InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mine Alone ❯ Always Mine ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

HEY! Hello everyone! This is my new fict! I hope you like it, I just thought of it today and hopefully you guys will like it, I might include a lemon in here, but I'll probable post it somewhere else, anyway, let's start with the story.
Disclaimer: All I own is a sad sad life and a little black book, Inuyasha is way beyond my reach....OH THE INHUMANITY!!!
“..........” Talking
`...........' Thinking
Mine Alone
Chapter#1: Always Mine
The fire cracked as its dying flames desperately struggled to burn on. The waving sparks of light gracing her delicate features, slowly caressing her long dark lashes and showering her smooth flawless skin with its undying warmth as Kagome slept peacefully, lost in the land of dreams.
A small smile drew on the young girl's soft sherry lips as she brought one arm behind her head and allowed a soft giggle to escape her, as she was fully enveloped in her happy dreams.
Beautiful, she was beautiful, her long, silky, raven locks, her tone curvaceous body, her long shapely legs, the soft curve of her unmarked shoulder trailing down to her young yet perky full breasts, and her ever endless gray/blue eyes.
And her scent, such heavenly scent, one that would indulge him fully and never leave his senses. One that would tease him to no end with its intensity whenever she would go into heat.
But that wasn't all, she wasn't just physically beautiful, she also had a beautiful soul, one that had never shown in Kikyou. No, this was Kagome, she was different.
And he loved her for it, he loved all of her, longed for her, yet he knew he would never have her. His feelings of love and lust would never be retaliated.
How could he even dare to think that a creature as pure and innocent as Kagome could ever even think about loving a filthy hanyou such as himself? It was hopeless.
Sighing heavily yet quietly, Inuyasha forced these thoughts from his head and continued watching the sleeping angel before him, unconsciously scooting closer with every heart beat.
Too enthrall in the way her chest rose and fell with every breath she took, and how her cute little nose twitched in irritation as a single strand of hair fell upon her face, Inuyasha fail to detect the dark, vicious shadow that lurked near.
His eyes darkened slightly, filled with unsatisfied passion as he watched Kagome turn her body to face him, using the hand that had been supporting her head and pushing her heavy blanket down to her hips, exposing her bare arms and shoulder as she only wore a thin white tank top.
His breath caught as he traced his heated gaze from her peaceful sleeping face, down her neck and across the ample amount of cleavage she unconsciously exposed to his viewing pleasure.
How could she look so innocent yet dead sexy at the same time? So vulnerable yet tempting? It was beyond him; all he knew was that at the moment he would gladly give away his hand if he could caress her skin with the other.
Trailing his gaze further down her body and feeling incredibly guilty in doing so, a silver twinkle suddenly caught his searching eyes, immediately causing his mouth to drop and a certain part of his anatomy to harden further.
She had some kind of ring on her tone belly.
A small pinkish jewel hanging against her soft skin, and for some reason he couldn't help but find it incredibly arousing.
`When did she do that?' his mind asked in confusion as he once again found his breath and managed to calm his raging heart beat, not to mention pumping blood.
How many nights more would he be blessed with the simple pleasure of gazing at her sleeping form, how much more until she tired of him and leave for her world, back to her family and back to her human suitors.
Or even worse, what if she finally snapped and decided to take Kouga up on his offer of mating and never dying love.
What would he do if she suddenly disappeared from his life with no trace behind, probably go on a killing rampage. No, he couldn't even think about it, even the thought of it brought a sharp pain to his heart.
It stirred his demon and weakened his body. Not even if she begged for it, he would never let her go...if she only knew how much of a demon he truly was.
She had promised to stay hadn't she? She had shown she cared for him with her tears and actions, yet caring and loving were far apart from each other, at least on his book. The day would come for her to leave.
Someday he would loose her forever, either to illness, old age, perhaps someone who might take her from him...and maybe he would someday lose her to himself. To his demon, to his lust.
He dropped his head and shut his eyes as a deep feeling of sorrow began to overwhelm his senses.
`Please...please God...I promise I won't ever touch her...I won't ever disgrace her but please...please let her stay by my side forever, let Kagome be mine alone' he silently pleaded into the night, not aware of the figure now kneeling next to his beloved.
He opened his eyes in time to see none other than Kikyou, as she opened her palm allowing a white thick mist to cover the camp site.
Though he was merely numbed by it, there was no doubt that his friends had been entrapped further more into the land of dreams with no guarantee of return, unless he could somehow clear the mist.
“Why do you love her so?” he heard her cold voice pierce through the silence, suddenly he could feel his body being paralyze by an invisible force.
