InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Misky Dreams ❯ A Talk...Heart To Heart ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

"Kagome. You've returned." Koga said as he stepped out further into the open field. "I knew you would. . ."

Kagome stood up and walked up to the wolf youkai. Well what else was she suppose to do? She missed him just as much as she missed everyone else. "Yes I'm back." She said as she touched the youkai's arm. "How have you been Koga? It's been a long time hasn't it?"

"Too long." Koga smiled. He grabbed Kagome by the waist and spun her around in the air. "I'm so happy to see you again!" he put her down and kissed her forehead. "You've grown into a woman. . .and you are still as beautiful as I remember you."

"Hey back off, Koga!" Inuyasha hauled Kagome back from the youkai, secretly pissed off that Koga had stopped him and Kagome from kissing.

"Oh shut-up mutt-face." Koga snapped. "She's my woman and I haven't seen her in three years!"

"Which means she isn't your woman! Are you as dumb as you look, Koga?!" Inuyasha yelled.

`Just like old times. . .' Kagome thought as her left eyebrow twitched. "Ok guys stop it. There's no need of this." She put one hand on Inuyasha's chest and the other on Koga's in an attempt to keep the two from jumping at each other's throats.

Ignoring Kagome, Inuyasha continued. "And up until last night she belonged to someone else!"

Kagome's heart nearly stopped when she heard the words come out of Inuyasha's mouth, and rage built up inside her. She turned to the hanyou and looked him in the eyes. "HOJO DID NOT OWN ME!! NO ONE HAS EVER OWNED ME! GOT THAT?!"

By this time Inuyasha was almost cowering down in the grass. He remembered how hot Kagome's temper once was, and was now reminded of how much her `sit' commands had hurt when she was in this mood. `Please don't let her sit me. . .' he thought as he bit his tongue.

Kagome turned around and looked at Koga. "Koga. . .as good as your intentions are. I can't return the feeling you have for me. I love you. . .but as a friend. And nothing can make that change."

Koga looked down at Kagome. "All I want is for you to be happy. And if that's how you feel I think I'm able to accept that now."

"Great." Kagome smiled. "Now, Inuyasha and I are on our way to this place he has to show me. . .would you like to come along?"

Inuyasha felt his stomach twist over, great.

"Sure I would. I have to make sure that foul hanyou keeps his hands to himself." Koga smirked.

Kagome sweat-dropped and smiled. "Great! I'm glad you wish to come along." She yawned. "Well guys I'm tired. I think I'm going to get some sleep. Don't kill each other while I'm out, ok?" with that the miko lay down on the other side of the rock and was soon fast asleep.

Inuyasha sat down and glared at Koga. "It was only suppose to be me and her going to that place, asshole."

"Exactly. . .which is why I'm going." Koga said with a smirk. "Mutt-face I know you still have those feelings for Kagome, and I'm not about to let you act on them. Thank Kami I got here before you got a chance to kiss her."

"Who are you to stop me from letting her know how I feel?" Inuyasha snapped. "I wish you'd mind your own business."

"Even though Kagome isn't my woman anymore she is STILL my business. And I am going to make sure that she don't end up with someone who will break her heart in the end." Koga smirked.

"She was already with someone who fitted that description." Inuyasha barked. "And I swear, if he was still around I would kill him."

"Who is this fellow?" Koga asked.

Inuyasha sighed and told Koga all that Kagome had told him about Hojo, and how she was no longer engaged to him. "She can't stand people who try to control her. I don't think she has ever been in a relationship where she was actually feeling loved."

"I see." Koga nodded. "And you think you are the one who can help her feel that?"

"I know I am." Inuyasha said.

"Then all the power to you." Koga said. "I never did like you, hanyou. But you were usually right about things, and if you think you can make Kagome happy then go for it." He smirked. "But if you break her heart I'll break your legs."

Inuyasha smirked. "Fair enough."

~*~*~KAGOME'S DREAM~*~*~

The girl had long white hair and pale skin, her eyes were a dark crimson, and she was wearing a black kimono with pink trim over a matching suit of skintight body armor. She stared at Kagome from the shadows of the trees that were partly surrounding her.

"Who are you?" Kagome asked, feeling that the girl did not pose as a threat to her. "Are you youkai?"

The girl nodded, but stood her ground. She never made a move to walk out of the trees to have a formal conversation with the miko.

"How id you get here? What's your name?"

The girls' lips moved, but no sound came out. She then looked very frightened and her hand when over her mouth.

"Huh? What's wrong? Are you ok?" Kagome started to walk towards the girl. She stopped and she looked on in horror as the girl burst into flames.


Kagome's eyes shot open. `What the hell was that?' she thought. `And who was that girl?' her eyes suddenly landed on the sleeping Koga. `Does she have something to do with him?' she thought.

She didn't know why she was thinking this; she just had a gut feeling that Koga might know something about her. `. . .but why?'