InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mistakes we made ❯ Pain ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 2 Pain
The friends had a rest in a village- Kagomes leg wasn't yet healed enough to run around the whole time like it was nothing.
It was only noon as everybody was around the little fire place in the small hut. Inuyasha leaned like always bored at the wall and Sango combed her firecat. Miroku cleared his throat. And the Taija (demon hunter) looked at him… she had nearly forgotten…
„Thus… I would like to go to my village“
She said after Miroku little noise, which was remarkable
and Kagome looked at her dear friend
„Is the Hiraikotsou more damaged as you thought?“
asked the Miko from the future
Sango nodded
„Yeah… again“
and rolled her eyes.
„Miroku wanted also to come with me… this time“
„Then, Shippou will go with you!“
Kagome said without much thinking and the little Kitsune stand with crossed arms for the monk, who grins broad.
„I only want to protect my dear Sango from the bad demons…“
„Right… and I protect her from you…“
the small one hissed. The monk rolled with his eyes
„You have no faith in me“
wailed Miroku
„We have… we trust that you couldn't hold your hand by yourself…“
said his friends in a choir. Miroku declined and thought -It's running like he planned-
„When will you go?“
the Miko asked
„I think when Sango wanted to“
and smiled at her. Kagome nodded.
„We come back morning afternoon… at the latest the morning after“
Now Inuyasha and Kagome nodded.
„The villagers are nice; you both wait here for us. Don't you agree? Then, you leg can recover somewhat“
„It's a good idea“
Kagome thought loudly
„Then… I could bath in the marvellous hot springs again“
And the young woman smiled pleased.
One hour later was Kagome and Inuyasha alone in the small hut. His eyes were firmly closed and simulate, like often before, he would sleep. That was the only way he could avoid the discussion he isn't able to do, without hurting her.
"Do you think everything will be alright?"
Sango asked quietly because Shippou shouldn't hear her. Miroku jerk with the shoulders.
"I don't know, but that is the only way to -test- it"
she nodded.
"Either he gets his feelings out of his heart or not, and when we stand beside him… So long…. nothing will change at all…”
Sango had to giggle
"It's correct, so brave Inuyasha is... when it comes to those things…. he is so…"
Miroku had to also smile.
"I pray for Kagome..."
Miroku whispered and continued his way with his friends.
Kagome had stew over the fire, nearly ready. The nice smell from the stew was now for a long time in the sensitive nose of the half-dogdemon. -Delicious- he thought, it smells condemned good and he has nothing against his stomach. Lazy he sat down to the fire not to near Kagome. She smiled like always, despite her heavy heart and handed him a full bowl of stew.
"Arigatou" (Thank you)
he thanked her quietly and ate in pleasure, because didn't only smell well but also tasted condemned good. He had at least five dishes of it and was after this totally full and let himself fall back.
"You're probably full?"
she asked the Hanyou.
briefly and short was his answer before unexpectedly a strange man came in the small hut. Inuyasha was startled and sit fast up, his hand on the Tessaiga. -Why hadn't I noticed him earlier?- he asked himself. -Oh yeah… I nearly forgot…. new moon…- But the other thing was, why wasn't he uncomfortable like always?
"Can I help you?"
Kagome asked surprised.
"Hello beautiful woman"
the man addressed her. He was substantially older than her.
"I wanted only ask if you and your wife wanted to come to our small celebration?"
and the older man looked directly in Inuyasha astonished face.
coming from the slight stunned Inuyasha. He was a little… surprised, that the man thought that Kagome would be his wife. Kagome on the other hand a little smile on her lips, with a faint touch of rose on her cheeks. -In my dreams… haaa… would be nice… what a beautiful thought…-
the older man smiled
"But I understand… well… when the young couple had other things in mind…”
and smiled broader than before. The faint blush was now redder than rosé. Inuyasha waved with both hands
"No, No!"
he wanted to overplay the embarrassing moment.
"Thus, then... We are only a few huts further. I think obviously audibly"
and the man disappeared from their hut. Slowly Kagome rose.
"What do you want to do?"
he asked and looked at her.
"I wanted to go there... Better than only sitting around, right?"
she asked back. He just stared further on.
"Do you come along?"
He rolled with the eyes. He don't like places full of humans. Kagome struck the hands into the hips, when she saw his twisted face.
