InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mistaken Illness ❯ Chapter 4 ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/N: Allows angry readers to beat Obsessor on the head. Repeatedley.
SORRY! Well….here's the next chapter. Sorry for leaving you with a cliffie for over a year….ahem…
Hearing a gasp behind her, Kagome slowly turned around, dreading what she would see. In that instant, a million scenarios ran through her mind. Inuyasha, with his ears showing, had just been slammed onto the unforgiving ground when she said `Osuwari.'
Chapter Four:
"Kagome-nee-chan! How'd you do that?!" Kagome let out her breath, not having realized that she had been holding it in. Souta ran up the few steps to the shrine grounds, and quickly sprinted across them, waving his arms widely. Harumi slowly ascended the stairs behind him, lugging two duffel bags.
Souta scampered over to where Inuyasha was slowly picking himself off of the ground. Kagome looked at him, giving him a pleading look--one that clearly stated that she didn't want to continue their argument. Inuyasha nodded, though the look he gave her said that he would not let the spat be forgotten.
"Kagome, you're back! How are you?" Harumi reached the top of the stairs, making her way over to her daughter. She was glad to see her: Kagome came home rarely, usually only for tests. Racking her brain, Harumi remembered that Kagome did have a math test today.
Reaching her daughter, Harumi was puzzled at what she saw. Kagome's eyes were red and puffy, and tears were threatening to spill over once again.
Harumi barely had time to brace herself before Kagome flung herself at her, tears beginning to stream down her face.
"Shh…Sh…Kagome, what's wrong?" Harumi knew her daughter despised math tests, but she had never seen such a drastic reaction to one before.
The girl before her mumbled something, but it was incoherent through her sobs.
"Kagome….Come on, lets go inside." Harumi put her arm around Kagome's shoulder, leading her into the house. Walking down the hall, she entered the kitchen, pulling out a chair for Kagome. Once her daughter was sitting, she quickly rummaged through the cupboards, and began putting on a pot of water for tea. Unfortunately, sighed Harumi inwardly, this already didn't seem like a problem that a hot cup of tea and a hug could solve. Turning to the doorway as she heard shuffling feet, she saw Inuyasha and Souta standing there, their faces identical: depicting worry, and confusion. Souta, however, looked more shocked than Inuyasha to see his sister in such a state. Somewhere in her own confused mind, Harumi noticed this, and made a mental note to ask Inuyasha what he knew about Kagome's problem later.
Noticing Kagome's mom looking that him, Inuyasha grabbed Souta by the shoulder. With a "Lets go to your room, runt" he began climbing the stairs. Souta followed faithfully, now with a slight smile on his face. Harumi felt a tiny smile quirk her lips, sometimes she could swear it was Souta who was part dog, the way he followed Inuyasha around.
Turning away from that endearing sight, Harumi faced her daughter. Kagome was slumped in her seat, staring at a nick in the table. Harumi took the empty seat next to her, and began speaking in a hushed voice.
"Kagome, what happened?"
Shaking her head, Kagome didn't explain. Instead, she began to take deep breaths--she had already had to explain this to Inuyasha, and it looked like she would have to do it once more. Her tears had ended, instead a hot, boiling hatred had taken their plaice inside her chest. It felt as though everly molecule of her body was coursing with it, the energy screamed at her to do the same. Kagome bit her lip. She wanted so much to give in, and scream, yet Mama hadn't done anything wrong.
Snapped out of her reverie, Kagome exhaled slowly a final time, a habit that she had gained to cope with Inuyasha's annoyingness. This, though, this was much more serious than that.
"While…while I was gone…someone from the school c-called…." Her voice cracked. Swallowing, she realized her through was dry, her nervousness of her mothers reaction, her reluctance to tell her, was parching her through. Swallowing once again, Kagome continued on.
"So….the school official called. Jii-chan had to go to a meeting with him. The school person….didn't…didn't believe all of the illness excuses. So he told Jii-chan to tell the truth. He…He didn't. He lied…again. He said…he said…" Kagome couldn't bear to bring herself to say it all over again.
Harumi reached over, putting her arm around Kagome's shoulder. She gave them a reassuring squeeze, encouraging her daughter to go on. Kagome nuzzled into her mother's arm, but stayed silent. Her chair scraped on the linoleum floor as she moved closer to her daughter. She rearranged herself so that Kagome's head now rested on her shoulder. Shifting a little to get comfortable, Kagome finally went on. Her voice seemed timid in the quiet, the only other noise coming from the TV set in Souta's room.
