InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mischievious Inuyasha ❯ Mischievious Inuyasha ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Mischievious Inuyasha

Disclaimer: Unfortunately, I do not own Inuyasha or the like. If I did I would have jumped him, ripped off his fire rat robes, and- well you get the picture. I do not own Inuyasha, and by saying this I release the Big Goons (lawyers) in Japan from suing me to death.

Author's note: This is the first thing I've written... ever... If you don't count school or such. And it might be long, it might be short, I dunno. I don't know if I have any creative juices for writing at all, and would like to test my abilities, or lack thereof.

Dedication: This story is dedicated to my best friend Daneka, whose crazy mind I have come to love and enjoy on a regular basis. Even while she is raging at me for "making" her feed me almost everyday for the past year, (even though she does it of her own free will and love for me). But so on and so forth, this is for you Dunka, Dai suki, omae wa ore no mono da.

Chapter One: Mischievious Inuyasha

"INUYASHA!" Kagome yelled impatiently.

"Feh, be quiet bitch. I'm trying to concentrate!"

"What have you got to concentrate on? Slice him open and be done with it already!"

"Feh." Inuyasha flipped his hair arrogantly, a glint of mischief in his eye. He'd slice the demon open alright, but he wouldn't promise she wouldn't get splattered.

Inuyasha coiled his muscles and lept into the air, leaving a swirl of dust behind him. 'This should be quick and painless, well, for me anyway,' Inuyasha thought to himself, pointing his sword down towards the horned demon's head. 'It's just a little Yuma Demon, what's it gonna do? Put me to sleep? Steal my dreams? Wouldn't get much outta them besides that whining bitch Kagome.' He was still annoyed with her for being in his dreams last night. Stupid wench kept popping up where she wasn't wanted.

Swinging Tetsusaiga and slicing through the weaker demon, Inuyasha made sure some of the splattering blood hit Kagome right in her whining face, the goo running down her body. He smirked in sadistic pleasure at her gasp of outrage.

Sango lightly jogged up to Kagome, clad in her exterminator gear, and Hiraikotsu swinging over her shoulder. Looking upon her friend with concern, yet trying to keep from giggling at the goo dripping everywhere, she placed a hand on a goo-less spot of her shoulder. Not surprised to feel her trembling, she looked closer at the goo-covered face to ascertain whether the trembles were from tears, anger, or laughter.

She soon got her answer.

"INUYASHA! OSUWARI!" Kagome screamed at the top of her lungs.

Sango heard a crash, and looking around, spotted the hole where many obscene comments could be heard. She gave a little smile, but it fluttered away as she felt a hand caress her rear.


A ringing slap was heard, followed closely by the sound of the perverted monk hitting the ground.

Satisfied with the result of her attack, Sango turned back to Kagome, expecting to see a mildly angry girl.

Kagome was looking down at her goo stained clothes, a look of bewilderment upon her face. Sango felt a chill go through her, though she did not really know why. Kagome looked positively freaked out.

"Kagome? Kagome-chan? Are you alright?" Sango asked tentatively.

Kagome looked up, and behind Sango towards the entrails of the defeated demon. Her face took on a look of absolute terror, and focusing her stare on Sango, her next words chilled the girl to the bone.

"Who.... what.... Where am I?"

End Chapter one... I know it's short, but the other chapters might get longer. Again I inform you I am not really a writer, just a normal person playing one. Please review, and I accept criticism gladly if it will improve my skills.*rolls eyes*. Let me to refer you to my best friend: Tory Annon, who dabbles a little in the trade on Hope you enjoyed the story so far.

For those who know no japanese whatsoever:

Hentai- Pervert, in a really rude way.

Osuwari- Sit(ahh the love of "sitting" Inuyasha)

There will be much more japanese writing in this fic, (I hope) and I will usually have the translations at the bottom so you don't get too confused.