InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mine Alone ❯ Just This Moment ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Hey people I have returned! Glad to know my fanfic is approved of. All your reviews encouraged me to update as quick as I could, ok well actually I had some technical difficulties. My computer froze and didn't safe half of the chapter so I had to start over! well I won't keep you any longer....
Disclaimer: yeah yeah, so I don't own Inuyasha, stop rubbing it on my face!!!
“..........” Talking
`...........' Thinking
Mine Alone
Chapter#2: Just This Moment
Last Time
Her aura flared as panic rose when she saw how he flexed his claws and noted the size of them, larger and sharper then usual, this could only mean one thing.
“I-Inuyasha?” she breathed out only to have her breath sucked out when he lifted his head, flashing her a cruel smirk and gazing at her with hungry blood red eyes.
His broad shoulders shook with dark chuckles as he took ominous steps towards Kagome, making her back away into a rock.
“Hi Kagome, how are you doing?” was all he said before pouncing on her helpless form.
He crushed her against the sharp rocks, rubbing her naked back with its hard scratchy surface and making her wince in discomfort, not to mention utter fear.
His savage uncontrolled body burned for hers as his lips dipped to the crook of her neck and with out hesitation sunk his sharpened fangs into her tender flesh.
Her gray/blue eyes widen and her teeth clenched together as the helpless girl tried to muffle a cry of pure pain.
He was biting her again, but not just that, he was sucking her blood, draining her and weakening her already fragile body.
`This isn't happening! This can't be happening! Inuyasha what's wrong with you?' her mind flared as her innocent eyes widen in fright and allowed for a few tears to gather.
It was as if she was witnessing the whole thing from some other place. Her body becoming rigid and tense as pain surged through her being, making her back arch and mouth slightly open in a silent scream for help that would never come.
Her slender arms went around her attackers back as she held on for dear life in hopes of lessening her suffering.
Glancing down to the side she could see the small drops of blood trailing down her shoulder and tainting the perfectly clear water a faint pink color.
She winced and gasped as Inuyasha suddenly released her abused flesh only to gaze intensely into her hurt filled eyes.
To her surprise and horror, instead of panicking like last time or crying for forgiveness he smirked and slowly licked her blood from his lips.
`He said he was the same, he promised he wouldn't change so no matter what he does... he's still...he's still my Inuyasha so please.... Inuyasha come back'
Tears soon began streaming down her smooth skin, finally breaking free form the prison that were her eyes, hitting the water just like her blood once had. As fear continued to pool in the pit her stomach.
Nevertheless, pushing her doubting thoughts away, Kagome threw her arms around the unsuspecting demon, ignoring the pain on her injured shoulder and bringing his face to her neck, hugging him closely and whispering tenderly.
“Inuyasha, don't leave me, please stay, just like I promised you I'd stay...come back to me...please” her soft voice pleaded.
Flash back
“Well you should have been scared of the demon!” Inuyasha replied in his defense.
Kagome lowered her head as her eyes sadden before replying.
“Inuyasha, it wasn't how your face changed or you killed that demon....what really sacred me was that...for the first time, I felt like you were out of my you had left us completely”
The hanyou thought over her words, `did I really scare her that bad?' a deep pain of knowledge began to accumulate in his heart before he forcefully pushed it away.
“Come on don't be stupid! I'm still the same guy no matter what happens”
`I believe you...but still...will my love be deep enough to reach you?' she thought sadly.
(Ok, I did this out of memory; I don't think is the exact same dialogue from the anime but it comes close, alright, well back to the story)
End of Flash Back
`Kagome, Kagome, she's so close, so soft, I can smell her, feel her, even taste her, Kagome I've waited too long, please don't hate me, I promise not to hurt you, I just need to...I just need to feel you for a bit, my Kagome, mine alone'
His surging demon blood soon became passive as the half transformed demon found himself enveloped in Kagome's sweet feminine scent and felt the lingering taste of her pure blood on his tongue.
His mind still too fuzzy to fully comprehend what was really happening.
All he could grasp at the moment was that her slender arms were around him, one of her delicate white hands was tenderly caressing his sensitive right ear, his face was cushioned against her soft creamy half naked chest and she was softly whispering to him.
