile, Kagome was still fuming on the other side of the conga line, unable to see Inuyasha and the "whore in the halo" through the line of people.

"MIROKU YOU PERVERT!!!" Kagome's thoughts on how to maim Kikyo were cut off by the loud yell from somewhere on the conga line. "I'm never letting you dance behind me ever again!!!" The yell was followed by a loud slap then the thud of a body hitting the floor. Kagome only shook her head and sighed.


Sango clenched her fists and pushed her way through the conga line, looking for anywhere to get away from that lecher.

'I don't believe him. He's such an idiot! I can't believe he said that.' She looked down at her hand, which still ached from slap she gave him. She bit her lips and blinked back tears that threatened to fall, and continued to push her way through the crowd.

"Sango! Wait!" She heard his yell over the music and cursed under her breath, her eyes scanned the room for an escape route, landing on the doors to the kitchen.

"Sango!" She didn't listen and headed to the kitchen before he could catch her...too late. As soon as she was about to open the door his hand grasped hers.

"Sango please." She didn't even turn to look at him, but pulled her hand from his.

"Don't touch me Miroku." She spat.

"Sango, I'm sorry, I was only kidding, I don't-"

"Stop it Miroku!" She raised her voice gaining the interest of some of the people standing around them. "Is that really what you think of me?" She asked him, turning stare into his violet eyes, her voice lowering considerably. "If I knew you were such a bastard I would never have-" She cut herself off when she noticed the stares they were getting from the costumed people around them.

"Let's finish this somewhere more private." She glared at the boy one last time before turning around and stomping through the small crowd that had gathered around them.

"Move it heifer." She growled pushing a girl dressed as a cow out of her way. Miroku sighed and followed her outside.


'How can one conga line be this damn long?!' Kagome mentally growled as she stared at the congaing people in front of her.

"For the love of all that is good and holy, I'm about to hurt whoever started this thing." She muttered, clenching her fists at her side.

"Is it just me or is this the longest conga line ever?" A smooth voice said from behind the startled girl. Kagome looked over her shoulder and was met with a pair of ice blue eyes...and a frilly pink dress.

"Hey Kouga...or should I say, Little Bo Peep?" Kagome snickered staring at the boy dressed in the frilly pink and white dress, with a pink bonnet, he was even holding a shepherd’s staff.

"Someone took my costume and replaced it with this thing." Kouga explained looking down at his costume. "Besides, it takes a real man to wear pink." He said in the proudest voice he could.

"Yeah, real man, definitely." Kagome said with a giggle.

"Anyway, where's the mutt?" Kagome glanced at the still going conga line.

"Probably trying not to massacre a fallen angel." Kagome said, giggling at the confused look on Kouga's face.

"So are you havin-"

"Kouga!! Who's that you're talking too!?!!" The yell from a few feet behind Kagome cut Kouga off mid-sentence. The boy in the pink dress looked over Kagome's shoulder and cursed under his breath.

"Sorry Kagome, gotta run." He lifted her hand to his lips and placed a soft kiss on it, then sped off into the crowd.

"Well that was weird." Kagome mumbled to herself. About 5 seconds after Kouga left a girl ran up to Kagome. She dressed in black and blood red form fitting dress that started out as a strapless corset top that had thin red vertical lines going down the top stopping at her waist, from her waist the dress flowed down to the ground, she also worse black dark fairy wings on her back. She had bright green eyes and red hair that was let out, reaching her mid-back, with a purple flower tucked behind one ear.

"Did you see a guy dressed in a pink dress run by here?" The girl asked Kagome, her eyes scanning the crowd.

"Uh, yeah, he went that way." Kagome answered pointing in the direction Kouga ran.

"Thanks." The girl called over her shoulder as she disappeared into the crowd.

Seconds later loud shouts of " Kouga get back here" and "Ayame get away from me!!" Were heard over the loud music.

"And that was even weirder."


'Sesshomaru had better sleep with one eye open from now on' Inuyasha thought grimly as he tried to loosen the girls hold on his neck.

"Inukins I want to conga." Kikyo said, batting her eyelashes, trying to look innocent and appealing.

"Really? Cuz I want you off of me!" He almost yelled, moving his head to the side when she tried to kiss him again.

"Oh Inu, you're so funny." She said with a giggle.

"Look wench, I want you off of me now! I don't like you, I never will like you, and I especially don't like you calling me INUKI-"

"Kikyo?" Inuyasha's rant was cut off mid-yell by a monotonous voice. Kikyo's eye twitched furiously and she clenched her teeth before turning to glare at the person barging in on her "Inukins" time.

"What Kanna?" She growled out at the unflinching girl. Looking over Kikyo's shoulder, Inuyasha found it impossible to hold in his laughter.

'And here I thought Kikyo being an angel was bad enough. Now there's an undead looking Malibu Barbie walking around.' He thought as his laughter exploded from his lips as he stared at Kanna.

The girl had either dyed her hair Barbie blonde or had a really great wig. She had a spot of bright pink blush on both cheeks, and pink eyeshadow, along with blue contacts. She even seemed to be less pale than normally. She was wearing a tight pink shirt that said Barbie on it, an a very mini pink skirt, the outfit showing off that she did in fact have a figure. She actually looked like a life sized Barbie doll, except that instead of the normal creepy Barbie smile, she looked as impassive as ever.

"Naraku wants to speak to you." She answered, making Kikyo's eye twitch faster.

"Well tell him I'm busy!" She growled out through clenched teeth.

"He says it’s really important." The pale Barbie replied.

"Yeah Kikyo," Inuyasha interjected, "it sounds really urgent. I'll always be here."

"Well if it's alright with you..." Kikyo said smiling at the boy. "I'll be right back, don't go anywhere." She giggled trying to kiss him but he turned pretending someone called him. She practically skipped away and Inuyasha let out a loud sigh. 'What a pain in the ass. Gotta get out of here before she comes back, and I gotta find Kagome.' He looked around, spotting her through the conga line that was still going by.

