InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Military Warfare ❯ Epilogue ( Chapter 15 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

~ One Summer Later ~

"Kagome why didn't you pack last night!?!" Mrs. Higurashi yelled to her daughter who was running around the shrine looking for her stuff.

"Because you didn't tell me I would be leaving in the morning!!" Kagome yelled back, almost tripping over her cat, Buyo who was sprawled on the floor.

"Stop making excuses and finish pack young lady!!"

"O.k. done packing." Kagome mumbled to herself. "Now to get dressed."

"Kagome hurry up! You're gonna miss your ride!!" Ayame yelled to her daughter again. Seconds later Kagome stumbled down the stairs, pulling a black duffel bad behind her.

"Ok, I'm ready. Bye mom, love ya! See you in a month." The girl called to her mother before closing the front door behind her. She ran down the shrine steps as quickly as she could with a 50 ton duffel bag weighing her down. She let out a long sigh after finally reaching the bottom step after four breaks to catch her breath.

" 'Bout damn time." She looked to the owner of the voice, finding her silver haired boyfriend leaning next to his graduation present, a brand new red Ferrari F430 Spider.

"Well, if somebody would have come up the stairs to help me, this could’ve taken a lot less time!" She said pointedly, sending a glare to her mate who only keh'ed and walked over to her. Her glare intensified when he took the bag, that she could barely drag, and effortlessly swung it over his shoulder.

"Now then," Inuyasha smirked before wrapping his free arm around Kagome's waist, pulling her body to his, resting his head in the crook of her neck and placing a light kiss on his mark. "Sleep well?"

He grinned when he felt her body tense, probably thinking of his late night visit to her room.

"Nope, there was this annoying dog bothering me all night." She answered pushing her mate away, grinning at his scowl.

"Fine, see if that dog ever bothers you again." His grin reappeared at the look of disappointment that flashed in her eyes for less than a second.

Smirking to himself, he once again pulled her to him, giving her a long, hard, bruising kiss that left her dazed and week in the knees. When she finally came back to reality, Inuyasha was sitting in the driver's seat with a smirk on his face.

"You gettin' in or what?" He asked with a cocky smirk, which turned into a grin when he noticed the icy glare she sent him.

"Jerk." She grumbled, but quickly got into the car, making sure to buckle up, Inuyasha's driving was.... well it was a ride you were sure to never forget. The boy sped out of the parking spot with a screech, and lowered the convertible’s hood.

"You know, your little act back there probably made us late. I knew I should've just taken the bus to the camp." Kagome grumbled the last part to herself, smacking away Inuyasha's hand as it wandered up her thigh.

"we're not gonna be that late, we're probably just gonna miss Miaochi's speech, and we've heard it before anyway. Besides, why would you want to take the bus when you could ride with someone as sexy as me." He smirked when he heard her snort. "We'll probably get there the same time as the others, and clown boy." Kagome grinned at the nickname Inuyasha had given his brother since last year's party.

"I thought they all left before you."

"Yeah, but odds are Sesshomaru and Rin are pulled over somewhere, and doing things in the backseat that I much rather not think about. Miroku went to pick up Sango and you know those two can't go ten seconds without jumping on each other, and let's not get started on Kirara and Shippo." Kagome giggled then sighed, turning her head to look at the passing scenery.

"Well, here comes another waste of my perfectly good summer."


They pulled into the camp parking lot a few hours later, and headed for the mess hall. They slipped in unnoticed, getting there just in time to be put into groups, ironically, they got put into the same ones they were in last year. Looking around the crowded room they found no sign of their friends. Making sure they remembered to go look for them later, they headed to their old cabin, with the other members of their group.

"Fond memories of this place." Inuyasha whispered to Kagome as they neared their old cabin, earning a jab in the ribs from his girlfriend.


"No, dog." He said with a smirk, and ran a claw up her spine making her shiver and gasp.

While they were having their little moment, everyone else sat inside the cabin and looked around, waiting for their councilors. Eight pairs of eyes turned to the door when their two councilors entered.

The brunette councilor cleared her throat, and in a voice that clearly screamed 'I'm so happy to be here and in case you haven't noticed this is what you call sarcasm' said:

"We are your councilors, and we're only doing this because our college requires volunteer hours." Everyone in the cabin looked at the pair with sweatdrops. Then the other councilor, a boy, spoke.

"So, if you need're pretty much screwed. Anyway this is the girl's cabin and right out there is the boys cabin." He said in the same bored voice as the first councilor. Without another word they turned and headed to the door, but before they left the girl turned and smiled to the kids.

"Oh yea, I'm Kagome, he's Inuyasha, and welcome to camp Shikon."

~~~~~~~~~~~~Ok now THE END!!~~~~~~~~~~~~

Omg I’m so sad, I've been working on this story for over a year now, or about a year...well it's been a while, and I just wanna say thanks to all my reviewers on all the sites that I've posted on, I LOVE U GUYS!!! really you guys are soo awesome and I'm gonna miss this story so much, and of course I'm gonna miss you guys, sniffle.

But before I say bye I just want to give one last shout out to the two people who have always yelled at me about posting...evil bastards.

So DANIELLE AND ANA I LOVE U GUYS!!! And thanks for always yelling at me, (Ana) threatening to fly over here via red bull and kick my ass and (Danielle) pinching me, until I updated. u guys are awesome....weird and freaky, but awesome! This story really would never have been finished if it wasn’t for u guys bothering me.