His hands ran down her arched back, bringing her small body closer to him as he pressed his face to her expose cleavage, slowly nuzzling her smooth skin and savoring every moment.
He felt her tense for a minute but it quickly faded away as her body once again became relaxed against his.
At this moment he had it all, after this he could die and not have any regrets.
Nothing meant more to him then what she had done, what she was doing. She had truly accepted him, every part of him.
He knew she had been frightened, he even caused her tears to fall, something he would have to beat himself over later, but what mattered most at the moment was that despite her desperation, despite her uncontrollable fear, she had embraced his demon and forced him down with her sweet voice and gentles touches.
An angel's touch, he had been touched by an angel, Kagome had willingly touched him.
He couldn't deny that she had intended to run away, to leave him, to abandon him like so many before her had.
She had meant to, she had struggled to, she had cried for. Yet he misunderstood her tears, for they were not tears of disgust or rejection.
They were tears of pain, physical and spiritual and though he had caused them both, Kagome had done something that no one else had.
Kagome stayed.
Her blood had intoxicated his senses, causing his demon to slightly back away satisfied for the moment, leaving the young girl to gather the strength to break through his clouded mind.
Her words had reached him; she had touched his very soul. He had hurt her, scared her, harassed her and though he didn't want to think about it at the moment, claimed her.
He had initiated the first step to a mating ritual, if he didn't fully mate with her within the next four months his demon would once again stir.
Closing his eyes and inhaling her glorious scent, Inuyasha forced these thoughts from his head as he tried to hold onto the magic surrounding him a bit longer.
Nothing would ever break this, this bond he now held, this love he so deeply felt, even if for some reason he were to lose her, no on one would be able to take away this moment.
This was real, they were living it, this was his precious moment. `Mine'
`Inuyasha...why are you like this? I know you don't want to hurt me, why do you keep biting wasn't a dream was it...I know I said I wouldn't ask until you were ready to answer but...I need to know'
She ran her fingers through his wet hair and once again settled on his ears, a sad expression covering her delicate features as she felt him shiver and hold her closer.
`You're ok now, you're back, oh Inuyasha don't you see? I just want to help you, I'd do anything for you, that's how much I love you, so have to tell me what's wrong...Inuyasha'
A single tear trailed down her already tear stained face, gracing her neck and falling on her collarbone only to continue its journey down her body.
`I won't leave you, ever...because I know, even though you'll never love me, you still need me around...don't you Inuyasha? Just as much as I need you...'
What was this feeling? When did it start? How did it become so intense? Was there even a purpose for this love?
All she knew was that at some point on theirs journey, maybe it was when he had saved her the very first time they met, or when he had embraced her by the well, heck even the first time she laid eyes on his sleeping from.
From that single moment, though Kagome struggled to ignore it, she knew she would never be able to leave him.
No matter how many times he pushed her away, no matter how he treated her, not even if he lost himself and hurt her, she would stay, she would always stay.
Because in her heart she knew, there wouldn't be an Inuyasha...without a Kagome. And so she cried, she cried out of anguish, out of pain, and out of fear.
Not a fear for herself, she didn't fear his touch no matter how much it might hurt, she would get over the pain, the blood would soon stop and her body would heal.
What she feared the most, her deepest darkest fear, was not being able to touch his soul.
To watch him lose himself to his demon, to not be able to reach him, not with her voice, not with her touch, not even with her soul.
That was the reason for her tears.
`Inuyasha, don't ever leave me' she supplicated in her mind yet all her thoughts soon came to a halt when she felt something wet run along the expose skin of her chest, lapping away the tear and a hand tugging at the knot at her back.
Her arms unhooked from around Inuyasha just in time to catch her falling bikini and hold it close to her, covering her chest and embracing her torso while pushing him slightly away.
“Inuyasha...” was all she could get out before his lips came down to softly close the gap with hers. Her gasp was immediately swallowed and her eyes once again widen.
Once their lips touched her mind flared, her thoughts became clouded and her body froze in time.
His kiss was gentle, slowly caressing her lips, barely making contact; it was almost as he was seducing her into kissing back.
