InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Money vs. Booty ❯ Kagomes Job ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

&&&Kagome's POV&&&&
He sent me one of his `play boy' smiles as I walked in. Does he really think that will work on me? If he does then he's more of an idiot then he looks. I walked into the dinning room; he came up behind me and pulled out my chair.
It would've been a nice gesture if he weren't looking at my ass when I sat down. He walked to the chair next to me and sat down. Miroku and Sango were already seated; Miroku sat in front of me and Sango in front of Inuyasha.
“So where do you work, Kagome?” Inuyasha said turning his head toward me.
He had a smirk on his face. The same smirk on all his billboards when he has 2 girls is bikinis on each arm. He is such a pig.
“None of your damn business.” I said. I heard gasps in the kitchen, turned around to the kitchen to see at least five maids look at me as if I were crazy. They poured us some red wine.
“Now Kagome, he just wants to know where you work.” Miroku said. I glared him; he saw it and quit talking.
“What? Tell him where I work so he can stalk me? Hell no.”
“I just asked so I can learn more about you! Is that a crime?!” He yelled getting up for his chair.
“No, but being as stupid as you are you should been arrested and taken to a mental hospital years ago!” I yelled back. I stood up too.
“What?! I invited you into my house and this is the thanks I get?!” He came up into my face.
&&&Inuyashas POV&&&&
She smiled sweetly at me and-
Wait smiled sweetly? At me? Oh shit, I'm in trouble… She got up and placed her hands on my chest and slid her hands down. My body shivered as her hands touched my abs, then she slid them round my waist and into my back pockets.
I felt my face heat up. What is this woman doing to me? The she put her head next to mine,
“Why so tense?” She whispered seductively. I gulped.
Why am I so nervous? She took her hands out of my pockets slid one up my back and the other down the right side of my waist where the table was.
“You know what they do to pig that gets to fat? Or in this case to cocky?” She whispered again.
I gulped once more as her hand that went up my back started to scratch my ears. I felt myself melt in her touch. I haven't felt like that since the 8th grade when my first girlfriend hugged me. Then I decided to play round too.
“No, what?” I whispered in her ear. My play boy side started to surface again as I rested my hands on her waist.
“They get bitch slapped.” She whispered then she pushed me off and punched me in the face. Damn it! That hurt like hell! I was on the ground; I looked up at her, I opened my mouth to yell at her but then, with the hand that went down my waist, took a glass and poured red wine on my head.
&&&&Normal POV&&&
“You are so gullible.' She walked into the main room and saw Miroku and Sango talking.
“That was a record time, Kagome. Usually they take longer.” Miroku said as he watched Sango get up to leave.
“Yeah, well, I didn't want to stay here long.” Then they walked toward the door.
“What did you do this time, Kagome?” Miroku asked. “Go look in the kitchen.” Kagome said back as they walked out to Sangos car.
Miroku walked into the kitchen to see a drenched Inuyasha looking dazed holding his redden cheek still on the ground. He began to laugh. Inuyasha turned around,
“Shut up, Miroku!” He got up and walked up stairs to his room. He walked in and slammed the door.
&&&& Next Day At Kagome's Job &&&&
“Girl, oh no. You need to get rid of him.” A woman about 2 years older then Kagome said under a hair dryer.
“It's not the easy. He is like a stalker.” Kagome said as she gelled back a mans hair. “There you go Hiten. Now, very time you take shower use his shampoo.” She handed him a bottle of shampoo.
“Thanks Kags, and good luck with lover boy!” Hiten said as he walked to the cash register, paid and left.
“See that's the kind of man you need Kagome.” A girl about 6 years younger said as she was having her hair braided.
“Rin, I don't need a man. I have been living by myself for 3 years. I am 22 and I'm a happy.” `What am I saying? I'm lonely' Kagome thought.
“So what else has he done?” Asked Kagura as she braided Rin's hair.
“Well, he is the biggest play boy ever. I bet he changes girls more then he changes boxers.” They all laughed
“So what does he look like?” said Kanna under a hair dryer.
“He has amber eyes and silky hair and he's rich.” Kagome said. “He's rich? Hey girl, I'll take him.” Said Yura another worker.
“So does he have guns?” Asked Ayumi smiling as she flexed
“You could say that.” Kagome said and smirked. Everyone looked at her, “What?”
“Details woman!” Kagura finally blurted out.
“Okay he is pretty buff, he has a six pack and I bet he can pick me up like I was a pillow.” Kagome giggled at herself. Everyone oooohed and ahhhhed at her story. Then someone came into the barber shop. Everyone turned to see….
“Inuyasha? What the hell are you doing here?” Kagome said pointing the curling iron she was using at him.
“Well I decided to pay you a visit.” Inuyasha smirked as he took of the baseball cap he was wearing. “Think you can give me a trim?”
Rin gasped, “Oh no this can' come…Your stalker is Inuyasha?! Thee INYASHA!” she yelled. Everyone screamed. (like an oh my gosh a movie star scream)
“Shut up all of you! Don't make me kick you out!” Kagome yelled and everyone was silent.
“How did you know I worked here?”
“You should know Miroku can't keep secrets.”
Inuyasha came up the girl who was getting her hair curled by Kagome. And he smiled one of his play boy / billboard / 'got to love me' smiles. “Mind if I sit here?”
She shook her head and got up. He sat down and smirks up at Kagome, “Make with the cuttin', wench.”
Kagome slapped him and everyone gasped. “If you say that again I'll have you walking out of here looking like a poodle.”
Everyone snickered. Inuyasha glared. Kagome smiled evilly and took out a comb and scissors. Inuyasha saw this in the mirror. He gulped.
`What did I get myself into?!'
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Goth kag: Dun dun duuuunnnnnn! Review!