InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mistakes Are Ours To Make ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

<center><b>Mistakes Are Ours to Make</b></center>
<center><b><i>Chapter 1</i></b></center>
“All right, Miss Higurashi, everything's looking good.” The obstetrician, Dr. Rosemary Phillips, gave the young college student a warm smile. “Your daughter, besides the odd ears and eye color, seems to be a perfectly healthy baby. A big baby, but that comes more with the genes. We tested her for Hepatitis, with the gold eyes, but she tested negative.”
The small woman in the bed nodded, giving the doctor a sad smile. Her dark hair spilled over her shoulders, falling over her eyes. She looked so defeated, so fragile and weak on the hospital bed in the thin gown. The doctor had seen many young girls come through this ward, but so few with such a promising future like Kagome. All A's at Tokyo University, a feat in itself, but also carried a full course load in not one, but two majors; psychology and pre-med. Three years into her degree, she was top of her class and in her majors.
This was not a girl who slept around without protection and got pregnant. This was a girl who had spent a long time planning her future, and a baby was not in the plan from what previous visits had told her. But, Kagome never bemoaned her predicament. She never complained, never verbally abused the father, whoever he was. She simply kept smiling that same, sad smile, and never missed an appointment. The first happy smile Rosemary had seen out of the girl was when she finally held her daughter, a 9-pound infant that had taken the better part of 12 hours to push out. The baby was an oddity; small white ears, big golden eyes, and skin that looked already to be kissed by the sun, it was so tan. Rosemary had already done all STD tests with all the blood work she'd done, and was frantic that maybe she'd missed Hepatitis. But apparently, all the oddities that this child possessed came from a very unique father.
Now, a week later, Kagome Higurashi still had that air of sadness about her, but now it was overshadowed by sheer determination. She had a child to care for now, and Dr. Phillips didn't doubt that this small girl would finish her schooling and move on to medical school; she was just worried that the journey would drain the poor girl, take away her warmth and compassion.
Dr. Phillips gave a mental sigh to herself, then handed Kagome her discharge papers to sign. "I'll have the nurse bring in your daughter while you fill those out."
Kagome gave another smile to the doctor, not quite so sad this time, and turned her attention to the discharge papers. In them were the papers for her child's birth certificate. She'd spent the last nine months thinking of the her daughter's first name, but her last name escaped her. Have her take her name, or her father's?
Her father. Kagome's shoulders slumped. Inuyasha Taiyoukai. The third year grad student she went to a party with, and now she had his child. She didn't regret one moment of their night together, or the beautiful child they created. But she did wish he wasn't such a ladies' man. She'd woken up the next morning alone, no note, no phone number, nothing. His cousin, Miroku, told her the next day that Inuyasha had hooked up with another girl right after she'd fallen asleep.
Her self-pitying thoughts were interrupted as the nurse walked into her room, holding the whimpering little bundle that was her whole world now. With the nurse came her mother, her smile beaming as the nurse set the baby in Kagome's arms.
"She's been fussing for about ten minutes now, so you might want to nurse her before you leave."
"Thank you," Kagome unbuttoned the front of her gown as her daughter sniffled and whined in increasing volume. She smiled as the baby snuffled, then latched herself to Kagome's breast and began nursing eagerly.
Mrs. Higurashi sat next to her daughter, taking her hand and squeezing it tight. "So, she's the next generation of Taiyoukai?"
Kagome sighed. "Yes."
"And no one in his family knows about her?"
"Only his cousin, Miroku. He's sworn to secrecy, until I feel the time is right to tell him."
Mama Higurashi smiled sadly. "Any idea when that will be?"
Kagome switched the baby to her other breast, then shook her head. "No. Maybe never. He may be in an influential and old family, but his morals are too lax for me to think he would make a good father."
Mama sighed. "Kagome, look at me," dark, pain-filled eyes lifted to meet warm, understanding ones. "I know you felt something for him, just as I can understand why you choose not to tell him yet. But, he is the second son to a well-known corporate family, which only ours and a few other shrines knows is actually a family of demons. It might be better for you to tell them now, rather than later when they might try to take legal action to take her from you."
Kagome hadn't thought of that. She silently burped her daughter, who then snuggled against her breath, actually purring with contentment. Kagome chuckled.
"Miyoko Higurashi-Taiyoukai."
Mama blinked. "What?"
"Her name. I knew what I wanted her first name to be, but I didn't know which family name she should have. I didn't know if I wanted her to know her father or not. I guess this way, I still don't know."
Kagome's mother hugged her, kissing her forehead. "I brought you some clothes to change into when you're done filling out the papers," she motioned to the sleeping baby. "Do you mind if I hold her for a little while?"