Tenderly touching her arms, as if to persuade her into letting go, trying to find her secrets, to show her his, was this it? was this all he wanted all along? not her understanding, not her compassion, but her body?
He suddenly detached her slightly scraped back from the rocks as his hands began to slowly draw circles soothing her fluster skin and wiping away rock dust.
His lips still firm yet gentle against hers, though her arms were still tightly holding her bikini top in place.
A small gasp escaped her when Kagome suddenly felt a naked tone male chest in front of her instead of the damped material of Inuyasha's haori. (sp?)
With his strong arms once again around her, Kagome slightly whimpered into the endless kiss as she felt him slowly picking her up and walking more into the depths of the springs.
That whimper was not wasted for it gave him access to her untouched mouth, making her eyes open and heart beat faster at the first touch of his tongue against hers.
Never in her life had she ever even dared to fantasize something like this.
She wasn't ignorant when it came to physical affection but she never really thought much about it.
Kagome always found herself too buy trying to understand his personality and inner battles to realize that he was still a man.
Despite his demon side, despite his love for Kikyou, Inuyasha had desires just like everyone else.
It was completely normal; nothing to be surprised about, it only made him a living person.
But still, to fully open her eyes, to finally settle her mind and realize the weight of their situation, Kagome couldn't help but want to disappear.
She loved him; she'd do anything for him, even die if it meant he'd be happy. She thought she could give him everything he wanted, but her body?
Her body was sacred, the body of a miko, something that should have never been touched.
Her grandpa had filled her head and inculcated her about the purity of a miko since childhood.
And though Kagome had never believed it, never thought much about marring a virgin, to have it all happen so soon, it didn't feel right, not at the moment.
She wasn't ready and she wouldn't be in a long time. If this was the only thing Inuyasha was after then, was he really worth loving?
`No! It isn't like that! He wouldn't act this way if he didn't....I know Inuyasha better than this, he's just...he...isn't he?'
Yes indeed this was a brand new feeling, something never felt before. Her first kiss, at the age of sixteen Kagome was receiving her first kiss from the very boy she loved.
It seemed like a dream come true, a dream she never really had but now that she was experiencing it, wished she did.
Soon curiosity began pooling in her being as she forgot all standards and soon learned the art of experimentation.
And so her lips soon trembled in response and her soft pink tongue began to slowly move and respond to his.
A deep blush creeping to her face once she felt the passion she herself had initiated. What once started as a tender show of affection suddenly turned into a deep heated make out session.
Was it even allowed to kiss like this? What was she to do but respond with the same passion he unleashed upon her.
Not really knowing what to do, and knowing that she shouldn't be doing anything to begin with, Kagome just couldn't help but run her tongue against his once again.
And without even realizing it she soon felt a sharp fang grace her.
`She's all around me, I can finally taste her for real, her lips, her tongue, everything, she has to be mine, I won't ever let her go, my Kagome, mine! No one else's, I'll kill the next male that sets eyes upon her, she's mine, all mine'
Inuyasha tried desperately to keep his emotions at bay but as soon as he felt her actually respond to his touch, he immediately lost it. Not to his demon, no, he lost himself to her.
Her scent, her sweet touches, the small whimper that escaped her sweet lips. It was driving him insane to the point of no return.
Her slick tone body within his arms, her naked flesh against his. Yet she was still holding her garments in place, no matter how much she pressed her body against his in order not to break the kiss, her arms would not let go of her chest.
She wasn't ready for him to see her, heck she wasn't even ready for a kiss like this.
By the way she kissed he could tell this was her first, he knew she was untouched but he had his doubts that someone might've had already claimed her lips back in her time.
But no, he was her first, and if he had his way he would also be her last.
Suddenly sensing her slight struggles and realizing she was in need of oxygen, Inuyasha broke the kiss but not before running his tongue over her now bruised swollen lips.
Looking into her eyes with an undefined emotion, he couldn't help but smirk at the sight of her.
As soon as they had lost connection she had stared at him in the eyes for a mere second before turning her head away in embarrassment.
“Um...” was all she could utter as she tried to look around for something to focus her attention on other than the man before her.
`Oh my God! What do I do? What do I say? My top's still untied! What if someone walks in on us, or more importantly, what if he wants to continue?'
