InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mistaken Identity ❯ Chapter 5

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer- I don't own Inuyasha & Co.

Chapter 5

Kagome, Meara, and Koga sat on a deck watching Inuyasha instruct a group of youkai and hanyou in fighting technique. Meara was fascinated, a lot of the moves were of a gymnastic nature, she wondered how they would react to what she used to do?"

She had been watching a demon and hanyou using their technique on each other. The young demon sneered at the hanyou when he couldn't do a technique as well as he was. Meara had enough, she decided to show the young man a thing or two.

She went to Inuyasha and whispered in his ear. He looked at her, then he grinned. He turned to the group and said, "Meara-san is interested in seeing your agility and muscle control abilities. She has proposed a simple game. You must do what she does, exactly. If you fall or can't do it, you must go sit out. The last one standing, wins the game.

Meara turned and bowed to the group, then smiled at them. She turned, did a handstand and dropped down into a forward roll, pulling back up into a handstand, holding it a moment and dropping down into a forward straddle roll, back into a handstand, then to her feet.

She heard the little demon snicker and she knew she had him. As the morning wore on, she made the routine harder and the holds longer. The demon was beginning to get on her nerves and she decided she had enough.

By the time she had gotten the game down to the demon and herself, Sesshomaru had joined the group of adults watching.

The little demon sneered at her one more time, "You are merely a human and one who is sick. You can not best me."

Meara simply smiled at him. She turned and pulled up into a handstand, and said, "Do this with me. It's really simple." She waited until he too, was in a handstand.

She then raised her left hand from the ground and held it to her side, and waited. She held that posture a few moments until she saw, the tiny movement she wanted. She gave the boy a grin, and did a handpress to the ground and kissed it. Then, pushed back up and continued holding the handstand.

The boy moaned a little and repeated what she did, with effort. She laughed a little and did it again. The two kept this up, until both were straining, the boy more so than the woman. Finally, the boy fell as he moved to kiss the ground again. She dropped to her feet, and held her hand out. He took it, stood, and bowed before her.

She could see that he was angry, and she laughed at him. "Remember that someone will always be better at some things than you, just as you will be better at other things than they. Believe me, if you and I were to fight, you would best me."

The young boy looked at her, and she continued, "The trick is to learn who your real enemies are, and not those who strive to learn and work with you. Instead of ridiculing those who aren't as proficient as you, offer to teach them. You would earn much respect that way. I'm not saying to be soft on them, but sometimes you must give as well as take."

She turned to walk away and turned back to him, "Think of it this way, some day you might have to fight at their sides, or even lead them into a battle. Would you like to fight with someone who respects you and will have your back or someone who fears you, who might stab you in the back?" She turned again and resumed her way back to the table.

Everyone at the table was shocked. Sesshomaru had never seen a human impart a lesson in that manner to a demon. She had just sown the seeds of leadership into that boy. Seeds that would take root, because she had sown them with strength and wisdom.

As she got closer, Sesshomaru could see the physical effort it took for her to do that. He could see her struggling to maintain an air of nonchalance. He knew that going to her would show her weakness, and everything she just tried to teach would be forgotten in the face of that.

She made it to the table and sat gracefully in the chair. She looked to Kagome, "Could I have some water, please? I don't think I could make it any farther."

Sesshomaru could feel anger coming from her, but not who it was directed at. "Why are you angry?", he asked her.

She started, "How did you know?"

"Demons can sense those things. Just like I can sense that your extremely tired right now. You haven't answered my question.", he stated.

"My sister and I used to do that to see who could last the longest, we would do that for hours. Now I can barely beat a young boy.", she grimaced.

"Meara, the fact you fought through your weakness to win that game, proved more to that pup than if you would have beat him hands down.", he said.

She gave him a confused look. "Demons believe in strength and power. You showed him that physical strength isn't the only thing. He has had a first hand lesson in what determination can do.", he said.

Inuyasha came back to the table, after dismissing the class and said, "Where did you learn all those moves?"

Meara laughed, "When I was little I wanted to go to the Olympics. I had gymnastic classes from the age of three until I was fourteen. I had to quit competing, I had a growth spurt. I grew too tall and "womanly" to compete against little girls who had a better center of gravity."

Koga leaned forward, "Did you ever make it?"

Meara smiled at him, "Yes, I did what I set out to do. I went to the Olympics, I was an alternate for the USA.. I didn't care that I might not compete, I was there."

"I think we should include gymnastic training with what we already teach. We may be able to improve their abilities. What do you think, Sesshomaru?", Inuyasha asked.

"I agree.", he said.

Kagome came back with a bottle of water for Meara, and took one look at her wan face and said, "Let's go, young lady, you are going to have a rest." Meara looked at the men seated around the table and none of them moved to help her out of this.

"Yes, Mother. What ever you say.", she laughed. She stood up and slowly made her way inside.

After she had gone inside, Koga whistled, "Damn, I think I'll mate that one just to keep her around a while longer."

Sesshomaru growled at Koga, "You will not touch her. I don't wish her harmed in any way. She has told me that she has no interest in you, but friendship." He stood up and stalked off, heading to his office.