InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mirrored fates ❯ Houjou??? ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I as always do not own Inuyasha, although this new plot belongs to me…well partly anyway

OK folks!!! If you have red this before the sixteenth re-read. I had Inuyasha and Kagome's relationship moving a little too fast, so I re-wrote some of it. I like it much better now. Hope you do too!!!
Ch. 4: Houjou???
Inuyasha cursed under his breath as Kagome started wiggling out of his grip, trying to crane her head further to see that stupid Hobo boy. Had to ruin it didn't he. WAIT!!! What am I saying…what was I doing. I was just trying to punish her, show her who was alpha.
THAT cannot ever happen again. She just wouldn't submit would she?? Then...when I tried to scruff her, her smell, and her skin, and……SNAP outa it Inu!!! She doesn't want you; look at her tryin' to get away from you now to go see that Hobo guy. Get a grip, Kagome would never like me that way. “Stupid Hobo” Inuyasha muttered, but not low enough that Kagome wouldn't hear him.
“Inuyasha!!!! Sit!!!” Kagome screamed while Inuyasha simultaneously yelled at her to stop, trying to cover her mouth before the words escaped.
But yet again, the Kami's must be laughing at him. As he plummeted out of the tree…with Kagome, he quickly switched their positions so Kagome would land on top of him and not get hurt.
“Oomph! Ouch. Inu…yash..a??? Um..Sss…Ssorry? I guess I wasn't thinking that we were in the tree still. Inu…..are you alright????” Kagome began slowly running her hands over his head, searching for any bumps to indicate a reason for him not opening his eyes.
Inuyasha slowly counted to ten in his head, afraid that if he didn't he would have to slowly hurt Kagome. Not that I could ever actually hurt her, but ya, I can think of other ways of punishment for the wench. “Ka-Go-Me. If you think even for a minute that you…”
Um, think quick Kagome, think quick, make him not mad, make him not mad!! I GOT IT!! Before Inuyasha got another word in, Kagome quickly leaned down and pecked him on the lips with a chaste kiss with a quick. “Sorry Inu!”
Before Inuyasha could reply or even have time to blush, Houjou yet again made his presence known. “Kagome, is that you?? Why you must be hurt! With all of your ailments and falling out of that tree!!! And who are you?? I saw you carrying Kagome into the well house at the shrine. Are you a cousin??” She must be friendly with her cousins I guess. “Here! Let me help you up, and as soon as I wake up from this dream I can make you the tea that I brought you!”
As poor Houjou tried to help Kagome off of Inuyasha, said hanyou began emitting a menacing growl meant to scare him off while clutching Kagome around her arms, bringing her flush with him in his attempt to keep the stupid hobo guy off of her.
Houjou tilted his head slightly to the right as if in thought. “Why, what ever is that strange noise?? Is there an airplane near by?? It seems to be coming from you, Kagome's cousin. What is your name again??”
“I aint her cousin moron! Didn't you see her kiss me???” Maybe I can get rid of this stupid kid…wait, isn't he from the future??
“So, people kiss their relatives. It was just a quick peck. My dear Kagome, why don't we……wait, are those….dog ears on your head???”
As Kagome quickly tried putting her arm around Inuyasha's head to cover his ears she stopped fighting with him as Houjou then replied, “Well, I guess I am really in a dream then. Well, since I am in a dream I might as well….Dear Kagome!” Houjou began while grasping her hands within his own.
“Since I am dreaming I can say something that for some reason I feel obliged to say to every woman I pass, but never do for the sake of manners except in my dreams. It must be some crazy family trait. Anyway!! Kagome..would you do me the honor….of bearing my child???” As Kagome stuttered away Houjou continued to look straight in her eyes, his own twinkling with mischief.
Whatever Kagome and Inuyasha had expected to come out of Houjou's mouth….THAT was not it. It was straight Miroku all the way.
Actually, Kagome thought, He does sort of look like Miroku. Maybe his is a descendant and he can suppress saying that to every woman he passes because with every generation he gets a little less of Miroku in him……weird!! “ Um….uh, what I mean to say is, uh…NO, but thanks anyway, but…Miroku??”
Kagome half whispered the last of her statement, but Houjou heard her. “Actually, Miroku is my middle name Kagome-chan, however did you know??”
Very quickly, Houjou's eyes glanced knowingly towards the village where the monk and slayer were currently presiding.
Inuyasha was in shock to say the least. He had spent the last two hours trying to figure this Hobo guy out. He had acted just like Miroku for a second. As soon as they got back to the village, he cornered Kagome to find out just what he was up to.
While she assured him that Houjou was a harmless boy at school who had just a slight crush on her he was not convinced at all. There was just something about that boy…something strange. He smelled….oddly familiar. And he kept staring at Sango, Miroku, and himself like they were puzzles to be figured out. Well, he would figure this Hobo guy out….that was for certain.
He was also angry at the fact that the entire day Kagome seemed to ignore him. Showing Hobo around and talking to Hobo and making a sleeping roll out for Hobo. Hobo this and Hobo that. Kagome spent all day with hobo and ignored him all day long. He for one was tired of Hobo. He had spent the whole day growling lowly in the tree trying to find a way to get rid of…Hobo.
After Kagome was satisfied that Houjou-kun thought that he was having a really nice yet strange dream, she walked out of the Kaede's hut in search of Inuyasha. She really wanted answers on what had happened before Houjou had showed up in her time.
“Inuyasha? Can you hear me??” As Kagome whispered Inuyasha dropped silently in front of her.