“Kikyou! What are you doing?” he demanded, yet felt his voice slowly loosing its force as he watched helplessly as the miko before him reached a deadly hand towards Kagome's sleeping from.
“Don't!” he breathed out as Kikyou glared at him while running her cold hand over the girl's smooth cheek.
“Is it her skin, Inuyasha?” She began as she drifted her cold gaze back to Kagome's body and continued running her hand down her neck to the strap of her top, slowly and absently pulling it down a bit as her hand searched her flawless skin.
“Or perhaps her body?” her voice rung as she abandoned Kagome's warm soft skin and dug her hand in her silky tresses.
“Maybe it's her warmth? Which is it Inuyasha...WHY DO YOU LOVE HER SO?” Kikyou suddenly shouted in rage as she yanked on Kagome's hair, making her whimper in her sleep and frown deeply.
“No please don't hurt her Kikyou, not my Kagome!” he pleaded, feeling the spell pulling him down and sucking his breath away.
“My Kagome?” Kikyou echoed sorrowfully and with traces of rage as she pulled on Kagome's body, fully taking her out of her sleeping bag and wrapping her fingers around her slender throat as well as her narrow waist to keep her in balance.
“You care for her, desire doubt you love her, why?” her emotionless voice questioned. “Kikyou please” Inuyasha whispered as a single tear broke away from his eye and glided its way down his face. `Don't take her from me'
“You shed tears for her; you'd cry if I were to take her never cried for me, you never desired me as you do her...WHY INUYASHA?” Kikyou shouted in fury as she wrapped both her hands around Kagome's delicate neck and began strangling the life out of her. He had never felt so helpless in his life.
He could barely lift a finger and do nothing more but watch the girl he deeply loves being slowly killed by the girl he once thought he loved. No, it couldn't end like this, it wasn't going to end like this; he wouldn't let it.
“Let...her...go!” he whispered darkly as he heard Kagome's sharp intakes of breath, and somehow found the strength to break the spell that had been cast on him and jumped to his feet, taking a step forth and flexing his deadly claws.
Kikyou frowned and suddenly released the girl within her grasp, throwing her unconscious body like a rag doll, and making a quick get away while the hanyou rushed to catch Kagome in him arms.
He held her body close and lifted his eyes to catch Kikyou being lifted away by her soul collectors.
“The minute she leaves your sight Inuyasha, I will take her life! Then I will come back for yours, you will fulfill your promise!” she said darkly before fully vanishing in the air, the mist disappearing along with her, freeing Kagome and the rest his companions of the sleeping spell.
Looking down at the still sleeping girl in his arms, Inuyasha couldn't help but crush her tender body to his as he tried to stop the shaking and sunk into the ground.
He cuddled her against him and buried his face in the crook of her slightly bruised neck, absently soothing the abused skin with his lips and taking in her glorious scent, completely oblivious to the fact that his ministration were beginning to pull her from the land of dreams.
Her eyes slowly drifted open only to widen when she realized where she was and whose lips were caressing her soar neck. `Wait soar? Why would...? and my hair, it feels as if someone pulled on it, and why is he...something's not right' her mind quickly registered.
“Inuyasha?” she questioned softly and gasped when he pulled her closer to him, crushing her chest to his and began nibbling on her neck.
Her first reaction was to push him away and sit him till tomorrow, but then she felt it. He was shaking, he was scared, he needed the body contact, and it was up to her to chase his fears away.
`What in the world could have happened to make him act like this?' she wondered as she moved her head a little to try and pry his lips from her and brought one hand to his highly sensitive ears, slowly caressing the soft fur in order to try an sooth him.
“Inuyasha what's wrong, what happened?” she asked smoothly, trying with all her might to ignore the hand that was absently stroking her bare thigh or the hot breath that grazed the curse of her neck, sending small shivers down her spine and tickling her skin.
She heard him mumble something into her bare shoulder but didn't quite understand him for his was speaking against her skin; once again grazing her with his lips and making her blush darken ten shades.
“Inuyasha what is it?” her sweet voice once again questioned while gently trying to push him away enough to be able to look into his eyes.
He responded by tightening his hold on her waist and running his hand from her thigh to her hip, gripping her to him and grunting as he tried to cover a small sob.
“I almost lost you” he finally whispered against her ear making her eyes widened at the sudden contact of his lips against her tiny red stud.
She could still feel him slightly shaking and so she continued caressing his ears. He sighed in pleasure and dropped his forehead to her shoulder as he closed his eyes, letting his body relax yet never loosening his hold.