He pushed through the line, earning a few angry comments, not like he cared anyway. He spotted Kagome as Kouga ran away, followed by some girl in a dark fairy costume.

"Oi wench!" He yelled earning a glance from a girl in a bar wench costume. "Not you, the other wench." He grumbled, the girl made an "o" shape with her mouth and turned back to her friend.

"Oi wen-Genie!" He said correcting himself. Kagome turned away from looking at the retreating Ayame to her boyfriend.

"Inuyasha!!" She squealed, before giving him a slight glare. "Did you just cut through that conga line?" She asked looking at the still going conga line behind him.

"Yeah, dunno why you didn't just do that and save me from getting touched by an angel." He said with a smirk.

"You are the clever one tonight aren't you?" Kagome said laying on the sarcasm.

"Wanna get out of here? Kikyo might be coming back for me any second. And having the joy of being in her presence once in a night is enough for me." Kagome giggled grabbed the boy’s hand pulling him towards the door.

"Yea I don't really feel like joining the never ending conga line anyway." They were about half way out the door when they heard a loud yell echo through the room, making everyone stop for a moment.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU'RE GAY!?!" They exchanged curious glances, but shrugged it off and left the room.


"Sesshy, stop." Rin giggled playfully as Sesshomaru backed her against a wall, kissing and nipping at her neck, his hands resting on her hips. "Sess, people will see us." She said looking around the room to see if anyone noticed them.

"So? Not my fault they're nosy." The clown mumbled, stopping his assault on her neck to go lower, he really loved the playboy bunny costume.

"I don't want a bunch of pervs staring at us, c'mon, the kitchen should be empty." Rin said gently pushing Sesshomaru off of her then grabbing his hand, pulling him behind her to the kitchen.

As she opened the door she was met with the sight of Kirara and Shippo making out on top of one of the tables. She "eep"ed and quickly closed the door then turned to Sesshomaru.

"Looks like they had the idea before us." She said with another giggle.

"That's something that's gonna give me nightmares." Sesshomaru said with a grimace.

"I guess we could just dance and stuff then." Rin mumbled to herself, but still aware that Sesshomaru could hear her.

"Or we could continue outside." Rin tapped her chin in thought for about half a second before turning to the boy with a smile.

"Yeah, that works too."


"You know Kanna, I could be with my Inukins right now, he's probably just standing there right now missing me," Kikyo glared at the back of the Barbie’s head. Kanna almost scoffed at the girls comment instead she continued walking.

"I'm sure he is." She said holding in her sarcasm, continuing to lead the girl towards the boy dressed in a pink bunny costume. When Yura, who was dressed as a naughty nurse in a white nurses dress that barely covered her butt and showed a whole lot of cleavage, saw Kikyo approaching, after sending a quick glance to Naraku, she turned to whisper something to Kagura, making them both giggle. Kagura, who was dressed as French maid, sent a quick glance in the direction of what Kikyou thought was a girl dressed up as a Catholic schoolgirl. Her short black hair was down and she was twirling a piece between her fingers, while her other hand held onto a lollypop. She wore a short pleated plaid mini-skirt with white heels that matched her white school shirt that was tied at her mid-stomach. As Kikyo got closer, she realized that the person she thought was a girl, was a boy.

"Kikyo." Naraku's cold voice brought her attention from the cross dresser to the boy in the pink bunny costume.

"What do you want." She spat, her dislike for him evident in her voice.

"I can no longer go after Inuyasha's wench for you." The anger that flared in the girl’s eyes almost made even him flinch.

"Why not? We had a deal remember!?" She clenched her teeth and willed herself to stay calm.

"Certain things have..ah... arisen, that cancel out that agreement." He responded evasively.

"Things such as!?" Her temper was getting the better of her, it had better be a damn good reason or else there would be one less person going back home tomorrow.

"Um... well, you see-"

"He's gay sweetie." The boy in the catholic schoolgirl costume said poking his head over Naraku's shoulder. "And he's all mine."

Kikyo's mouth fell open and her eyes nearly popped out of her head, well at least he gave her one hell of a good reason. She turned to Kagura, and Yura who were both trying very hard to hold in their hysterical laughter, even Kanna had a smile on her face.

"Told ya he wanted to tell her he was really gay." Kagura mumbled to Yura. "Pay up." Yura grimaced and slipped Kagura a twenty. Meanwhile Kikyo was still in shock...shock, which turned to pure rage.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU'RE GAY!!" She exploded at Naraku, but his lover answered for him instead.

"It means he likes men." Kikyo sent him a glare that could freeze hell.

"Who are you anyway." Venom laced her every word.

"Jakoutsu. And that costume really isn't working for you." He said looking her over. Kikyo glared at him then turned her gaze back to Naraku and her rage, turned to disbelief.

"There is no possible way you can be gay, I mean, I- we did...ewww I did a gay guy!" She squeaked putting her hand over her mouth. Kagura and Yura had to excuse themselves so they wouldn't end up bursting with laughter, which they still did when they were a few feet away.

"Fine then! I'll just finish with that bitch myself!" Kikyo screeched, storming off. A few seconds later she walked back up to Naraku, a determined look on her overly made up face.

"Quick question though. Between the two of you, who's the girl?"


"So what is it now?" Sango spat, glaring at the boy in front of her. They were now standing on the far side of the lake, having left the mess hall in search of a more private place to talk.

"Sango, I'm sorry, truly I am," The girl didn't even respond to Miroku's plea, she only sent him another intense glare. "Sango, please, at least say something." He tried to hold one of her hands only to have it pulled away.

"You want me to say something. Fine! You're a pig Miroku! And if you ever touch me again I'll break off both of your arms." She said sending him a deadly glare, her voice dangerously low. She brushed past him going back to the mess hall.

"Sango, it was a joke." He said softly, hearing her stop, he continued. "I would never say that to you and mean it." She turned around to glare at the back of his head, revealing tears brimming in her eyes.

