InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mixed Feelings ❯ Chapter 5

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Evilchild here finally with chapter 5! I'm sooooo sorry it took me so long to get this and the rest of my stories up! I was just distracted by other important things... not saying my stories or reviewers aren't important. I luv you guys!!!! But most of you know how it goes in school!

Kagome and the others are in this story! Now they have a another part! Kinda short but they're still there!

Well, that's all I wanted to say so please continue reading it!

Disclaimer: see chapter 4

Claimer: see chapter 3

Now on with the fic!

Kagome sighed and sat down on a rock, "Guys we might never find Inuyasha."

"Don't worry Kagome. We'll find him." Sango soothed.

"Yeah. Naraku wouldn't kill him." Miroku stated.
"Why do you say that?"

"You saw how hot he was for Inuyasha. He's lusting after him. He wouldn't want to kill the object of his desire."

"Oh God!" She covered her face with her hands, "Do you think Naraku.. raped him?"

"Unfortunately, I do believe he has done something to him sexually. But we must hope that he is well."
"You're right. C'mon, we have to keep looking for Naraku's castle."


They kept looking until nightfall and decided to keep searching tomorrow. "This is the fourth day he's been gone. I hope he's doing fine." The others agreed with her.

"But Kagome, I'm quite fine. In fact I've never been better." Kagome turned around and smiled happily.

"Inuyasha! You're Ok!" Kagome got up to give him a hug but he held out a hand to stop her.

"Don't. I wouldn't want to hurt you now. I just came to get the jewel shards. Naraku will get the rest."

"What!? You have got to be kidding me!"

"Nope. Dead serious. Now give me the jewel."

"No! I won't give it to you just so that you can give it to Naraku!"

"Well, I'll just have to take them." He moved from the shadows and everyone gasped.

"You can't possibly take them while you are human."

"I'm only one percent human. It's just my new look. Naraku likes to fuck me like this. And with it I get a tail." Everyone looked towards his legs and saw a long black tail swishing behind him. "Now to take those jewels." He raised his hand and brought it down, "Iron Reaver Soul Stealer!" Everyone managed to avoid the attack and countered with their own. Sango had her boomerang ready to attack, "Stop this Inuyasha! You don't have do this!"

"I don't but I want to. You humans have done nothing but slow me down, now I'm going to take care of that."

"But why give it to Naraku?"

"He needs it more than I do. I'm fine the way I am. Now enough talk!" He launched another attack and Sago threw her boomerang at him. He saw it and barely had enough time to evade it. He growled as a thin scratch made itself apparent on his left cheek. "You'll pay for that with your life wench!" Inuyasha growled again and attack Sango with full force. An ear turned to a whistling sound off to his left and he jumped backwards. "Stupid girl." He quickly recovered and ran towards Kagome. She gasped in fear as her body was frozen in place. She closed her eyes and waited for the fatal blow but it never came. She opened one eye and saw Inuyasha's eyes go distant then refocus back on her. "You were lucky this time. But next time I won't hesitate to kill you." In a flash he was gone.

Kagome sighed and sunk to the ground. "Kagome, are you all right?"

"Yeah. I was just really lucky. Naraku must have called him back with that collar."

"Why didn't you sit him?"

"The prayer beads were gone."


"They were gone. Another priest must have taken them off."

"But I thought only you and Lady Keade could take them off."
"I did to. Whoever it was must have been stronger than us." She started to cry softly. "How can he like what Naraku's doing to him?!"

"Maybe since the beads are off he has no fear of speaking his mind now."

"If that's true then he never liked us in the beginning. That stupid dog! How dare he! After all we've been through together he's given it up because he's getting laid!?" Kagome got up and wiped her tears, "He doesn't deserve my tears. I wish I had never freed him. Next time I see him he's going to pay!" Everyone agreed with her and started to look for the next jewel shard.

"Sesshomaru!" he opened one eye to see an annoyed looking Inuyasha and closed it again. "Sesshomaru!! Get up!!" he sighed and sat down when he saw that Sesshomaru wasn't going to get up. He was going to get him up another way when a strange feeling came over him. His stomach had started to feel funny. His eyes widen and he quickly brought a hand to his stomach and ran off.

When Sesshomaru noticed that Inuyasha wasn't bothering him anymore he opened his eyes and sat up. He looked around the area when he didn't see Inuyasha. "Inuyasha?" Was he hiding to make him worry? Was something wrong? He got up and followed Inuyasha's scent where it was the strongest. He gasped when he finally found Inuyasha, who was huddled up at the base of a tree with a pool of blood near him with a lump laying in the middle of it. "Inuyasha!" he ran to him and hugged him Inuyasha cried into his chest. "What happened?" he asked worriedly.

"I don't feel so well." he said weakly.

"Where did all this blood come from?"

"From my... bottom."

"Oh.... Inuyasha..." he hugged him tighter.

"That's... Naraku's baby."

Sesshomaru's eyes widen when he heard that. He pulled back and looked at him, "What?"

"I was pregnant. I was pregnant with Naraku's child."

"But how?"

"I have the Genome gene."

'Well that explains everything.' "Well at least now you won't be pregnant with Naraku's child."

"I guess you're right."

"But if you want... you could choose to have my child."

Inuyasha was shocked and just stared at him. "Will you bear me a child, Inuyasha?" Inuyasha giggled at question as it reminded him of Miroku. "What's so funny?" he looked hurt.

