InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mononisuru ❯ Chapter 7: The Truth is Out ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Chapter 7: The Truth is Out

Staring at her surprise confession, InuYasha's expression softens. Putting his hands
face so that she has to look at him, looking deep into her teary eyes, and seeing
the love in them, smiling warmly at her "Kagome, I have something I have to tell you,
I've wanted to tell you for sometime now, but I was afraid you would reject me"

Looking at him she sees something new in his eyes "Wh…what no, that can't be
right, it's not there, it can't be, or can it?" She thinks to herself

His courage returning, speaking in a soft voice "Kagome, I can't deny my love for
Kikyou…" pausing looking at her face, seeing the pain he hurries to finish telling her
"But…there is some one who I care for and…love…more" stopping to take a deep
breath again, still looking at Kagome, as if just by looking at her, he will have everything
he needs "Kagome, the one who took my heart from Kikyou, is…you, Kagome, I have
fallen in love with you more then I fell for Kikyou. You have showed me more then
she ever did, you gave me more then she did, I have to go with what she says or
she'll kill me, You,…you just gave me my freedom back, knowing you might loose me,
she wouldn't do that for me" pausing, looking down at the rosary still in his hand "I
knew you would be the one to change me when I found out you weren't Kikyou"

Not thinking Kagome pulled his head up so he was looking at her again, she looked
deep into his golden eyes, she could tell he wasn't lying to her, moving slowly she
pressed her lips to his. Flinching from being caught of guard, InuYasha quickly regained
himself and deepened what she had started, moving his tongue a little asking for
entrance, being accepted by her he pushed his tongue into her mouth, tasting her,
for the first time, making little noises thinking to himself "She tastes so good, how is
it possibly?" felling his control slipping, he breaks the kiss, looks away from her and
whispers "I…I can't"

Looking at him confused she asks "InuYasha, What's wrong? What can't you do?"

"I…I'm loosing" Speaking in a voice so low Kagome almost wasn't able to hear what
he was saying, leaning her ear closer to his mouth so she could hear him better
"InuYasha, what are you loosing?" she asks more confused then ever. Loosing the
control he had worked so hard to keep in check, he gently begins to kiss her neck,
Kagome gasped, as his kisses sent shivers down her spine, smiling a little at her
reaction he then starts to nibble on her soft skin moving up towards the sensitive
spot behind her ear, inhaling deeply between nibbles, knowing the instant he did it
was a mistake. Kagome gave out a low moan "I…Inu…" She tried to get out but he
covered her mouth with his in a deep and loving kiss. Breaking the kiss, he moved to
the foot of the bed, looking at her with sad eyes, "Gomen Nasai, I…I…don't know…w-what
came over me"

Looking at him with caring eyes Kagome replies, "InuYasha, it's alright, I…didn't…mind"

"You would have if I hadn't of stopped myself," InuYasha said, his expression both
pained and angered.

"InuYasha…you say…you…l-love…me, then…show me you do," Kagome said her face
a brilliant shade of magenta.

InuYasha's eyes went wide "Wh-what are y-you saying?" he asked her in disbelief.

"I…I…want…to know how much you love me, I…I…want you to show me" Kagome replied.

He looked at her in complete disbelief, his mouth opened to speak but no words passed,
looking down, his mind was racing, thoughts ran through his head "What had he
heard? Did he hear right? She said she wanted him to show her how much he loved
her, but…that was…impossible how…could she?

Moving to where she was on her hands, she crawled towards him, forgetting she
didn't have any clothes on, she stopped in front of him and sat back on her legs,
(she's almost sitting like InuYasha does) she looked at him lovingly and thought
"InuYasha, What's stopping you"

Lost in his thoughts he didn't hear her move, he looked up and saw her sitting in front
of him, he jumped a little not expecting her there, recovering, but then was lost
again, he looked at her, moving his eyes over her, taking in every bit he saw, "Oh
gods, she is beautiful" he thought then with a sudden realization "She don't have any
clothes on, gods no, What is she doing? Why is she doing this to me?" He looked
away quickly trying to hide the red colouring that had come into his face, laying his
ears back.