Kagome shook her hand and gently handed the baby to her mother. Mama held Miyoko like a pro, sitting down in the rocking chair in the corner of the room. Kagome silently filled out all the paperwork, including the birth certificate, and changed in the small bathroom. It would take at least four weeks before her stomach would be flat again, but she could still fit into her jeans, thankfully. Anticipating that Kagome may not want to be on a fashion parade today, Mama brought her a simple white T-shirt and a pair of pink flip-flops. She tied her hair back into a high ponytail, then folded her gown and laid it on the hospital bed.
Mama handed her Miyoko and picked up her daughter's suitcase. Together, they went by the nurses' station and dropped off her paperwork, and then headed out to the parking garage.
It was Saturday. She didn't have to go back to classes until the following week. Because of her high marks, the college was practically begging her to stay in school. They were going to make it mandatory for her professors to audio tape their lectures, in case she had to be out with Miyoko; they were providing her with a room upgrade, from her shared suite to her own apartment loft, usually reserved for grad students. Also, an in-room sitter would be provided whenever she had class, and both she and the sitter would receive a cell phone and beeper in case anything was wrong or if Miyoko needed to be fed.
It sounded like a dream, but Kagome wished it wasn't necessary. She had wanted to toil by and live on ramen like every other college student. But things changed, and she loved little Miyoko enough to give up her dream of normality.
As they drove back to the shrine, Miyoko fussing softly in her carrier in the back seat, Kagome flipped open her cell and dialed Miroku. It took four rings before Inuyasha's cousin finally answered.
"Miroku Taiyoukai."
"Hi, Miroku."
"Kagome! You out of the hospital yet?" The law student's voice always managed to bring a smile to Kagome's face. They'd been friends since kindergarten, fighting in the sandbox and on the monkey bars.
"Yea, I got discharged today. I won't be in class until next week though. But that's not why I called. I need you to set up a meeting for me with Inuyasha's family."
Silence. "So, since when did you become suicidal?"
Kagome sighed, cradling her cell between her ear and her shoulder. "Miyoko is part of their family, and half Inuyoukai. If Inutaisho and his sons don't find out now, then they'll just get pissed and throw their money around until they take her from me. If they find out now, they can't say I didn't tell them."
Miroku gave a big, heaving sigh. "All right, you win. I'll set it up. Your only saving grace, though, is going to be Izayoi. She's got a giant soft spot for babies."
"Ok, what time?"
"Now would be best, they're all here. Tomorrow Inutaisho is leaving for the Caribbean to oversee some big corporate merger."
Kagome let out her own heaving sigh. "Fine. We'll be there in fifteen minutes. You might as well let your dad know."
Mama gave her a startled look as Miroku confirmed that he would meet her at the estate. "Thanks, 'Roku. I appreciate it."
"Yea, yea, you heartbreaker. I'll bring Sango with me, too. See you in a few."
Kagome closed her cell and dropped it into the cup holder under the stereo. "Ok, Mom, we're going now to see the Taiyoukais."
"Now?! I meant later, honey, like next week, next month even! You just got out of the hospital, you're definitely not strong enough to do this yet."
"Apparently now is the only time. I'll be fine mom, Miroku and his dad will be there, you know how levelheaded they are. I'm not going to let them turn this into some big production."
Miyoko, feeling her mother's stressful aura, began to cry, and Kagome turned around in her seat to soothe her.
"It's ok, baby. We're going to go see your daddy now, and your uncle and your grandparents. It's ok, don't cry."
Miyoko stopped crying just as they reached the front gates of the Taiyoukai Manor. She could see at least four cars parked inside, four very expensive cars. Her mother buzzed the house, and the gates slid open, slowly and ominously.
The indifferent, brave Kagome died a slow, silent death as the normal, shy, and scared to death Kagome rose up, along with bile that stuck in her throat. They parked and she got out, opening Miyoko's door and pulling the baby out of her car seat. Large golden eyes blinked as she felt her mother's fear, and instincts told her to be quiet when such a thing occurred.
Myoga, the butler, escorted them inside and seated them in the family room. Everything was covered, stuffed, or made of the most elegant materials available; marble, velvet, feather-stuffed cushions, golden molding along the ceiling and floor. Even with all the fancy furnishings, this place felt cold, indifferent. Much like the lord of the manaor, she mused.
Kagome grinned and stood just as two of her best friends ran into the parlor. Sango Watanabe, Miroku's fianceé and Kagome's best friend, beamed as she saw the bundle in Kagome's arms. Miyoko regarded her warily as she cooed over her.
