InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mischievious Inuyasha ❯ Forgetfullness and Worries ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Mischievious Inuyasha

Disclaimer: Unfortunately, I do not own Inuyasha or the like. If I did I would have jumped him, ripped off his fire rat robes, and- well you get the picture. I do not own Inuyasha, and by saying this I release the Big Goons (lawyers) in Japan from suing me to death.

Chapter Two: Forgetfulness and Worries

Inuyasha jumped out of his hole, storming towards Kagome.

"Oi! Wench! What the hell is your problem!?" He ground out.

She took one look at him and began to scream.

Inuyasha, surprise evident on his face, moved quickly, placing his hand over her mouth. Growling, his abused ears flattened against his head, he glared at Sango.

"What in the hell happened to Kagome?" He demanded angrily.

"Inuyasha, I do not know what has happened to Kagome. She was fine until you clumsily covered her in the demon's blood." Sango said patiently, if somewhat incriminatingly.

"So you're saying it's MY fault she's screaming at the top of her lungs?"

As the two were arguing over the unconcious body of the monk, Kagome took off, running as fast as her legs could take her. She did not want to be stuck with these strange people, around a dead...something that oozed blood and organs. And she definitely did not want to be around that strange, angry boy. Even though his ears were kinda cute. His claws looked deadly though, and he had a sword, so he definitely wasn't cute and harmless like a puppy. Well, maybe cute, but not harmless.

Her musings were cut short as she ran headlong into a hard, muscular chest. His arms quickly wrapped around her, and she was effectively trapped against him. Looking up, Kagome noticed that his eyes, although slightly irritated looking, were a warm amber color. He quirked his black brow at her, then she noticed his hair was an odd color of,no it was silver. But he looked much too young to be having silver hair. Curious. Naturally she opened her mouth to scream again.

"HANASTE!" Kagome cried.

"No, I will not let go of you, you stupid bitch. Where in the hell did you think you were going? We still have to find the shard in this demon! And you were definitely not heading towards the well, unless your sense of direction is really that bad." Inuyasha growled impatiently. Stupid wench, why in the hell did she scream when she saw him? Was she that repulsed by him? His ears drooped a little at that idea.

'I am sooo confused right now.' Thought Kagome. 'Who is he? And what in the heck is he taking about...a shard? Ohhh wait, DEMON? Ok, that's it, I'm getting away from these crazy people RIGHT NOW!'

Punctuating her thoughts with a swift kick towards Inuyasha's kintama, she broke free, but didn't get more that two steps before she was knocked over by a flying furball.

"Kagome! Are you ok? I saw what that mean Inuyasha did to you! Eeewwwww! You're all covered in goo!" Shippou stated from his place on top of Kagome's stomach.

Kagome looked at the strange little boy, noticing he had what looked to be a tail. He looked down at her, obviously expecting a reply. 'He's a cute little thing, but I wonder if that tail is...No it couldn't be real, could it?' She thought to herself. 'Well only one way to find out.

Tugging on the tail lightly, she watched the little boy's face, waiting for a reaction. His expression looked pained as she tugged, so she began to pet it like a dog. He looked quite pleased. Suddenly she noticed that she was petting a strange boy's TAIL, in the middle of a strange place, where a bleeding mass was located, and there was a strange dog-boy glaring at her while clutching his kintama.

"Who are you?" She asked the cute little boy.

"What do you mean 'who am I'? I'm Shippou!" The little furball replied, sounding quite indignant.

Kagome picked him up off her, preparing to make another run for it. She froze as she felt... something... touch her rear. Looking down, she noticed the black haired young man had woken up. And seemed to be taking liberties with her.

"AAAAAAIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEE! HENTAIHENTAIHENTAIHENTAI!" She screamed loud enough to make the dog-boy flatten his ears again.

Scrambling back, she got as far away from the pervert as she possibly could, before slamming into a big, furred...thing.

Looking up, all she saw was tusks, before quickly squeezing her eyes shut, and screaming loud enough to set everyone's ears ringing.

"IT'S GONNA EAT ME!" She cried, her entire body trembling with fear.

Kirara looked down at her, extremely confused, before reverting back to her smaller form. Jumping onto Kagome's lap, she mewled slightly, trying to tell the girl not to be afraid.

Cracking her eyes open a little at the mew, Kagome noticed a small kitten with two tails sitting in her lap. 'Wait... TWO tails? Gah! Where in the world am I? These people are definitely NOT normal.'

Inuyasha, having almost completely recovered from her vicious attack on his manhood, stood up, grinding out obscenities at an alarming rate.

"Goddamn wench. Kirara would not eat you and you damn well know it. Now stop acting stupid and find the shard." He waved his hand toward the leftovers of the demon, drawing her eyes towards it. The sight caused her stomach to churn a little bit.

Inuyasha backed up a step, noticing her face was turning a little green. "What the hell is wrong now wench? I would think you'd be used to the sight of a dead demon by now."

"Excuse me? Wench? Demon? What are you talking about?" Kagome questioned, shifting her turbulent brown eyes towards him.

"You know damn well what I'm talking about! Stop acting like a baka!" Inuyasha growled out, becoming more impatient and angry by the moment. 'Kuso, I hope she quits this joke soon. It's starting to piss me off.'

"I... I don't know what you're talking about... I don't know who you people are, or...or where I am...or what you are..." Kagome stuttered out slowly. Covering her face in her hands, she began to sob.

'Ohhh shit' Thought Inuyasha. 'I don't think this is a joke...'

His gaze shifted from Kagome, to Sango, then finally landing on Miroku.

"I think we need to get her to Kaede, and quickly."

End chapter two.

I hope it was a little better than the first chapter. The story will be progressing more quickly, but I am planning it to be quite long if I can.


Hanaste- Let me go(forceful)

Kintama- testicles

Hentai- Pervert

Thank you for reading so far. I hope you review, as I do except critism. Maybe somebody could give me some pointers on writing, or japanese and such.

If you feel the need, I would not mind people giving me links to their or some of their favorite stories.