Kagome looked at him "What's wrong with you, InuYasha? I guess I have to show my
love for you first" She thought as she moved towards him. Her first thought was "I
wonder what would happen if I touched his ears?" smiling inwardly she reached up
to his ear that was closest to her, started gently massaging it.

InuYasha jumped a bit at her touch, but relaxed when the gentle feeling didn't stop,
he leaned a bit into her hand, closing his eyes, he tried to speak Ka-gooo-meeee…
mmm… what…are…" He stopped as her other hand found his other ear and gave it
the same attention she was giving the first, he gave a low groan, his mind was
reeling at her touch his only thought was "I must keep my…control"

Kagome smiled at the reaction she was getting from him, thinking for a second "Hn,
I wonder what would happen if I did…" then without thinking about it anymore she
stopped messaging both of his ears, she moved her head to his ear and gently blew
on it, she could feel InuYasha shiver.

"oh thank the gods, she stopped" InuYasha thought, but before he could move away
from her he felt her gently blowing on his ear, shivers went through him as he felt the
thread that was holding him under control slip a little, he looked up at her, she was
smiling at him with a look that said 'I win' on her face, she knew what she had done,
"she looks like she wants…" his thoughts trailed off as he realized she did.

Kagome sat there smiling at him, she was victorious "I better make my next move or
I wont get another chance" she thought, moving forward she pressed her lips to his
wanting for only a brief moment for him to respond.

InuYasha was a bit startled to find her lips to his but was fast to recover, he excepted
her invitation, kissing her back, she opened her mouth letting him in for a second
taste, he didn't hesitate, his tongue dove into her mouth as hers came to meet his,
they deepened the kiss.

InuYasha broke the kiss moving from her mouth to her ear doing as he had done
before, leaving a trail of kisses along his way.

Kagome gave a low moan at his touch and started moving her hands trying to remove
his kimono.

He kept going, stopping at the bend of her neck, smelling her beautiful fragrance, he
had to admit she tasted better than anything he had ever tasted in his life. "Her
taste, along with her teasing scent that has tortured me for too long, it's a
combination that's simply irresistible" he thought. Smiling at her failed attempt he
moved away from her to remove his clothing, she watched him with a hint of a blush
playing on her cheeks when he was completely undressed before her, she smiled shyly
at him as he climbed back onto the bed capturing her lips again, running a clawed
hand up and down her side gently thinking to him self "her skin is soft, it has to be
the softest I have ever felt" . abandoning her lips he started to travel, taking her
scent in along the way, stopping at her breast, a place he some how knew would
have a very strong scent, he gently took one of her breast in his mouth and started
suckling gently, running his tongue around her nipple, smiling inwards when he heard
her let a gasp or moan out with each circle his tongue took, he knew he had to be
doing something right, deciding to see what kind of reaction he would get from her,
he switched to her other breast and did the same thing, enjoying himself, lost in her
scent, the sounds she was making and the movement of her body, he hadn't noticed
she was tracing her fingers up and down his spin till a jolt went straight through him,
her hands soft, so very soft, they seemed like they were just for him to answer to,
and boy was he going to answer, her hands were pushing his control further out the
window, her body connected perfectly with his almost as if they were part of a puzzle,
ever so slowly he made a trail down towards her navel.

A tension had started to build inside her and the closer he got to her navel, the stronger
this strange tension got.

"Oh kami…" he marveled at her beauty, as he moved to her navel, stopping only to
give it a small kiss, continuing on his journey at an agonizing pace.

