InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mischievious Inuyasha ❯ Things I do For You ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Mischievious Inuyasha

Disclaimer: Unfortunately, I do not own Inuyasha or the like. If I did I would have jumped him, ripped off his fire rat robes, and- well you get the picture. I do not own Inuyasha, and by saying this I release the Big Goons (lawyers) in Japan from suing me to death.

BIG thanks to my very first reviewers EVER: koiinu, Guardian of the Hell Gate, and jettwolf90. I am sooo happy right now! You guys gave me knowledge that at least somebody read my story. Chapter three coming right up.

Chapter Three: Things I Do For You

~I'll do what I have to do~

Just to be close to you

And stop you from crying

~I'll even resort to lying~

Kaede looked down sadly at the frightened girl, shaking her head.

Inuyasha had swept her up, screaming and kicking, and had deposited in Kaede's hut, ordering the old miko to "fix her damnit!". Kagome had no idea who the old woman was, and was, quite literally, shaking in her boots. The old woman stared her one-eyed wise gaze on the trembling girl, contemplating as to why she was so immensely terrified.

She turned her stare towards Inuyasha, noticing the look of worry upon his face.

"What have ye done to Kagome? She appears as if she has been deeply frightened."

"Feh, I don't know what's wrong with her! Stupid wench kept screaming and trying to run off. Said she didn't know who we were..." He trailed off, feeling a twist in his ribcage at the prospect that she didn't know him. He still had hope that this whole thing was one big charade.

Focusing his warm amber eyes on Kagome, he took in her disheveled clothes, mussed hair, and still slightly gooey face. 'She's still so pretty.' Inuyasha reflected. 'No, no. None of that dog-boy! Like she'd ever want a half-breed like you! Don't even think about it!' He chastised himself angrily.

Kagome, having switched her frightened eyes toward the *beautiful* boy, noticed his _expression changing from reflective, to sad, to angry. She began to tremble anew, hoping he wasn't going to do...something... to her. Noticing the old woman was mumbling to herself, something about remedies, she took the opportunity to begin her escape.

Inching slowly towards the door of the hut, she kept her eyes trained on the dog-boy, watching for any sign that he noticed her actions. Centimeter by achingly slow centimeter, she got nearer to the door.

Inuyasha did indeed notice her movements, his ears twitching with the very slight scuffling noises she made.

Kagome paused, taking in the absolutely adorable sight of the ears twitching on the top of his head. 'So they ARE real.' She realized. 'They look so cute I just want to pet him!' Her face instantly began to flame at the thought of wanting to, of all things, PET this complete stranger. Although it seemed like he wasn't going to hurt her anytime soon, there was no way she was going to trust him. After all he had bodily picked her up, jumping along at an incredibly fast pace, then dumped her unceremoniously on this strange woman's floor. He even called her a wench and a bitch! Definitely not the most polite boy she'd ever met.

As she mused, she had gotten steadily closer to the door, readying herself to jump up and make a run for it. She heard a warning growl which halted her yet again.

"Don't even think about it. You wouldn't get five steps without me right on top of you." Inuyasha growled warningly. Although the prospect of being on top of Kagome was appealing, it seemed like she had no clue who he was, judging by the crying fit she had a little earlier. 'And get your mind outta the gutter, half-breed.'

Kagome's eyes raised up to meet his, then flickered uneasily towards the old woman. She looked nice enough, although she seemed like a pirate with that black eye patch.

"Do not worry, child, he will not injure ye. Although he may seem a mite... rough around the edges at times." Kaede reassured the young lady that she was safe before asking her if she was injured.

"No... No I don't think I am hurt." Kagome stammered out, still a little bit uncertain about the safety factor in the hut.

"Now, Kagome, why were you attempting to run from Inuyasha? Did the battle frighten ye that much child?" Kaede questioned Kagome softly.

"B-battle?? What are you talking about? And who are you?" Kagome was so incredibly confused.

"I am Kaede, child. Inuyasha brought you to me to help you. I am curious as to why you do not remember us."

Kagome hesitated, unsure about trusting the Dog-boy, as she'd come to think about him, and the one-eyed pirate lady, Kaede.

"The last thing I remember is... math class at the school, and cleaning the shrine."

"Do ye remember anything of the well, or anything about the Shikon no Tama?" Kaede prompted Kagome.

Inuyasha leaned against the wall, listening to Kaede question Kagome. He could still smell the fear on her, but it was beginning to fade slowly. He straightened up, catching Kagome's eye as she noticed his movement. There seemed to be a glint of...he didn't exactly know what but it definitely was not a look he would receive from her on any other occasion.

Kaede turned toward Inuyasha and ordered him to tell her of their most recent battle as she prepared a bowl of water to clean the slime off Kagome's face. Poor girl looked like she'd forgotten all about it.

"Well it was just a little Yuma demon, nothing to get worried about. Can't do nothing to us now can it? Dead and gone." Inuyasha answered her, as he moved closer to Kagome.

