InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mistakes we made ❯ So it is ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 3 It is so…
Kagome was more quietly than ever. She hardly spoke a word or better… none. Sango and Miroku didn't know what they should do to make her feel better. But give it something against her sadness?
Against sadness and a broken heart?
Probably it gives something to cure it… but that will probably never happen. They couldn't know how much Kagome was hurt. How she cried in her heart and soul… screaming in pain. She could have told Sango everything, but this wound hurt so much and the words were missing.
Kagome rode on Kiara and let her view get over the landscape. It was so beautiful… Soon she would leave this world…. leave and would never see it again. And with each step they come closer to the village of Kaede… and the well...
Only 3 more days lay ahead and the friends continued to move, without Inuyasha...
He walked far behind them, in knowing they were all save but his friend never sees him. He tried to make himself clear that he made the correct decision. But every time he told himself… it change a little bit more from a decision to a lie… a deep heartbreaking lie and nothing more in his ears.
On the 5th day he stepped somewhat involuntarily into his friends. He was deep in his own thoughts that he didn't notice his friends already make a camp. So he ran absentminded into the camp.
"Nice to have you with us again"
said Miroku and looked at his Hanyou friend. Inuyashas eyes fell immediately, although he didn't want, on Kagome. She was kneeling, with the back to him and by his name her things slipped out of her hand, which she has gotten out of the back bag. Inuyasha twitched easily together and make 3 steps back. He wanted to vanish again in dust, but Miroku pulled him nevertheless down to take a seat. The young Miko unrolled her sleeping bag and lay down inside, without turning only once or to regard Inuyasha. She pressed her face deeply into her pillow and the quiet tears soaked the little cushion. The salty smell rose into Inuyasha nose and he leaned with closed eyes heavy on the tree.
The next day was strained….
Kagome walked with lowered head. She didn't want to see Inuyasha directly. In the distance a village come into the view. Shippou jumped happy out of Kagomes arm, who walked now by herself. He leg was good enough healed to walk on her own again.
"Look, look!!!"
said the Kitsune and pointed to the village, which slowly came near.
"Couldn't we stay overnight and have a big nice meal?"
Shippou asked, because little by little fish wasn't the favourite anymore.
"Nice idea”
Miroku thought aloud
”Fresh bread, nice hot tea…”
“And other things like that"
he rubbed his little belly. Sango smiled
"Perhaps a hot bath"
and walked now faster. The big market crossed the friend in the right time. Sango und Kagome bought some things they need on the rest of the journey. Miroku himself make his way to the village elders to speak and came back with joyful messages.
"My friends"
he announced
"We were invited to stay for some days for the festival. Directly behind the market is one hut empty, which we could have in this time"
Sango asked pleased.
"Hai, the party is tomorrow and the day after tomorrow and we're invited"
but even that information didn't make Kagome smile. -How did he make her like that, how… so broken? Only with his words?- Sango questioned herself
"It's a mask festival"
"Correct... All disguise themselves and wear masks... Some village custom... But it will be nice"
and looked to Kagome, who need a pause from her sadness.
The demon exterminator made with Kagome and Shippou the hut clean. It was everything… but not clean and when they wanted to sleep here…
Miroku was naturally on women hunt and Sangos mood wasn't in a good shape. But tried to concentrate on the cleaning. Inuyasha had taken a seat, like always, in one of the big trees. Placed near enough that he had a good view over the hut and village.
The sun was going down as the girls called the boys. More Miroku and Shippou than Inuyasha But nevertheless, Inuyasha followed the call because his stomach was empty for hours. The rumble wasn't a nice feeling and his stomach needed something to do. He so he sat down in the dark corner. Kagome had cooked and gave everybody a cup full of soup. Now everyone had a dish fully of it.
She had given Inuyasha a full bowl without looking at him and he took the steaming pot. Lightly his hand touched hers what gave Kagome a scare. He pulled fast his hand away and sucks the air in. Slowly she eats her soup and gave her friends gladly more of the soup. Also the Hanyou wanted more but wanted to make it by himself. And when she grabs the spoon to give Shippou more, another hand wanted to grab the spoon at the same time. Her Hand held the spoon, and the spoon with hand was held by Inuyashas.