"Then why would you ask me to have another go no strings attached? Do you think I'm a whore or something?" She asked as a tear streaked down her cheek, her voice barely about a whisper. "Why Miroku?"

Miroku turned and walked over to her, his thumb gently brushing away her tear, making her flinch and take a few steps back.

"Because I'm an idiot who's to blind to see I have the perfect woman right in front of me." A small smile slipped across Sango's lips as more tears spilled from he eyes.

She ran to him, knocking them both onto the grassy ground as she cried into his chest.

"Please tell me I haven't lost my chance with her." He pleaded running his hands through her hair, looking down at her head.

"You idiot, of course you haven't." She smiled slightly before capturing his lips in a short kiss. They parted and smiled at each other, before she snuggled into his chest.

"Look," He pointed to the sky, breaking their comfortable silence. "A shooting star." Sango turned her head to look smiling brightly she whispered,

"Make a wish."

After a few seconds she looked up at the boy she was laying on.

"What'd you wish for?" He looked down at the girl and wrapped his arms around her slim waist.


"Why nothing?"

"What's there to wish for, I have everything I've ever wanted right here in my arms." He smiled at her, dipping his head to capture her lips in a passionate kiss once more.

~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~More Fluff Cometh!~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~

"Fluffy?" Rin asked, sitting on Sesshomaru's lap in front of the lake. (It's a really really big lake, so no Sango and Miroku can't see them and they're on the other side.)


"What are we gonna do after this." Her fingers stopped making their invisible shapes on his costume and she shifted slightly to take a look at his face.

"What do you mean?" He continued rubbing her back soothingly, hoping to stop the distress he smelled coming from her.

"We're not gonna see each other that much after this. I'm finishing high school at the end of this year and you're going off to college, and you won't have any time for-"

"Rin, I will always have time for you, no matter what. I love you Rin, and I always will." Rin sat up and smiled brightly at the demon she cared for so much.

"I love you too Sesshy, and I always will." She whispered, he leaned down to kiss her when something caught her eye, causing her to squeal.

"Oh Fluffy!! A shooting star! Make a wish!!" She smiled and pointed to the star, Sesshomaru couldn't help the smile that tugged at his lips, she was just so cute.

"Rin a star won't ma-"

"Just make a wish clown boy!" Rin growled grabbing onto his big red nose for emphasis. Sesshomaru glared at her before sighing and muttering "fine". He watched as she closed her eyes and muttered something under her breath that even his demon hearing couldn't pick up.

"What'd you wish for?" He mumbled when she opened her eyes, not really paying attention as he lightly dragged his claws up her bare arm, feeling her shiver in excitement.

"You first." She smiled innocently, twirling a piece of his silver hair between her fingers. She heard him sigh and felt him move one of his hands off her arm while his other hand took hold of her left hand.

She stared in shock when he slipped a white gold diamond ring on her finger. Her mouth hung open as she brought her hand to her face to stare at her ring. It three round diamonds with three more smaller diamonds one each side.

"Fluffy?" Rin looked into his amber eyes.

"It's an engagement ring. Look on the inside." She silently nodded and slipped off the ring, a soft gasp escaping her lips, the inside was engraved with "Past, Present & Future," accented with two more diamonds. Memories of what he side before their first time ran through her head.

"We don't have to get married soon," He began as she slipped back on the ring. "It's up to you, but that's just to let you know that I am going marry you in human terms. But I hope you do know that as soon as we get back I'm marking you in demon terms.” He dipped his head to her neck and ran his tongue over the preliminary mark he had placed on her a while ago, making her shiver and gasp. “And that can last for days."

He had extensively explained to her the difference between regular sex and mating, which took a while. The thought of being locked in a room with Sesshomaru for days with only a few breaks for rest and food made her body heat up and a dark blush spread across her cheeks.

"I can't wait." She sent him a seductive smile before leaning up for a kiss.


"Inuyasha!" Kagome moaned as the boy sucked and nipped on her neck. He smirked and ran his clawless hands over her clothed breasts, running his thumb over her nipple through the sheer material.

"You look so fucking hot tonight." He murmured against her neck, his only response was a soft moan as his hand continued to tease her breast through her top.

"If I were still a hanyou I would've shredded your clothes a long time ago.” He said in a husky whisper, his breath caressing her skin. He kissed and nibbled his way back to her lips, capturing them in a fierce kiss. His tongue gently brushed across her bottom lip making her moan slightly, allowing him to slip his tongue into her mouth. He traced over her teeth then gently coaxed her tongue to play with his. His hand traveled from her breast to her stomach feeling it quiver beneath his touch, but stopped at her pants.

When they parted Inuyasha looked down at the girl laying on the ground below him, her hair was slightly tousled, and her lipstick was smudged a bit and her lips were a light red, her eyes were glazed over and her cheeks were tinged pink. He smirked at his handiwork before dipping his head to place another lingering kiss to her lips before rolling over to lie next to her on the grass in front of the lake. (Big lake!!) He pulled her close to him when her heard her soft whimper.

"You have no idea how much I would love to finish what we've started, but when I first take you I don't want it to be on the floor outside of a party, and I want to be a hanyou." He smirked at her giving her a peck on lips.

"Demons have more stamina than humans, it can last for days," He lifted himself up to gently nip on her ear before whispering. "And trust me," He ran his tongue over the lobe making her shiver, "It will." Kagome couldn't help the gasp that escaped her lips and if Inuyasha were still a hanyou he would smell her scent spike.

Inuyasha smirked and pulled her to him, Kagome sighed and rested her head on his chest, staring up at the sky, seconds later she gasped and pointed to a star flying through the sky.

"Make a wish." She mumbled with a smile.

"I'm not five, I'm not gonna wish on a stupid star it's not like it'll come true any-" The glare she sent him cut off the rest of his comment. "Keh." He grumbled a wish under his breath and looked to the girl.

