InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mind Games ❯ P14 ( Chapter 14 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Non con koga x naraku
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* Castle of Dark Illusion*

A thick cold rain, as cold as the early winter could make it, etched down the sides of the grey weathered stone. It seeped into deep dank puddles and weed- choked ponds of foul water.

The icy wind ripped through the dead and dying trees, whipping the gnarled twisted branches into a frenzy of gripping clawed fingers that reached for the dark cloudy sky far above as the storm grew.

Rain and ice lashed at the dark windows, streaking in freezing streams down dark stone and cold metal.


He lay beside the large bed, forced to make do with a large over-stuffed pillow that was all he had to curl up on to keep off the cold damp floor, like a dog at the foot of his master’s bed. He shivered slightly as a cold draft seeped through the large dark room. The small oil lamps mounted in rusting iron scones flickered, the tainted yellow flames nearly going out before resuming their slow wavering dance behind the smoky glass.

He blindly reached up, groping for the edge of the sheet that lay on the bed. Yanking it down enough to cover his sore battered body, he tried to ward off some of the damp coldness that permeated the castle’s walls. He shivered again as his longing eyes stared at the iron chain that snaked up to a thick bedpost.
The heavy enchanted chain weighed his weary head down, tugging at his neck. It was just long enough to allow him to move half way across the dark floor into the moving shadows of the dead branches of trees swaying in an ill wind outside the castle.

He groaned softly into the uncaring darkness. Dull eyes watched the skittering shadows with faint disinterest, his mind still trying to cope with the pain that constantly assaulted his sleepy mind. The stink of Naraku filled each breath, overpowering the sweet smell of straw and cloth.

He could only pray that the remnants of his shattered pack would have enough sense to stay away and not follow him, as they would be slaughtered in the dark forest, never standing a chance.

He lay there, not knowing for how long, blood trickling down his back as he shifted several times, unable to get even remotely comfortable.

Koga could swear Naraku was laughing by now, having so easily caught the alpha of the wolf pack, now holding him as a pet by his bed.

A pet; was that what he was reduced to?

A pet?

He sighed and shifted again, tearing open one of his many wounds. Wincing slightly, he propped himself up on his arms, ignoring the pain shooting through his still healing one.

One hand went to the collar, the sign of his servitude, feeling the smooth oiled surface of the leather and cold metal. No lock marred its smoothness, only a simple feeling latch on the back. His claws ran over the metal, trying to work it. He could feel it, the cold metal under his fingertips, yet it refused to move.
He growled in frustration at the collar before letting his hand drop back down.

He went back to tugging at the heavy black chain, his low growl turning into a snarl of rage.
His claws chipped and broke against it as he pulled. The sharp edges cut into his palms, drawing lines of red splattering on the stone. He would get free if it killed him; death was preferable to.. this.
The sharp metallic scent of blood floated through the air as he pulled on the chain.

He nearly jumped out of his skin when a hand grabbed a bare shoulder, sharp claws cutting deep as it forced him down. His growl turned to a yelp as he tried to squirm out from under the weight pressing him down.

“Going somewhere?”

He froze for a second, his eyes going wide in fear. He lashed out wildly with his claws, shredding the distinctive black kimono as he scrambled back, the hold on his shoulder loosening.

Naraku easily pinned the squirming wolf down, his hardened erection brushing against Koga’s thigh, his hand wrapping around his wrists. The former wolf prince squirmed and struggled under the dark shadow, his back arching as a hand ran over a bare thigh, slowly traveling up the inside, caressing the flesh there.
The creature below him lacked the lovely silver hair, but he still had the fight.

Naraku smiled as he pressed his lips against Koga’s, the wolf struggling beneath him, heightening his arousal. His free hand stopped its soft caressing, traveling slowly up the curve of his hip before gripping the wolf’s limp cock, drawing a gasp from Koga.

He growled, even as the nausea rose in his stomach as he fought against Naraku.

He moaned softly as spark of embers floated up his spine as he went lax to the hanyou’s ministrations despite his screaming mind.