"She looks like you, Kagome!" Sango gave her friend a big, reassuring hug. Kagome laughed.
"She looks like her father, Sango."
Sango shook her head fiercely. "Nope. Her face shape, her big eyes... she's all you, Kagome. She's just got his coloring."
Kagome gave her a grateful smile as Miroku approached. "They're ready to see you, Kagome, Mrs. Higurashi."
Kagome's smile vanished and, with a last mental pep-talk, she stood up, cuddling her daughter protectively to her chest. Miroku led them to Inutaisho's study, filled with leather chairs and the skins and other appendages of his enemies long ago slain. At the giant desk sat the impressive head of the Taiyoukai family, Inutaisho, with his wife, Izayoi, behind him. His eldest son, Sesshomaru, and his girlfriend, Rin, sat on a sofa on the left side of the room, while Inuyasha had draped himself on a leather recliner on the right, with Miroku's father, Miroku XIII, behind him. Miroku's father also had the family's signature violet eyes and dark ponytail, but he was a few inches shorter than Miroku, and always seemed to have an amused twinkle in his eyes. In front of the desk sat two more lether chairs, which the two women sat themselves in gingerly.
All three demons regarded the child curiously, until they caught her scent. Inuyoukai. All three tightened their grip on their chair arms as Kagome stood up and approached Inutaisho.
"Higurashi," he growled, eyes bleeding red for a moment, "What is the meaning of bringing another Inuyoukai here?"
Kagome swallowed down her fear. "She was born a week ago. And she is a Taiyoukai."
Inutaisho growled. "Prove it."
Kagome turned to Inuyasha and set Miyoko in his lap. He paled as she began whimpering and snuffling, squirming in her bindings to get closer to her father. Gingerly, he picked up the infant, and she nuzzled his chest, purring contentedly.
Inutaisho growled as Kagome took back Miyoko, who growled back in a high-pitched tone at her grandfather. "Sango, Rin, Higurashi-sama, please wait for us outside. We will call you back shortly."
The women nodded and walked out the door Miroku held open for them as Izayoi walked up to Inuyasha and smacked the back of his head. He said nothing, only glared daggers at Kagome, who glared back.
"Why weren't we aware of this before?" Inutaisho was roaring now at Miroku Sr., who shrugged clamly.
"Your son slept with her, then ran out the door and slept with another girl the same night. I wonder why she took such pains to hide her pregnancy? Because the father is an irresponsible, insensitive boy? Or because she wanted better for her daughter? Really, I can't think of why we didn't know earlier, and I apologize." Miroku's father was very flippant about the whole thing, bringing a blush to Inuyasha and an approving smirk from Sesshomaru.
Inutaisho flushed and glared when his wife came and smacked him on the head, but like his son, said nothing. He knew she certainly would have an opinion on the matter.
She turned dark, sympathetic eyes to Kagome. "I can understand exactly why Kagome did what she did, and why she came now. It shows she respects us by not hiding her daughter." she shot Inuyasha a glare that had him cowering. "However, I am curious as to what you plan on doing now, Kagome. You will continue in college, won't you?"
Kagome smiled, relieved, and nodded. "The university has taken great pains to make sure I can continue my schooling with Miyoko."
Inuyasha's white ears, before flat on his head, now perked up. "What's her name?"
Kagome glanced at him, then spoke to his mother. "Miyoko Higurashi-Taiyoukai."
Sesshomaru, silent until now, stood and walked silently to his brother. "You, Inuyasha, need to make this right." He yanked his brother up by the shirt. "You need to marry her."
Miroku came and stood behind Kagome, placing a restraining hand on her shoulder. "Is that really necessary?"
"I should say so, yes!" Inutaisho stormed over to his youngest son. "No son of mine is going to do this to a woman, especially not one with such a promising future."
Kagome blushed. "Inutaisho-sama, I appreciate what you're trying to do, but I didn't come out here to guilt Inuyasha into anything. I came here because it was the right thing to do, to let you know Miyoko existed, and give you the opportunity to be a part of her life. I don't want to marry Inuyasha."
Inuyasha had changed during the whole of her speech. He had a resigned air about him, a deadly calm that upset her more than when she had found out he had left her minutes after their coupling.
"No, Higurashi-san," his voice was quiet, carrying the full weight of the nobility of his birth. He pulled his shirt free of his brother's fist, and walked over to her slowly. Her eyes widened as he slowly sank to one knee, taking her small pale hand in his large clawed one. "My family is right. What I did to you was wrong and completely unforgiveable. I have never been a coward, and I have never shirked from my responsibilities. Your well-being and that of Miyoko are my responsibility. So please, Kagome Higurashi... will you marry me?"