"Oh come on… maybe it's really nice there... If not, we could go back here!"
Inuyasha stand up and held the curtain to the side. She smiled happy when she stepped outside. -Dumb girl! I can't let her go alone, and she knows it also... - and followed behind her.
Slowly they find the way through the village; she couldn't walk to fast yet. The flesh wound was a little healed, however here and there her leg still pain dreadfully. “Woahhh
she said silent, as she stumble over a stone. Kagome had difficulties to find her balance again, since she didn't want hurt her injured leg. Inuyasha reached fast for her arm before she would fall down. His grip was a little strong, but she didn't mind. Without him, she would surely lay in the dirt.
He offered silent his arm to her. She smiled and in-chop her arm in his. The rest of the way the walk in silence; till their destination wasn't far anymore. Voices reached their ears. It would be easier to find for them. And so they find the not so small celebration. Was what nevertheless larger, than the man said earlier.
Slowly they stepped inside the hut, what was much larger than the surrounding ones. Joyfully they were welcomed. They were seated in the middle of the feast. Surrounded by other laughing people and dirty joke tellers, but merry humans. The older man spotted the -couple- and sat down beside Inuyasha.
"Nice that you both came!"
"With pleasure!"
Kagome was thrilled, which pleased the happy people. Inuyasha nodded only, like always.
"So, my name is Hatake and yours?"
"My name is Kagome and this is Inuyasha!"
she said politely
"Inuyasha, hee... A name I didn't hear before! But your name pleases me very well!" And the man wanted to touch Kagomes hand. But Inuyasha don't let him.
"Because we know each other, we should now drink something together!"
Kagome paled around the nose. And Inuyasha likewise paled like her. Both weren't for alcohol, but nevertheless Hatake pressed everyone a large cup Sake in the hand and knocked against it.
He said and took a large sip from his cup. The other two stared into their cups. The man blink
Kagome scratch her forehead
"Uhm… We don't drink"
came from Inuyasha scarcely.
“Oh come... No fun-crude! One goes always"
"… however..."
meant Kagome but her sentence won't come to an end. Hatake stand up and asked the people for help and now all happy people singing and applaud with the words:
“Drink! Drink! Drink! Drink!"
"You wanted to be here… one will go..."
and Inuyasha lifted the cup, one swing and the cup was empty. Kagome followed and emptied the cup fast. It burned in her throat. She never had drunk alcohol in her entire life and then she start with stuff like that...
Inuyasha stared at the empty cup. Obviously relieved that this stuff was down. Hatake knocked on their shoulder and gave both of them, with the words -Not bad, isn't it?- the next cup of Sake.
The hours passed fast and Kagome felt tipsy. After some cups she held herself out of the affair. She drank the cups slowly that it won't be too quick refilled again. But with one sip after another, the stuff wasn't ugly anymore. It really started to taste good. And that was bad, wasn't it? Inuyasha had maybe the same feeling, because he was just as drunk. It was still dark, but it was already morning when they swayed together back in their little hut.
They stroll arm in arm in the direction of their hut, with many laughter and invisible stumble-traps. The 2 stages up weren't so simple with turning thoughts.
Inuyasha and Kagome sat down. Happy that they are in their sleeping place.
Kagome ask
He slurred
"You only wanted to drink one cup, right?"
Inuyasha nodded dumbly
"And you?"
And pointed with his finger at her and come closer. She giggle slightly and was already red by the Sake, but still more rosé rose in her face.
His hand rested on her cheek and his lips touched hers. Kagome closed her eyes like him. Everything around her swirl. Because of the alcohol or of the kiss? With a heavy breathing she looked it his momentary brown eyes. But she couldn't say something, she only wanted that he doesn't stop. And he could read the silent message in her warm eyes. Gentle kisses moved down her neck.
Without thinking...
No thought was in their heads....
No Naraku...
No jewel...
No Kikyou...
No separating well...
Simply… only, what they wanted in the moment.
The sun let fall some jets into the small hut and Kagome had with the headache a bad battle to fight to open her eyes. Warm arms held her a well-known red jacket served firmly as a cover. Her hand brushed along his chest. But stop! She pick up the cover a little bit, look what was under it and let it fall back. Her cheeks heated. Slowly her memories of last night come back to her. Put one and one together. Slowly, but better than nothing. A smile formed on her lips. She snuggle closer to the warmth… more into his protectively arms. The headache give her a bad time, it pained badly. In her yellow bag were her anti-headache pills. But she doesn't wanted not to rise now, not if she can lie in such a way… in his arms and fell asleep again.