"It's not you I'm laughing at. I'm laughing at what you just asked me."

"That's suppose to make me feel better?"

"No, not like that. You just sound like my monk friend, Miroku, asking me to bear you a child. He says that to every pretty woman he sees."

"So I guess you are a very pretty man."

Inuyasha blushed a bright red, "Yes."

"I asked a question?" Inuyasha laughed at his confusion.

"You asked will I bear your child and I said yes."


"Do I really have to repeat myself?" Sesshomaru smiled happily and hugged him tight.

"God, Inuyasha. I love you so much." he said into his hair.

"I know. I love you, too. I would love to have your baby." he said softly.

"Come on. We'll find your friends later when you've rested some."

"Ok." As he was about to get up, Sesshomaru scooped him up. He was startled at first then relaxed against him as he walked back. His eyes started to close a little.

"You need your rest. Go to sleep." Inuyasha yawned openly, showing off sharp fangs before closing it. Sesshomaru smiled at how cute he looked when he did that. "You are a cute one."

Inuyasha pouted, "I'm not cute."

"Well, beautifully..."


"Cute." he teased.


"Don't call me that either."

"But you are a kitten. You purr, are very agile, and very submissive in..."
"All right!"

"So I found a little nickname for you."

"But I don't like it."

"Would you rather I call you pussy or Inu?"

"What does any of those names got to do..." he blushed a cherry red as he got the meanings behind the names and hid his face. "Oh. I like kitten better."
"I thought so."

"Shut up."

"Whatever you say...." Inuyasha looked up at him and Sesshomaru smiled at him, "Kitten." Inuyasha sighed and snuggled back down and went to sleep.

Sesshomaru watched him as he slept. This was becoming one of his favorite past times. That and making love to this beautiful creature called Inuyasha. He walked back to camp and sat down. Rin walked over to him, "Is he all right?"

Sesshomaru smiled at worry evident in her voice. "He's just feeling a little under the weather. He'll be back to his normal self in no time."

"Great!" Rin jumped into Sesshomaru's lap and snuggled up against Inuyasha's stomach. Sesshomaru smiled down at his little family and hugged them tightly. He would let nothing happen to them. When all of this was over he was going to take them back to his castle where they would live the rest of their lives. Inuyasha stirred slightly and mumbles something. Hungry... He was hungry. Sesshomaru thought for a moment and looked down at Inuyasha. Maybe he was pregnant with his child already. Dogs can have multiple partners impregnating them so maybe his blood just killed Naraku's baby since it was seen as foreign. That was why he bit him. His blood would only recognize Inuyasha and his blood and saw any other blood as a threat to Inuyasha's health and killed it. No one else could impregnate Inuyasha now but him.

"Sesshomaru. Inu-chan's hungry. His tummy is growling!"

"All right. I'll get him something to eat." Sesshomaru put Inuyasha and Rin down and looked for something to eat. This time he brought two carcasses since Inuyasha was likely to eat a whole one himself. He used the two logs from yesterday to cook the meat. After awhile the smell of cooked meat reached Inuyasha's nose and instantly woke up and ran towards the meat and quickly devoured half of it. Jaken, who happened to be awake at the time, made a big mistake when he thought he could get a piece of Inuyasha's meat. He growled a threat out to him, baring fangs. He had a sort of crazed looked in his eyes and Jaken backed away slowly, Inuyasha watching his every move. When he was at a safe distance he ran away and Inuyasha resumed eating.

"I suggest you not try anything like that again, Jaken, if you value your life."

"Of course, My Lord!"

"Rin. It's time to eat."

"Yay! I was starving!"

"Well, eat up because we're leaving afterwards." Inuyasha finished and laid down on his side to watch everyone else eat. He sat up on his elbow and rubbed his stomach, while smiling to himself. He was going to have to eat for four now so he had to eat a lot more. He sighed happily. He couldn't wait to see Sesshomaru's face when he tells him that they're having triplets. The babies were growing faster than he expected. He could already feel his stomach growing slightly. He saw Sesshomaru walk over to him and sit next to him.

"You look happy. What is it?"

He sat up and placed Sesshomaru's hand under his shirt on his slightly protruding belly and leaned in close to his ear. "We're having triplets." Sesshomaru looked puzzled over what Inuyasha just said then realization dawned on him and he smiled proudly at him. "Triplets!?" his eyes sparkled with joy as Inuyasha nodded his head.

"Yes. Our little bundles of joy will be born soon."

"I can't wait!" Inuyasha smiled. If Sesshomaru was this happy now he was going to be ecstatic when the puppies are born. He was a little surprised when he was pulled into a fiery kiss but quickly returned it. He must be really happy. Sesshomaru pulled back and looked into Inuyasha's beautiful violet eyes. "I love you." he whispered.

"You already told me but I love you, too." Inuyasha wrapped his arms around his neck and sighed happily. "Remember. We have to go look for my friends."

"I remember." he pulled Inuyasha up with him. "In fact, we're leaving now. Rin... Jaken... It's time to leave."

"Coming!" Rin pulled Jaken along and they started to look for Kagome and the others.. But what will happen when they find them....


end chapter 5

Well, that's the end of this chapter! Sorry it took me this long to post it! The next chapter is three pages so it'll be up sooner than the my other stories.