Kagomes heart stopped, but not only hers. His amber eyes looked into her brown ones. They looked at each other for a long time, without a word. Their friends don't want to interrupt. The air was tense, but in a good way. Miroku and Sango didn't even dare to breathe around the two. Inuyasha jerked a little away, his eyes now somewhere else and stood up quickly.
her words were interrupted from his
"Gome ne"
the bowl falling down and the curtain move still back and forth. Kagome looked sorrowfully after him.
He was away.
Sango looked sadly to her best friend. She suspected that she will cry again, however she was surprised that she didn't. -She had cried so much, can't she cry anymore?- she asked herself.
Inuyasha take a seat in one of the trees, like always, and looked into the distance...
On the next morning all villager worked for the festival to make it beautiful. And it gives much to decorate, because the village wasn't small. Shippou had found children to play with and Sango helped to decorate. Kagome helped an older lady to bake bread. The day passed quickly and the evening moved closer. The young women giggled and Sango was glad that Kagome laughed a little. Both of them were happy. The people in the village were nice and the festival will be a pleasant thing. Sango und Kagome got the chance to choose a kimono they could wear on the mask festival. And with a big smile they thanked the women, who gave them the kimonos. Furthermore the get a white mask which covered half of the face. Everyone only could see their mouths. After that, they had changed and stepped out of the hut where Miroku already waited. His mouth dropped open. -Wow- he thoughts fell on Inuyasha -You baka- as he saw Kagome in her nice kimono. It was kneel-long dark-blue kimono with a white sash. Her hair was high-put and only a few strands fall in her face in little curls. Sango wear a dark violet kimono, likewise kneel-long and her hair was a high pig-tail. After the expression in Mirokus face they looked well enough for the festival, both women thought. Now they hid their faces under the mask and Miroku put his mask on. Shippou played already with other children on the decorated market place. It was like an open-air, and the market place was the ballroom under the stars. Inuyasha hopped from roof to roof. He doesn't want to lose his sight on Kagome and sat down on a hut. From there he has a good look on Kagome his friends and nobody would notice him here.
The musicians played merry songs and the atmosphere was good. But Kagome couldn't really enjoy, she would gladly dance with Inuyasha now and held in his warm protective arms. Her friend Sango arrived and nudges her.
"Kagome... please smile"
Kagome make herself a solution and she was hard to herself -Inuyasha doesn't want me with him, he doesn't love me... Then I can…. nevertheless make everything I want... perhaps I kiss a nice young man...- she lie to herself. -Then… he should bear this! He doesn't mind, didn't he? Right!?- Kagome smiled now to Sango a put on the fake happiness.
"Let's go!!"
and drag Sango along. It didn't take long, and a few admirers wanted to dance with the Miko from the future. Kagome danced with one after the other one. With one of them she talks nicely and was invited for a drink afterwards. She took the invitation with a smile. Inuyasha followed each step of her.
"I really wanted to see your face"
meant the young man named Rüjo.
"Rüjo... so far I know you show your face not until morning midnight"
Rüjo nodded
"It's correct"
"Well then, you must probably wait until tomorrow"
and she laughed a little
"Well well my loves, then have with me still another few dances"
Kagome nodded and was brought back on the dance floor. Inuyashas jealousy bubbled nearly over. Rüjo and Kagome danced a dance after the other one and now the slow music was up. Rüjo pulled her more near to him. Kagome was smaller than Rüjo and leaned therefore with her head on his chest. With Inuyasha it would be like that, because she was so small and he so big. She closed her eyes. As much as she wishes that it would be Inuyasha here and hold her… Exactly like Rüjo hold her
Rüjo ask quietly and bring Kagome back to him.
“Would you give me the honour and accompany me morning evening?"
