InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mixed Feelings ❯ Chapter 3

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Evilchild here with chappie 3! Finally!

Anywayz, I plan to get rid of the others (No, not kill them off!) Sesshomaru has both his arms in this story because it just fits better than one arm. More angst will ensue!

Disclaimer: see chapter 2. (I hate these things!)

Claimer: the gene in this story is mine not the name!

Now on with the story!

After Naraku left Inuyasha, he sat in his room, wondering if should really let him leave. 'Should I let him leave with the child? He could be attacked by Sesshomaru but even he will sense there's something different about Inuyasha. Would he attack someone who's with child?' His thoughts soon were back on Inuyasha. 'I would love to taste his sweet lips again. Feel his warm, soft body underneath me, moaning as I take him again..' he looked towards the door. 'I wish I hadn't taken him like that but I had no choice.' He was first attracted to the beautiful young hanyou when he saw him constantly following the priestess, Kikyo. To this day he still does not know what makes him want him so.

Later on he soon found out that Inuyasha was special indeed. Every 5,000 years the 'Genome gene' showed up in a male demon, even if the male had one percent demon in him. It allowed a male demon to become pregnant while they are in heat, so the gene only showed in male demons. And Inuyasha just happened to be one of them. Naraku knew that one reason he wanted Inuyasha as his mate was because of that gene. Inuyasha was already strong, even for a hanyou, stronger than most full-blooded demons. The child would become even stronger with his genes fused within it. With the child, he could easily rule over Japan. Of course he'll have to control it. But that was already in effect. With his sperm he would be able to control the child when it was born.

He looked towards the window as sunlight streamed inside his room. 'Oh, I'm keeping this little puppy with me,' he chuckled, 'For as long as he lives.'

Inuyasha slowly sat up and laid back on the bed. 'Am I really pregnant? Is it even possible?' His hand went to his belly and rubbed it slowly. 'Is there really a pup growing in my stomach?' He sat up quickly and clenched his fists, 'NO! there is not a pup growing in me! It's not possible! It's just Naraku trying to play his sick games with my mind!' He angrily put back on his clothes and stormed out of the room. He pounded on the door where he picked up Naraku's scent. The door

opened and he stepped in.

"Naraku? I'm ready to go."

"Already? but you just got here."

"You said after I put on my clothes you would take me back."

"What if it changed my mind?" he said.

Inuyasha gaped at him, "But... you said I could go back!"

"I don't want you to go so quickly, my pet."

Inuyasha's face turned red with anger, "I'll just leave on my own then!" he started to walk out but felt a small bolt of energy go down his spine.

"Walk out my castle and you'll get the shock of your life." Inuyasha grumbled and broke things as he stomped back to the room he was in before. "Oh, and take off your clothes! I'll be in there in a minute!" Inuyasha slammed his door shut and a few paintings fell. Naraku laughed softly, 'Still feisty. I'll have to teach him some manners.' With that in mind he got up and walked towards Inuyasha's room.

"Sesshomaru-sama! Can we stop? I'm hungry!" Rin whined. Sesshomaru looked over his shoulder and stopped. "Yay!" She ran up to Sesshomaru and hugged his leg. "Can we find something to eat now?" she said as she looked up at him.

He looked down at her, "Of course. Jaken!"

"Yes, my Lord?"

"Stay with Rin while I hunt for dinner."

"Yes, my Lord!" Jaken looked over at Rin and grimaced. 'I have to be alone with this human again! Why does Lord Sesshomaru keep her around?!' Rin giggled and pulled Jaken along. Sesshomaru watched them leave before starting to hunt. It didn't take Sesshomaru long to find something safe to eat and he noticed a tall castle he didn't see before and smelled something familiar. 'Inuyasha?' he sniffed again. 'He smells different. I smell Naraku with Inuyasha. Why? I'll have to check tomorrow.' Something wasn't right about this. And he was determined to find out what.