This and a million thoughts and possibilities flashed though her head, consuming her body with an intense feeling of nervousness, only succeeding in making her body tremble.
Sensing this, realization pooled in his system and his ears lowered in shame. “Kagome?” she heard his husky voice suddenly pierce through the uncomfortable silence.
Her blush darkened when she felt Inuyasha embrace her once again, crushing their bodies completely only to come to the realization that he was tying the straps of her bikini back in place.
Once finished with the task, Inuyasha pulled away from her, slowly trailing his hands down her arms and finally dropping them at his sides.
He looked right into her eyes only to have her avert her vision and look to the side still not being able to rid herself of the hideous pink that now covered her cheeks.
Unknown to her that Inuyasha found it irresistibly adorable. “I'm sorry...ok?” was all he said before leaping from the springs, and fleeing into the thick forest, taking his discarded haori with him, all in a blink of an eye.
“I was afraid you'd be...”
It had been a long boring day and Kagome had nothing to do but replay the scene in the hot springs over and over.
She could still feel the throbbing pain in her shoulder and could still feel the lingering taste of Inuyasha's lips on hers.
Not to mention the fact that she had to cover her skin for it was now branded with a blue crescent moon and many other love bites across her collarbones and further down.
Remembrance bringing a soft pink red to spread on her cheeks as she hugged herself slightly, not sure on how to feel about the situation.
Inuyasha however was once again no where to be found.
Sango had returned a while back and was polishing her knifes by the fire while Miroku had also returned with Shipou, claiming they had gone for medicine when in reality he had taken him to the village in hopes of attracting young ladies by flashing the child's cute bushy tail around.
Kirara rested by the fire, half asleep in the comfort of its warmth. Everyone too enveloped in their own little world to notice Kagome slowly inching her way into the now darkened forest.
`There's no escaping it is there? No matter how much I try to not think about it...I can't forget, oh Inuyasha why did you kiss me? Why did you hold me? Why do you keep deceiving me?'
She lowered her head as she walked alone a lonely path towards the well. The moon shining above her, making her small feminine figure glow in its light.
`It's kind of weird, I mean, I love him I can't deny that...I just never thought about doing...stuff with him, whenever I'd get the chance to hug him it was always to comfort him, this is just too much, I can't handle it all!'
With a heavy sigh Kagome finally reached her destination.
She slowly dropped to her knees in front of the well and rested an elbow on it while her other hand trailed along a splinter covered corner.
Her eyes closed in relaxation for a second as she felt a rather cool rush of wind surround her small figure. She shivered involuntarily and dropped her head to rest on her open palm.
'What should I do? oh mom, I wish you were here, I wish I could tell you...if only...if only he loved me then maybe...i wouldn't be so hesitant'
Still it wasn't easy, especially for someone like Kagome who was incredibly self-conscious. How could she bare to allow herself to be touched in such intimate manners at such young age? a child of sixteen shouldn't have to bother to trouble her young mind with such thoughts.
'I love him, I know I do, Inuyasha he's...he's my everything...I can't say I never dreamt about playing with his ears or having him hold me through the night...but sleeping with him? letting him touch me and kiss me and...I'm...scared'
Just the thought and remembrance of the piercing, soul searching look he had given her that morning sent agonizing shivers down her spine, the recalling of his wondering hands on her sides and shoulders as he held her closely immediately brought a deep blush to her cheeks.
The confused girl shook her head in denial as she hopelessly tried to chase away the pestering flashback that imprisoned her mind.
Sighing deeply and accommodating her body so that her back rested against the well and her knees rose to her chest, Kagome dropped her head into her arms, once again feeling that familiar tingle in her heart and emptiness in her stomach.
A feeling that had been plaguing her since that morning. Perhaps it would be a good idea if she went home for a few days.
She needed time far from this troublesome ear. She needed to pour her feelings to someone, Kagome Higurashi needed her mommy.
And so, making her decision and rising forth, she positioned one leg into the well and proceeded to thrust the other when strong arms suddenly captured her around the waist and a husky yet pleading voice whispered in her ear.
"Please don't leave, I'm sorry, I won't touch you if you don't want to just...just don't leave" the lament and desperation in his voice broke her heart and his shaky hand upon her tummy was almost enough to bring tears to her already sadden eyes.
