InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mistaken Identity ❯ Chapter 6

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer- I don't own Inuyasha & Co.

Chapter 6

Two days later, just before sunrise, Sesshomaru woke Meara. "Get dressed and hurry. I wish to show you something.", he said. He had been thinking about this since she mentioned the balloon.

She stepped out of her room dressed in jeans, t-shirt, and tennis shoes. He looked at her, "Do you have anything warmer?"

She gave him a funny look, went back into her room and came out with a hooded sweat shirt. He nodded and grabbed her hand, "Come on."

He pulled her outside, and said, "Hold onto to me tightly." She hugged him around the waist and suddenly, they were airborne.

Her eyes flew to his face and found he was watching her. "You said you wanted to see the earth from the air without being on a plane.", he said.

She looked at him, eyes shining and grinning from ear to ear, "This is wonderful! I can see everything. I bet you do this everyday. I would, it gives me such a feeling of freedom. I know now why birds fly from tree to tree so much, it's fun."

He had traveled this way often through out his life, and had taken the ability for granted. Now, seeing her pleasure filled face, it made him wonder what else he had taken for granted. He found he couldn't wait to see what else she could show him.

His arms felt a little empty, when he landed and she stepped out of them. Then, suddenly she was back in them and hugging him. "Thank you, so much, for the surprise. I will never forget it.", she gave him a brilliant smile.

"Now, if you will excuse me. I need to change, I promised Inuyasha that I would watch each student and look for weakness in balance and agility.", she said. He nodded his assent and she surprised him by dancing away ending it with a deep curtsy in his direction. Then, she grinned at him and ran inside.

His youkai whispered to him, "You better decide what you are going to do concerning her. If you don't soon, the choice will no longer be yours." Sesshomaru ignored it, too busy replaying the time he had just spent with Meara in his head.


Two hours later, Meara just finished showing a flip to a young girl. Just as she landed on her feet, she turned pure white and fainted. Sesshomaru, who had been watching, was at her side in an instant.

He picked her up and carried her to her room, calling for the doctor to be brought. He laid her down on her bed, and his heart wanted to stop. She was so pale, and suddenly he was afraid for her.

The doctor came and chased him from the room, so he could examine her. He came out a while later and said, "She's awake, but very tired. The young lady hasn't been eating properly and has been over doing it."

He gave Sesshomaru a look and continued, "I will give your cook a list of things that she should have to eat. She needs more rest and less excitement. I'm having her records faxed here as we speak, I'll know more after I've reviewed them."

Sesshomaru nodded. He turned to enter Meara's room and the doctor stopped him. "Only stay to ensure that she eats, then she needs sleep.", he said. Sesshomaru knocked and entered Meara's room.

"This Sesshomaru would know why you are not eating?", he asked.

Meara gave him a sheepish grin, "I forgot." Then giggled.

"How could you forget?", he demanded.

"I don't get hungry anymore. I have no reminder to eat, so I don't.", she smiled at him.

"I will become your reminder. You will eat all your meals with me, that way I'll know you ate.", he ordered.

"Yes, Daddy.", she said, then spoiled it by chuckling at the face he made. "I'm sorry that I made such a nuisance of myself.", she said, suddenly.

"You are not a nuisance, you're anything but that. If anything, you have been a breath of fresh air in this house.", he said.

She blushed at the look in his eye and was saved by a knock on the door. Kagome entered with a tray for Meara.

Kagome smiled, "It was the only way I could gain entry into your room. It seems that all the class has decided to guard the hallway, all the way to the young Kyo and Akira standing outside. Anyone coming near gets threatened if they make one sound."

Meara started laughing, "Well, I must have made some impression."

"Yes, you did. Koga has been hog tied because, he thought he could bully his way through them. The all jumped him together, Inuyasha has threatened them with punishment for it. They told him that no one was to disturb Meara-san, they are only following the orders from the doctor.", Kagome burst into laughter.

She placed the tray down over Meara's lap and lifted the cover. Meara crinkled her nose over the offering of clear broth, plain rice, and tea. "Do you think I could have some real food?", she asked.

"The doctor said you should eat light first, then progress onto more substantial meals.", Kaogme answered.

She snuck a look at Sesshomaru and he raised an eyebrow at her. She sighed, grabbed the spoon and started eating the broth. She finished the broth and looked at the rice. "You do know that to leave food uneaten is considered rude here?", Sesshomaru said to her.

" I know that.", she replied. She picked up her chopsticks and ate the rice.

When, she finished. Sesshomaru said, "Good, now bring her more." She groaned and he smiled at her, "We have somewhere to go in a couple of days. You need to be ready to travel."

After, she finished her seconds, Sesshomaru told her to sleep. She laid back and closed her eyes. She was asleep in moments.

Sesshomaru sat and watched her even breathing. He didn't understand the sudden fear he felt when he thought her more ill than she was. "It's because I don't have the answer to my question.", he thought.

His inner demon laughed at him, "If that's what you want to think. I'll say it again. Decide what you really want from this woman, before you can't choose. There is less time than you think."