InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Money vs. Booty ❯ Chapter 11 ( Chapter 11 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Goth kag: Sorry for the delay, I have skool you know and soccer and drama are all on the same days!! So yeah, here we go!
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“Okay I can do this….this is easy…” I went up to her bed room door and knock once. I waited for a minute then knocked again.
“Just a minute!”
I smirked. Okay let's see…
Silver Mercedes…
Lucky underwear…
Festival tickets…
Fuck no! Fuck no! Fuck no! I dug my hands into my pockets. Fuck!
“I'm ready.” The door opened and there stood an angel in Apple Bottom jeans. She wore a red tube top, her hair was in a clip, she had little makeup on, and some hooker heals. I stared at her like a little kid stares at candy.
“Hello?” She knocked on my head a couple times. “Is anyone in there?”
“You look…”
“My hair is awful, I know. And these jeans are way too faded. I can't believe I was going to walk out-” I put my finger to her lips.
“You look amazing.” Her lips spread into a dazing smile. I could see the little blush that stained her cheeks.
“Thanks.” I stuck out my arm, as any gentleman would do; she took it with out any hesitation. I led her to the car. Then I saw them. The tickets were right there on the dash board. I silently cursed at myself for beginning so worried. She and I got in, I started the ignition then we were off.
&&&&&&&&&&&&& &&&& Half an Hour Later &&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &&
I parked the car; we were here. It was beautiful. It had thousands of lights and decorations. The people poured in and out with food and stuffed animals that they probably won at one of the games. I got out and opened the door for her.
“Aren't we the gentleman?” She smirked.
“What is that supposed to mean?”
“Oh nothing.” She walked toward the entrance. “Come on!” Then she ran.
“Hey!” I ran after her. We were at the front in no time. I pulled out the tickets and handed them to the man. We walked in, she walked in amazement. There were games, food booths, prizes, rides, stages, and more! There were women singing on the side lines for money and guys dancing and rapping. Inuyasha turned his gaze to her face, she smiled at him,
“Thank you so much for bringing me here!” She said. I blushed and smiled back. We continued walking.
“Oh look at that!” Kagome said pointing to a stuffed animal. She slid her hand in mine and pulled me toward the game booth where it hung. We stopped at the booth, it was a dart booth. There were colorful blown up balloons pined up on the walled. Kagome pulled out her wallet to pay.
“No let me.” I said as I took out 5 dollars for 5 darts. She smiled at me. At ME. Not at Miroku, not at Sango, not at Hobo, not at any other guy. But me. My heart did flip-flops and 360's. I picked up a dart and swiftly through it. It popped a pink one. I turned and smirked at her.
“Don't get too cocky.” She smirked back. She picked up a red dart and aimed at the red balloon. It left her hand and popped it. She turned to me and smirked.
“Oh, my dear, don't get a big head or you won't fit it through the door.” I picked a blue one up and covered my eyes. It left my hand and I heard a popping sound. Now there was a crowd watching. I turned and bowed, everyone clapped. She smiled. I handed her a black one. She took it from me then scanned the crowd. Her eyes lit up as she saw a guy about her age. She walked over and pulled him in front.
&&&&&& Normal POV &&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &
Kagome closed her eyes and kissed him squarely on the lips and through the dart.
Inuyasha stood there with his mouth a gape. She walked over to him and closed it. She smirked and licked her lips. Inuyasha frowned and took the last dart off the booth counter. He walked toward Kagome while she was bowing.
“Thank you! Thank you! You are all too-” She cut off when he grabbed her by the waist, dipping her. He smirked. “Whose date are you on, princess?” She opened her mouth to answer but was cut off by a pair of soft lips on her own. Her eyes widened, but then she relaxed. `Maybe just this once.' She thought. She closed her eyes and kissed him back. She slipped her tongue in his mouth and caressed the taste. His tongue began to run along hers as the kiss became more passionate.
The crowd cheered. They finally broke apart and looked at the booth. It popped not only one balloon, but two. The booth keeper clapped and handed Kagome a giant, white, stuffed dog. Kagome took it and held it close to her, as if she was a 6 year old girl getting her doll back. They walked away with there prize to one of the rides. It was a hunted under ground cavern. Or the Forest of Fears.
“Let's go in here.” Inuyasha said smiling at Kagome, ready for her to say `No way! It's too scary!' And would have to hold her through out the ride. He smirked at the thought.
“Sure.” Kagome said putting her stuffed dog by the shelves where the belongings go. They walked inside, down the steps, and up to 2 metal looking doors.
“Welcome to the Forest of Fears. Where all fears are realized and not taken lightly. You will be handed 7 keys for seven doors. You will have to find the right one to get out of each room. Parents hold on to your kids. Lovers hold on to your loved ones. Friends hold on to your pals. And if you get lost…well…who will know? Muhahahahahahahahahahaha… Said the intercom.
The doors creaked open…..
they walked not knowing what waited them…
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