Inuyasha awoke the next morning in pain. Yesterday Naraku took him again for the second time then a couple more times after that and then some more after dinner and he was not so gentle with him at all yesterday and it was worse than before. He couldn't even lay on his back it hurt so much. Naraku rolled over and rubbed Inuyasha's bottom and he turned to glare at him. "I'm dreadfully sorry about that. I assume it hurts?"

"No, it just feels like someone stabbed me in the ass a bunch of times." he replied sarcastically.

Naraku smiled, "The pain will go away soon. I promise."

"Humph!" he turned his back to him as he continued to caress his buttocks.

"You have such a nice ass, Inuyasha."

"Yeah, an ass you like to fuck and abuse."

"Well, you'll have to get used to it or... you could just submit to me, it would easier on you."

"Never! I may be stuck here but I don't have to like it! Stop that! I'm still sore ya know!!"

"I'm so sorry. I just can't keep my hands off of you."

"Well try!"

"I will," he stuck his finger inside Inuyasha's opening and was pleased to hear a small groan, "As

soon as I finish playing with this tight little hole."

"This 'tight little hole' is on a break! So back off!" he slapped his hand away and painfully laid on his back and wrapped his tail protectively around himself. "See if you can play with it now."

"This will be fun." Naraku got up and sat up over Inuyasha legs. He pulled his legs off from under him and then continued to finger Inuyasha who just let him, too tired from all too recent activities to stop him. "I thought you didn't want me to do this." Inuyasha tried to glare at him but that only proved to roll his eyes in the back of his head as Naraku massaged his prostate.

"Please... st... stop! Uhnn!... pl... please!" Naraku smiled as Inuyasha begged him to stop. He pulled out his finger and heard him sigh in relief, he smirked then pushed two fingers inside. He felt Inuyasha's body tighten at the unwanted intrusion.

"Just let it be. It would be a lot easier on you." Inuyasha growled and Naraku leaned forward to kiss him as he finger fucked him faster. Inuyasha soon began to rock his hips against Naraku's fingers in pure abandon, trying to get more of him inside of him. Naraku pulled out his fingers and thrust his length into him. He felt Inuyasha give a pleasured gasp against his lips as his

back arched.

'Oh! My! God!' was the only thing Inuyasha was thinking as Naraku went slow with him this time, deliberately hitting his spot with each thrust. Naraku pushed Inuyasha legs up to his chest and plunged deeper into his tight heat. Naraku had learned that Inuyasha loved this position more than anything and he was going to use it to his advantage. Inuyasha closed his eyes as he

moaned out in pleasure. Naraku smirked again but his face soon took on a serious expression as Inuyasha tightened around him and came with a cry. Naraku then let himself come, filling Inuyasha completely. He pulled out and a small trickle of cum slid down his crevice.

Inuyasha moaned softly as Naraku laid down and pulled him on top of him. His eyes closed and he ran his tail along Naraku's leg and sighed to himself. "I see you enjoyed that. Did you not?" Inuyasha just mumbled something unintelligible and nuzzled his neck. Naraku chuckled, "I'd say you did."

"Still hated it." he mumbled against his chest. "Very... much.." he said as he fell asleep against him, his tail covering them.

'Sleep well, my pet.' And he fell asleep after him.

Sesshomaru floated towards the castle he saw yesterday. It was something that bothered him about it. It smelled of Inuyasha and the smell was all most masked completely by Naraku's. 'He had better not been touching him in that manner.' But that smell seemed to prove him wrong. 'I doubt Naraku keeps him there and not try to rape him. Not with him in heat. The smell should be overwhelming to a demon's nose, making him susceptible to sexual assaults.' This fact alone

drove him to get to the castle faster. 'If Naraku has done anything to harm him, I swear I'll kill him!' he thought angrily.

One of Inuyasha's ears perked up as he felt something coming towards the castle at top speed. Then a smell reached his nose and he quickly sat up. 'Sesshomaru?! What is he coming here for? Maybe to talk to Naraku..' he thought. He sighed sadly and laid back down. 'I wish

Sesshomaru would come and save me... like when we were younger....'


