InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mommy ❯ Demon Weddings ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inu Yasha….but I wish I did

~Demon Marriage~

I walked with my Lord through the fortress, he was looking at me constantly and I could feel his love when ever I looked into his golden eyes.

"Aijin, I must leave you here so you may get ready," my Lord said and I smiled as I nodded. "Soon you will be the new Lady of the Western Lands." I shook my head as I took my Lord's hands and brought them to my face.

"My Ravu, I do not wish to offend young Lord Sesshoumaru, I cannot accept the title of Lady of the Western Lands," I whispered as I kissed my Lord's hands. He caught my chin and brought my eyes up to look at him.

"Is that what you truly wish?" he asked and I smiled.

"Hai, Aijin," I said and he smiled.

"Then what title do you wish?" he asked as he pulled me close, still holding my chin so our eyes were locked.

"The Lady of Lord Koushi," I said and he smiled as he kissed me. I held onto him as we kissed only parting when the door to the room opened. A female youkai entered, she made me think of a mouse and once I saw her long tail I knew she was a mouse - youkai.

"My Lord, your bath is ready as are your wedding robes," she squeaked as she looked at us. Her eyes moving over me nervously as she entered the room. "I will prepare the Lady for you." My Lord smiled and nodded, stroking my cheek before he exited the room.


The bath was huge, like a large pond, I giggled as I washed in it, cleaning my long black hair and washing my pale skin. The mouse-youkai, Meek, waited for me and I quickly dried off, she led me back to my room and helped me get dressed in my wedding kimono.

"You look very beautiful, my Lady," Meek said and I smiled as I bowed.

"Thank you," Meek nodded and there was a knock at the door. She quickly went over and there was young Lord Sesshoumaru.

"I am here to get Lady Aisuru," he said as he looked at me shyly. I smiled as I hooked my right arm into his offered arm.

"Arigato, young Lord Sesshoumaru," I said as I walked beside him through the maze-like halls that would soon be my home.


I smiled as I looked up at the youkai who was now my husband, his face was bright and happy. I blushed as the entire fortress staff cheered and clapped, I held onto my Lord's hand, gripping it as tightly as possible as several youkai come and congratulate us. I blush as an older youkai says I have the smell of spring around me.

"Shall we go consummate this marriage," my Lord whispered as we finished the wedding feast. I looked up at him, blushing deeply, unsure of what to do.

"As you wish, my husband," I whispered and he smiled as he slowly rose and helped me to my feet.

"Lord and Lady Koushi are retiring for the night, may you all enjoy the Lord's hospitality tonight," a servant cried as we exited the room.

I entered my Lord's bedchamber and gasped at the beauty of his room. There were countless flowers in so many vases, growing and alive, I was almost shocked that my inu youkai husband would have such a garden in his room. Slowly his arms wrapped around me and I felt my cheeks flush, I would no longer be a girl after tonight and I turned to my husband.

"Would you like to take a bath together?" he asked as he rubbed his nose against mine. I blushed and then smiled.

"Yes, that would be enjoyable, my husband," I whispered as I looked up at him from under my bangs.

"I thought you would enjoy that," he said as he opened and door and I could see the same great bath I had bathed in before. I smiled as I looked at him and he began to undo his clothing. I blushed as I turned from him and began to disrobe. "No, I wish to disrobe you." I stopped and blushed more as I turned to my Lord. He was so beautiful and different in his body, I was not sure I knew what I should do. He approached me and gently brushed my hair out of my eyes. "I have dreamed of this day since I first met you. I was mated at that time and would not betray my wife, but when she died I dreamt of nothing but claiming you." He took me into his arms and I buried my face into his chest his white hair fluttered around us. Slowly he pulled out the ties that held my hair up. Black and white fluttered around us as his hands unhooked my belt. Slowly his began to lower my kimono until at last I was nude before him. Slowly he captured my chin and brought my face up to his.

"You are beautiful, my mate," he whispered as he looked at me with those golden eyes. I looked up at him and slowly he leaned down and kissed me. I gasped as I kissed him deeper, my heart beating so fast. "Let us move into the bath." I nodded as I followed my husband into the warm waters of our bath.