"He said I have….AIDS."
Harumi blinked in shock at her daughter's words. True, she had been apprehensive as to what Jii-san had said. His previous choices of illnesses had shown that he had an extensive knowledge of them, but apparently lacked the common sense to just make up something minor. Harumi felt her shock become replaced with indignation. She couldn't understand how Jii-san could be so—so stupid! Schooling her features to be neutral, Harumi tilted her head so that she could see Kagome's face.
“He told that to who?”
“A school official…I don't know who.”
Harumi's mouth dropped open slightly in realization.
“Kagome…You didn't go to school today, did you? You had a test today, right?”
Kagome's eyes began to tear up again as she nodded.
“You did? What about….?”
“I didn't know. I hadn't stopped home before school. See, I hadn't come back until this morning because I forgot, and just went straight to school.”
Harumi hugged her daughter, offering what support she could.
Abruptly, the telephone rang shrilly in the silence, startling both of them. As if on cue, a commotion could be heard in Souta's room. Inuyasha came running into the kitchen, Souta on his heels.
“Kuso cat!” Inuyasha's hand was red, and Buyo's black and white hair was easily discernible on his red haori.
“Buyo bit him.” Souta had a badly concealed smile on his face. Inuyasha's current disposition was a hilarious sight to the hero worshipper.
Harumi stood up, and reached for the still-ringing phone. Picking it up, she uttered a `Moshi moshi.'
“Let me kill that cat!” Inuyasha nursed his hand, a pained look on his face.
Souta gave up covering his smile, Inuyasha looked comical, being so aggravated because of a cat bite. “You can't kill Buyo! It's only a small bite, anyways.”
Kagome felt a smile creep onto her face, despite what had happened. Inuyasha was being such a drama queen. “Don't tell me you're complaining about a cat bite?! Oh, how the mighty have fallen…”
“It hurt, bit--”

Souta gasped overdramatically, while Kagome, in personal slo-mo covered her mouth in shock and pointed an accusing finger at him.
“Okaa-san! Okaa! Inuyasha swore at Kagome!” Souta jumped up and down next to his mother, attempting to get her attention.
Harumi ground her teeth in exasperation at her son's behavior. Couldn't he see she was on the phone?! She put a finger to her lips, motioning for Souta to be quiet.
Seeing Souta's attempts to get Inuyasha in trouble, Kagome smirked at the accused. “Great job.”
“What?” Inuyasha retorted.
“But Okaa!” Souta tugged on Harumi's arm, furthering her annoyance with him.
“Cursing in front of my little brother and mom? Tch.”
“I didn't curse, all I said was bitch, and then you—“
“That's not cursing at all!”
“Everyone, be quiet!” Harumi slammed the receiver onto the counter. `Everyone' froze, including Buyo, who was attempting to sneak past them for a drink of water. “I'm on the phone, and I can't even hear! Souta, you know where the first aid kit is, apply yourself. Now leave me alone!”
Duly apprehended, the two teens and Souta left the room. Buyo, seeing that the coast was clear, flitted across the kitchen to his water bowl, and proceeded to sate his thirst.
Harumi picked the phone back up, satisfied that they would leave her alone for the time being. “Gomen nasai, what did you say?”
“Ah, I'm the social worker from Kagome's school, Hanako Koyama—” Harumi's face paled hearing this, and her grip on the phone tightened. The situation had just turned extremely serious. “—I was calling about Kagome's illness, to discuss the impact of it on her education and life at home. How is she?”
“She's doing fairly well.” `Especially considering that she was never sick in the first place.'
“That's good. I hope the best for her health. Sorry, but is this a bad time to be calling? I heard some yelling in the background…”
“Ah, yes, it's fine. My son can be a bit rambunctious at times.”
“He must be, for needing a first aid kit.”
“Ah, yes, there was a mishap with the cat…” `…and a hanyou.'
“Well then, if everything's fine, I'll get back to business. Your father lives with you and your son, as well as Kagome, correct?”
“And Kagome's father….?”
“My husband died when Kagome was six.”
“Oh I'm sorry.”
`I'm sure you am, especially since you don't even know any of us.'
“Does everyone in your household know of and accept Kagome's illness? Do you?”
“Hai.” `I suppose I'll have to go along with the illness story for the time being.'