"What'd you wish for." He asked pulling her closer to him.

"If I told you it wouldn't come true." She giggled, slipping a hand under his black shirt to roam over his muscled chest.

"Keh, whatever you say wench."

Kagome looked up at Inuyasha and tilted her head curiously, "What did you wish for?"

Inuyasha looked at her innocent face and sent her his trademark smirk.

"If I told you it wouldn't come true." He mocked sticking out his tongue. Kagome opened her mouth to retort but a voice from a few feet away cut off anything she would say.

"Aww isn't little Inu so cuuuuuute." They both looked up to see Miroku and Sango grinning madly at them.

"Miroku, I'll kill you." Miroku growled through clenched teeth, but made no move to get up.

"Sorry but you guys just looked so cute cuddling there, I didn't even know you had a sweet side Inuyasha, you old dog you." Miroku chuckled at the glare Inuyasha sent him.

"And I didn't know you had such a feminine side, Sango's lipstick looks really good on you Miroku." Inuyasha said with a grin, as the boy tried to wipe off the lipstick.

"Out of the two of us, you shouldn't be the one talking about feminine sides." Miroku grinned at boy remembering when the girls gave him a makeover in his sleep.

"I'll give 5 seconds to run." Inuyasha growled, well as best as he could as a human,

"C'mon Miroku," Sango said taking hold of Miroku's hand. "We should go and leave Kagome and her new puppy alone." Sango giggled pulling the boy behind her.

"I guess, after all you do still owe me a strip search." Miroku said with a grin, still not out of hearing range of the couple on the ground. A loud smack echoed through the cool night air.

Sango giggled and walked away from the twitching nun on the floor, turning around for a second to say,

"After the party." Miroku jumped to his feet and chased after the giggling girl with a lecherous grin.

"So...anyway.... did you wish about me?" Inuyasha asked Kagome, acting as if they were never disturbed.

"You're sure full of yourself Inu." Kagome giggle, "Even if it was about you, I still wouldn't tell you."

"Keh, fine wench." The vampire grumbled, intent on giving Kagome the silent treatment. Kagome sighed and chewed on her lip for a little while before looking up at the boy.

"I wished," Her soft voice caused him to look down at her, "That we would always be together, and even as the years pass, we'd always feel the same way we feel about each other tonight." She ended softly, looking at his shirt so he wouldn't see her cherry red blush.

Inuyasha looked down at the girl resting on him, and hooked a finger under her chin, bringing her eyes to meet his gaze.

"That's impossible Kagome," He stared deeply into her shining storm colored eyes. "In a few years I could never feel the same for you as I do tonight. Because everyday that goes by makes me love you more." Kagome smiled brightly and let out a breath she didn't know she was holding. She leaned up and placed a long passionate kiss on his lips.

"So what'd you wish for?" She asked with a grin when they parted.


"Inukins!?! What are you doing with that whore!?!" The loud screech from the girl standing a few feet away cut Inuyasha off.

"Oh you've got to be kidding me." Inuyasha grumbled, rolling his eyes. He gently pushed Kagome off of him and got to his feet, offering Kagome a hand.

"What do you want now Kikyo? I'm trying to enjoy some time with my girlfriend here." Inuyasha said glaring at the hell's angel in front of him.

"But I'm your girlfriend!" The girl whined, giving Inuyasha her best innocent pout. Inuyasha opened his mouth to respond but Kagome beat him to it.

"No he's not! Kikyo, get over it, he doesn't like you! He's my boyfriend, now back off and go find some other poor helpless guy to harass!" Inuyasha looked at Kikyo and smirked, ignoring the fact that Kagome just called him helpless.

"This doesn't involve you bitch! This is between me and my Inuyasha!" Kikyo spat glaring at the fuming girl.

"That's it!" Before Inuyasha could even try to stop her,(not like he would anyway) Kagome stepped up to Kikyo and punched her hard in the jaw, causing Kikyo to loose her footing and fall into the gross allege (among other things) filled lake, with a loud splash.

"Cool, my wish did come true." Inuyasha chuckled looking at the murky water. By the time Kagome had punched Kikyo a crowd of people that were hanging out outside had already gathered around them, including almost all of the people from their cabins, and Naraku, Kagura, Yura, Kanna, and Jakoutsu.

Kikyo's allege (among other things) covered head popped up from under water seconds later, her face scarlet with anger, and all of her apparently not water proof makeup was running down her face, making her look scarier than normal.

"You BITCH!" She screeched at Kagome who smiled at her.

"And proud of it." She grabbed the still stunned Inuyasha's hand and pulled him back to the party with her. "Oh and Kikyo," She looked over her shoulder and sent Kikyo a huge smile.

"It's been fun this past month, I'll miss you." Kagome giggled innocently before heading back to the mess hall with Inuyasha in tow.

Meanwhile the small crowd started to dissipate, but the few that were left were still laughing at the girl who was struggling to get out of the water.

"Dude," A red head from Naraku's cabin turned to him. "Isn't she like your girlfriend or something, shouldn't you go down there and help her." Naraku looked at the girl in the pond and chuckled.

"Even if she still was my girlfriend I wouldn't go in there just for her." He laughed again before getting pulled off by Jakoutsu to one of the empty cabins.

"Kagura! Kanna! Yura! Get me out of here!" She yelled at the three girls who were laughing the hardest... well except for Kanna she was just smiling slightly.

"Are you serious?" Yura asked between fits of laughter. "We don't even like you, why the hell would we go in there for you."

"Of all the times to forget my camera, dammit!" Kagura said with a smirk. "Oh well, there's still a party going on. See ya muck monster." The three girls left to the mess hall, leaving Kikyo all alone.

“Did you know that she was that freaky looking without makeup, talk about what nightmares are made off.” Kagura said to the others with a giggle before they went out of Kikyo’s hearing range.

"Somebody help me!!"


