InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mine ❯ Truth, a little bit at a time... ( Chapter 16 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha.
WARNING!! Adult content, not suitable for younger readers.

Chapter Sixteen: Truth, a little bit at a time...

“Whatdya mean 'hn'?!” Inuyasha barked. “You just yelled for us to shut up and no one was even talking!”

Kagome blushed and looked around the group. “I was talking to myself...” She laughed nervously. “I was thinking too much I guess...”

“Kagome-sama,” Miroku began. “You are not a very good liar. Since none of us were speaking, who were you yelling at? I for one didn't hear anything...”

“Who says I was lying?!” She demanded hotly.

Sango gaped at her friend. “Kagome-chan, I think Miroku meant to say that none of us heard anything and he's just worried that there might be something going on that, for whatever reason, you aren't telling us about.”

“I'm not keeping anything from anyone!” She shouted. “Lets go find out if Myoga is still here so we can get on with our normal lives.” The miko stomped off, leaving them to follow her. “Sheesh, you do one little thing and suddenly you have to be lying or hiding something...” She grumbled to herself, not paying attention to where she was going. 'Although this time I really am hiding something... but how can I tell them that I'm hearing voices?! They would think I had gone insane or I was possessed or something...' She fell backwards when she hit the massive door to the mansion, and looked up at Inuyasha gratefully when he caught her before she hit the ground. “Arigato, Inuyasha I didn't realize I'd already made it to the door.”

“Keh,” He growled. “Could you try being just a little bit more careful?! You could have fallen and hurt yourself.” He scooped her legs up and lifted her into his arms.

She smiled up at him. “Gomen, I'll try to watch where I'm going from now on koishii.” She laid her head on his shoulder and let him carry her inside. “Just where are we anyways?”

“I guess you could say home,” He grumbled. “Although I never lived here. It was my old man's home... passed down to the next generation since he died.”

Sango blinked and gripped the Hiraikotsu. “Do you mean...?”

“Yeah,” He snarled. “Myoga came here, I assume to speak with Sesshomaru... Lousy traitor.”

Kagome went very still in his arms and began to look around uneasily. “Why would Myoga come here? And why would he make sure Totosai sent us here after him?!”

“That's a very good question...” Inuyasha said. “Hopefully Myoga's still here to answer it.”
* * *

The group explored and wandered, the massive mansion for several hours before they finally found the flea demon. Inuyasha set Kagome on her feet and grabbed the small yokai in his fist. “What's the big idea Myoga? Dragging us all out here to Sesshomaru's den like this? You disappeared on us just when I needed you... again.”

“He does seem to have a talent for abandoning us whenever trouble is near at hand.” Miroku observed.

“Please have mercy, Master Inuyasha.” Myoga begged. “I came here seeking information that I could only obtain for you from Sesshomaru. He is after all, the only other surviving member of your family. In fact he even agreed to share the information and lend aid if needed. Did he not find you?”

Kagome's brows lowered in a dark scowl. “You mean you knew Sesshomaru was going to attack me? How could you, Myoga?! You really are a traitor...”

“Attack you?” The flea asked in surprise. “Just what do you mean by attacked? He promised he was simply going to see if Master Inuyasha had somehow managed to do the spell!”

“I mean he grabbed me by my throat, started babbling on about something and threw me at a tree!” Kagome yelled.

“Then the spell must have indeed been set into motion....” Myoga said in concern. “Master Inuyasha, what have you done? With no understanding of the yokai magic you performed there's no telling what could happen!”

“Magic?” Inuyasha demanded. “What are you blathering on about? I don't know any yokai magic! All we're here for is to find out just what in the seven hells is happening to Kagome! She's human, and a miko at that! Why is she changing into a hanyou?!”

“And just how should I know something like that?” Myoga said irritably. “All I know is that yokai, such as your father before you, know magic of sorts that can be used during mating and different times to strengthen the mate bond. There have always been legends of yokai who could change their human mate's life spans... But being a flea demon those spells are not known to me. The only other person who would know the same spells your father knew, and coincidentally passed along to his children was Sesshomaru. You, as a half demon, shouldn't have been able to work yokai magic as he could and your brother can.”

“What are you saying, Myoga?” Inuyasha growled.

“I'm saying that somehow, your yokai blood has become stronger and that it helped you tie Kagome to you for more than a human life span.” He explained. “Although I'm not sure why she's transforming into a hanyou. With her being a miko, I'm surprised your yokai magic worked at all.”

“Well I see you have made your way here after all, little brother.” Sesshomaru said coldly from the doorway behind him.

Inuyasha whirled around, shoving Kagome behind him, to confront the yokai lord. “Sesshomaru... what do you know about this spell I supposedly used?!”

He smirked. “A full blooded yokai such as myself could use the spell, or one similar to it, in order to take a human mate and not have to worry about mortality taking her from us. There are even spells that could alter the human to be the same type of yokai as the caster, ensuring pure offspring. Of course transformed humans end up needing short leashes in order to control them, the yokai instincts and senses are far too much for them to be able to adjust to on their own.”
* * *

A/N: So finally the goings on with Kag are begining to come into the light, although there are still things they all remain not so blissfully unaware of. Kag seems to be accepting of the mating bond, but what exactly brought about the change? Also, as I'm sure most of you have picked up on, the strangely familiar voice does in fact seem to be growing stronger and poor Kag is having a hard time keeping it a secret now that it is arguing with her while she is awake. I wonder how much longer it will take them to unravel the full mystery of the changing miko and exactly what or who the voice is...

As always, I hope all of you are enjoying the story so far and continue to do so. I'm hoping to get internet soon so I can start updating more often. Please R&R, I will try to respond to as many of the reviews, comments, questions and suggestions as I can. ^.^

To IDoInuyasha31: I'm glad you are enjoying the story so far, and yes the plot does seem to be thickening quite a bit. When I first began writing this fic I had an idea of a more lighthearted story line and several smaller intertwining plots rather than one large one, but here it is growing ever more involved as the ideas flow through my fingers and onto the pages lol.