Some hours must have probably passed as Inuyasha thought that the birds twittered on this day extremely loud. He felt like shit. His head feel like it has the double size than normal and that he was over rolled by hundred Demons at the same time. He smelled a well-known smell, what make him somewhat forget his humming. With tired eyes he looked into his arms. With the sight he found, he feels better. Everything was dreamlike.
Nice dream.
He needed a few time to register while he lay like this… How he lay…
Carefully he rolled away from her and looked now down with sad eyes. Her whole body smelled like him and he smelled also…. what happened last night. His hand rested on his forehead. His memories remind him what happened together with the sweet-arousal aroma. He simply just looked at her. -What have I done?- He asked and touched her silky hair. -That wasn't allowed… supposed to happen- His heart sank in his chest deeper. -You can't remain here, here with me... So much I wanted you to be here… with me...- Quietly he get dressed. Only he left his red jacket behind, to cover her fragile body. But he… vanished in the late morning mist.
He ran plainly over the countryside to get his head clear. But it was more difficult than he thought. He landed again and again by his precious Kagome. He thought again and again of the past night.
She loved him, he knew.
He loves her, he also knew.
Actually a simple thing... But everything isn't possibly simply here… in that situation.
He cried into the emptiness before him. He never fell so badly in his life before… never… nothing compared to that torn feeling inside him.
Kagome awake some time later, because she felt somehow alone and looked around. Inuyasha clothes wasn't anymore shattered over the floor like hers, there were away like the Hanyou himself. A little sad she pressed her face in his jacket. It smelled like him. Kagome put the sadness fast aside.
"Certainly he catches fish"
she meant to herself, since he catch fish each morning.
Again dressed she made her way with towel and her wash bag armed to the near river for the morning toilet, which took place on the this day in the afternoon. But when she looked around, weren't many village out of their hut. Maybe because most of them suffered with headaches or nausea. -The good Sake, ne?- and looked into the clear water.
Their mirror image didn't betray her; it showed how much her head still hummed.
"Never again Sake"
she grumbled
"You drank Sake?"
asked a young woman behind her. Kagome shrieked and nearly fell into the small river.
the young Miko snapped at her dear friend and a racing heart. She could fell the beating under her hand.
"I scared you?"
The demon exterminator laughs like the other two of her friends.
"Hell yeah... next time with preliminary warning!"
and threw water in her face. Miroku went with Shippou already to the hut.
Sango waited for Kagome to be finished. The young Miko thanked the Gods! What when her friends had come earlier!
"And say already!! Why have you drunk Sake?"
"Oh, long story..."
"Short form!"
meant Sango curious.
"Uhm… A man invited us to the celebration, we go, drank Sake, a bit more, Inuyasha wasn't able to handle the stuff so good in his human form so we were tipsy and I wake up half an hour ago. That was it”
She left the other -activities of the night- out. Sango listened strained.
"Oh my, yesterday was new moon?"
Kagome nodded
"Then we shouldn't have gone!"
"Sango…. everything was fine here. Nothing happened"
and couldn't hide the bright smile which Sango couldn't interpret.
Kagome packed her things in her back bag. The little hut was empty again and she wondered where Inuyasha probably was. Since she was awake he didn't come back to her. She looked sadly into the distance and asked herself why he doesn't come back.
"Kagome come! He will follow like always"
and Sango drag her along. Kiara transformed in her bigger self and Kagome seated on her fluffy back.
"Thanks Kiara"
and scratch behind the demoncat ears. The demonencat meowed and keep going with her.
Inuyasha had sat the whole time in a tree and watched his friends…. better he watched Kagome. He thought hard about what he should say to Kagome. But nothing good comes in his mind. Should he say something at all? Another question… Can he blame the Sake for the event? He didn't know and followed his friends to follow.
Kagome was happy to see him, but he ran without looking at her by. He only snatches his fire rat jacket and associated with Miroku. Kagome looked hurt and no word escaped her lips...
2 days they continued the way like this. Inuyasha tried to remain as far as possible away from Kagome. She was miserable about that. But could she change the situation in the moment? No… and a small tear escaped. Quickly she wiped it away, before anyone could see it. And the small entertainment will be good. Good that one crossed the way with the little group. It helps don't to think at each other.