"Ok, this is physically impossible, it goes against all laws of nature, and science and pretty much everything else. We were gone for like half an hour or more, so how the hell is it possible for that conga line to still be going!?!" Kagome ranted standing at the door, staring at the conga line that was in fact, still going.

She let out a sigh and shook her head, looking to her friends. "Well, you know what they say, if you can't beat 'em-"

"Bang their head into the wall!" Rin yelled out, Kagome sent her an 'are you high?' look before continuing.

"No smart one. Join 'em!" She grabbed her friends’ hands and pulled them onto the end of the line.

"You know this actually isn't that bad." Sango said, pulling Miroku's wandering hand off her backside and onto her waist.

"It's cursed, I swear." He said to the girl.

“The only thing that’s cursed here is your personality.” She replied with a grin. Suddenly the music and the conga line stopped and the microphone screeched, bringing everyone's attention to the stage, where all of the 14 or so councilors stood.

"Hey guys it's almost 2 A.M so sadly this party has to be ending soon." A councilor with blue dyed hair in a wicked witch of the west costume said into the mic.

"So we're only gonna play one last song, before we kick you guys out of here." Leah said taking the mic.

"But before you go, we wanted you guys to know, that we think you're not really that bad." Sy continued, passing the mic to Sephora who was dressed as a kinky teacher.

"And even though in this past month we've made fun of you, tormented you, possibly drugged some of you by accident, given you guys some pretty dangerous things to play with, and may have poisoned you, we were after all the ones who were in charge of making the food for you guys," The girl grinned at the horror struck faces.

"We want you guys to know is that most of you, are pretty damn cool. Of all the people we could've been forced to spend part of our summer with, we're pretty happy it was you guys." Saku said with a smile, handing her sister the mic.

"Yeah, you're all ok with us, and if we see you on the street, we may even act like we know you guys, but enough of this mushy crap. Drink as much booze as you can in the next couple of minutes, 'cuz here comes your last song!" Sakura grinned as the Electric Slide came on. (You can't have a party without the electric slide, it's like against the law)

As soon as the councilors started jumping off the stage to join the dancing, the two doors to the mess hall flew open, and in stepped, none other than, Ms. Maiochi. Pure rage written on her man like face, and anger flashing in her beady eyes.

"WHAT THE IS GOING ON HERE!?" Her transgender voice boomed through the room.

"I thought she was dead by now." Rin whispered to Kagome who nodded her head in agreement.

"Crap, how'd she escape." Saku muttered to her sister who only shrugged before jumping onto the stage and grabbing the mic.

"Well, due to one rather fat unforeseen interruption, we have to cut this party a few minutes short so we can run for our dear lives. Everyone exit in an orderly fashion and avoid the angry transvestite at the door. Goodnight guys." With that the girl dropped the mic and ran to the kitchen to get out through the back, followed by all the other councilors, who were followed by Ms. Maiochi. Seconds later Kirara and Shippo stumbled out of the kitchen.

"I thought she was dead." Kirara mumbled to no one in particular

"A weird end, to an even weirder month." Kagome said with a sigh, heading back to the cabins with her friends.


Kagome yawned and stretched before cracking open an eye to find Inuyasha's newly golden ones staring back at her.

"Mornin'. " He smiled at her showing off his sharp new canines.

"G'morning, hmm you're back to your hanyou self, that's a pity." She said before placing a kiss on his cheek.

"Pity?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah, you were so much sweeter as a human." Kagome giggled at the glare he sent her, and swung her legs over the side of the bed sitting up, noticing everyone was still asleep.

"You know, this is the last morning we get to wake up next to each other," He said wrapping his arms around her waist. "I think we should make it a memorable one." He smirked before gently nipping her shoulder. Kagome shivered and moaned softly, but resisted the urge to do him right there, and she realllllllly wanted to do him right there, and pushed herself off the bed onto her slightly wobbly legs.

"Not this time dog boy. This morning I plan on, for the first time since coming to this camp, take a shower without having someone banging on the door." She grinned and blew him a kiss before turning around and heading to the bathroom.

"Care for some company in there?" Inuyasha smirked when he saw the girl flip him off over her shoulder. "Yeah that's what I was thinking of too."

"You're a dumbass Inuyasha." Kagome called over her shoulder with a giggle.

"So that's a yes right?" His only response was the slamming of the bathroom door.


"Ok kiddies it's time to haul ass! Onto the non-air-conditioned buses!" Sakura yelled as the kids piled onto the buses.

The girls spent about ten minutes out of their morning drooling over Rin's engagement ring, "aww"ing every time she told them something especially sweet that Sesshomaru said. Right now they were all getting onto the surprisingly air-conditioned buses.

"So Kag," Inuyasha whispered in her ear standing behind her, "Is this ride gonna be anything like the first one, 'cuz I really liked that one." He gently ran a claw up her spine, smirking at her gasp and the spike in her scent.

"You're such a perv, I think you've been spending too much time with Miroku." Kagome muttered getting onto the bus.

"You know you like it." Inuyasha grinned following behind her.

"Oh please." She grumbled, not noticing when Inuyasha sat down in one of the empty seats. He snaked out a hand and grabbed her wrist pulling her onto his lap.

She shivered when she heard his husky whisper in her ear before he traced the lobe with his tongue. "Seem familiar Kaggy?" His hand wandered down her side brushing over the side of her breast.

"I want you so bad right now, and I'm not above giving the people on this bus a little show Kagome." He whispered in her ear sliding his hand to her skirt waist.

Gathering all of her will power, which wasn't really that much, Kagome slid off Inuyasha's lap.

"You're gonna have to wait 'til later for that," She paused for a while a sly smile forming on her lips, "But we can still play." She reached over and pulled him to her in a heated kiss.


"Um...excuse me." Hojo said to the girl sitting by the window. She turned her demonic red eyes to him and smiled. "Uh.. is this seat taken?" He asked pointing to the seat next to her. She shook her head, no, and he let out a breath he didn't know he was holding, and slid into the seat.