A young hanyou was busy playing with his brand new ball but he wished someone could play with him. 'Maybe some of the kids want to play with me!' His mother had told him never to go near the village. He didn't know why, she never told him. They were all kids, he didn't see any difference in them except for being a boy or a girl. Forgetting what his mother told him, he raced towards he village and walked up to some kids who were playing Hide-n-Seek.

"Hey! Do you guys want to play with me?" he asked happily.

"Su..." one of the kids turned around to face him and instantly saw his doggy ears, " Maybe not."

"Why?" he asked innocently.

"Uh.. you're a demon that's why, dummy!"

"Why does that matter?"

"You're not like us! We don't want to play with a lowly demon!" Another boy shouted.

"But... I.."

"What is the meaning of this?!" A man asked.

"That mean little demon said he was going to kill us if we didn't play with him!" one boy cried.

"No, I didn't!"

"You stay quiet! I don't want to hear your lies! Disgusting animal!!" Some of the people had picked up stones and started throwing them at him. He gasped when one especially jagged rock struck his ball and it burst in his hands.

His bottom lip trembled as he saw his ball deflate in his hands. "But.. all I wanted to do was play!" Tears fell down his cheeks as he backed away from the offending stones. 'Why are they being so mean!? I didn't do anything wrong!!'

"Get out of our village you filthy animal!" A man raised a sharp pointed rock to stab him. The young hanyou cowered and closed his eyes waiting to be struck... but nothing happened. He opened one eye and was surprised to see his elder brother.


"Are you all right, Inuyasha?" Inuyasha nodded and Sesshomaru threw the man on the ground. "If you people ever lay a hand on or hurt him again, I will personally see to it that you die. Is that understood?"

"Yes, Lord Sesshomaru. We did not know he was your pup." The man had mistaken Inuyasha as Sesshomaru's son because he looked so much Sesshomaru.

"He's not."

"Oh," the man looked at Inuyasha, who was hiding behind Sesshomaru's leg, then back to Sesshomaru, "I mean your younger sibling. My apologies."

"Let this not happen again. For I will not hesitate to kill you the next the time."

"Yes, my Lord."

Sesshomaru turned towards Inuyasha and knelt to his level and stroked his cheek. "Did they hurt you?" he whispered.

"Not real bad but that man tried to stab me!" Sesshomaru picked up Inuyasha and cradled his head on his shoulder and murmured soothing words to him as he cried. "Alls... I .. wanted.. to do... was play... with them.. and they popped... my new ball! I didn't even get to play with it a lot!!!"

"It's Ok now. I'll play with you, what ever the game." Inuyasha looked at him.

"Really?" Sesshomaru rarely played with him if at all.



Sesshomaru turned his head to glare at the man Inuyasha pointed to. "You. If I ever see you near my brother again I will kill you without mercy." the man bowed and ran away.

"Thank you.. brother." he said softly as Sesshomaru walked away and nuzzled his neck tenderly. "For saving me."

"You're quite welcome, little one." He kissed him on the top of his head.

"Hmmm...." he sighed, "Love you."

Inuyasha heard a small chuckle from above then, "I love you, too."

*End Flashback*

'I miss the way he used to treat me. Sure he used to tease me and picked on me but all siblings do that. I don't know what happened. I still love my brother and I've tried to forget that love with Kagome but it didn't work well enough and he seems to hate me now. Why? Just like that village and everybody else in this stupid world. Maybe it just took him longer to hate me. No one likes a hanyou.' he sobbed softly as he thought that he really wasn't wanted in this world by anyone. 'I wish I would die. No one would really care, would they?' He thought he felt Sesshomaru really close now and sat up again and turned towards the window. "Sesshomaru!"

Sesshomaru neared the castle and floated to nearby ledge. "Rin. Jaken... stay here."

"Ok!" Rin chirped.

