InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mine ❯ Clean ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
"I must make myself new, so that I may lie with you..." -Kara to her husband, Kohaku

That morning Rin awoke with a start to the sound of a rustle in a bush beside her. She slowly lifted her head and saw a small green lizard-like creature staring at her.

She smiled at it—and it immediately ran off.

"I probably look as bad as I feel," she groaned, miserably. She tried to move around and it hurt but she was determined to find shelter or at least a more suitable place to rest. She was alive, when she should've been dead. She had more strength than she thought, she supposed. That or she had a large supply of blood.

Either way, she was alive (barely) and needed to get clean.

She looked around and found her clothes ripped up in five pieces. She groaned. Lord Sesshomaru gave me that! Rin took the largest piece of cloth from her kimono and put it under her belly to keep her stomach safe from getting any more cuts. And then she began to drag herself along the path where the river was. She was getting filthier by the second, but it was the price one had to pay to live.

Heaven decided to finally grant her some luck and blessed her with a long, thick stick. Slowly but surely, she used it to lift herself up. She hopped on one foot (the only good one) and continued until she found the river.

Tears came up when she saw the clean water. It's so beautiful.

Once there, she awkwardly kneeled down and began to clean her arms and face from all the blood on it. Some wounds continued to bleed, but not as profusely as she thought the night before.

Maybe she was going to live. There was semi-clean water before her which served as a refreshment and healing place. And there was an abundant amount of fish in this river. Sure, she would have to eat it raw, but Lord Sesshomaru would come for her. He always did.

She just prayed he came on time, before some other monsters came to beat her. Or worst...

After she cleaned what she could from her shredded kimono, she picked up the stick from the ground and moved to dry land where she laid back and covered her body with her kimono.

For some time, Rin laid there with her eyes closed. She didn't know she slept until she woke up to the sound of someone's voice...