"You have very lovely hair." She said touching his the blushing boys brown hair, her eyes slid from his hair to his eyes, blushing when she found him staring at her.

"Um..thanks I guess. Oh, I'm Hojo." He said extending a hand for her to shake.

"I'm Yura, a pleasure to meet you." She smiled as both of their blushes darkened.

~_~_~I felt bad for all the crap I've put him through over the past couple of chapters, so there's a happy ending for Hojo~_~_~

The councilors waved the buses off before sighing and heading to their cars, most muttering "glad that's over."

Sy walked over to his mate, holding out her cell.

"You've got a call, and it's not your mom, so hold back the caught Ebola excuses."

"Ok, thankies." She said taking the phone. "Hello...oh hey Mrs. H.... Yep we got her someone...yeah, he's pretty cool, just a bit foul mouthed, but they're good for each're welcome.. K, bye!" Sakura flipped her phone closed as her sister came bouncing up to her.

"Inuyasha and Sesshomaru's parent's just called to see if we got them anyone." Saku said with a grin.

"Yeah Kagome's mom just called about her."

"Do you think it's wrong to set people up to find their mates and stuff like this, just 'cuz their parents asked us 'cuz they thought they were to lonely?" Saku asked sucking in a huge breath when she was done.

"No, drugging our aunt and tying her up in that abandoned cabin was bad. This is more like a helpful push in the right direction. Its not like we told them to mate now or we kill them, so we've done nothing wrong." Saku grinned at her own explanation.

"Sure, whatever helps you sleep at night babe." Sy said wrapping an arm around his mate leading her to the parking lot.

"Wait a sec! We've still got like 50 more parent's to call!! Why are all of you other people leaving!!" Saku yelled running behind all the other councilors.


After a long bus ride that was once again filled with shouts of "Hentai!” smacks, more yells of "Bitch!" "Wench!" "Bastard!" "Jerk!" and of course "Jackass!" and the poor other people on the bus sweatdropping,(there was also a lot a making out) the bus finally pulled to a stop and let everyone off. The kids all stumbled off the bus, grabbing their bags (from the magic luggage imps) before running to their awaiting parents.

"Hey, I'll call you later ok?" Miroku whispered to Sango, giving her a hug, making sure his hands didn't wander to low, her parents were after all right there, and her father looked like he could inflict more bodily harm than Sango, and that was a pretty damn scary thought. He was still healing from the smacks he got at the beginning of the month.

Sango sniffled letting out a small laugh trying to hold back tears. "Yeah, you better, or I'll kick your ass." She pulled away from him and headed to her parents but he caught her hand.

"Sango, I know this is kinda stupid to ask but," He looked down and blushed a bit. "Will you be my girlfriend Sango." He said, causing the girl to gasp, her parents were just four feet away! She smiled and wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him down for a kiss.

"Of course." She breathed out when they parted.

"I think your dad's gonna kill me the next time he sees me." Miroku mumbled looking over Sango's shoulder to her parents who had seen the little show.

"Oh well, he'll just have to get used to it, 'cuz we're gonna be doing that a lot." She said with a mischievous glint in her eyes before pulling the boy down by his collar for another long kiss.


"Inu, before we go, I have something for you." Kagome smiled at Inuyasha as she pulled a picture out of her pocket and handed it to him. He smirked slightly looking down at the Polaroid. It was the picture she took the morning after the girls took it upon themselves to help him get in touch with his feminine side. Flipping it over he read the short not she wrote there.

'Hey, I hope you always remember me as the girl who gave you best makeover of your life. If you ever need anymore makeup tips call me. And remember never call me ugly again.

Love Kagome'

"Yeah, if I ever become a drag queen, you'll be the first one I tell." He sent her a half grin, before suddenly pulling her into his arms, burying his nose in her hair.

"You know how I feel about you right Kag?" He murmured softly.

Kagome wrapped her arms around his waist in a loose hug. "Well, sort of I guess."

"Dammit Kagome." He gently pushed her away enough for him to look into her eyes. "I love you, and you should know that by now." He ran a hand through her hair, this thumb brushing her cheek.

A gentle smile slid onto her lips and all the love she held for him sparkled in her eyes. "I love you too Inuyasha."

He smiled and dipped his head, leaning in to kiss her, when,

"Hey guys! You'll never believe what I just saw!" A low growl ripped from Inuyasha's throat as he turned vengeful eyes to the poor neko youkai who dared disturb them.

"What is it Kirara?" Kagome asked placing her hand on Inuyasha's arm so he wouldn't rip the girl to shreds.

"That." She pointed to through the crowd of kids to Naraku. "Look at his parents." She giggled.

"I feel bad for whatever woman had to spawn that thing." Inuyasha grumbled. (My friend Chika thought up that one.)

A woman with dyed blonde hair and a huge smile on her face came up to Naraku and pinched one of his cheeks, causing the boy to grimace and scowl.

"So sweetiepie, wanna tell me about your little camp?" She said in an overly cheery voice. Naraku grumbled "no" and glared at the back of her head as she walked to her bright pink corvette.

A man with jet-black hair and another huge smile walked over, pulling Naraku's duffel bag behind him, dumping it in the car.

"Yeah sport, tell us all about it." He gave the boy an pat on the back before they all got into the car.

"My hatred for you two is immeasurable." Naraku mumbled, glaring daggers at them.

"Aw, someone's a little grumpy today. I know what'll make you feel better, singing!" His mom chided as she and his father started singing "The wheel on the bus" as they pulled onto the street.

"I hope you both sleep with your eyes open." Naraku mumbled again before they drove out of sight.

"Um...err...uh.... ok I've run out of noises, please tell me I wasn't the only one who saw that." Inuyasha asked looking down the street the car drove down. The two girls nodded.

"That was too freaky."

