InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mistaken Illness ❯ Chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Mistaken Illness
Chapter Three
By Obsessor
Review Responses:
Koniko-chan: Thanks! Poor Inuyasha—female demon, really? And thanks so much for that research! I think it'll come into play next chapter…. Maybe. Poor Kagome, ne? I liked her reaction too—because if someone at my school reacted like that, I'd just think it was because their secret was out.
Jbowman: Thanks! I think that Kagome and Inuyasha do let their feelings show a lot—even if either of them don't catch it! Jeez, they're so dense! Anywho, I'm glad you liked my thesis. Its one of the things that I feel strongly about, and think others should be reminded about.
Hanajima: Thanks for the correct way to spell Goshinboku! I didn't want to add it into the word dictionary the wrong way—and I just couldn't recall which way it was! I agree, the movie was amazing. Except for the annoying boys in my class who got all “Ewww….AIDS.” or “The girls are hugging! O_O”. Hope you like the rest! And thanks for 10s!
xxSilentBeautyxx: Thank you! I'm glad you found it easy to read—sometimes my stories get a little confusing. Hopefully this one won't!
cougiecat12: That's ok! I'm glad you were harsh-ish. It really helps me see where I need to improve with my writing. And I'll admit, that chapter needed some help. Well, major help. I guess I learned my lesson about trying to write in math class, ne? I'll just have to do my best to live up to your expectations!
Golden_kistune: Thanks! Jii-san definitely has some explaining to do. I don't envy him—trying to tell a shocked and furious granddaughter that he may have just ruined her last chance of going back to a normal life? Sorry this chapter took so long to get out!
Ms_briefs: Thanks so much! I know I can be bad at spelling sometimes…well, okay, lots of times. I'm so sorry, I took longer than two weeks! Gomen. School caught up to me, and it was quite bad….I'll try to update faster.
~Space Queen~: I'm glad you liked it. And thanks! It's been taking me awhile to update, I know—well, more like forever. I promise to update faster soon!
astrea19: Thank you! I hope you like the rest! Thanks a bunch for reading.
Shikon_jewel: *nods* We need to get into Jii-san's mind every once in a while, ne? Sometimes he's so neglected… I hope you like the rest! Thanks for the subscription.
Silent_sara: Yes, it can also be transferred by blood. However, the most common way for blood transfer is from needles (often drug needles). You can also get it from a blood transfusion, but nowadays they test your blood before you give blood. I really don't think people would think simple blood contact like a cut—because, at least at my school, people love a scandal. Writing mode forever, that sounds pretty good. I usually have to listen to jpop to get into a writing mode.
Anya_Eliza: Thanks. I wasn't so sure about the stopping place, but yup, guess it worked. Yes, what will she tell her grandfather? o_o Oops, I did it again? Somehow numbers always seem to end up in some of my words… Yup, people are quite unaccepting of it… And I know if word got around my school that someone had AIDS, they're first thought wouldn't be kissing. Nope, because that's not scandalous.
A/N: So sorry it took so long. Gomen! Don't hurt me……. I got sick, and all I wanted to do was sleep. Which I did. A lot. So anyways, here's the next chapter. Lots of review responses, since I hadn't done so yet.
Inuyasha paced impatiently by the well. He knew Kagome was staying longer, she had told him. But that wouldn't stop him from hoping that she would return here, to him, right after her `shkool' was done. He wanted, needed to see her. Shaking his head viciously, he halted his pacing. No, the reason he wanted Kagome to come back was because of a new rumor of a jewel shard. Everyone was antsy to get this demon dealt with. But, as no one but Kagome could see the shards…..
As his feet beat the grassy area to a dirt path, Inuyasha sighed and stopped pacing. Approaching the well, he tapped his foot. Although he would never admit it, he couldn't wait to se Kagome.
Running his hand through his hair, he gave up waiting. Jumping into the well, he crossed into her time. Quickly making his way out of the well and across the grounds, he saw the old man open the door and worriedly peer outside. Kagome's grandfather. Inuyasha watched the old man's brow crease in concern. He smelled fearful.
“Oyaji!” Inuyasha called out, ignoring the dirty look the old man gave him for being rude. “Where's Kagome?”
“I don't know….you mean she's not in your time?”
“Stup-she had a test.” Inuyasha caught himself; he doubted the old man would like him calling his granddaughter a `stupid wench....' Would think he was being rude again. Turning from his inner thoughts, he watched her grandfather's face pale.
