InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mirrored fates ❯ A New Beginning ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha; unfortunately they belong to Rumiko Takahashi, although this story is mine…!!! Yay, something is mine!....Please don't sue!
Ch. 2: A new Beginning
It was quiet, TOO quiet. Kagome peered out from the Goshinbuko looking for any signs of Inuyasha. Surely he was near. He was ALWAYS near. But, maybe…just maybe this time he had not followed her. She didn't even think about trying to ask for time back in the future. She had instead quietly snuck out while Inuyasha was hunting for the feast tomorrow. After the village found out about the destruction of Naraku, they decided to hold a feast in honor of them for ridding the world of his presence. So here she was, hiding like a coward searching for any signs of him.
Finding no signs and no reason to further feel like an idiot behind the tree, she started sneaking out into the open. She was about three quarters the way when she heard the stick break. Sprinting as fast as she could she abruptly ran into a red wall and promptly fell backwards flat on her back. Peering up she saw Inuyasha smirking.
“Thought you could go runnin' back home, didn't ya wench, hmph. You shoulda known better.” While Inuyasha was busy smirking about doing a good job of `keepin his wench where she was supposed to be', Kagome grew more and more angry.
Her eyes burned into his like lasers as she stomped to her feet. “That's it!! I have four tests Inuyasha….FOUR! I mean, do you think that they take themselves. How in the heck am I supposed to get into a good college if I can't even pass midterms, huh? How?”
Slightly stepping forwards her glared at her. “Those stupid things!!! THAT'S WHY YOU'RE TRYING TO GO BACK…….MORE TESTS!!!! Kagome, you don't need those stupid tests. You spend more time worrying about them than any good that they can possibly do you `learning anything'. You just need to stay here and go to the feast and focus on getting rid of the jewel.”
“Oh yeah Inuyasha, I forgot, I'm just the shard detector. Well you know why I need to take those stupid tests? Did you ever think about what happens after the jewel is gone???!?! What will I do then, what purpose will I have for staying here? I have to take those test so I can get a good job and live, so when your gone…..I… can live.” Screaming and screaming at him distracted her senses from seeing that she had continued forward until she was all but standing on top of him. Noses almost brushing as she suddenly felt the heat radiating off him in waves. Nothing else existed anymore, sounds muted, the wind stopped, and it was just her and Inuyasha. She noted absently that his nostrils slightly flared, as if taking in every inch of her scent, seemingly memorizing it. And the look in his eyes….burning into her very soul, as if she was the only thing that existed for him. Suddenly his hands clenched around her shoulders and as he leaned slightly towards her, her knees almost gave. Inuyasha's warm breath gently brushed against her own lips as his right ear suddenly flicked towards the right and she abruptly heard a distant call from Miroku.
“Inuyasha! Kagome! What are you doing out here so late? Dinner has been done for a half an hour? Why…you sly fox Inuyasha, what are you doing to lady Kagome??? And so soon after the destruction of Naraku.” Miroku's eyes twinkled with the amusement of teasing the hanyou. Although secretly he wished Sango would allow him to get that close to her and also hoped that the hanyou and miko would finally get over their fears and tell each other their feelings. God knows everyone else in the whole Sengoku Jidai knew it.
As soon as Inuyasha heard Miroku's voice he hurriedly detached his hands from Kagome and quickly jumped about five feet back, praying to all the kami's that would listen that Miroku had not seen him nearly embracing the miko. Unfortunately the kami's would not hear his prayers tonight as it was about to get worse. Hearing a mumbled “sit” followed by a more powerful “SIT!” and some chuckling along with a startled goodbye from Miroku, Inuyasha sat up to find himself alone with the Monk….Kagome had jumped through the well. Thoroughly planning on heaving himself through the well after her Inuyasha turned and started stomping off towards the well, but halting at Miroku's words.
“Inuyasha, you will only anger lady Kagome further if you follow her so quickly into her time. After all, I am sure whatever reason for returning is of great importance to her. Would it be so bad to spend one evening without her so she could study for her tests?” Quirking his eyebrow up Miroku hoped that the hanyou would listen to him, fearing the wrath of Kagome should he come back with her flailing in his arms. That would surely put Sango in a sour mood as well. No….he couldn't have that. He had to convince the hanyou to let her have at least a few hours peace.
“Keh, of course I can spend a night without her, it's just that she's wastin' her time on those stupid test thingies. It would be more productive for everyone if she just stayed here…where she belongs.” He mumbled the last part to himself knowing the monk wouldn't hear it. “Fine, I guess she can spend some time at home…but only a few hours. Someone has gotta protect your scrawny ass while Sango is in the next village getting her hiraikotsu fixed anyway. God knows you'll probably get killed now that you don't have the wind tunnel anymore.”
Miroku frowned while he looked at his hand, still bearing the sealing beads. That morning when he awake he was unable to take them off…it just didn't feel right, even though his curse was gone now. “Ah, yes. A curse and a blessing all in one. Well, I have no fear I can still protect my self sufficiently without it. Although I wouldn't mind some company. Plus I don't want to be the one who tells Shippou she has gone through the well….I shall leave that up to you my friend.”
“Hmph,” was his only reply as they slowly made their way back to the village.
Ok, chapter two!!!! Ok I really need some either reassurance or someone to tell me hey, it I already have some views, but no reviews and I would just like to know if it is going ok…or bad. Lol!