“What do you mean? I was here the whole time, Inuyasha it's ok, I'm fine...” “NO! You're not...she almost killed you...she almost took you from me, and I couldn't do anything...”
Not knowing what to say, Kagome decided to not ask just yet but to reassure him she was fine and would never leave him.
And so she continued her sweet gentle caresses. “Shhh, it's ok, I'm here, no one will ever take me from you, I said I would always stay by our side and I meant it” Her eyes suddenly widened as she pushed him away and scooted back, her hand flying to the two punctures on her neck which were slightly starting to bleed.
She wiped the blood away and winced at the contact. `What the hell!' her mind screamed yet stopped completely when she noticed the look on Inuyasha's face.
He gave her a look of pure panic, as if begging for her to understand, not to run away, and maybe just maybe, comfort him. She'd never seen him so utterly vulnerable in her life.
“You bit me” she stated simply before moving back into his embrace and resting her head against his broad, warm shoulder.
“I'm not going to ask you anything, you don't have to tell me if you don't want to” she began softly as her slender arms encircled him around the waist.
“Whatever happened tonight, you can forget about it, I'm not going anywhere, I'll stay right here with you...forever...” Kagome whispered as sleep once again came to claim her.
So all Inuyasha could do was sit there, holding her close and confused beyond believe. Kagome had willingly fallen asleep in his embrace; she had hugged him closely, comforted him, and once again had reassured him she would stay with him...even after he had bitten her.
That's right!
His eyes suddenly widen in realization. He HAD bitten her, he had ripped her skin and if permitted the chance to sink his teeth any further, he would have fully claimed her.
He had broken his promise and allowed himself a stolen piece of her luscious body.
Yet here she was, trusting as ever, or perhaps simply naïve; she rested fully against him, providing as well as claiming some or his warmth, completely oblivious to the monster she so closely held herself against.
How pure could she be? How forgiving? And how he knew he didn't deserve any of it.
The very thought of touching her as he was now had seemed to be one of the biggest sins he could ever commit.
To taint her purity with his very touch, to taste her virgin blood with his demonic senses, no doubt he would be condemned. Yet he knew he would never be strong enough to let her go, and if worst came to worst, he would keep her against her will.
His demon would take over and hold her captive; this was something he deeply dreaded. It wasn't enough that his human side loved her, but also his demon side yearned for her, and that longing would always bind her to him.
That deep dark desire would always imprison her to his side, whether she knew it or not. She was his; she had always belonged to him, both his human side and demon side.
Someday he would break his promise, just like he had today. She wasn't safe by his side, in fact she couldn't be more in danger. His possessiveness would haunt her always.
He couldn't even begin to describe the pain he felt every time she would departed to her world.
That pain which weaken his human side and brought out traces of his demon which caused him to snap at her and engage in many arguments.
He would never tell anyone, but he didn't exactly need to be completely transformed for his demon to show. In fact, it was always there, watching from behind his golden eyes, waiting for the smallest chance to snick out and pour out of his deadly claws or wicked tongue.
He was a monster and he knew it, he wanted her and it couldn't be any more wrong.
He carried the deep sorrow of knowing that someday his demon would snap and take her fully, yet he knew he would never be able to distance himself from her, he was selfish.
And so he held her through the night, running his deadly hands down her soft curves and taking full advantage of her kind show of trust.
Savoring every second, every soft sigh, and every new discovery he made upon her untouched body as he shamelessly explored her secrets.
Tonight she would be his to hold, his to caress, his to adore and his to pretend she loved him. If only tonight would repeat itself more often.
“The minute she leaves your sight Inuyasha, I will take her life! Then I will come back for yours, you will fulfill your promise!”
Inuyasha shivered and held Kagome closer as he recalled the miko's dark threat; now that he was aware of Kikyou's real intentions he couldn't afford one minute away from Kagome, after all, he was her protector.
The sun pierced harshly through the thick branches of the tree above her. Challenging the leaves and pouring its light through, aiming for her sensitive closed eyes that now squeezed themselves in irritation.
So finally forcing herself from her dreams and grunting softly in the process, Kagome finally sat up and rubbed her tired eyes free of sleep. Her mind still too fuzzy to notice the fact that she had woken up alone.
So feeling her way around the grass and finding only the material of her fluffy sleeping bad beneath her, Kagome finally opened her eyes and looked around a bit confuse.
`Did...was it a dream? couldn't have been...why would I dream of something like that?' her hand suddenly flew to her neck and found only smooth unmarred skin.
`But how? I thought...last night...I guess...I did dream it?' she finally decided with a frown. “Kagome, you're awake, Miroku took off earlier with Shipou and Inuyasha is nowhere to be found” Sango suddenly announced as she poked the dying fire with a stick and absently petted Kilala on the head.