“She…she came back? Oh, this is not good, not good at all. That means she went to school not knowing. What have I done?” Toji was wringing his hands; he couldn't believe how wrong everything had gone. `All because of my stupidity…all because I lied again.' He had meant to catch Kagome the minute she came back, to tell her. But now, now she had probably found out on her own. He knew the prejudice people would hold against her. This wasn't good at all.
“Find her.”
“What?” Inuyasha stared incredulously at the old man. He definitely had his attention now. Of all the things that could have come out of his mouth, that was definitely low on the list.
“Find her now. I don't care what you do, find her. Please. It's all my fault….”
In a flash, Inuyasha was at the door, wrapping his fingers around the old man's neck. He shoved him against it, his eyes blazing.
“Just what is your fault?” His words dripped with malice, threatening the old man to refuse to answer.
“No time to explain. I'll do so later. Please just find her.”
One look at the old man's pleading face and Inuyasha unceremoniously dropped him to the ground. He needed answers, but finding Kagome, especially if she was in trouble, was more important. The old man rubbed his neck where fingers marks were beginning to form, fumbling with the coat rack next to him. He looked sick with worry. Inuyasha tried to hide his own concern. He knew something was wrong. Very wrong. And he'd be dammed if something had happened to Kagome, if she got hurt. Grabbing the proffered baseball cap, he jammed it over his ears and sped off, running across the roofs of Tokyo.
Stopping on the edge of a roof, Inuyasha sniffed the air. His nose twitching, he fought to discern Kagome's smell from all the rest. He wrinkled the appendage in disgust as all the atrocious fumes overwhelmed him. Just another thing he hated about her time, and now it was making it all the more difficult to track her. Inhaling the air, he began running again, his powerful legs propelling him across the Tokyo skyline. [O: drool]
“Her scent…” He could smell her, but it was fading quickly. Hastening in chasing it, Inuyasha felt as though he was going in circles. No, he knew it. `Damn wench must've walked all over. Stupid, what is something happens to her?' He ignored the voice, sounding much like Kagome, in the back of his head, that way saying that her time was relatively safe. What did it know anyway?
Inuyasha jumped into an empty alley, as her scent grew stronger. He was getting closer. Preparing himself for the crowds on the street before him, he joined the throngs of people hurrying about. Walking towards an `eenter-secshon,' he concentrated solely on Kagome's scent. It was a scent he hadn't forgotten since the moment he met her. Sure, she smelled a bit like Kikyo, but it was still unique.
Inuyasha stopped walking, staring at the transparent door in front of him. Kagome was in there. Without any further delay, he pushed it open, immediately spotting her. She was slouched at a table in a corner, looking wholly defeated. He walked over just as she turned, sensing his youki.
“Wha….What are you doing here?” Her hand dashed across her eyes, wiping away her remaining tears. Inuyasha wasn't deceived, he could still smell them.
“Feh. Oyaji told me to find you. He seemed worried about something.” Inuyasha's eyebrows were furrowed in concern. He couldn't suppress the worry that he was feeling. Whoever had made Kagome this sad was going to pay.
After digesting what Inuyasha had just said, Kagome's lips twisted into a cynical smile.
“Oh, so he was worried? He was? Well, that's just great! Since it is all his fault after all!” Kagome's voice escalated, giving verbalizing her frustration. “Well maybe he should think more about what he lies about!”
Kagome stopped abruptly, noticing how silent the fast food joint had suddenly become. People were staring outright at them. A few had begun to snicker, but were quickly silenced by Inuyasha's stare.
Shouldering her bag, Inuyasha grabbed her hand. Muttering something about “stupid wenches,” he, much to Kagome's relief, dragged her out of there.
Grasping her wrist firmly, Inuyasha dragged Kagome out into the deserted alley that he had come into before. Letting her backpack slip off of his shoulder, he held it out to her, not speaking. Kagome grabbed it, understanding his silent question. Turning his back to her, Inuyasha felt her arms lock around his neck, hoisting herself up. He grabbed her ankles as he hopped onto the roof. He kept silent, at a loss for how to comfort her. He didn't know what was wrong. Judging from her outburst at that `res-turan' place, it wasn't very good. At all. It also appeared to be the old man's fault. If he was the one who caused Kagome's pain… Inuyasha decided not to finish that thought. He was Kagome's grandfather after all.
