InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mission: Irresistible ❯ Nobody Crosses Kagome, Nobody ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

My bro said InuYasha has nothing but skin and bones!! ARGH no one says that about my Yash! I WIL SKIN HIM ALIVE!!
Bro: ummm sis.. I didnt.. uhh..mean it O.o (runs away)
Mission: Irresistible
Chapter 2
Kagome turned around and her breath hitched in her throat.
Damn, but he's sexy! A pair of deep cerulean blue eyes gazed back at her. They look so deep as to be almost bottomless. Long black hair was swept back into a high ponytail, while a dark tan head band kept his bangs off his face. All in all he was every girl's male fantasy wrapped into one neat package. (a/n does anybody agree with me that Inu is way cute but Kouga is HOT HOT HOT)
He caught her gawking at him and gave her a bad boy grin, fangs and all.
Wait just a sec, fangs?
He noticed where her attention was focused on. “Hey, you curious bout there rite?” He touched the tip of his tongue to his fangs. For a moment she thought they would prick him, but they didn't.
She blushed.
“Umm, yeah. Sorry I didn't mean to be rude and stare.”
“Naw, it's kay. People are always curious. I'm a wolf youkai.”
“Oh! I've only seen a few youkai around my shrine, but you're the first I met who has a human form.”
“Yeah well chances are you already have before without realizing it. Most youkai are pretty good at blending in and humans can rarely tell, not like fellow youkai can. You wouldn't have known I was if I didn't tell you.”
“Is it true you guys live to be centuries old?”
“Yup. I'm pretty young, only round hundred I think.” (a/n anyone knows his real age?)
Her eyes widened dramatically. “Oh my, I can't imagine being that old.” They heard a school bus round the corner. She waved goodbye to him. “Here's my bus. Nice meeting you.”
“No way! You go to Shikon High? I'm going there this year!”
They got on the bus and shared a pleasant conversation all the way to the school. Most of the girls on the bus took one look at Kouga and gave her a jealous glare before hmmphing and ignored her. Kagome found that after the initial shock at seeing such a gorgeous guy, she liked Kouga as a friend more than potential boyfriend material. Sure, he was hot and nice, but she found him a bit dull.
Finally they reached the school. The bus doors open and she waved goodbye to Kouga as she spied her friends and raced over to them.
When she got closer Kagome found that one of her best friends, Aiko was crying, with all her other friends standing around her protectively.
“Hey Aiko! What's the matter?”
“Oh Kagome! Haven't you heard?” This was from Eri, her other friend.
Well no, that's why I'm asking. Her friends really were a little slow sometimes.
“Do you know Inuyasha Tetsusaiga?”
“I know him by reputation.” Kagome grimaced. The boy was a reputed playboy who went out with girls only to break up with them a few weeks after. No one has lasted more than two months. Just thinking about it made her angry. How dare he used all those girls like that, pretending he held some kind of affection for them, only to dash their hearts to pieces! She heard the rest of Eri's voice in some distant corner of her mind.
“Anyway, it seems he and Aiko went out during the holiday for a while. After he got her to…do things…he broke up with her. Said he didn't want to be tied down, that he wasn't ready for a serious relationship.”
“Kagome, are you alright?” Everyone looked at her. Her cheeks were flushed with rage and you could practically see steam come out of her ears. Eri whispered to the others, “Boy, Kagome is scary when she's angry.”
Kagome didn't hear. He has gone too far this time. No one does that to a friend of mine and gets away with it!
She stormed off to her first class, but she wasn't really paying attention to the lesson. No, she was busy formulating a plan to get back at him, and make him treat the female population with a little more respect. He'll regret incurring Kagome's wrath.
This time, he will pay.
Well, I finished this chappie. Hopefully I'll write the next one soon, but I'm also working on a site, trying to watch all the Inuyasha episodes on youtube, and reading all the interesting looking romantic Inuyasha stories on Mediminer. Busy busy busy…