Kagome thought she was going to burst, "I-in…inu" she panted out, trying to speak but
failing. As he got closer to the tension she gave a low moan, her only thought was " why
is he going at this tormenting slow pace"

Moving his hand down to her core he slowly and gently inserted a finger. Kagome gave
a small gasp that turned into another low moan, he was enjoying the sounds he was
causing her to release. Knowing that he could hurt her with his sharp claw, he kept at
a slow pace moving in and out going a little deeper each time, stopping when her felt her
barrier, frowning, he wondered if it would hurt her if he went passed it.

Noticing his frown Kagome got some of her senses back, she looked at him with loving
eyes "it might hurt for a little, but to be one…" she trailed off her voice had been full of
love and reassurance

Looking deep into her eyes, seeing the love and reassurance in them, continuing his
ministrations, he could feel her heat and how wet she had become, and the noises she
was making. Moving to her lips and claiming them in a deep love filled kiss, breaking the
kiss to nipple genteelly on her lower lip, then started the kiss back up. Removing his finger
slowly and breaking the kiss at the same time, he gave her a heart stopping smile when she
wined at the loss of his touch.

Moving to place is mouth where his finger had been, hearing her gasp, he ever so
slowly parted her lips with his tongue, he began to move his tongue genteelly between
her wet folds, stopping at her nub, he circled it with his tongue, then started to suck on it.

Kagome didn't know how much more she could take, the only thing she could think
was what he was doing was some type of cruel and unusual punishment, she gave a
strangled moan as he continued to suck, she had no idea it would be like this, trying
to speak she panted out "Inu… Onegai…n-now"

InuYasha knew she was reaching her limited, he had reached it a long time ago but
ignored it he wanted to make sure this would be something she would never forget,
slipping his tongue into her core, he heard her suck in air and release it when he did,
he started to move his tongue in the same way he had his finger, the noises she started
to make almost pushed him over, he pushed his tongue as far as he could into her, when
he could go no father he wiggled his tongue earning him another sound from her. With
another wiggle of his tongue Kagome gave a low scream as her body shattered into a
million peaces as she reached her limited, he slowly lapped up the warm liquid that came
from her.

Moving to look at her, he saw she was pleased but not complete, there was still a
want in her eyes, not wanting to lose the moment he position him self at the entrance
of her core, moving slowly in.

The tension that was sedated was back, in full force upon his entrance, Kagome
put her hands on his sweat slick back tighten her hold, pleading him to continue.

As he slide in her he thought "I am her first" with that thought in mind he moved in
and out not going all the way, a jolt would run through him with every movement, he
was determined to take his time, but that was pushed aside when he felt her start to
rock up in time with him, he thrusted into her all the way, stopping when he heard her
whimper out a cry, he looked at her with an apologetic expression, mentally cussing
himself out for not being more gentler. She smiled up at him letting him know she was
alright, digging her nails into his back urging him to continue. He started to move slowly
in and out of her, she rocked up to meet him as he thrusted into her, she drug her hands
up and down his spine asking him to move faster.

As her hands went up and down his back causing him to release a moan of his own
as jolt after jolt of pleasure went through him each time she moved her hands, his
thoughts of being gentle was forgotten, he increased his speed and force needing
to ease the tension that had been begging to be satisfied, heard her cries of pleasure,
she rocked with him increasing that tensions need to be released, she tightened her
walls around his shaft and with a loud moan from them both as they hit their climax,
he spilled his hot liquid into her, finally subduing the tension that had been driving them
forwards, he collapsed onto his elbows trying to gain some control of his breathing. He
slowly pulled himself out of her, hearing a little whimpers coming from her he placed a
kiss on her temple to apologize for any pain he may have caused, then he rolled on to
his side, his breathing along with his heart slowing back to normal, he could hear her
breathing doing the same. Wrapping an arm around her so that he could lay spooning
her, their hearts beating at a normal rate his last thought before sleep took him was "mine"

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~

Neither of the two inside the small hut knew they had a guarding near to make sure they
were safe and that no one interrupted them.

Smiling to themselves the figure thought "finally, took them long enough" sitting
down, their small form blending perfectly in the shadows, the figure knew it would
be a long and sleepless night.