After jumping across the buildings of Tokyo, Inuyasha finally lit back on the steps of the shrine. He felt Kagome unwrap her arms form his neck, and stand up. Looking into her eyes, he could see her hesitance reflected in their brown depths.
“Oyaji's probably inside.” He looked for her reaction, wondering if she would confront her grandfather or not.
“Okay…. I…I'll go see him.” She started walking slowly to the door of the house. Inuyasha followed her, wondering just what this was about anyways.
Kagome opened the door, stepping inside. Trailing behind her, Inuyasha shut the door loudly. He winced, the house was so quiet, it had echoed off the walls. Looking up, Inuyasha saw Kagome go into the kitchen. Going to the entryway, he leaned against the wall to see Jii-san sitting at the table. His head was down; his hands wrapped around a glass of water.
Kagome sat across from him, anger burning in her eyes again. Staring at his bent head, she asked the first question that came to her mind.
“What did you do?!”
Toji wouldn't trust himself to look up. He didn't want to see the pain on his granddaughter's face, to see the anger in her eyes. Sighing heavily, he stared at the table as he began to speak.
“I…I got a call…from the school. It was a week ago, maybe longer. Th-they wanted me to come in. It seemed they had started to be suspicious of your absences…..” He trailed off, not wanting to have to relay the rest of what had happened.
Inuyasha grabbed the chair next to Kagome, sitting down in it. She looked as though she was barely containing herself. “Feh. It ain't any of their business.”
Jii-san forced himself to continue, if only to get it off his chest.
“It is. It's the law. I went to talk to someone from the school. He knew…..he knew that you hadn't really been sick, even if he never said so. I didn't know what to do! I couldn't tell them the truth, that would have been even worse—”
“Worse? How could that have been worse?! It's all your fault! Now…now….” Kagome's shoulders shook as she began to cry. “They all….think I'm…..” The tears she had never shed rolled unchecked down her cheeks.
Inuyasha glared and Jii-san before scooting closer to Kagome, trying to comfort her. He awkwardly petted her hair, and whispered reassurances to her. As he sobs grew fewer, he turned to look at Jii-san again. If anything, the old man looked stricken, close to breaking himself.
“What did you tell them?” Inuyasha's voice had taken on a darker tone, threatening the old man.
“I…I told them…..I told them that she has AIDS.”
He heard Kagome's breath catch in her throat, saw her blink back another wave of tears. But he didn't understand it fully. Knowing this was a disease in her time, he didn't know what it was. Deciding now wasn't the time to ask, he stared at the old man, making sure he didn't do anything to further upset Kagome.
“Why? How could you?!” Kagome surprised herself in asking him, she hadn't trusted her voice to speak.
“I….I didn't know what to say. It was the first thing that popped into my head. What else should I have said? Should I have told them that you travel into a well 500 years in the past? And that your mother and I let you put yourself in mortal danger daily?! That would have landed me in an asylum, maybe you too. Not to mention that your mother would most likely be deemed unfit to raise you. Is that what you wanted?!”
Kagome flinched as Jii-san's voice rose. She didn't want him to yell. Why was he? It wasn't her fault he had to make up illnesses. Well, maybe it was a little—she was the one who was always missing school to go to the Sengoku Jidai. But, dammit, it was Buyo who made her fall down the well in the first place!
Abruptly Kagome felt all of the emotions she had been keeping at bay crash down on her, and tears threatened to spill from her eyes once again. Blinking her eyes rapidly, she shoved her chair back and ran to her room. Leaving two very confused males in her wake. Slamming her door, she threw herself onto her bed and let the tears roll unchecked down her cheeks. She lay there, ignoring Inuyasha's soft knocking on her door. She felt his youki move farther away as the persistent knocking stopped.
She felt horrible. Worse than horrible. The stares of her classmates kept playing over in her head, and she was powerless to stop it. But it wasn't only her classmates staring at her. Their gazes were superimposed; it was Inuyasha staring at her, then Sango, Miroku, Shippo, Jii-san, Mama, Kaede, Kirara... She couldn't stop the visions from coming, try as she might. They crowded her mind, showing her what could happen. Grabbing her pillow, she shoved it over her face, attempting to stop the misplaced looks. They wouldn't do that. They wouldn't look at her like she was something to fear and pity.
Sitting up, Kagome looked at the clock on her desk. It was seven already. She hadn't thought it could be that late already. Looking out her window, she saw a spot of red through the upper branches of Goshinboku. Inuyasha. He had probably been out there ever since he stopped knocking.