"I'll be back..." she tried to state only to have him tighten his hold.
"No, you can't leave, I promise I won't do anything, please stay Kagome...I...I need you to" the quivering in his voice frighten her a bit.
It was as if he was trying to suppress something, as if he was fighting himself this very moment.
"Inuyasha...what is it you want?" she somehow found the courage and steadiness to ask as she fought to ignore his speeding heart beat and panting. His hold relaxed a bit as the hanyou thought over her question.
'I can't tell her, she can't know, she'll leave if I do' 'Ah, but she does know, she knows we want her, she wants us to take her otherwise she would have abandoned us long ago, she's waiting for us' his demon pressed.
'No, she doesn't know! she doesn't want me, she...she fears me, I can smell it, and it's all your fault, if she hates me it'll be all your fault!' he retorted in fury, unconsciously crushing his chest into Kagome's back more firmly.
'I do not seek her love or hate, only her body and soul, you have initiated the ritual and it is now my responsibility to see that you follow through it, have you not already claimed her before? you remember don't you?'
'Stop it!'
'It was you who began the process, long before I was ever awaken' 'No...'
'Yes! if you're looking for someone to blame do not hold me at fault, it was your weakness that did this, I'm simply claiming what you have offered' '
It wasn't like that! I didn't mean to...I...'
Flash Back
'She...really is pretty isn't she? no matter how much i try to tell myself otherwise, no matter how many times I look away...I just, I mean she doesn't look exactly like Kikyou, she's...Kagome'
'Just a stupid little human girl, a stupid little human girl who happens to be what if she's hot, why should that affect me? why am I even thinking about this?'
'But...she's just so damn cute, dammit listen to me I sound like a freaking idiot!'
The half demon scolded himself as he finally managed to look away from the slumbering priestess before him.
It had been about two months since she had stumble upon his life, since she had given him back his life.
Yes, It was her who had freed him only to imprison him again with that stupid dreaded necklace.
And though he complained, whimper and growl, he knew that with that small piece of jewelry, they had somehow become connected.
From the moment she had accepted his protection, from the single second she had relied on his strength and demon power she had become his.
Inuyasha continued gazing at the sleeping Kagome, how she softly sighed with every breath of life she took and how her skin seemed to glow with the light of the moon.
How her shirt creased along the lines of her breasts, and how he wished he could satisfied his curiosity and hold her close.
Any demon of any kind would be proud to call her his own, yet she belonged to none, she would never belong to anyone.
The only person Kagome would always live by would be him, Inuyasha, for he was the keeper of her life.
Since the moment he had raised his claws in her defense Kagome's fate had been sealed. And with that in mind the hanyou slowly inched closer to the young girl.
Taking in her glorious scent and allowing his senses to become saturated with her, he moved closer in an agonizing slow pace and...
End of Flash Back
"Inuyasha...I have to go..." her soft angelic voice broke through his clouded mind, bringing him back to reality as well causing his arms to tighten further around her small figure.
"No...I won't let you, you're not leaving me...never" he whispered huskily in her ear, causing the young girl's eyes to widen at his fierce statement.
The possessiveness in his tone sent shivers down her spine as her gaze fell on the deadly claws that were now softly stroking her tummy through her school uniform.
What did he mean? why wouldn't he let her go? she wasn't planning on not coming back, Kagome just needed to talk to her mother, to set her feelings straight and to have a good night's rest to clear her mind.
And there it was, the shadowed part of the man she loved was once again coming to the light.
And so, trying to calm her raising heart beat as best as she could, the young girl swallowed hard before attempting to speak again.
"I'll be back in a few days, then we can talk when both our minds are straight" She announced as she slowly began to pull at his arm, only to have a sharp gasp escape her when he growled loudly and crushed her against him, imprisoning her arms with his and nuzzling her neck from behind.
"You're not leaving, you will never leave...don't you understand Kagome? I need you with me" he whispered frankly as his mouth closed over her healing mark.
Her early question suddenly coming back to his mind. "What is it I you really want to know?" the girl in his arms stiffen at the sadistic demonic voice but nodded her head nonetheless.