"YUMA DEMON! Why did ye not tell me of this before Inuyasha! The Yuma demon's blood is very harmful if it comes into contact with skin. The Yuma, being a dream demon, can access the mind of a person, and it's blood can enter the brain and wipe out memories! Highly dangerous demon to kill. It not only effects the brain, but the soul as well." Kaede explained angrily, quickly setting to work cleaning Kagome up.

She motioned for Inuyasha to leave the hut, pulling out some miko's robes for Kagome to wear.

Kagome looked at the strange clothes, noticing they were similar to the one's the older woman was wearing. She looked down at herself, and squeaked with surprise as she saw her clothes in a rather torn-up state, and parts of her practically covered in dust.

"Ummm, do you think maybe I could get cleaned up first before I put on the clean clothes?" She asked timidly, her hands fluttering down over herself.

"Why of course child! I will show you the way towards the river." Kaede moved towards the door, old bones creaking, as she motioned Kagome to follow her.

"Ummm river?" As far as she knew, there was no river close to the shrine. But then again, she wasn't at the shrine, now was she?

"Yes, child. The river. On the walk I shall explain a few things that Inuyasha was obviously reminiscent of mentioning."

* * * * * * * * * * * *

"Ok, so you're telling me, I am a reincarnation of this 'miko' Kikyo, protector of this 'Shikon no Tama' or Jewel of Four Souls, I have powers, I came here to the feudal era through a well, and I freed Inuyasha from a tree? And Inuyasha is a hanyou? Half dog-demon, have human eh? Excuse me lady, but I think you've gone off your rocker." Kagome had listened skeptically to Kaede's explanation, but it was just a little too farfetched of a tale.

"Yes, child. I know it is a little hard for ye to believe, but all I have told you is true." Kaede of course left out Inuyasha's love of Kikyo, and his seeming hostility towards Kagome. The girl had enough worries without knowing how she was treated by him.

"Ohhhk... And I shattered this jewel with a bow and arrow, even though I have no clue how to shoot a bow and arrow, and now I have to collect all the shards? And I work with Inuyasha? Riiight. Ok so who was the perv who grabbed my rear back there? Friendly neighborhood lecher?"

'I shall have to have a talk with that monk.' Kaede thought to herself. "That 'lecher' was Miroku. You travel with him as well as Sango, a demon exterminator. Ye all are on a quest to defeat Naraku as well, as he is a particularly evil demon. Miroku's family has been cursed with a hole in their right hand, and the curse will only be lifted when Naraku is put to death. The hole sucks everything in its path into itself, although currently it is sealed with prayer beads. Sango had her entire village massacred by Naraku, and her own brother is controlled by him."

Kagome stared at Kaede, shaking her head sadly. Such sad tales.

"Alright, one more question." Kagome raised her warm brown eyes to Kaede's face. "Just what is Inuyasha to me?"

* * * * * * * * * * * *

"YOU TOLD HER WHAT?!" Inuyasha practically blew up at Kaede, he was so surprised by her announcement.

"I told her ye were in love, to be mated, or married as they would say in her era." Kaede explained patiently. She'd done so much talking this day.

"WHY IN THE HELL WOULD YOU SAY A THING LIKE THAT?!" Inuyasha screamed. His heart was beating madly, a little excited at the thought of them being mated. 'Now that's not right... I love Kikyo, don't I?'

"I thought she would need somebody she believes she loves and loves her to help her recover her memory. Her soul needs to make a connection to somebody she cares about so it can start repairing whatever damage was done. She needs you Inuyasha. She cares about you greatly."

Inuyasha's heart fluttered a bit. 'She needs me. Me! Inuyasha! Somebody most people would rather have still rotting to that tree!'

"Feh, alright you old hag. I will pretend we are to be mated, but only until she recovers her memory." Inuyasha relented reluctantly.

"Arigato, Inuyasha. But now I believe Kagome needs to go through the well to see her family. Please take her there, and try to be pleasant to her."

Inuyasha glared daggers at the old miko before storming out of the hut.

End Chapter Three. Hope you enjoyed this chapter, took me a nice little while to write. I'd like to thank ya'll again for reading and reviewing. There wasn't a whole heaping lot of japanese in this chapter, which I apologize for. I'm hoping to try to work more in. And yes, Tory Annon, I did indeed have to have Inuyasha get kicked in the kintama. I know it was totally mean, but you have to admit, he's earned it.

Oh, and as one of my happy readers pointed out, kintama is apparently not testicles, but kogan is. I would like to say that I originally started learning japanese in karate. I was told by my sensei that kintama means testicles, hence the name of a kick, kin geri. Thank you for pointing out my mistake though, I do appreciate it. And also, addressing the person who spoke up about how Inuyasha does not call Kagome wench, bitch, etc., It depends on what network you watch it on. In the actual japanese versions, he does indeed call her these crude names. But on YTV, the show is edited beyond all believe.