Sesshomaru walked towards a window and peered inside. He just happened to find the window that resided in Inuyasha's room. He saw the black-haired beauty laying on Naraku's chest. 'Who is that person? It smells like Inuyasha but it doesn't look like him.' Being his brother, Sesshomaru knows what the new moon does to Inuyasha but.. that was two nights ago. That

couldn't be him. But that person smelled like him. He saw a doggy ear turn his way and he heard a light sniff. The person's head moved slightly and he sat up. What he thought was a silken, ebony cover was actually his tail. The boy turned to look at him and Sesshomaru gasped in shock. 'Inuyasha!' He couldn't believe it. Naraku had defiled Inuyasha in every way possible and

had altered his looks to suit his sick mind. He grew angry with the thought of it. 'He is going to pay dearly for this!!!'

"Sesshomaru!" he cried happily. He thought he would never be so happy to see him. He turned his head as Sesshomaru broke the window, which resulted in waking up Naraku.

"Why, hello Sesshomaru. So nice to see you this fine morning." Inuyasha slid off Naraku and sat

on the bed.

"A fine morning for you! What are you doing with MY Inuyasha?!" He was so angry that he hadn't noticed the slip but Inuyasha did and a faint blushed covered his cheeks. "You release him this instant!"

"I don't think so. He belongs to me now." he smirked and wrapped his arms around Inuyasha waist. "He's my mate."

"Get your hands off of him!" His eyes glowed a blood red and he attacked Naraku. He moved Inuyasha in front of him and Sesshomaru stopped just inches from his face.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk... you don't want to harm your baby brother, do you?" Sesshomaru pulled his hand away from Inuyasha's face and he breath a sigh of relief.

'He didn't strike me? I thought he wanted me dead...'

"Let him go Naraku. This is your last warning." he growled menacingly.

"Or what? You'll attack me again with such force you won't be able to stop yourself from taking off his head when I use him as a shield?" Sesshomaru stood still as Naraku continued to taunt him. Inuyasha looked between Sesshomaru and Naraku and whimpered softly. He felt Naraku rub his back soothingly and he calmed slightly. Inuyasha saw Sesshomaru's eye twitch in barely suppressed anger as he saw Naraku's hand rub his back.

"That's it!" Sesshomaru couldn't take it anymore and lashed out at Naraku. Naraku moved Inuyasha to shield him again but he was ready this time. Sesshomaru quickly moved in the back of Naraku, taking him by surprise, and stabbed him the back. Inuyasha felt Naraku's hands around him loosen and he quickly ran towards the window. Sesshomaru pulled his hand out and wiped it off on the bed. Sesshomaru looked towards Inuyasha as he stood, shaken, by the window in all his naked glory. Sesshomaru allowed his eyes to roam over Inuyasha's body for awhile until Inuyasha looked at him, and he quickly looked away.

'Was he just staring at me?' Sesshomaru walked towards Inuyasha and rubbed his cheek.

"Are you Ok?" he asked him softly.


"Did he hurt you?"

"...yes." Sesshomaru glared angrily towards Naraku's prone body.

"He will pay... but first lets get you out of here." Sesshomaru scanned the room for Inuyasha's

belongings and gave them to him to put on and they left the same way he came in.

Inuyasha looked at Sesshomaru's back as they floated away from Naraku's castle. He was trying to figure out Sesshomaru's actions towards him. "Sesshomaru?"

"What is it?" he asked coldly, and Inuyasha had to force himself speak.

"Why... why did you save me?"

"It's none of your business."

'Figures. I didn't expect an answer any way.' Inuyasha sighed and kept quiet the rest of the way.

It was dark when they finally reached camp and Inuyasha was dead tired. Sesshomaru looked towards Inuyasha and saw that his eyes lids were drooping and had barely had enough energy to keep them open, but tried to stay awake.

"Go to sleep." Inuyasha's head snapped towards him when he spoke. "It is obvious that you are tired and you had a hard day today. So rest, I'll watch over you." And with that Inuyasha got comfortable and fell into a sound sleep. Sesshomaru's features softened as he saw how innocent Inuyasha looked while he slept. 'He looks so innocent sleeping there.'