~_~_~_HERE COMES THE LAST CHAPTER LEMON!!! READERS BEWARE! I let out my inner perv for this one =D~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_

Kagome sighed as she looked at her now empty bowl of ice cream, pushing herself off the couch she wondered into the kitchen to get more of her vanilla bean best friend. She blew up her bangs in an effort to entertain herself as she rummaged through the fridge for more chocolate syrup and whipped cream.

'Two weeks.' She sighed again, scooping a large amount of ice cream into her little glass bowl. 'It's been two weeks since that jerk went on a family trip to Europe and I'm here acting like a love sick puppy. I did get to hang out with him before he left, even if it was just for a few days.'

"It's still not fair." She grumbled, adding another scoop of ice cream for good measure before placing it back in the freezer. "I should've just gone with Mama, Souta and Jii-chan to Osaka, at least then I wouldn't be alone for the next four days." She muttered picking up the chocolate syrup. But before she could dump half the bottle onto her ice cream, she heard a knock on the door.

Grumbling to herself about melting ice cream she opened the door and was met with a bouquet of red and white roses.

"Roses?" She muttered to herself.

"Yes roses wench." The unseen man behind the roses replied gruffly. "Now can I come in."

'There's only one person I know who can be that rude.' "Inuyasha?" The silver haired hanyou moved the roses from his face and smirked at the girl.

"The one and only." She squealed and threw her arms around him in a long hug, almost squashing the flowers but he moved them in time.

"These are for you." He smiled when she let go and handed her the flowers, causing her to squeal again.

"Aw, they're beautiful, apparently you've turned into a gentleman while you were over there huh?" She said before running off to the kitchen to put the flowers in a vase.

"Feh." He mumbled about irritating women and shoved his hands into his pockets.

"So, did you get me my autographed picture of Orlando Bloom?" She called from the kitchen, Inuyasha rolled his eyes and strolled to the kitchen entrance, casually leaning on the wall.

"Yeah, and Johnny Depp's in my closet waiting for you." The girl giggled, arranging the flowers, her back to the boy. Inuyasha let his eyes roam over her gorgeous figure and perfect curves, curves he'd been itching to touch for weeks.

"You want some ice cream or something?" She said making sure the flowers looked perfect.

Moving silently across the room Inuyasha wrapped his arms around her waist pulling her to him.

"Actually, what I really want, is you." He whispered into her ear, his breath tickling her skin, making her gasp as he started kissing her neck and exposed shoulder.

She bit back a moan when his fang grazed her shoulder, she smiled to herself when she got an evil idea. Her hand slowly crept across the counter and grabbed the can of whipped cream and sprayed it over her shoulder and onto his face. She giggled and broke free of his hold.

"You know, you look pretty good with a mustache." She giggled some more when he twitched his lip making his whipped cream moustache move.

"Heh, so that's how you wanna play." He smirked at her, wiping off the moustache, and grabbing the chocolate syrup on the table.

"Inuyasha, you know chocolate's bad for dogs." Kagome said with a giggle, before she knew what happened she had a line of chocolate syrup on her face and part of her tank top.

"Ok, now it's on." She mock glared at the smirking boy, before shooting whipped cream at him. And so began the great chocolate and whipped cream war, which lasted for about 10 minutes, before Kagome finally ran out of whipped cream.

Seeing his chance, Inuyasha tried to pounce on the girl, but slipped on one of the many chocolatey puddles on the floor. Grabbing onto Kagome he pulled her down with him, still managing to pin the giggling girl's hands over her head.

Groaning Kagome looked around the kitchen. "My mom's gonna kill me for this." During the fight they had somehow managed to get almost the entire kitchen covered in syrup and cream, but only landed about three shots on each other.

"You know, you're so helping with the cleani- What?" She asked, noticing Inuyasha was staring at her intently. Instead of answering the boy dipped his head and lazily ran his tongue over her chocolate covered cheek.

"Mmh, chocolate covered Kagome, my favorite." Kagome gasped and felt her face heat up.

Inuyasha grinned when he smelled the change in her scent and covered her lips with his in a heated kiss. One of his hands trailed down her arm to her side, slipping under her tank top. He lightly dragged his claws up her stomach, making her moan into the kiss. He ran his hand up to one of her breasts, gently squeezing and massaging it.

His lips left hers to trail little kisses down her jaw and neck, making sure to pay extra attention to his mark on her neck. He continued his downward decent, until her shirt stopped him.

"Sorry Kag, but this has got to go." He swiped a clawed hand down her shirt, slicing it to pieces.

Kagome was about to say something about the destruction of her favorite shirt, until Inuyasha circled his tongue around her nipple, making all coherent thought fly out the window, as she arched her back, and moaned loudly.

He smirked and ran his tongue over her erect nipple, enjoying hearing her moan out a broken version of his name. She groaned and squeezed her eyes shut when he took her breast into his mouth. Her hands reached down to stroke his doggy ears from base to tip.

He let out a low growl that sounded almost like a purr leaving her breast to capture her lips in a heated kiss.

"Let's take this somewhere a bit more comfortable, shall we?" Before the still dazed out girl could respond he lifted her up and carried her to her room, bridal style, then gently rested her on her bed. He captured her lips once more in a chaste kiss before trailing hot open mouth kisses down her neck, between her breasts and to her stomach, teasingly dipping his tongue into her belly button.

His hands began to push off her shorts and underwear, tossing them over his shoulder to some unknown part of her room. He dragged his claws up her thighs making her shiver. He brought his lips to hers once more as he slipped a finger into her. She broke the kiss, throwing her head back and letting out a pleasure filled gasp and he started moving his finger in and out of her.

He began teasing her other breast with his mouth as he adding another finger moving them faster, smirking when she moaned his name. He once again began trailing kisses from her breasts to her stomach, then to her inner thigh, running a fag over the sensitive skin, making her shiver and moan.

He began pumping his fingers into her faster, feeling her climax approaching. Suddenly his fingers stopped their movement and he pulled them out. Kagome began to whimper, but the sound died in her throat as a loud moan ripped from her lips when she felt his tongue lazily roll over her folds before diving into her.

