InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Moments We'd Rather Forget... ❯ Water Diet ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

I'm currently suffering from a fate worse than writer's block, `mind mush'… please help…
It was the second day of Kagome's new toxin free diet. It involved drinking five litres of water a day, and a week later there wouldn't be a blotch in sight anywhere on her body, it also promised to keep the weight off, which was always a plus.
She was just finishing her last trigonometry problem on her super hard maths test and was constantly taking a swig from the large two litre bottle sitting on her desk.
She knew she was doing terrible on the test, but that was nothing new to her.
Her latest gulp was the one that stretched her bladder beyond its limits. She was dying to go…
Glancing at the clock, there was ten more minutes to go, and a page full of blank spaces and half-done questions staring back at her.
The tension wouldn't allow her to concentrate on Maths so she transferred her energy into willing the clock to go faster.
Crossing her legs and vigorously wagging the pen so hard it flew out of her hand and across the room, was all she could do to hold it in.
Eventually, the bell rang and she jumped out of her seat, bag, bottle and crumpled test paper in hand. She threw the test at the teacher before speeding out of the classroom, dashing full force towards the toilet.
Moments later, thoroughly relieved, she walked back towards her locker, where she was to meet with her friends to go shopping. When she got there, there was a note stuck to it with… <i>gum, Eww…</i>
<i>` Kagome, we waited five minutes for you to come back from the bathroom… so we went without you, we'll meet up outside WacDonalds in the American Mall when your ready, - Eri '</i>
<i>I should've expected that.</i>
Packing her books and depositing the water-bottle in her bag, Kagome made her way towards the door.
Oddly enough she heard a few wolf-whistles and giggles but dismissed it as attention towards Kichi, the school bicycle, (everyone's had a ride on her), seeing as she was currently pushing her way through a group of lowerclassmen girls blocking the corridor in front of her.
After pushing through the same problematic crowd, she heard laughter. <i> Maybe Kichi tripped and fell. Good.
It couldn't be me, could it? No… why would they be laughing at me? I won't let the paranoia get to me, InuYasha is paranoid enough for half of Tokyo.</i>
Changing into her street shoes, she noticed that there was a few sheets of toilet paper sticking to the back of her soft shoes…<i>Damn.
They were laughing at me.</i>
Her face flushed red, `<i>gee, so embarrassing.</i>
She put her cold hands on her face trying to cool it down.
Part of her wished her friends were here, they would have told her sooner, another part was glad they weren't, they'd never let her live it down. <i>As if the rest of the school who had seen it would… *snort*</i>
The sooner she got out of the place the better, she had to go a good distance into the city to get to the specified WacDonalds to meet her friends.
Her mother wouldn't allow her to go on the subway anymore, due to the recent increase in butt pinching by icky old Salary men. She shuddered remembering the first and only time it happened to her.
<i>Miroku rubbed at least…</i>
Thankfully, living at a shrine had its fair-share of perks, all those steps gave her a stamina for walking and running that all her friends considered abnormal.
She jogged to her destination and got there around ten minutes after she left the school by her watch.
She received a few whistles from passing teenage boys, which she didn't consider unusual, usually when she jogged in her uniform they got a good view of her thighs, thighs she was quite proud of at that. <i> Let them drool…</i>
Arriving outside the designated WacDonalds on the first floor of the mall they were to shop in, she saw her friends chatting inside with finished wrappers scattered across the table.
<i>Damn I miss junk food….</i>
She knocked on the window, earning their attention; they grabbed their bags and headed out to meet their friend.
“At last, we'd thought you'd drowned”, Yuka being the first one outside, exclaimed.
“After THAT test who could blame her…” Eri added.
“Yeah,” Kagome agreed, “I forgot how to get the area of a triangle, I'm so screwed…”
The three other girls hissed as if they could feel her pain. They probably did.
“So, where we going first?” Kagome piped, she sure as hell wasn't going to get suck discussing that test all evening, she for one, valued what little sanity she had.
“Oh, there's this new clothes store on third, I heard it has cute summer stuff, you wanna check it out?” Ayumi said, always the fashion lover.
“Yeah sounds good” the remaining three said in unison, and then giggled.
Two skirts, knee length boots, and new foundation later, the girls where wandering around whilst eating some ice-cream, discussing meaningless topics and occasionally teasing each other.
Kagome trailing behind as always suddenly noticed that Eri was on T.V, they were admiring ipods in the window of an electronics store, and a video camera just happened to catch her image, and transmitted it to the widescreen television above the central plaza of the mall. An excellent invention for people watching.