Kagome turned to her and smiled warmly, stretching a bit and putting her troublesome thoughts away for now.
“So, I guess it's time for us girls to have some fun! Let's go the hot springs! I got us both new bathing suits!” Kagome proposed as she pulled on her bag and began digging through, quickly finding a plastic bag and pulling out two stringy two piece suits immediately catching Sango attention and making her eyes widen.
“Kagome you must be joking! Those don't cover anything!” She protested as she snatched one from Kagome's hand and inspected the triangular shaped top.
Kagome grinned and pulled the other one out. “Like it matters, we usually bathe naked anyway, this are only so we can soak as long as we want without having to worry that someone might walk in on us” she explained and stood up, taking her bath things with her and pulling Sango from her sitting position on the floor.
The girls quickly dressed behind a tree and proceeded to follow the trail that led to the steaming waters.
Kagome was the first one to enter, or rather dive in while Sango nodded her head and allowed a small smile of amusement to cross her features as Kagome emerged screaming and soothing her pink fluster skin.
“Are you ok Kagome?” Sango asked as she settled on a rock and tried to cover her giggles as Kagome swung her arms around in order to cool her heated body.
“Burns! Burns, burns!!!” She squealed out in irritation but soon settled down and began swimming towards Sango who was now busy shampooing her hair.
“Hey you ever have really weird dreams that you know you're not suppose to be dreaming about? Or that absolutely make no sense with reality?” She absently asked as she too began applying shampoo in her hair and proceeded to furiously scrub.
Sango rinsed her hair and took a moment to think over the question before reaching for some body wash.
“Well, that depends, what sort of dream did you have Kagome?” “I...I didn't, it was just a question, you know, start up conversation” She quickly covered and reached for her conditioner, desperately trying to keep her blush at bay.
Sango hid a small chuckle and turned to her friend who was trying to untangle her hair.
Her eyes suddenly settled on the side of her neck were she could see a small blue moon, it was so faint that you could have mistaken them for some sort of blemish or cool birth mark, but after being around so many demons in her young life, Sango knew better.
She took a step closer and gave Kagome a very serious look before speaking.
“Kagome did...someone bite you?” was all she said. It was a simple question, a rather ridiculous one at that. Yet it didn't fail to make Kagome jump from her spot and cover her neck out of reflex.
`Yes, Inuyasha bit me, he drew blood and held me through the night, he almost cried on my shoulder and acted as if he loved me, and I...I was happy'
“No! what kind of question is that? Of course no one bit me!” she almost shouted and dropped her hair, causing it to cover her neck.
Sango sighed and averted her eyes from Kagome before she began to walk towards the shore. “I see...well, I'm all clean...I guess I'll see you back at camp later tonight” She announced and began drying herself off.
“What? But I thought we were going to stay a bit longer, come one Sango! please!” she begged as she swam to the edge and gave her friend a puppy dog face.
“I'm sorry Kagome but I have to go, I was thinking on stopping by my village to fix some of my weapons, it won't take long if I leave now so juts stay here if you like, it doesn't seen like we will go shard hunting anytime soon”
Sango quickly explained as she finished dressing and bowed softly to Kagome, leaving the girl to sit by herself in the over heated waters of the springs.
`What is this? Abandon Kagome day?' her mind asked in annoyance. `I really don't feel like being alone today...if I'm alone I'll begin to think...I don't want to think, I don't want to understand...after all, it was only a dream'
And with that last thought she moved a bit towards the shallow side of springs, relaxing her sore muscles and completely unaware of the heated golden eyes constantly watching her every move.
`God Kagome, if you only knew, if you could only feel this I feel, would you still want me as a friend?'d probably shun me like the rest'
`But then're not like the rest...are you Kagome...' Inuyasha closed his eyes momentarily, feeling pure guilt wash over him as he reopened his eyes only to be greeted with the sight of an almost naked Kagome slowly drawing agonizing circles in her tone tummy, leaving traces of white foam behind.
Once again his eyes focused on the sparkling tingle hanging from her navel. What in the world could have convinced her to perform such barbaric act upon her own flesh?
Not that he didn't approve of the sensual look it gave her. He unconsciously leaned forward and couldn't help but take in her heavenly scent.
So sweet, so clean, so utterly perfect. She didn't reek of sweat and dirt like most humans did, or fear and malice, no, this was Kagome.
She knew no fear, or malice. Her scent would always remain pure, just as it was now. `Unless you can do something about it' his inner demon suddenly suggested.
