InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mistakes of the past ❯ toads dragons flowers ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Mistakes of the Past

Chapter 3 Toads, dragons, flowers

Hello to all of you! Thanks a lot for all your reviews! On I have to say , as someone recognized me already, yes, I am or rather was `pulsing soul'. Thanks again for the wonderful reviews, and let's get on with the story!


This man was infuriating! He kept on walking ahead, at a pace, if by anything you could call that pace, that was more like …

Hm, she pondered, her features taking a thoughtful expression, a pace like … the speed of light! She knew he was…well he called himself youkai, but for Kami's sake she was NOT! Not that he would not know that!

Walking ahead she didn't notice his form stopping running into him from behind, turning angry eyes at him, her anger subsiding slightly when she saw the coldness of his eyes.

How could she have not noticed? Having him strangling her was probably the cause, but, still she should have seen it, the distinct coldness shining in his eyes, like layers of ice surrounded his being.

,,I'm sorry." She murmured unconsciously, her hands fidgeting, thinking he might know what she was talking about, and it wasn't the bumping in to him.

He only gave a small nod, his eyes searching her features seeing something that made him turn away.

He expected to see her angry defying glare, but in return he had received a look of, not pity, if it had been that the woman would have died, no it was a look of …

Dare he say … sympathy, like she knew something he knew not, like she was in the same boat. Vanquishing this ludicrous assumption, since it was hardly necessary to think of some human , he looked ahead expecting her to do the same.

Looking in front of her, she couldn't believe her eyes, there were three figures standing in the small meadow. A child, sprinting from tree to tree, from flower to flower her laughter echoing throughout the woods, filling each creature with a little part of her animosity .

Yet, it seemed there were at least two parts deciding to ignore it. Well, one did not exactly ignore, but yell at the girl to stop and behave , calling her a reckless human, making the girl only laugh harder.

Kagome smiled at the child's antics, her smile growing into a smirk when she saw the small green toad barely keeping up with the girl. It would be fun to watch this more.

Looking at her companion out of the corner of her eyes, she could have sworn to see something close to amusement in his eyes. Perhaps, just perhaps, she thought looking back down, he wasn't as cold as he let on.

Continuing her scrutiny of the field she saw something that made her gasp, letting the lord at her side smirk, his smirk not leaving even as she took hold of his hand as though never letting it go.

Somehow, the thought wasn't as horrid to him as it should have been. Shaking the emotion away, he turned to her, one dark eyebrow arched at her.

,,Dragon ?" she mumbled, making him smirk even wider.

,,Incapable of forming a sentence?" He asked her calmly, seeing her head snap towards him immediately, her eyes shining with anger.

,,Incapable of having any feeling?" She countered heatedly, not knowing why she wanted to defy him so badly.

,,I assure you, I am quite capable." He whispered to her, his face suddenly inches away from hers , his eyes glowing with something as … determination.

She knew it yet again, and it startled her. The way they were so alike. And yet so utterly different.

,,You have a dragon?" She whispered turning her head still not letting go of his hand, the silky texture of his skin, seemingly glued to the softness of her skin.

,,Yes." He answered simply, his hand unconsciously tightening around hers, when he thought he felt a small amount of fear from her, but to his own puzzlement it was excitement.

,,Can we go down?" She asked pleadingly, her second hand coming over their joined ones. He silently wondered what someone would think seeing that, the expressions of pure shock etched onto their faces, but then again he asked himself why he let her touch him.

He had no reason at all.

Freeing his hand, he brought it around her waist, jumped down, never leaving her the time to blink, but when she did he was already ahead, and she had a strange feeling he would always be somewhere else.

,,My Lord , thank Kami you have returned, the human was acting foolishly again and … oh, my Lord surely you , you will not take that .. that creature in as well?" The toad asked eyeing Kagome with sadness in his eyes.

Smiling kindly at the toad like creature, she shook her head, patting him on his shoulder, which barely reached her hip.

,,Don't worry, I'm not someone you will take care of."

The toad let out a long sigh of relief, before shaking off her hand and readying his ugly wooden staff, yelling at her.

,,Ugly human ! You dare come close to my Lord, lay your filthy hands on him and me!!!" He started off, whacking the wood in her direction making Kagome note that he only was nice when tired.

Taking his staff she hit him on the head with it, resulting in the ugly thing showing off some little claws wanting to leave an ugly scar on her arm, never seeing the little girl running towards them.

,,AUUU!" The child cried when the toad left to red welts on her arm, only to have Sesshoumaru himself trash the thing into the dark woods.

Turning around he expected to hear more crying from Rin but was surprised to find that her tears had already subsided and that the injury had been completely healed.

His little ward was in the arms of her, Kagome's hand outstretched over Rin's previous injury, kneading the flesh, and then coming up to tweak the little girls nose, making her giggle.

,,All gone , sweetie." Kagome whispered to her, not noticing Sesshoumaru's eyes on her, or the thoughtful glint in them, only looking at the soft brown eyes of the child, wiping away the tears.

,,Rin is Rin what's your name?" The little girl asked hopping joyfully around Kagome.

,,I'm Kagome." The answer came, leaving her to look on as Rin sprinted off to attach herself to Sesshoumaru's leg, having him pat her head and ruffle her hair.

So he did have emotions. Silently she wondered how Rin came to be with him, but pushing the thought aside she eyed the dragon that now somehow was covered with flowers.

Giggling, she brought Rin's attention back to her, having her take her to the dragon who apparently was named Ah-Un.

Standing beside the giant green beast she let her hand trace one of the heads, hearing something like a pleased grunt escape the one head, a jealous whimper escaping the other.

It was quite hilarious, a dragon she supposed was much more an asset in fighting was here like a flower statue.

Tending to both of them she smiled softly , thinking that maybe , just maybe , if he had so many around him that cared , he would too.