It was close to midnight when he noticed Inuyasha trembling slightly and small, whimpering sounds were coming from him. Sesshomaru's heart clenched painfully when he heard Inuyasha moan out words like 'No!' and 'Stop!' and 'That hurts!'

'Naraku did rape him! He will die!' Sesshomaru walked over to Inuyasha and sat next to him, putting Inuyasha in his lap. "Inuyasha? Wake up." he said to him softly. He moved his hair out of his face and kissed his forehead. This seemed to wake up Inuyasha, who looked at him with large deep violet eyes.

"What are you doing?" Sesshomaru could hear the fear lacing his voice, all though he tried to hide it.

"You were talking in your sleep. I came to wake you up. You sounded as if you were in pain."

"Oh, did I say anything... strange?" he asked hesitantly.

"Not really. You were just telling some invisible person to stop, don't, and that hurts." he paused or a moment. "Did Naraku rape you?"


"Did he?" he asked again, impatiently.

"Yes but I'm in heat so I kinda... tolerated it." he admitted, ashamed of himself. "I'm a slut! And I'm dirty! Please just let me go." he said softly at the end.

Sesshomaru hugged him tighter to his body and laid his head on his. "Sesshomaru?"

"You are not a slut or dirty," 'If you were, you would be my slut.' "Whatever Naraku did to you or made you do was against your will, even if you are in heat."

"But.. I let him do it.. I couldn't stop him even if I wanted to. As soon as he... touched my lips with his, my body surrendered itself to him." Inuyasha said as he wrapped his arms and tail around himself in a comforting manner.

Sesshomaru was surprised to hear a soft sob he had tried to hide by burying his face in his chest. To a human this would have went unnoticed but Sesshomaru was not human. As if something had possessed his arm, he moved his hand to rub his back. Inuyasha peeked up at him through his bangs. 'Why is doing this? Does he have to act like this? This only hurts more...' Inuyasha quickly pulled away from Sesshomaru's body, instantly missing his heat, and sat by a tree away from the little mismatch group.

"Is something the matter, Inuyasha?" he asked, but his voice did not hold its usual coldness, it was actually concerned.

"Yes! This stupid world hates me! All my life it was like I was living a horrible nightmare after dad and mom died! Then you left me, too! I had to try to live with what I could find, which wasn't much! I didn't know how to kill larger animals than myself! Those were the hardest times in my life! Then I met Kikyo and she tried to kill me! And my new friends are probably happy I'm gone so that they won't have to deal with my arrogant, egoistic ass anymore!" After that Sesshomaru was shocked to see Inuyasha burst into tears.

"Inuyasha!" Sesshomaru ran over to his side and held him close. "Shh... it's Ok. Everything's going to be all right." he whispered to him while he stroked his hair.

Inuyasha pulled away again, but still sat in his lap, and looked at him with angered eyes. "How can you say that?! I've been raped at least 20 times in the last two days. That's more than enough to scar me for the rest of my life!" He would have said he was pregnant but he wasn't totally sure if Naraku was playing with him. "A fear of being taken harshly again scares me. I can't even really stand it when people touch me let alone hold me. I probably will never get over it."

"I'll help you get over it."


"I'll help you. No matter what. I'm holding you right now and you haven't ran away yet."

"Because you won't let me."

Sesshomaru smiled slightly, "And Naraku will die for what he did to you." Inuyasha eyed him as Sesshomaru pulled him to lay his head on his chest and rubbed his back. Inuyasha tensed involuntarily. "I won't do anything you don't want me to do." Inuyasha continued to watch him for a minute and relaxed his body into him. He sighed softly and fell back asleep. 'Rest Inuyasha.

I will protect you from the evils of this world as long as I can.' With that he soon fell into a light nap. If anything were to attack, he would be able to defend his mis-matched 'family' if need be. "I'll love you Inuyasha...." he murmured in his sleep in his hair, "....forever.."


End chapter 3! Finally x_x God!

I hope this chapter cleared some of ya'lls questions that you might of had, if not put it in your review(hint, hint) and I'll try to answer it.

Well see ya! Til next time!! ^_^*

Don't forget to R&R!!!