InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mommy ❯ The Lord of the Western Lands ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inu Yasha….but I wish I did

~The Lord of the Western Lands~

I walked down the road and then I saw the river to my left, it was truly beautiful and I had to stop and gaze at the flowing water as it reflected the moon's bright light. I smiled, the moon was almost full and I giggled as I danced down the road, a huge willow soon appeared and I stopped.

"So, this is the willow my iinazuke wished to meet me under," I whispered as I approached the tree. It's trunk and leaves were like silver in the moonlight, the entire tree seemed to glow with its own light and I found myself drawn to it. Before I realized it, I was inside the branches of the tree and I could see two of the roots rose out of the ground to create chairs. I sat down in one and the leaves were a silver curtain surrounding me.

"You came," a deep voice said and I turned around to see the cloaked figure. I smiled at him as I approached and the figure slowly lowered his hood and I gasped as I stared into those hauntingly beautiful gold eyes.

"H-h-hai, my Lord," I whispered as I bowed to the great Lord of the Western Lands. My heart was racing as he took two long strides and was right before me. His long white hair fell free from his cloak and I felt my heart pound even harder against my breast. Slowly his pale, ghostly hand moved up from his side and brushed against my cheek. The fear of those deadly claws never passed my mind as I turned my face into his caress. He smiled and slowly wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me to him. His pale skin glowed in the darkness and I looked up at him, captured by his golden eyes. He lowered his head and kissed me slowly and lovingly. I soon found my arms wrapped around his neck as his arms wrapped around my waist. We kissed in this loving embrace for nearly an hour beneath the glowing leaves of the willow.

"Come with me," he whispered into my neck as he kissed and nipped at my sensitive throat. I gasped and moaned as he slowly moved up and down my neck. "Become my mate and my Lady." He bit at my throat and I gasped as my legs gave out. His strong arms held me close and I thought about his request. Marry the Lord of the Western Lands and become his Lady? I felt my heart soar with each touch of his silky hands and each glance from his golden eyes.

"Hai, Aijin, I will," I whispered as I held onto him, my legs no longer strong enough to support my weight. He purred with happiness and bit into my shoulder. I cried out, the pain was almost pleasurable and I couldn't keep the moan of pleasure from working itself into my cry.

"Arigato, Aisuru, you have made me truly happy," he whispered as he brought his head back from my neck, his pale lips stained red with my blood. Slowly he scooped me up into his arms and walked out from under the willow canopy. "We will go to my fortress tonight and perform the ceremony, tomorrow I will send word to your family." I smiled as I kissed him, my Lord and husband.


I stared at the huge fortress that would be my home and I slowly tightened my grip on my Iinazuke's hand. He smiled at me and the warmth in those golden eyes spurned me on through the gates and I nearly screamed when a small toad-like youkai approached us.

"Lord Koushi!" the little creature cried as it rushed at us, I held onto my Lord's arm tightly as the creature approached.

"Yes, Jaken?" my Iinazuke asked as he covered my hand on his arm with his large clawed hand.

"There has been a problem with the young Lord," Jaken stated as he looked at me with his large bugging eyes. I had the distinct feeling he did not welcome my presence and I wondered how happy my future with my Lord would be.

"What is it Jaken, I do not like this babbling what has he done now?" my Lord growled and for a moment I saw his eyes glow red.

"My Lord," I whispered as I gently stroked his cheek, my fingers gently gliding over the purple marks on his cheek. "It is a joyous night tonight, let us not be upset." He looked at me and that beautiful gold returned to his eyes as he smiled.

"You are too true, my ravu," my Lord said as he looked at Jaken. "See my new bride is already helping me. Now tell me what my son has done to upset you so?" The green toad looked sick at the change in the Lord, but somehow relieved at the same time.

"Young Lord Sesshoumaru refuses to accept your marriage to the ningen," he said as he looked down the hallway he had come from. "He has been sulking the garden for hours and has refused both lunch and supper." My Lord sighed and smiled at me once again.

