InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mirrored fates ❯ Interruptions ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: As always, I do not own Inuyasha and gang, they belong to Rumiko Takahashi. Don't you feel a little sorry for me??
Citrusy goodness ensues!!!
Ch. 3: Interruptions
Kagome sighed as she lathered her arm for the fourth time. She felt so dirty she pulled the Shikon off, letting it dangle from her fingers as she cleaned around her neck. After the battle with Naraku there hadn't been any time to properly wash….and now she was taking advantage of modern conveniences. While it was true she really didn't feel at home unless she was in the past with Inuyasha…she was all for visiting the future to take pleasure in modern conveniences such as hot running water, and of course a blow dryer. She was surprised Inuyasha hadn't come barging in yet….she supposed she probably should lock the door…not that that would stop him anyway. Oh well, at least nobody else was home, that way nobody would care when she sat him into oblivion for walking in on her….was it wrong of her to hope he did? After that moment by the well, she couldn't get him out of her mind…not that he wasn't on it any other time anyway. She was sure he was going to kiss her….stupid Miroku. Had to ruin the mood. The she just couldn't pass up the chance of having Inuyasha distracted…she made a break for it. She really thought he would have come right after. So much she sat by the well for a whole fifteen minutes resigned to the fact that she would be forced back. At first she thought maybe something had happened to him when he didn't immediately come back, but then decided that Miroku must have talked some sense into him. Not that that would stop him later that night when he thought Miroku wasn't looking. She was so lost in her daydream about Inuyasha that she never noticed she had fallen asleep.
Inuyasha glanced casually around the campfire from his perch in the highest branch of his current favorite tree. After Shippou had screamed, wailed, and punched him in the arm for about an hour while screaming, “I want Kagome, why did you let her go home for?? You big Baka!” and other similar statements, he decided he would let the runt tire himself out and then go get her. And he wasn't taking no for an answer. Silly wench thought she could run away from him. She probably thought she had the upper hand. Nope, he was just waiting, for the opportune moment. Using his senses to detect that all of their breathing had become shallow and steadied, meaning they were asleep, he circled around searching for any threat to his pack…not that they knew they were his `pack'. Varying and diverse as they all were, that's how he thought of them, pack. And now that Naraku was dead and gone, it was time they learned the ways of the pack. But first things first. Kagome.
As soon as Inuyasha stepped into the Higurashi home he realized two things…Kagome was alone, and she was in the bathtub. He could barely smell her through the smell of her frilly bubble bath she insisted on using all the time. Making his way up the stairs, he hesitated at the door. For the second time that day he prayed to the kami's. This time that she wouldn't sit him. So before inevitably being sat into next week he leaned his head against the door, silently listening to her breathing before he was sure havoc would ensue. That's when he realized it…she was asleep. He would recognize her breathing pattern anywhere. Suddenly not worrying that she was naked and in the bathtub he rushed in, shaking her up and awake.
“Kagome! Kagome! Wake up!!!” He screamed as he leaned forward, half in the bathtub himself. “Kami!! What are you trying to do drown yourself?!?!”
“Sit!” Kagome screeched. “OOoomph” Kagome thought to herself that she almost felt bad for sitting Inuyasha all the time…he came down pretty hard, and it didn't feel too good at all. Then as she blushed as deep as humanly possible she realized her mistake. Inuyasha was now in the bathtub with her…on top of her. “Oh Kami!! Get off!!!!”
“I can't, it hasn't worn off yet you silly woman.” Inuyasha sat still as a statue, hoping not to give off the effect she was having on him. He tried to control his breathing as Kagome slightly wiggled beneath him trying to get as comfortable as possible. When he felt the spell of the necklace slowly wearing off he began to pull himself off of her, trying to look anywhere but at her when she abruptly pulled him back down.
“Ouch, wench what was that for??” he glared, trying not to notice her smooth, wet, unclothed body against his. Unfortunately it wasn't really working out for him very well.
“I'm naked! If you get up you'll see me. I didn't brink any clothes into the bathroom!!!” Slowly remembering what the note her mother had left her said, Kagome grimaced. Her room was barricaded shut. Her brother brought a stray cat into her room and it had become infested with fleas. Her mother had bombed her room, along with her brothers and now she could not get to any of her clothes. “I can't get into my room, I have NO CLOTHES! Oh kami-sama, what am I going to do! Inu…Yasha???
