InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mission: Irresistible ❯ Back To School ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Please r & r!
This is my first attempt at writing a fanfic flames welcome but please keep it constructive and not destructive.
 I do not own Inuyasha and co. Too bad for me… Oh and thanks shikiori for pointing out my error about Inu's ears in my first chap! I've revised it now. Thanks!
Mission: Irresistible
Chapter 1
“Oh Kagome”
Kagome shivered at the sound of her name. She trailed her hands up his bare back, pushing it through the mass of silky silver hair. It was so soft and silky, any girl would kill to have hair as beautiful as his.
She could feel the rumble of satisfaction in his chest, but that was nothing compared to the sight of his golden eyes darken with desire. For me she thought giddily. He roughly backed her up against her bed while littering erotic kisses all over her face and throat.
She felt herself falling…
The shrill ringing pierced through her awareness. Kagome jerked upright, images of her dream still lingering in her fuddled mind. “Great,” she grumbled to herself, “Just what I need. A naughty dream of Inuyasha, the heartbreaker.” With a sigh she staggered out of her bedroom and into the bathroom.
Outside Souta was about to go downstairs when he heard his sister's door open. He watched her nearly trip over her own feet as she stumbled her way to the bathroom. He heard her muttering some interesting things about the male population in general.
“Yo sis!”
“What, brat.”
“Better hurry up or you'll miss the school bus.”
“Oh damn! Today's our first day back isn't it.”
She rushed into the bathroom and accidentally slammed the door on her finger. A scream could be heard throughout the house followed by a long string of cursing. Souta shook his head pityingly. Kagome had never been much of a morning person. “Well my breakfast is waiting.” He skipped down the stairs, whistling.
“I'm off to school! See ya mum, Souta.” She dropped a kiss on Souta's head as she grabbed her bag and packed lunch. Her brother made a face and promptly started rubbing at his head.
“Eww sis, I'm 13, not 3!”
“Sometimes it seems like you are.”
“You don't have to act superior all the time. You're only 3 years older.”
Kagome laughed and tapped his puffed out cheeks gently, then fled out of the house before he could say anything.
Once outside she breathed in a rush of fresh air and absorbed the clear blue sky and bright sunshine. It was a perfect first day back at school, and she couldn't wait to catch up with all her friends after the two months break.
She rounded a corner and nearly smacked into the broad back of a tall guy.
“Oof. I'm sorry..”
“No problems miss.”
An unfamiliar voice answered.
Well, how'd you like it? Should I keep going? This chapter is a bit short so I might try make my next one a lil longer. Please review and give me your opinion!