Feeling her mood lighten slightly, Kagome quietly slipped out of her room and back downstairs. Glad she didn't run into Jii-san, Kagome slipped on a pair of shoes and continued outside, stopping beneath Goshinboku. Looking up into the branches, she smiled slightly, seeing a pair of golden eyes looking back at her.
Inuyasha jumped down from the branches, glad to see Kagome out of her room. After she had refused to answer her door earlier, he had expected her to stay shut inside for the rest of the night.
"You okay?" His voice was loud in the stillness. Kagome looked at him, her eyebrows raised. He internally slapped himself for asking such a stupid question. Her tear stained face alone was the answer.
"Where's Jii-san?" Kagome played with a rock under her foot, rolling it back and forth.
“He…he left. Said something about having to go buy a new broom.” Inuyasha studied her face, looking for traces of anger. Surprisingly, there was no anger present on her face. Instead, her face portrayed her confusion, and frustration.
“Oh. Okay.” Kagome sighed mentally, wondering at Jii-san's antics. He hadn't needed to get a new broom; there were plenty of them stored in the well house. He had probably just wanted to get away, to have some time alone. Some of the anger she had been feeling towards him vanished. He really didn't know how to handle this situation any better than she did.
Sitting down at the bottom of the tree, Kagome placed her head in her hands. Soon after, she heard Inuyasha plop down beside her, sighing.
“D'you want to stay?”
Kagome looked up at Inuyasha, astonished. He was asking if she wanted to stay? It had always been the other way around—he had always tried to get her to go back to the Sengoku Jidai early. Seeing him squirm under her incredulous stare, she quickly masked her surprise. The last thing she wanted was for him to begin giving her a hard time again, all because she had made him self conscious.
“Well, do you?”
Kagome debated between the two choices—stay here and sort things out or go back to the Sengoku Jidai and worry about if this was being sorted out. Although she was sorely tempted to leave, she knew she should stay. If she were to leave, the rumors at school would only escalate. Plus, she realized with a start, she hadn't seen Mama or Souta yet! They were still on his class trip.
Making up her mind, Kagome turned to answer Inuyasha.
“I'll stay. At least for a bit. You…You can go back if you want.”
Kagome desperately tried to hide a tiny smile at his trademark phrase. She failed.
“What the hell are you smiling at, bitch?!”
That wiped Kagome's grin right off her face. In its place was now a frown, her features marred with anger.
“Stop calling me that!”
“Why?” Inuyasha smirked at her face; it was already turning red. He had succeeded in his goal—making her mad. And, at least she had smiled a little.
“Whaddaya mean, what?! You very well know what!”
“No I don't.” Inuyasha continued to play innocent, as he knew it would serve to infuriate her even more.
“Yes, you do!” Kagome's voice had suddenly dropped in level, taking on a dangerous edge. The tone of voice that Inuyasha had come to associate with the impending use of one word….
“Gah!” Inuyasha plummeted onto the ground, creating a small crevice from, the impact.
Hearing a gasp behind her, Kagome slowly turned around, dreading what she would see. In that instant, a million scenarios ran through her mind. Inuyasha, with his ears in plain sight, had just been slammed onto the unforgiving ground. A fall that had coincided with her saying the word “Osuwari.”
A/N: Again, sorry it took me so long. Gomen Nasai! I had a lot of school stuff going on—2 make-or-break-your-grade projects, plus a cold, and just general stressing. I promise it will never take me so long to get a chapter out again. Ever. I pinky swear. Nothing's happening right now in my life, so I'll be able to write more. Oh, and today's my birthday! Yay! ^_^ I'm 15. [Edit: due to my taking forever in getting this out, my birthday was last week. I procrastinate way too much.]
There is going to be a new story posted—my English magical realism story. I would appreciate reviews as it will help me change what you say and get a better grade. ^_^ It's called The Spirit Assassin.
Again, Gomen!
Also, I felt Kagome's reaction was a little off in this chapter. But then, I imagine that would be how I would react if I was in shock. And oh no, my first somewhat cliffie! I'm so evil! Wow, longer A/N than the chapter! O_O
Oyaji: `old man', rude
Jii-san: grandpa
Gomen (nasai): sorry
Osuwari: sit
Goshinboku: the god tree
Sengoku Jidai: the feudal era
Youki: aura
For My Sanity: