InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mind Games ❯ Mind Games ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Thanks to my beta reader- Maxwells02demon


inuyasha and kagura non con


Shattering the Light

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Part one of Mind Games


The ropes were tight, all but cutting off the circulation to his limbs as the demons bound him. He growled through the leather gag, his fangs showing clearly. His shoulder was badly torn from the fangs of the lesser demons. The pelt was ripped from the tanned skin, soaked with his blood, the skin torn away from muscle.

His fiery golden eye held a smolder rage as blood trickled down one torn ear, matting his silvery mane. His fire rat kimono was badly ripped by the wind blades, exposing his firm chest and the deep gashes there. The smell of blood was intoxicating to the demons, the primitive small eyed beasts vaguely resembled bipedal lizards, their long slender muzzle filled with row upon row of razor sharp teeth. Strands of drool fell from their muzzles as they hovered over the weakened Inuyasha.

He would rip her throat out if he got loose.

Not that it would mater.. With the dark Naraku holding her heart, nothing could kill her. A fact that Naraku reminded her on a daily basis of.

She watched with an air of arrogance; she was the wind that gives a form that could not be stopped, only directed. And like the wind, one day she would be free. She smirked, it had been far easier then she though to catch the hanyou. A lot easier. His rage led his to his downfall.

He was a beautiful thing, even in his rage. Although she never told any one, she had been secretly captivated by him. His rage, his stubborn nature, and even his wild beauty. She could see why the wench had fallen for him. She wanted to have a piece of him as well, at least just once.. to fill herself with his wild nature instead of Naraku’s empty coldness.

He struggled under the tightened ropes, growling at her at the same time. It was all too easy; lure him away from the safety of the group and out of the range of any help. He stood little chance with the toxin from the lizard demons bite running in his blood. The bitter stench of the poison still clung to the air along with the blood.

It was all too easy.

She licked her lips, feeling a long forgotten heat slowly rise in her body as she watched him strain at the ropes.

“Leave us, now.” The two creatures looked up, their dim minds trying to comprehend the order. They stood there for several second before lumbering off.

Kagura watched as they disappeared into the forest, her fan resting on her shoulder as she calmly approached Inuyasha, her ruby red eyes shining with something sinister.

His chest rose and fell rapidly, the long fight leaving him on the edge and weaker then before. It did nothing but help circulate the toxin, leaving him weak and vulnerable. His rage was visible in his eyes.

She walked up to him, her eyes never leaving him. A cold smirk graced her lips.

With a simple push he was on his back, his eyes closed as the strength ran from his body. He went limp not long after, his chest still rapidly rising and falling as a sheen of sweat covered his tanned skin. He groaned slightly and shivered as her hand gently ran over his exposed chest, feeling the hard muscle.

He squirmed a bit, forcing his eyes open again, now a hint of fear lodged in them. Could he know what she intended to do?

He smelled like the woods, the salt form his sweet blended in with it. Nothing like the stale musty stench of Naraku or his castle. It was actually ..enjoyable.

Inuyasha’s eyes started to glaze over; the poison wouldn’t kill him, not with his demon half but it would greatly weaken him. She could feel his heart beat under her hand as she let it trail over his chest, the wounds, though deep, had stopped bleeding.

Kagura smiled darkly, she would finally be able to get back at him for all the times he had beaten her. All she had to do was wait until it took full effect. The others wouldn’t be able to find him easily, giving her plenty of time to do what she always wanted.

She traced a finger along his jaw, down his throat and to his chest. She could kill him, just one clean sweep of the fan’s magically generated wind blades, but were would be the fun in that? How Naraku would rage if he found out she let him live. Anything that would enrage him was worth the effort, no mater how small. She smiled as he tired to pull away under her gentle touch. He would live, for now.

The best part is.. she'd be killing two birds with one stone.

Kagura bent down, forcing her lips against his hot ones, her tongue worming its way pass the gag. He struggled slightly, trying to turn his head away. Her tongue swept the inside of his mouth, tasting the faint traces of raman noodles. She sucked lightly on his lower lip, feeling him size up.

Revenge had its own taste, a sweet one. It was best to wait for it, makes it all the sweeter to the tongue. She held his head tightly, not letting him get away; she could feel his body react even if his mind must have been screaming.

He pressed against her, moving against her breasts through the thick kimono she wore.


His brain screamed at him, it beat futilely against the invisible bars of its cage, smashing into them despite the pain it may cause. His greatest enemy’s incarnation was about to rape him and he was helpless. He struggled through the drug like haze, clawing his way through the darkness as it slowly drained him, leaving behind a wake of flaming pain from the deep gashes in his chest and torn shoulder.

He pulled as the rough rope, tearing his skin even more till blood flowed freely, his claws scraped at the ground, arms pinned beneath him.

She deliberately rubbed her body shamelessly against him, her nipples hardening at their own accord, sending little shock waves up her spine.

She slowly undid his fire rat pelt, slipping it off his chest so it was exposed completely. Deep gashes crossed over his flesh, deep ruins of red that left raw nerves and muscle exposed to the cool night air.

Kagura breathed deeply of his scent, before letting her tongue trace over the firm surface of his chest. He gasped in response as she took a nipple between her teeth, biting on it none to gently.

His ears went back and he glared at her.

She kept dipping lower, leaving trials of soft, sensuous kisses over his torn and bruised flesh. Inuyasha bit down on the leather gag as hard as he could, his eyes squeezed shut. The bitter, oily taste of cured leather filled his mouth. His breathing had become choppy, his back arching as he tried to get loose.

He felt her hand linger only for moment on the band of his pants, the fear etched in his golden eyes giving her all the incentive she would ever need.

She pulled them down, the soft warm material slide down his hips even as he struggled with the bonds.

The second her warm hand touched his semi erect member he froze, a hot shock of unwanted pleasure shot up his spine. His eyes went wide.

Kagura smiled at his reaction, his instincts were strong and his body willing reacted to her touch. Inuyasha groaned under her skilled hands, the same that had more times than not pleasured her master, Naraku.

His touch made his thighs jerk forward into her hand. Looking down, he could see the pink expanse of her tongue trace the ridge of the head of his cock, careful not to miss anything before sliding her tongue along his underside.

The soft pants, muffled curses and sharp intakes of air told all she needed to know.

She traced the outside of his ball sack, feeling he soft bag of flesh with her hand while wrapping her mouth around one nut, feeling his body seize up again.

Kagura’s hot mouth engulfed his now rock hard, straining member in one quick move, taking the hanyou by surprise. Sweat dripped down his face as he bit into the leather, his eyes tightly closed as the pleasurable sensations threatened to drown out any thought.

Both her hands now were seated on his erection, the salty pre-cum flowing down here throat, nothing compared to Naraku’s bitter cream.

He groaned, his hair matted by blood and sweat stuck to his forehead. Each pull, each little touch made it throb and the growing desire to slam it into her mouth was growing rapidly uncontrollable.

Hips started to buck involuntarily as her pace quickened. He felt ill, a sick feeling sat in the pit of his stomach that sat like a great weight. He turned his head away from her.

She could feel him tremble under her as he neared his climax. Her own body had started to respond as well, her hard nipples rubbed against the ground, sending off pleasurable sparks. A warm sensation grew in her belly, spreading like a wildfire to her hips. Maybe there was more than one way to have with her new captive toy, but not now. With the sweet taste of vengeance still in her mind, Kagura could wait for another day to rise.


The sensation had stopped, leaving him felling empty, dirty and weak. Inuyasha sucked air into his lungs, his whole body shaking with shame, the metallic taste of blood mixed with taste of oil and leather. Strings of saliva leaked out and ran over his chin.

His chest was heaving as the sparks of pleasure erupted behind tightly closed eyes, leaving trials of fire that burned out to embers in the darkness.

He lay there for several minutes, hoping she was gone.

He opened his eyes and immediately regretted it; Kagura’s half naked body was pressed to his. Her pale, white skin glowed in the moonlight, her breasts were great round globes, and the kimono she wore was down to her waist.

He couldn’t take his eyes off of her, and he moaned something into the gag. Tears leapt to his eyes, making his seem weaker and vulnerable.

He fought the binds, as she claimed his mouth in a deep kiss, her tongue working its way past the leather gag and brushed over his. A part of him wanted to touch her.. he clamped down on that thought in disgust.

He struggled under her, his movements turning her on even more.

Kagura’s hot woman hood griped his cock unlike anything else, he groaned as she slowly sheathed herself on him.

Tears fell from his eyes as he closed them and turned his head away. Kagura watched in grim satisfaction.

He tried to stop it, but he couldn’t. Even biting down on his own tongue and drawing blood did nothing to stop the flood of pleasure that wracked his mind. It came as a wildfire, devouring everything in its way, leaving behind hot embers to burn themselves out in the night. It was a terrible unwanted feeling.

She cried out, her body griping his before nearly collapsing over him. Her chest heaved as she pulled in oxygen to her burning lungs. Shaking, Kagura got up, pulling her kimono up. Her body was already covered in sweat.

Inuyasha was laying still. His eyes closed, salty tears flowing down his cheeks.

Kagura leaned down and claimed one last kiss before pulling his pants back up; it wouldn’t be long before they found him. She had caused him great turmoil and pain.. She smirked, caressing his face gently before getting up and leaving.


He lay unmoving, the toxins having long worn off. He did nothing but lay on the cool wet grass and breathe as the sun touched the sky, only faintly catching the distant voice that shouted his name. But still, he made no move to get up, only the sudden burden of his own disgusted anger engulfing him.

He enjoyed it.

He actually enjoyed it.

A few tears fell form his eyes as he went limp in his bonds, feeling sick.