“Oh Eri look!!! You're on T.V!!” Kagome squealed. She looked over the balcony to see several groups of boys pointing and discussing her friend.
Turning around she saw all three of them viciously vying for the camera, all desperate for boy attention as usual…
Suddenly, one of the girl's bags went flying and scattered books pens and sweets across the floor.
Fame was forgotten, and they all went to pick up the contents. Kagome made her way over to help as well.
Instantly, there was a huge uproar of noise from the plaza, whistles and laughter.
Kagome paused with a load of pens in her hand, she was extremely paranoid today, she didn't know what was up with her.
She glanced over at her friends still picking stuff, turns out it was Ayumi's school bag that burst, she noticed Yuka was pretty much in a frozen half crouch stance, looking over the glass balcony barrier, her mouth wide open. Something big must have happened down there.
The other two also noticed this and they all made their way over there to inspect matters.
And there, on the huge screen over looking the crowd, was an image of the four of them from behind, (presumably from the Electronics store), and one of them, Kagome, had her skirt nicely tucked into her knickers for all the world to see.
Four pairs of hands went to her skirt to pull it out, while they pushed her off to the side away from public view, all four faces were pale from shock, mouths agape.
None said a word as Kagome's face diffused red. Ayumi's possessions remained forgotten on the ground.
Kagome couldn't think properly, she couldn't get over the fact that so many people had seen that… `<i>that's what… in school…. Oh god…</i>'
She slid down against the wall, her hands covering her face. Yuka and Ayumi went to collect the last of the items from Ayumi's bag.
They were silent as they left through the fire exit, too mortified to go out the proper ones.
Sitting on the bus home, Eri was the first to speak, “I'm sorry, Kagome, we didn't see it, if we had, you know we would have told you so much sooner…”
Their shocked friend was frozen stiff in the seat, but she still nodded. Whether she understood what she said or not was a different matter.
They walked her up the steps of her home, carrying her bag for her, still wary for she could explode at any time.
Kagome found herself in her house, and turned around to see the door close behind her. She stood there for a few moments.
Outside, her friends still stayed there, waiting for enough time to pass, to be sure Kagome was gone from the door, when they burst out into giggles and hushed chatter about what had happened. They were like vultures feeding on another's misfortune.
Inside the house, poor Kagome heard everything and could only mutter one word before, heading upstairs to sleep for the next month, “…bitches”.
A/N: Well it's very late at night… I'm tired, I have orals next week, (sounds naughtier than actually is… speaking in two languages very badly for fifteen minutes, how horrid…)
I found this chapter very hard to write, I had about twenty different circumstances for this to happen in, and none of them made it onto this page… I need to revise this when I'm sane again, or awake at least.
A Big Huge Massive Thank You to:
Lookie, my first flame…
Sesf doesnot have blond white hair.
Matter of fact theres no yellow in his hair.
-yeah, I don't even need to rebuke it since the ever brilliant fallenangel7583, has done it already, and she's done it way better than I ever could… girl if that's what you come up with at 1am and your beaten tired, I'd hate to cross you during the day when your wide awake… ever think of becoming a lawyer or politician, cause you would kick so much ass being either one… Thanks a million!!
YoukaiObsessed: (hope the memories weren't too painful…),
Dani: (we read silas marner too, it was one of those useful classes were you learn to fall asleep with your eyes open…)
Anvil: (…uh, yay for me, YAY!! Oo)
Jessie: (Thanks!!)
Kagome1nOnly: (Thanks!!)
Sofiaxoxo: (Were you daydreaming about the teacher or just plain daydreaming?)
Becca: (It has, to many poor unsuspecting students, not me thankfully, all my teachers are either women or icky, extremely hairy old men… *shudders*)
InuYashasLoveLorn: (just as well, then, that there weren't any cute teachers, otherwise you could have been caught fantasising about them…)
Stolen Death: (we have a game kinda like that, cept it's longer and weirder, I'm sure Kikyo would have found it funny had it happened to someone else.)
Getfuzzyfan04: (your face must be like permanently red or something, oh my god…)
So many want sexy teachers, it should be a prerequisite for teacher training, a measure of sexiness… but then how could we learn anything if they're all to sexy to let us think straight?
Once again, Thank you all for reading, I'd love you more if you reviewed though!!
I'm open to constructive criticism, ideas and embarrassing stories, send `em all in, I'd love to hear from any and all of you!!!
P.S: the water diet isn't real, I made it up, five litres of water a day would be quite upsetting to your body and your social life, since you'd have to pee every half-hour… stick to seven glasses…