Inuyasha immediately averted his lustful gaze from Kagome and sat back on his tree. `No...she doesn't want me, how could she.. .'
`Does it matter? You are stronger, all you have to do is take her, we can pick it up from last night, you have the power'
`Power...yes, I have the power, the power to make her hate me!' he screamed in his mind and once again opened his eyes, this time catching the vanishing mark on Kagome's neck, the very skin he had tasted the night before.
`Feels good doesn't it, to see our mark on her, we can make it deeper, we can make it so that it'll never fade...we can make her ours!'
`NO!' he grunted deeply as he covered his ears in agony. Blood red sipping from behind his close lids. `No...not now, please go away, just go AWAY!'
Flash Back
He caressed her skin slowly, running his deadly claws up her tone calve to her creamy pale thigh. Enthrall in the way her chest rose and fell with every breath she took.
Suppressing a moan as she shifted in his lap and threw a slender arm around his neck. His breath caught as his eyes once again wondered to her chest which was half exposed to his hungry gaze. How his hand itched to touch her, to feel her.
`So, why don't you? She'll never know' his demon suggested, clouding his mind and taking over his body, making his hand slowly glide up her flat tummy.
Stopping momentarily to tenderly toy with her belly button ring, softly tugging on the small jewel before tickling her sensitive skin.
Effectively arousing goose bumps on her flesh and a small giggles to escape her soft lips before continuing his journey up her body.
His eyes searched for any signs of awareness in her peaceful sleeping face as his hand dug further under her tank top.
`So soft...' he trailed of as he finally worked the guts and fully cupped her bra covered breast. `So take her, wake her up and make her ours' his demon continued to press on.
`Yes...' his weakened mind answered as his hand began fondling her sensitive flesh, while his lips slowly lowered to her collarbone.
He took in her glorious scent and drew out his canine tongue to taste her tender sweet flesh. Soon he was making his way down to her cleavage.
Loving every second of it, and eager to leave his mark behind as he sucked on her skin, dangerously close to her left breast while his hand massaged the other `You have her now, go on, take her purity'
`' he suddenly pulled away and refocused his clouded eyes on Kagome, then to his own hand which was deeply buried within her clothes and intimately pressed against her incredibly soft flesh.
Quickly removing his hands from her and carefully unwrapping her arm from around his neck, Inuyasha tenderly took Kagome from his lap, cursing at his throbbing member, before lowering her down to her sleeping bag and tucking her in.
Blushing a bit at the sight of the three forming love bites upon her collar bones and top breasts before stealing one final feel of her skin as he brushed her hair from her face and placed a small kiss on her forehead before taking into the woods.
`You fool!' his demon growled in fury. `You had your chance, if you refuse to take her then I'll take over, we'll have our precious Kagome screaming our name into the night soon enough' Inuyasha closed his eyes and he trashed through the forest.
`Shut up! Kagome doesn't deserve this! She'll hate me, she...' `Can't do anything about it, she will be taken and it better be by us!'
End of Flash Back
` you know your protector is your worst enemy? I'm going out of my mind...out of my fucking mind' he thought sorrowfully as his heated gaze once again fell on her luscious body.
His eyes suddenly widen when he noticed what she was doing.
There she was standing in the water, wearing nothing but a simply black bikini and holding her hair behind her shoulders as curiously examining the three blemishes on her once perfect skin.
“What are those?” Kagome asked to no one in particular as she began rubbing her skin with her soapy cloth in hopes of ridding herself from the dark pink smudges.
“They can't be what I think they are...maybe I'm allergic to something?” she continued pondering and rubbing at her chest until a slight splash in the water caught her attention, causing her to turn and cross her arms around her breasts just in case.
Her eyes widened in confusion, slight anger and a bit of fright as she gazed at none other than her soul protector.
She could sense something was wrong, he wasn't looking at her; in fact, she couldn't even see his face for his head was down and his bangs were covering him.
Her aura flared as panic rose when she saw how he flexed his claws and noted the size of them, larger and sharper then usual, this could only mean one thing.
“I-Inuyasha?” she breathed out only to have her breath sucked out when he lifted his head, flashing her a cruel smirk and gazing at her with hungry blood red eyes.
His broad shoulders shook with dark chuckles as he took ominous steps towards Kagome, making her back away into a rock.
“Hi Kagome, how are you doing?” was all he said before pouncing on her helpless form.
Dun dun dun!!!
Ok well, that's enough for today, it took me forever to finish this one and it's only the first chapter, oh well. Let me know what you think and review. It'd be greatly appreciated, thank you!!!