“Wench. Where is that Hobo guy???” His ears twitched as he searched for any sound of movement from within the group.
“Inuyasha, you are about three seconds away from an S word. Why do you keep calling Houjou-kun `Hobo.' Hmmm????”” She tapped her foot lightly as she waited for his response.
“Keh, well Hobo should be his name. Fits don't it, stupid name with a stupid guy. How'd he get here anyway, aint he from the future????” he growled skeptically.
“Yes Inuyasha. Remember when you dragged me out of my house, well, I dropped the Jewel. It was around my wrist because I was washing my neck. It slipped off and when he saw it drop, he went into the well house. Buyo tripped him while he was looking for us. The rest you know.” She replied a little heatedly. “Anyway, please please stop referring to him as Hobo, he didn't do anything to deserve it.”
“Fine, but you still didn't answer my question wench. Where is he??”
“He is in the hut. Inuyasha, I want to talk to you. Privately please.” As he peered at her skeptically she gave him her best version of his puppy pout in attempts to get him to respond with a yes.
“Hmmph. Fine, make it quick.” Kagome squeaked as he effortlessly plucked her from the ground and into the tree he was previously abiding in.
Inuyasha quickly settled her in front of him so she was sitting in between his legs, her back leaning against his chest as he silently tucked her head underneath his chin and wrapped his arms around her….so she wouldn't fall of course, being the silly weak human that she was.
“Inu….what happened before Houjou came before, in the other tree??” Kagome waited patiently for his answer and barely heard him when he actually did respond.
“I was punishing you” He growled lightly.
“You were what!?!?! That…that!! …was your….your way of punishing someone????!!!!” She screeched as she remembered the passionate kiss they shared just before Houjou interrupted. “OK, explanation NOW please!!!
Inuyasha's cheeks turned pink as he started explaining. He had hoped she would just catch on and not question him on it. “Well, inu youkai have a pack, and in the pack they have a leader. That's me, by the way. There's more, but its not important right now. When one of the pack members does something the leader disapproves of, they have the right to punish the member. We punish by biting them at the junction of the shoulder and neck. When the pack member shows submission by baring their neck further, we release them.”
“But Inuyasha, that doesn't explain what I asked, I didn't mean that, I meant after you let go of me. I pretty much figured out the bite part on my own. I mean the stuff after.” She whispered the last part as if to herself.
Inuyasha's eyes widened as he remembered what happened in the tree. “Umm, well, you see….uh….I felt bad, ya! That's right, I felt bad. I mean, you are a weak human and all, and I thought I might have hurt you. So I was trying to sooth the bite, and I …I…”
As Kagome saw Inuyasha blush with embarrassment she read between his words as only she could. And finally she understood. She somehow always knew that Inuyasha's harsh words were just a cover to hide his feelings, but now she was positive. Before Inuyasha could continue his stuttering rampage she slowly tilted her head upwards and began placing light butterfly kisses along the underside of Inuyasha's jawline.
“Ka…gome?? What are you, you doing??” Inuyasha tightened his grasp on her to keep himself from flipping her around and ravaging her mouth right then.
“Inu, I'm sorry I left you all day to show Houjou around. Did I hurt you???” Kagome's eyes twinkled into Inuyasha's and he knew the jig was up. “How about I `sooth' you and make it all better?”
As she slowly turned in his arms and raised her mouth towards his all he got out was a quiet, “Hai.”, before her lips were softly pressing into his.
Inuyasha was in heaven. Kagome, His Kagome, was kissing him. He finally let the hope he had blocked out his entire life sneak back into his heart, silently unlocking it for her to take.
As Kagome's hand traveled across his chest, down to his rippled abs, Inuyasha slightly moaned, allowing Kagome the chance to deepen the kiss. Tilting her head slightly as their tongues explored each others mouth she leaned up to firmly grasp one of his ears with her hand, rubbing the base of his ear slowly in rhythm.
Soon Inuyasha's contented rumble filled the air. Before his thin control on the situation could snap he slowly ended their kiss, returning to her face to place a single kiss on the tip of her nose. As he looked down Kagome's smile was bigger than he had ever seen before.
Apparently she really had wanted him to kiss her. Well if only he'd have known that he would have done this a long, long, long time ago, he chuckled to himself.
“Inuyasha, would you mind if I went to the hotspring??” Kagome asked hoping that their new closeness would allow him to let down his gruff guard around her when they were alone.
“Fine wench, I'll watch out for anything dangerous. With you being a weak human and all, who knows what kind of trouble you could get into.” He muttered quietly, yet somehow with Kagome it didn't seem quite as gruff as usual.
After they returned from the hot spring, Inuyasha swept Kagome back into the tree and held her until she fell asleep. Inuyasha was intent on keeping an eye out for that Hojou kid. That was his intention anyway. Not long after Kagome had fallen asleep did her own steady breathing lull Inuyasha to a contented sleep soon after her.
OK folks!!! If you have red this before the sixteenth re-read. I had Inuyasha and Kagome's relationship moving a little too fast, so I re-wrote some of it. I like it much better now. Hope you do too!!!
OK!!! Next chapter done!! Hope everyone likes it. Life happened the past couple of days with the apartment searching and all so I tried to make this one longer in effort to make up for the delay. Please everyone tell me if they like it or not!! I have two reviews so far and seeing them made me super happy!! Thanks for the support guys!! I know I happen to like it, but that's probably because I am biased because, hey, I wrote it…lol.