InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mommy ❯ For Those You Love ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inu Yasha….but I wish I did

~For Those You Love~

"Please, I didn't know these were your lands, Great Lord," my father begged. I stood back with my mother as my father and brothers bowed at the feet of a mighty youkai lord. I hugged my mother tightly, my hair blowing into my face as the wind howled around us.

"Forgive us, Great Lord, we will leave immediately, just spare us our lives and you will never see us again," my brother Roko said as he bowed his head into the dirt.

"Aisuru, close your eyes, aijou," my mother said as she looked at the Lord of the Western Lands. We had started to build a home, now we would die. I closed my eyes and embraced my mother tightly. The cries of my brothers and my father reached my ears and I feared them dead.

"Who is this?" a rich and melodious voice asked and I opened my eyes. I found a pair of beautiful gold eyes looking back at me, my mother clutched me to her tighter. The Lord of the Western Lands was right before us. My brothers and father stood behind him looking at me frightfully. I bowed my head as my mother looked at him.

"This is our only daughter, Aisuru," she whispered and the Lord took a step towards me. I held still, not even shaking as he looked down at me. I looked down at the ground trying to keep from letting him know how terrified I was of him.

"She is very beautiful," the youkai Lord said as he caught my chin in his hand and lifted my face up. I found myself lost in those golden pools, my eyes were wide as he looked at me. "You may stay, the local youkai will not bother you. I expect a small portion of your crop as payment." With that the Lord of the Western Lands transformed into a large inu youkai and I watched him go.

"Ais-chan," my father said as he looked at me with sad eyes. "You are to remain close to the house at all times, your brothers and I will take you any further." I nodded as I sighed, this was not a good thing.

"Ku-chan, perhaps we should leave?" my mother said and I nodded, if we hurried we could be back to the nearest village by nightfall tomorrow.

"No, Iko, if we leave he will follow us. Not many humans are invited to stay in the Lord of the Western Lands domain.

It would be an insult if we were to leave, he would have to punish us for such an insult," my father looked at me and gently brushed some of my hair behind my ear. "Let's continue building our new home.

~Two years pass~

I walked in the garden, our house was large and beautiful. My father had hired many servants and we had people working the fields for us. I sighed as I moved to the cherry tree, I still wasn't allowed to leave the house without my brothers, however I was almost eighteen, a month away from going to the village and meeting with the matchmaker. I closed my eyes and twirled around opening them to look at my home, my prison. We had not seen the Lord of the Western Lands since the day we arrived. Sending him a third of our crop. I hugged myself as I entered the house, going to my room. I passed the room where my father did business and I heard someone talking.

"My Lord, please, I beg you, leave my daughter be, I'm sure you can find a much better bride among your own kind," my father's voice pleaded and I stopped. Someone wanted me as a bride? I smiled someone actually wished me to be their wife, part of me was excited at the prospect of getting out of this prison like home but another part of me worried about some person I didn't know wanting to marry me.

"I will have your daughter as my wife whether you like it or not!" the voice growled and I was pulled away from the door by a pair of strong hands.

"Ais-chan!" my brother Roko cried and I gasped as I looked back at the door. "What do you think you are doing?!" I watched as the door was pulled open and my father stood there his eyes narrowed in anger and then wide in fear at seeing me.

"Aisuru?" my father looked scared and I took a step back as the figure emerged from the room. He was tall and shrouded in a long, hooded, black cloak. His face was hidden in the darkness of the cloak and I nearly cried out as I tripped over my brother's foot. Suddenly the cloaked figure was holding me and I could see the long claws on his hands. This man who wished to marry me was a youkai! I was too frightened to move.

"A-a-arigatou," I whispered as I realized the hands holding me were holding me tighter than necessary. The cloaked figure began to make a sniffing noise and I held back a whimper.

"It was nothing, Aijin," the cloaked figure whispered as he leaned closer. Suddenly a voice was inside my head and I nearly cried out. Aisuru, aijin, meet me outside your home, beneath the willow tree. I looked at him and nodded. He released me and took my hand. Suddenly he kissed my hand and I felt myself flush in embarrassment. "I will take my leave now. I pray you think about my offer."

"I will, my Lord," my father said as he stood behind me looking at me sadly. "Roko, please lead our guest out." My brother nodded and the two left, the cloaked figure looking back at me with those beautiful golden eyes. My heart caught in my throat, I would meet him. Something in my heart demanded that I go.

I slipped out of my room and watched as the lamp went out in my parents' room. I was wrapped in a dark cloak, my heart beating so hard I thought it would burst from my breast. My brothers sat in the dinning room getting drunk so it was easy to slip past them. I opened the door and slipped out into the night. It was the first time I had been out of the house alone in a long time. I giggled to myself as I walked down the garden-like path that led away from my home, even in the darkness I could see how beautiful our home was. I came to the end to the path and I looked down both ways.

"Now was the willow to the left or to the right?" I asked myself, trying to keep my fear at bay. To the left, Aijin. The voice whispered in my head and I smiled as I turned to the left and walked down the lovely path to meet my iinazuke.


Aisuru - to love

Aijou - beloved daughter

Aijin - lover

Iinazuke - fiancé