InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mine ❯ Kagome's secret... ( Chapter 17 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha.
WARNING!! Adult content, not suitable for younger readers.

Chapter Seventeen: Kagome's secret...

“Leash?!” Kagome shrieked in outrage. “What the fuck is that supposed to mean? You flea bitten piece of d-”

Inuyasha covered her mouth with one clawed hand and growled at his brother. “What are you talking about? Kagome seems to be handling it just fine.”

Sesshomaru saw the flicker of doubt flash through his brother's eyes and smirked. “I mean, little brother, that your bitch could lose herself to yokai instincts. She is only used to the human scope of emotions and sensation, think to how you reacted to transforming from hanyou to full yokai... Even though you live with much stronger emotions you were even overcome by the power of yokai instinct.” His gaze flicked to the furious miko and his lips quirked again. “Now imagine, when her season is upon her, will she be satisfied to stay close and allow you to take care of it or will she run wild and take the first male strong enough to capture her? And trust me, a miko turned hanyou would be a fine catch to many out there...”

“You sonofabitch!” Inuyasha roared.

“Master Inuyasha,” Myoga interceded. “I do not think Sesshomaru has any such designs on her. He is merely explaining why it is necessary to take extra precautions.”

“Keh.” He grunted. “I guess we'd better figure out how to keep her from losing control like that then... Myoga, I don't suppose you did anything useful like find that information out did you?”

The flea scratched his head and shook his head. Sesshomaru left to find you before I had a chance to learn anything more.”

“You may stay for the night, and I will not try to harm any of you while you are under my roof...” Sesshomaru said magnanimously. “I will try to help you rein her in then you will be on your own again, Inuyasha.” He turned on his heel and left them all in stunned silence.
* * *

Kagome wriggled free of the hanyou's hold and glared at the door. “Rein me in, my ass!” She turned to the exterminator. “Did you hear him Sango-chan?! He was talking about me like some kind of stray puppy!”

Sango looked at her friend sympathetically and paled when she saw the miko's eyes begin to change. “Maybe we should all calm down Kagome-chan, you seem close to turning hanyou again.”

Kagome looked at her friend in confusion. “What do you mean?”

She pointed. “Your eyes, they are changing again... Why is it that sometimes when you get angry you are unaffected yet other times it seems to trigger the change?”

'Careful... she's beginning to catch on...' The voice cautioned her. 'If they figure out that your emotional state affects the change they will find a way to cage us...' Kagome took a deep breath and closed her eyes. “I have no idea Sango-chan, maybe it's just a coincidence.”

Only Shippo seemed fooled by her explanation. The kit twisted and turned in her arms to get petted all over his furry head. “Okaa-san wouldn't keep something important like that from us.”

Kagome smiled down at the yokai child then cast a side long glance at her mate.

Inuyasha glared at the others, and cocked his head at the door. “We might as well get some sleep tonight. Kagome and I will take this room.” He turned to Myoga. “Stay here with Kagome and the runt while I go have that talk with Sesshomaru...” Inuyasha followed the others out and turned before closing the door behind himself. “And Myoga, you had better still be here when I get back.”

The flea yokai looked less than pleased but didn't argue.
* * *

When the door opened, Sesshomaru looked up. “Inuyasha.”

“What exactly happened to Kagome?” He came right out and asked. “What yokai magic was it and what went wrong?”

“I am assuming your yokai blood sensed her mortality and was unable or unwilling to accept the limited time you would have with her. That is why you were even able to wield it to accomplish this transformation. I suspect that your blood, being only half demon, somehow mixed at least two of the spells together due to the fact that you didn't undergo the usual ceremonies required. It seems that you not only managed to lengthen her life span, but that somehow you made a bond that is slowly changing her into a hanyou.” He turned his back to his brother to stare out the window. “She smelled of you, hanyou and nothing at all like a human other than her spiritual powers. Your bitch will likely be the first hanyou miko. It also seems that the bond and her transformation have somehow strengthened you as well.”

“But what does it all mean? Is she still human? Is there a way to fix all of this, or at the least control it?” Inuyasha demanded.

Sesshomaru glanced over his shoulder to a small box on a table. “I would suggest you take that with you, if it becomes necessary to keep her close to you for her own safety while she adjusts you will know what to do with the gift enclosed inside.”

Half suspiciously, Inuyasha took the small box and tucked it into his robes. “Thanks... I don't suppose you might be willing to tell me why you're suddenly being so helpful?”

The yokai lord's lips quirk humorlessly. “I am merely doing as father would have insisted I do, regardless of my hatred for you. You may be a worthless half breed, but your mate is unique and is now of our line. I do this for her sake, because even though she is hanyou she is a useful addition to the line.”
* * *

Inuyasha returned to the room where he had left Kagome and Shippo with Myoga and found his mate asleep, curled around the kitsune. He looked around and found Myoga asleep by the window. 'So much for Myoga watching over them for me...' He sighed and crossed the room to his mate. With a smile he wrapped himself around her and fell into a light slumber.
* * *

A/N: I'm happy that you are still enjoying the story, and glad I could get this chapter finished so quickly. I am still working on revising the remaining chapters that were posted before GLily suggested I change the tense I was using. ^.^ As always please R&R!

To angelabovefaith, I'm glad you noticed her inner struggle and the fact that the change from human to hanyou was not her choice or something she was even aware of. Such a drastic change on top of the initial mating with Inuyasha have indeed caused many alterations in both her behavior and her way of coping. The fact that she does love Inuyasha both helps and hinders her readjustment because of his own influence on her in both forms. I do hope you continue to enjoy. ^.^