"You are only a Hanyou"
nag the purple demon
questioned Inuyasha back
"You are faster dead than you believe"
and attacked Inuyasha. The Daemon could avoid the Hiraikoutsu skillfully. And blast a gigantic attack on Inuyasha and his friends. Kagome ran so fast their legs carried her. But with the still injured leg she wasn't the fastest. Inuyasha did understand fast that Kagome wasn't able to be safety in time and leap to her. He pushes her harsh away and the attack met only his shoulder. He crashed in the solid floor. Kagome turned and saw Inuyasha. He had saved her however he was of that fact badly hurt.
she scream and tried to stand on her wobble legs.
"Don't come near!!!”
he hissed loud and rose to his feet.
"Now it is enough!"
growled the Hanyou. The daemon laughed at him. Inuyasha pulled Tessaiga from the sheath and it lit up in full power.
stammer the Daemon
"You... You are the famous Inuyasha?"
the demon asked.
"I see, you know my name!"
growled the Hanyou
"Onegai, yurushite kudasai taiyoukai!" (Please, forgive me my Demonlord)
and bowed for Inuyasha to save his ass. Inuyasha didn't get confused
"Do you really thing that will save your ass?"
"But my lord"
Inuyasha rolled with his eyes. That was dumb…
and his attack buried the purple demon in his usual manners. The demon was destroyed perfectly. Inuyasha put Tessaiga with the words
into the sheath.
asked Kagome worried and limp to him.
Miroku stood before Inuyasha and Kagome and Sango, Shippou and Kiara came from the back. His blood dripped from his hand. Gently Kagome touched his arm and she felt his blood soaked through his clothes to her hands.
"Inuyasha... We must bandage that... come with me"
Inuyasha pulled his arm away from her hands.
she asked and carefully grab his arm again. He knew what he will do now; break his heart more than she will ever believe. He pushes her hard and fast away from him. She fell back and with a “thud” she sat on her bottom in the dirt, looking very confused but most shocked. He was shocked he did it, but looks quickly forward.
she asked. He could her that she was almost crying.
"Let me!"
he said monotonous. Kagome eyes watering more.
"Why are you ugly to me?”
she asked now crying. Inuyasha looked to his feet, hiding his eyes from the monk.
"You are many days like that, since then!"
He makes a few steps forward, further away from her.
"Say it! Say what is wrong!!"
Kagome asked tearful.
"I thought...."
she begins, but couldn't say more from all the crying. Inuyasha hands were clenched to a fist, that he hurt himself. Miroku didn't know what to think about the situation. There was the crying Kagome and next to him a tense Hanyou.
"Gome ne, Kagome" (Sorry Kagome)
come quietly from Inuyasha. Unheard by Kagome but heard by Miroku. But he was sure that Inuyasha don't want him to hear his words.
"Do you really think I love you?"
she asked with tear-suffocated voice
"You know just as well as I that I love Kikyou! You are just her reincarnation! Somebody who is able to find the fragments of the jewel!"
-So, I did it- he thought miserable and slowly pass Miroku, which he didn't noticed at all. Kagome open wide her eyes shocked
she scram after him. His eyes were tight shut, but he couldn't hold back his salty tears. Miroku looked unbelieving from Inuyasha to Kagome and back again. Sango held the crying Kagome in her arms.
"Kagome, onegai, don't on cry… Don't cry…"
she said tender and watched the Hanyou disappeared in the forest.
"I... cannot...!"
the young miko wept.
"I want to be with him. I don't want to go home. I love him! He only need to say it. I would do. Because I love him!"
she wept in the arms of her dear friend Sango. The situation was so sad that Sango almost cry too.
Miroku stood beside both women and felt helpless. He didn't know why Inuyasha lied. Perhaps he didn't? He didn't know. One thing was certain; Inuyasha hurt himself with his actions and words. And that Kagome couldn't take more pain. After all what scar her heart, this was the hardest. More… more. Over and over again he hurt her, and he thinks that he break through the point that Inuyasha will never be able to reach her anymore. Miroku asked himself like Sango, what was happened that this situation was occurred. Kagome didn't belong in this time…. however… she had said it:
"Your home is where your heart lives?"
Miroku nodded in agreement.