"We will talk to my son," he said and began to lead me through his fortress home. Then we reached the most beautiful garden I had ever seen I slowly broke away from my Lord. There were roses of every color, blue, yellow, white, black, and red. I came to the blue roses and smiled as I brushed them with the back of my hand. I moved towards the snapdragons, the colors were an explosion. Gold, red, yellow, orange, blue, purple, and several colors I had never seen. I smiled as I went to my knees to smell them. Even in the darkness of night the flowers of this garden shone as if in the mid-day sun. I turned to see my Lord going off to search for his misbehaving son.

I smiled as moved from flower to flower like a bee, then I heard it. The sound of a puppy crying and I slowly began to search for the wounded animal. The sound brought me to a grove of cherry trees and I smiled as I walked among the trees, then I saw a black sleeve flapping in the wind. I moved towards the tree and realized that was the sound of the crying puppy. I moved around the tree to stare at the boy, perhaps only nine, possibly eleven. I could tell he was the son of my Lord. I knelt beside him, the same pale, ghostly skin, the same blue moon on the forehead, the same purple marks on the cheeks, and the same snow white hair. This child's was just barely shoulder length. The sounds from his throat were like the cries of a puppy. I tilted my head as I looked at his black robes, he was in mourning and I imagined if the Lord was asking me to be his bride than this poor puppy-boy was mourning the passing of his dame. He stopped his crying for a moment to bring his hands away from his eyes, staring at me were the same eyes as my Lord and I could almost feel the pain this child was in. His eyes narrowed as he saw me and I could only guess how much he hated me. I slowly moved so that I was kneeling in front of him and I bowed until my head was resting on a pile of cherry blossom petals.

"Yurusu, Lord Sesshoumaru," I said as I stayed with my forehead against the ground. "I will never replace your Okassan, the Great Lady of the Western Lands. I just beg you do not hate your father for choosing me as his next mate. In homage of you I will never accept the title of Lady of the Western Lands, only the Lady of Lord Koushi." The boy stopped crying and I could feel those golden eyes searching me.

"Sit up," he ordered and I did so looking him in the eyes. Those golden orbs burned into my soul and I let them, never flinching or looking away as he stared at me. He huffed as he looked down and pouted.

"Go to your Otousan, he is worried over you," I whispered as I bowed my head, allowing the boy to get up before me. "Wait one moment my young Lord Sesshoumaru." He stopped and turned to me. I quickly approached him and used the sleeve of my kimono to wipe the tears from his eyes and I smiled. "You must look your best for him." He looked at me strangely before running off and I walked towards the direction they had gone off to.

I returned to the flowers finally settling down on a bench beside the koi pond, staring at the purple lilies and watching the giant koi swim around. I heard the bushes rustle behind me and I smiled as I turned to see my Lord and his son come towards me. I got up and bowed deeply.

"Aisuru, may I introduce my heir, Sesshoumaru, son of Lady Sanretsu and I," my Lord said and I smiled.

"I am pleased to meet you, young Lord Sesshoumaru," I saw him nod and be as he bowed. He didn't hate me but he did not love me either. I took my Lord's arm.

"It is time to prepare for the marriage, Sesshoumaru, go and tell the servants to prepare the main hall," the young boy nodded and was off.


Author Note: Aisuru is the name of Inu Yasha's mother and Koushi is the name of his father. I chose these two names because

even though little is known about them Inu Yasha loved his parents very much and I thought it would be best for this story if both were portrayed as good, decent people, because deep down we all know that Inu Yasha is a good guy. I named Sesshoumaru's mother Sanretsu because I needed something to relate his bad ass attitude to and I decided that since his name meant cruel his mother's should as well.

Koushi - man of noble character

Ravu - love

Sanretsu - horrible; cruel; atrocious

Yurusu - forgive me; pardon me