He barely noticed as the black silk slipped from Naraku’s shoulder and pooled like a liquid shadow around him, his pale skin glistening in the moonlit shadows of the room as he wrapped the slack chain tightly around Koga’s wrists.

The chain would leave deep bruises from the youkai’s struggles, not that it mattered. This was his toy, his pet.

Koga closed his eyes, silent tears falling from them. Humiliated and raped, used for nothing but a toy. His heart ached as the walls were rapidly crumbling away from the foundations of his consciousness, giving him less and less to hold on to. Even the frail weak beacon of hope wavered on the distant horizon.
A low chilling laugh filled his ears as he pulled at the chains cutting into his flesh; he tried to fight Naraku off as the hanyou forced him down.

He felt sick.

Koga shivered and trembled as a clawed hand teased his tight puckered opening. He chewed on his lower lip, tearing it with his fangs.

He swallowed a groan as one clawed finger worked its way past the tensed muscle, followed by another, slowly forcing the ring to relax. Naraku smiled devilishly as he buried his fangs in the soft flesh of the wolf’s neck and shoulder, tearing into the skin. Koga tried to keep the sounds of pain in his throat but they leaked out of his bruised lips.

A yelp of pain and pleasure shot from his mouth as Naraku’s questing fingers found the hidden spot buried deep in his unwilling lover, causing Koga to buck his hips under his rough hand as molten flames ate up his spine with each mocking thrust.

Koga cried out in pleasure each time it was hit, hating himself for it.

He felt his hips being slightly raised off the pillow, allowing Naraku better access.

Koga whimpered and struggled weakly in his captor’s grasp.

His yelps of pain rapidly turned to soft moans as the questing fingers were pressed deeply into the warmth, stretching the tight ring of muscle.


Naraku withdrew before getting a good grip on the wolf’s hips, pulling him closer, his tongue running over the bruised bleeding flesh. Koga whimpered and shook, turning his head away as the last remnants of pleasure rode themselves out, his neglected arousal weeping salty pre.

Koga whimpered again, trying to block out the sensation of the hanyou’s cock rubbing against him as Naraku smirked at the cowering wolf below him. How easy it was to reduce the once proud wolf prince to this; it was almost too easy. He hoped Inuyasha would be more of a challenge.

Koga threw his head back and screamed to the dark heavens as pain spread up his spine and hips, his back arched off the stiff material and he clawed at the strong shoulders, drawing thin lines of crimson. Naraku ignored the slight distraction of the pain coming from his shoulders as his hips met Koga’s. The wolf struggled under him; his clawed hands gripping the edge of the sheets, ripping them, as another scream was torn loose.

Naraku gripped the wolf prince’s hips tightly, pounding mercilessly into the hot flesh below him, his claws cutting into the skin and muscle. Koga’s struggles only served to heighten his pleasure; the tightening of the wolf’s anus around his invading cock drove red-hot spikes of pleasure through his mind.
He became lost in his own world of dark pleasure, the screams of the damned and the wolf rang into the dark night, melting as the sun finally graced the far distance, sending the long rays through the thick fog surrounding the castle as the night and shadows slunk off to the dark places among the root and branches of massive twisted limbs.


Koga groaned and shifted slightly, his body complaining as he moved enough to see the faint rays of light streaming through the toxic fog, his blurry eyes opening enough to see that he was alone again.
Waves of pain assaulted his nerves as he pulled himself from the puddle of fluids and blood, half crawling, half pulling himself across the floor. He collapsed on the floor, his body giving out to exhaustion as he was pulled into unconsciousness.

TBC in Arrows Fall
Ducks thrown objects
Missed me!
Arrows Fall teaser

He tried to move, only to find his arms were tightly secured behind his back. There was an edge of fear in his voice.
Koga leaned in close. “Inuyasha, please, just be still. I don’t want to hurt you.”
“The hell are you doing?” He struggled weakly, tugging at his bindings; his amber eyes round with fear as he tried to pull himself away.
Koga held him down, trying to avoid his eyes.
“Forgive me..”