“And no one else lives with you or visits you often? Another relative, a close friend, perhaps?”
“No.” `It sounds like she's reading off of a check list..'
“Good. Now, I understand that Kagome is going to a new hospital. However, records from the past years show that she wasn't admitted to any hospital in Japan, and—”
`They have those kinds of records? And a new hospital?'
“—This causes me to be concerned about Kagome-san It seems that her needs are not being met. This of course—“
“Inuyasha, come back!” The aforesaid sprinted into the kitchen, Souta on his heels, holding a tube of ointment. Kagome brought up the rear of their troupe, holding a package of Band-Aids.
“It's not that bad, I promise!” Souta attempted to grab at Inuyasha's arm, but was entirely unsuccessful.
“Higurashi-san, what is that?” Harumi winced, barely hearing the question over the ruckus the three were causing.
“Just a minute,” she said into the phone, then covering the mouthpiece with her hand. “What did I tell you?!” She hissed. Waving them away, she put the receiver back up to her ear. “Gomen nasai.”
“If I may ask, who is Inuyasha? You said no one else lived with you.”
“Oh, him?” Harumi could feel sweat gathering on her forehead. She racked her brain, trying to think of something. “He's—” `a hanyou. Yes, they exist. Or did, in the feudal era. Shocked? Yes, we were too when he time traveled through a well to take our daughter back with him. But one you see his cute puppy ears you can't help but to realize that, beneath the claws and fangs, he's harmless.' “—our dog. Souta's trying to bandage where the cat bit him and, well, it's not working too well.” Harumi laughed nervously, hoping her lie would hold.
“Dog?!” Inuyasha ran back into the kitchen, a scowl on his face. He continued on, ignoring Harumi's waving arms. “Baka onna, I'm not one of your domesticated pets! I'm a dog demon.” He crossed his arms, looking as if he had just won the argument, and there wasn't anything left to be said.
“Sumimasen, Higurashi-san, but did that-person-just say he was a demon? I'm also guessing that this `Inuyasha' is not your dog. This means you lied to me twice. I—“
“Gomen. However, I do not see how this is a concern of yours.”
“The mental stability of Kagome-san's family is a rather large concern of mine. If you are swallowing this person's ideas that he is a demon, then I must question your integrity…”
“Na-nani?!” Spluttered Harumi. “Do you have any idea what you just insinuated?!”
“Higurashi-san, please—“
“No. I will not continue this conversation until I call my lawyer!” Harumi slammed down the receiver into it's cradle, fuming.
Toji slid open the front door, muttering a quiet “Tadaima.” Not entirely disappointed that he didn't receive a reply, he took of his shoes and slid on his slippers. He had spent the past hours sitting a local bar, mulling over the events that had happened. Try as he might, he couldn't think of a solution. The consequences of his lie only grew as he thought about it, they weighed down his mind.
Not paying attention to where he was walking, Toji ran into something quite solid, and quite out of place in the middle of the hallway. Looking up, he came face to face with Souta. Behind Souta, he could see Kagome staring into the kitchen.
“Jii-san! That was my foot!” Souta said indignantly.
“Ah-oh. Sorry.” Toji stepped back,.
“Jii-san?” Toji winced at hearing Harumi's voice coming from the kitchen. She had, no doubt, already found out about his lie. Walking to the doorway, he peered in. His daughter did not look happy. Not at all. Wincing, he entered, walking past Inuyasha.
“I'm here,” said Jii-san meekly, waiting for the impending accusation.
Harumi looked up at him. “Good, we have things to discuss.” Noticing that Inuyasha was still rooted to his spot in the doorway, she addressed him. “Please go find Kagome and Souta. I would like to talk to Jii-san alone.”
Inuyasha nodded his assent, and left the kitchen. Kagome and Souta, having heard Harumi, were already halfway up the stairs. Inuyasha followed, trouping towards Kagome's room, Souta ignoring Kagome's attempt to push him towards his own room.
Satisfied that they had reached the upper landing, Harumi sat down, Jii-san doing the same.
“I just received quite an interesting phone call.”
Japanese [So You Feel Like a Know-It-All]
Osuwari: sit [as a command to a dog]
Jii-Chan: a less formal way of saying grandfather
For My Sanity:
There is more ready to be typed up, it will be posted ASAP. I just have to let my wrists rest a little from typing so much. And please don't kill me. I know its been a year. Thank you to any one who reads this who's stuck around. I love you all. And this story.