Kagome looked at him and nodded slowly. Rüjo let his hand run through her dark hair and she put her arms around his neck. As the dance was over, she was asked to wait on the edge of the celebration place for him. He wanted to grab something to eat for them, because his stomach rumbled in an embarrassing way during dancing, what make Kagome laugh. Tears were in her eyes and she must wipe them away, but Rüjos red face didn't help either. With fully packed plates the village boy came back to her and sat down. She smiled, and rosé rose to his cheeks. Good thing, he wears a mask.
and he give her a plate.
she thanked him and began to eat. Inuyasha watched with jealous eyes out of the darkness.
After the nice meal Kagome felt perfectly full and don't have a thought on Inuyasha. It was a nice evening. Rüjo came up with the idea to take a walk.
she agreed.
"I bring only the plates back. May you for me wait there?"
the young man pointed to a large tree, not so far away at the edge of the village. She nodded and he ran already with quick steps away.
Kagome leaned on the large tree. Inuyasha jealousy burst out and landed easy and silent beside Kagome. The young Miko turned around.
"What are you doing here?"
the Hanyou asked, although he knew that she waits here for the boy.
"Why ask you? But if you want to know I want to take a walk!"
she said coolly to him.
"Kagome are you really that stupid?"
"Why stupid?"
"What? Do you believe what he intends to do with you? To go on a walk with you..."
"I know…"
Inuyasha frightened a little
"You know?"
Kagome rolled with the eyes.
"You don't…?”
"What I make or not…it will be all the same to you, right? You love… nevertheless… Kikyou!! I'm only her reincarnation, a shard detector for the fragments!!!!"
"Oh Inuyasha, come on go now... Rüjo will be in a second here... And I don't have desire that he sees me with a -Hanyou-!!!"
Inuyasha swallowed hard, because of the emphasis of her words. But he hadn't expected better treatment from her.
"Kagome… Don't do this"
"Why not? Or is there a reason?"
Inuyasha was silent. He had a reason. A big reason, but he couldn't say it.
"There is none, right? Then disappear!"
she bleat at him. Inuyasha jumped back into the darkness before Rüjo could see him.
he said pleased that she waited for him. Kagome smiled. He stood now before her.
"So... shall we go?"
he asked.
"You hadn't asked me here for a walk, right?"
she asked ironically.
she laughed lightly and make a step forward.
"Everything I see is beautiful"
he said to her and put is hand in her face. Feel her skin and the white mask. Kagome only smiled, although she was dieing inside. But one thing make her go further, she had to do it… now, because she knew he was watching her. The young woman closed her eyes and placed herself on her tip-toe, as Rüjo carefully pull her higher. -Don't think… don't think- she told herself. His lips touched hers. Her arms put automatically around his neck and his free arm firm around her waist. The Kiss and his touch give her a feeling that let freeze her entails, let her hear stop that her soul cursing her and her feelings dieing flowed through her body...
Inuyasha heart broke in thousand pieces of broken glass. As much this scene hurt him. He turned around and ran directly in Miroku behind him. He looked confused. Miroku removed the mask and looked it the glassy eyes of the Hanyou
"You wanted this?"
the monk asked.
"What do you mean?"
and pointed to Kagome, kissing Rüjo.
"Why do you allow this, why?"
"Because... it isn't my business and doesn't concern me"
"Not? BAKA!"
Inuyasha looked down
"You know well as me, why she made this. And you idiot allows that!!!"
Inuyasha smiled sadly
"BAKA, BAKA... She loves you and you her and you allow to lose her...!"
"I would lose her, when I ask her to remain with me"
and passed the monk. Miroku touch his head.
"You don't understand. She wants to remain here, to be with you. She wanted to be in this time, and to her it doesn't matter what the future brings. Good or bad... The same for the fight with Naraku, will end good or bad? It doesn't matter. She would rather die than live without you!"
Inuyasha looked again down and ran away.
He already knew all this. He wasn't so dump as Miroku believe, he as. No, he could read it every time her look in her eyes. She didn't need to say a word and he understood more than he would admit. He knew nevertheless that she do all the things because of him. But that was the only way to go sure, that she will return to her own time.
If her heart wouldn't call anymore to his, then it would be easier for him. If perhaps he would know that she hates him. He would carry all her pain. He would take everything and this was the only way. The only way for him to go. The only way he could further run along... alone... like always... alone...