InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mission: Irresistible ❯ Rescued ( Chapter 12 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Mission: Irresistible
Chapter 12
Inuyasha could feel his vision start to go red. There, lying in front of him, was his precios Kagome, trussed up and knocked out. Kouga was giong to pay, nobody hurts his intended mate and lived! He rushed to her side and gently shook her shoulder, praying silently for her to wake up.
“I'm here, baby. Are you alright?” Kagome groggily opened her eyes and groaned. Who the hell was that in her head, hammering away?
“Inu…what are you doing here?”
“Rescuing you of course. Now where did that bastard and the bitch go?”
“Aiko…she really did this, huh? I thought…I thought we were friends…” Kagome trailed off, her eyes going suspiciously moist.What had she ever done to Aiko to deserve this? And Kouga…with the thought of that youkai, she clenched her hands, all lingering traces of sadness wiped away only to be replaced with anger.
They were broken out of their thoughtful silence, at least on Kagome's part, when a familiar presence entered the room. Without thinking Inuyasha jumped out and lunged at the newcomer. Kouga only stepped away and smirked. His lips mumbled a few words, and with that, Inuyasha foud himself unable to move as he froze mid lunge. His eyes widened before narrowing in frustration and anger, the only part of his anatomy unaffected by the binding spell.
“Ah, my dear Kagome, I see you're awake. That's good.” She glared at him, refusing to speak.
“What, no hello or anything?” His voice sounded pleasant enough, but she could tell he was getting irritated at her lack of response. She scoffed silently.
“In that case…” Without warning, he threw himself on top of her, forcing her into the floor. She winced as her head connected with the hard ground. Out of the corner of her eyes she could see Inuyasha, struggling to break though the binding. A hand on her thigh forced her to look back up at her assaulter.
“In that case,” He repeated, his voice low and menacing, “I'll just have to force you to scream.” She whimpered in terror as his hands clawed away her top, her hot pink bra showing through the rips.
“Hmm, I'd have pegged you as the virgin white type, but I can't say this doesn't turn me on.” Kouga leered at her, and she foud herself nauseous.He began caressing her body, and she thrashed underneath him, trying to buck him off. She nearly screeched as he grinded against her, groaning. She looked away in disgust as he unzipped his pants. Inuyasha may not be able to move, but she could feel the anger and fear radiating off of him.
Kouga, who decided he did not like her attention wandering, growled, and tore off her shorts and panties. Kagome moaned in fright as he pried her legs apart. She braced herself for the entry, squeezing her eyes shut.
Please God, just get it over with already. She waited, tense. A minute passed and she realized nothing has happened. A choking noise made her open her eyes. The sight nearly made her cry out with releif. Miroku had managed to twist Kouga's arms behind his back and holding it in place, while Inuyasha was gripping his neck. Sango stood to the side looking immensely proud of herself.
“Huh?” Sango looked her way.
“Oh Kagome, I'm so glad we got here in time!”
“How did…Inuyasha…”
“Oh, that. Considering my heritage, I know a few spells too.” Kagome simply nodded dumbly, before returning her attention to the men. Kouga had mangaged to break out of their hold, and Miroku rapidly foud himself on the floor, writhing in pain. Sango winced but her anger at the Houshi kept her standing there, against her heart's wishes. She merely looked away.
While Miroku was temporarily knocked out, Kouga pulled out a gun and aimed at Inuyasha, who had been knocked down and sprawled on the groud.
“See ya in hell, dog shit.” Kagome watched in horror as his finger squeezed the trigger. Everything from then on was played in slow motion to the people present. Inuyasha, weakened from his brawl with the wolf, looked up to late, and couldn't will his body to move away with his hanyou reflexes. Kagome felt fear fill her entire being, as she rushed forward to push him away, but being to far, could not reach him. She was so sure she was going to lose him, but then another body made itself known.
Sango cried out as she watched the bullet buried itself in Miroku's side, his body falling limply to the floor. In that moment, all animosity she held towards him vanished, and she rushed to his side, sobbing.
“Roku! Don't you die on me now!” He smiled softly up at her tear stained face.
“Heh, guess this means you're not angry at me anymore…”
“You hentai…I was never angry at YOU, I was just upset at the whole situation. Kagome's like a sister to me, I didn't want to see her upset. And you and Inuyasha has been friends for a long time, I was sure you were going to side with him. I'm rambling now…” She let out a quiet chuckle before crying again.
“Hey, hey…don't cry. I'll be alright. The doctors will patch me up in a flash. If I left, who would be here to take care of you, eh?”
“Miroku…I…I…God, I love you so much!”
“Even more reason not to leave…I love you too, Sango.” Kagome was nearly in tears as she watched the exchange, and even Inuyasha found himself moved. He turned to face a smirking Kouga.
“You're going down, bastard!” Blinded by rage, Inuyasha once again lunged at Kouga, but this time he was ready, from behind his back he produced a katana. Inuyasha just about managed to dodge, but he received a light scratch on his stomach. They stood facing each other, one glaring the other sneering.
“Stay out of this Kagome! Go help Miroku!” Kagome hesitantly turned away from him, and went to help the couple. God, I hope we get out of this alive. She took off her sweater, and wrapped it around his midsection, while Sango comforted him. She made sure the cloth was tied tightly enough to stop the bleeding, before a cry of surprise made her look up at the dueling pair.
Inuyasha was on the floor, pinned down by Kouga, who had his katana raised above the hanyou, ready to plunge the shining blade into his chest.

Hahaha cliffie. Awww you know I'm not really gonna kill Inu right? Or am I…One more chap left. Well I'm gonna hurry up and finish this fic, cus I'm really sick of this fandom now. So many bishies so little time.