Fighting hard to contain the tears that threatened to escape her clear blue/gray eyes.
Inuyasha now fully overpowered by his demon chuckled slightly as he ran his rough tongue once again over her sweet tasting flesh.
"I want you, I want to have you, to lock you away so that no one will ever look at you, I want to keep you all to myself forever...and so does he"
The demon darkly whispered, his grasp tightening around her waist as his hand shamelessly cupped her right breast, making her sharply gasp and causing a deep blush to run across her cheeks.
"He dreams about you every night, he longs to touch you the way I am now..." his dark crimson eyes trailed down to his own hand as he lightly squeezed her tender flesh to emphasize his point as he continued on.
"Perfect fit don't you think?” he purred once more, his animalistic desire pouring out of his being.
Kagome shivered and whimpered a bit. Torn apart between humiliation, fear and slight anticipation?
'No, no stop it! not again...why Inuyasha?' her mind flared as his hand slowly abandoned her breast much to her relief only to trace the skin of her collar bone where two neat love bites laid in plane view.
The dark pinkish bruises decorated her skin, making a drastic contrast with her paleness, yet the sight alone brought an incredible sense of pride to the demon who now held her so intimately.
Those marks belonged to him, meaning so did the person who carried them, this only proved to arouse his demon further more.
And yet the sensation would not leave. The faint pounding in the back of his head was still present.
The feeling of shame, of fear and of utter panic. Human feelings, his human was fighting to release the girl, to not hurt her and to stop shaming her with his dirty touch.
She didn't deserve this, the slightest hug from his demon and she would already be in tears, it was clear she didn't want him, how could she?
And yet, after tasting her, holding her and so closely touching her it was so hard, nearly impossible to let go.
Her soft body against his, her intoxicating feminine scent prying into his sensitive nose. Awakening the beast within, enthralling the human.
Everything she did, everything she said enticed him, and though he tried to deny it, even her tears called out his demon, in fact, it pleased him.
Her small whimpers, her trembling hands along with her shivering body, all screaming 'claim me' at least to the savage part of him.
To see such vulnerability, such helplessness, how could his demon possibly hope to resist.
The need to dominate, to turn her cries of sorrow into those of pleasure, to taste her blood and body, to turn her frighten tremble into that of ecstasy, it was a challenge.
One that no demon, no matter how strong would ever walk away from.
And of course, do to his humanity, there was always that spark that pushed him further to her, that single emotion that he had cursed for so many
Yes, indeed a very dangerous emotion and yet...."Please let me go?"
Her small angelic whisper broke through his trance. His senses suddenly snapping back as his widen eyes faded back into piercing golden.
His arms loosen slightly yet refused to let go, Kagome breathed in shakily and her eyes caught the sight of his shrinking claws.
"Please don't go..." was all he could mutter as realization sunk.
His demon had taken over, what had he done to her? apparently she was still unharmed but her fear lingered thick in the air almost suffocating him.
She shifted a bit and he immediately allowed her to break free, his ears dropping at the sit he knew was coming.
Suddenly her tiny body was once again pressed against his as her slender arms went to wrap around his stiffen form.
He gazed at her with wide eyes as she nuzzled her face into his chest, her cheeks lightly stained with tears, tears he again had caused.
"I won't" she softly whispered before pushing herself into her tip toes and with slight hesitation pressing her moist lips against his.
The softest touch ever imaginable, a simple tap was all. A meaningless gesture to sooth him but at that moment it meant the world. It meant her forgiveness, her acceptance and maybe her love?
And so, slowly moving his arms to wrap around her, for once he let his heart take over, not his demon and not his instincts but his heart.
Nothing else mattered, not the fact that this could be her pity reflecting, not the fear of once again unleashing his demon and certainly not the dark soulless eyes watching with hatred through the bushes.
Time stopped and space closed around them, happiness flowed in his shattered heart, mending it back together and enveloping it in an ever welcoming warmth.
`I love you...Inuyasha...'
Sigh there! Now will you quit it with the death threats!! You have any idea how long it took me to write this? It was horrible I tell you, horrible!!! But done and I hope you liked it. Now this time I'll really do my best to update as quick as possible...really.