Eyes slightly widening little by little as her little spew went on Inuyasha slowly stuttered “um…ah…yeah???”
“Um…do you think I could wear your Haori, I mean, I know it's a little wet now, but of you just untie it and turn your head around I can put it on, I mean its better than nothing. Then I guess we can go back to the past, I finished my tests and left them on the table, Houjou is supposed to pick them up in the morning so he can take them to school for me.”
“Hmph. Stupid Hobo guy. Well, I guess, just try to be quick about it alright??? He slowly leaned up and looked away, stripping his outer haori and letting it fall on top of her as she quickly wrapped the Shikon around her wrist and put on the haori, knotting it firmly..
“Ok, I'm ready.” She squealed slightly as Inuyasha proceeded to pick her up bridal style and start carrying her out the door. “Inuyasha! Put me down, I can walk you know. You just can't bully me into doing everything!” Inuyasha then proceeded to lightly growl at her and tell her to firmly `shut it' as he carried her through the well house and down the well.
Little did they know that Houjou had decided to come a night early, hoping to bring Kagome so herbal tea to help with her asthma. As he watched the pair walk into the well house….well not Kagome, but rather Inuyasha, he noticed a small shiny piece of jewelry fall to the ground outside the door. Deciding his dear Kagome might not want to lose the necklace he picked it up form the shrine walkway and proceeded to walk into the well house. Upon entrance he thought that it was quite strange that they weren't in there. He was certain that he had seen them walk into here. After searching for a half an hour all around the shrine for them he thought he might as well look in the well, maybe they fell…after all that silver haired man was carrying Kagome, maybe she tripped him into the well. Sliding the shoji doors back open, he slowly walked towards the steps. Leaning over the edge to peer in he gently yelled, “Kagome! Strange man!! Are you down there?? I have some tea for you Kagome!!” At that moment Buyo jumped between Houjou's legs winding his way through until he tripped and going forward there was only one way to go…into the well.
As soon as Inuyasha made it out of the well he jumped into a nearby tree, effectively keeping Kagome from running away from him. It was time to show her who was Alpha. Time to show her that she belonged there.
“Inuyasha!! Put me down, I have to find decent clothes; I'm not wearing anything under this!!!” She screeched, feeling more self conscious as time went on.
As he slightly rumbled a growl to her, she started to fidget in his arms, not realizing that this was a growl to tell her to submit. As she continued to fidget she suddenly stopped, feeling his sharp teeth gently but firmly press into the junction of her neck. As soon as she stopped moving he released his hold only to start pressing his warm lips and tongue to the area, as if soothing it while emitting a less formidable growl, more like a soothing rumble.
After at first tensing at his attentions she started relaxing as she tilted her head to the left, effectively giving him more access to her neck and unknowingly showing her submission to him. This only made him bolder as he smoothly ran his hand up her torso, slowly moving from her hip to her waist, lingering there as he slowly made his way up.
Kagome was on fire. Her breath had stopped. Was Inuyasha….no he couldn't be. But there was no way she could deny the sensations he was sending her. Desperate for more she waited until he had continued placing small kisses on her neck and shoulder, slightly moving across her jaw as she slowly turned her head towards him. As he got closer and closer she finally turned slightly in his arms in order to reach his mouth with her own.
At first it was a tentative brush of lips, barely touching. As she tensed in his arms he slowly began rubbing his lips against hers, inching ever so more firmly as he felt her relax. As she started returning the gesture more firmly he deepened the kiss, slowly sliding his tongue across her lips, into her mouth to gently massage hers as he started moving his hand up again, rubbing his palm in slow circles across her stomach. She moaned lightly into his mouth as his hand was just about to graze the underside of her breast.
Kagome jerked back as Inuyasha began to emit a low growl, his hands never leaving their place. She quickly looked down from the tree as the person below began talking again.
“Hello! Is anyone here?? I seem to have lost my way? Maybe I'm dreaming?”
Kagome gasped and as she said one word Inuyasha's growl doubled.