Her hands traveled down and ran through his hair, grabbing fistfuls of his silvery mane, trying pull him closer to her as she felt something in the pit of her stomach tighten, begging for release. She tried to buck her hips making Inuyasha smirk inwardly, holding her legs in place with his hands. He felt her inner walls tighten slightly around his tongue, and smirked to himself again. Moving his tongue faster he brought his thumb to massage her clit, sending her over the edge screaming his name.

He lapped up her sweet juices and lazily kissed his was up to her face. His now painfully hard erection brushed against her leg through his pants making him groan slightly. Kagome looked to his smirking face when she finally returned to reality. Before Inuyasha even knew what happened the girl flipped their position and was now straddling his waist, smirking at his confused look.

She bent down, pressing her breasts against his covered chest. She traced the rim of one of his doggy ears with her tongue, making Inuyasha groan and grip her hips. She smiled to herself before seductively whispering into his ear,

"Your turn."

She placed a soft, teasing kiss on his lips that he barely had time to respond to before her lips were gone. She hooked two fingers under his shirt, slowly pulling it off, making sure to drag her fingers over his chiseled chest. She skillfully adjusted her position and began placing soft kisses down his chest while her fingers ran down the muscles in feather soft caress, feeling the muscles twitch under her fingers. Her fingers ran down to his pants, lightly stroking his member through the material.

"Oh fuck Kagome." He growled in pleasure, bucking his hips into her hand. The girl grinned and made her way back to his face, stopping when they were nose to nose.

"Patience puppy." He growled low in his throat at her playful smile, his bitch was teasing him. He'd let her have her fun for now, but he'd get her back in another round. His thoughts were cut off when the girl covered his lips with hers in a slow, passionate kiss as her nimble fingers unbuttoned his jeans, pushing them, along with his boxers, down slightly.

Braking the kiss Kagome crawled down his body, pushing off his jeans and boxers completely, letting his hardened member come free. Her eyes widened slightly at his length before smirking a bit. She lightly ran a finger from his base to tip, smiling when she heard him take in a shuddered breath. She began to slowly trace his length with her hand before swirling her tongue over the head of his member. She teased him with her tongue some more before wrapping her lips around him, making Inuyasha groan loudly and throw back his head, his hands fisting into the sheets.

As she worked on him with her mouth Inuyasha found it hard to keep control, his claws shredded through her sheets. He was so close, he felt his control over his demon nature slipping, it begged him to take what was his, and he would.

Before Kagome even knew what happened Inuyasha flipped them over once again, this time he was hovering inches over her, holding him self up by his arms, his erection at her entrance.

"You can still back out Kagome, it's not too late yet." He whispered, his hot breath tickling her cheek.

"I want this, now go." She smiled at him, and he leaned down to kiss her, as he slid into her. Tears slipped from the girls eyes mixing into the kiss when he broke her barrier. He broke the kiss and whispered loving words to her as he waited for her to get used to the new feeling. Before long, the pain subsided and only pleasure was left.

"Go." She mumbled, sending him a small smile. He smirked and started at a slow pace, but sped up when the girl below him begged him to go faster. Passion took over them both as he slammed into her, her screams of his name were music to his ears.

As they both neared their climax he lifted one of her legs to his shoulder, letting him go deeper. He started placing little nips and kisses along her neck adding to her pleasure. He felt her inner walls close in on him and his name escaped her lips in a loud yell. His own climax took him as soon as she hit hers, he bit down on her neck, increasing the intensity of her climax ten fold.

He returned to reality seconds before her, and rolled off of her. Grabbing his pants off the floor he pulled something out of the pocket. When Kagome slowly descended back to reality she felt something cold being slipped around her neck, looking down she saw the gold necklace Inuyasha bought her. (Back 2 chapters ago or last chapter, or something)

"Inu?" She looked over at the smiling boy next to her.

"Look at the back." She turned over the locket and read the three words that were written in white gold. 'I Love You.'

"I know I may not say it often," He began, pulling her to him in a tight embrace. "But I want you to know, that no matter what. I will always love you Kagome."

"I'll always love you too Inuyasha." She whispered, leaning up to capture his lips in a kiss.

They lay together in a comfortable silence for a while, Kagome started drifting to sleep exhausted from their earlier umm...actions, until Inuyasha spoke.

"When's your family coming back?"

"Not for another four days, why?" The simply evil look in his eye made her shiver as he smirked at her. “Oh no Inuyasha, I’d like to be able to walk on the first day of school.”

Before she even realized what he did, he had her pinned to the bed with one hand holding both of her arms over her head, his smirk turning devilish.

"I remember someone teasing me to the bring of insanity earlier." He dipped his head to her neck, nipping at his new mark, making her take in a shuddered breath. "I think it's time I return the favor."

~~~~~~~~~~~~~The End! Ok not really, there’s still an epilogue! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

InuYashas-One-And-Only-Mate- I’d like to say thanks, and I’m so sorry, I wish your dad the best, and I know that I can’t say anything to make it and I know how horrible that feels. So I’m sorry, and thanks for your support when I found out about my dad.

Frost – I loved what you said with the whole Kaggy fighting Kikyo and Kik falling into the lake, so thanks for that =D

NorikuKitsune- OMG LOVED THE KANNA IDEA!! I read it and I was like PERFECT!! And Jack Sparrow for Shippo, wondiferous! I LOVE POTC!! So yeah thanks, lol.

InuyashaMaster- I liked the Vampire slayer idea for Inu, but I have a love of vamps, and there had to be one, and it had 2 be hot, so I kinda took your idea and changed it I hope that's ok, but yeah THANKS FOR THE IDEA!!

I wanna thank my wondiferous friend Danielle for coming up with Sesshomaru, Naraku and Miroku’s costume, she’s a genius...sometimes.


And yea there will be more shout outs and thank yous at the end of the epilogue! So yea if you think I'm gonna forget you, remind me in a review cuz I really do forget everything lol.