InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mononisuru ❯ Chapter 6: The Confession ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Chapter 6: The Confession

She sat up holding the blanket around her upper half, looking at him, tears stained
her face, her expression both sad and fearful, "InuYasha, lower your head, close
your eyes and don't move" she managed to squeeze out.

"Okay?" He said confused, doing as she had asked him to do

Reaching up to his neck, she stopped and looked away tears falling freely down her
checks, taking a deep breath she continued, she took the rosary in her hand said
something. The rosary fell to the floor in many pieces that were reforming themselves
quickly back into a necklace. She laid back down looking away from him, "Y-you…c-can
move n-now" She crooked out softly.

InuYasha opened his eyes, and sat back up, he looked down at the floor where the
rosary was, then looked back at Kagome, not knowing what to say he just sat there
and stared at her

"You can do what you want," She said sadly, managing to control her tears.

"But why?" was all InuYasha could get out.

Another wave of tears threaten to burst out of her, but she choked them back
"Be…because you are my friend, and you deserve to chose what you do with you
life" She said not trusting herself to look at him.

"Kagome, Look at me" He said sternly

"No…I…can't," She said

"And why not?" He asked a little concerned

"Because if I look at you I wont be able to hold my tears back," She said her voice
becoming harder to conceal her pain.

"What are you afraid of?" He asked

She looked at him finally "You really want to know?" She asked as the tears fell "I'm
afraid of loosing you, I've always been afraid of waking up and not being ably to be
with you or you choosing to be with Kikyou"

InuYasha gaped at her confession, he took her hand, pulled her up and embraced
her in a tight hug, holding her, taking in her scent he whispered softly in her ear
"Why have you been holding this inside you for so long?"

Holding him in the same tight embrace, She replied "I didn't know how you would
feel about it, you've never showed me you cared for me in that manner, and I didn't
want to come between Kikyou and you"

She was about to speak again when he moved away from her and put a finger to her
lips "Shh" doing as he said she remained silent.

"Now, It's my turn for the questions" He said, keeping his finger on her lips

All she could do was nod her reply

He bent over, picked up the rosary, sitting back up he looked at her, and asks
curiously "How did you remove the rosary?"

A look of sadness crossed her face as she reached up to remove his finger, kissing it
shyly before moving it completely, she sighed and began telling him, her voice sad
and soft at the same time "About a year and a half ago Lady Kaede came to me and
told me she was going to teach me how to do the incantation of the rosary so I
would be the one who freed you from it, it took me about six months to master it"
She stopped, thinking back on that day.

Listening intently, almost not believing her words, thinking to himself "She…has been
able to free me for that long?! I wonder why it took her so long…" a flash back of
how he had behaved at Lady Kaede's hut ran through his mind, then he thought
sadly "oh…never mind I know why know"

Continuing telling him "One night about a month after I had mastered it, Lady Kaede
came up with an idea on how we could switch the incantations, it was while you
where in your human form Lady Kaede put something in the tea to knock you out,
and that's when we made the switch" She stopped because a new wave of tears
started to leak out of her eyes looking away from him knowing he'd hate her for sure

Thinking to himself " I remember that night it was one of the best night's sleep I had
had in ages, except for when I was at Kagome's. Humph, no wonder I slept so good"
Moving to pull her head so that she was looking at him again, he saw something in
her watery eyes, he had seen it before but thought he was imagining things, Now
there was no way, He knew what he saw, he said all his voice would allow him to
say "Kagome, I…I never knew…" Looking for more words to say and hoping his throat
would let them escape he said, "If I would have known"

"Would things have been different?" She asked wiping her tears away

"Uh…I…" he Stuttered

"They wouldn't have and I know this, because you still love Kikyou" She whispered,
looking away from him continuing to force herself to speak "When we complete the
Shikon no Tama, I…I will go b-back…to my time…and try to…forget you, by doing
that I wont…be interfering…w-with Kikyou and you. After saying that she rolled over
onto her left side so she wouldn't be able to see his face, crying softly thinking "I
have to let you go InuYasha, you still love her, and I can't come between you two"

Gaping at her back InuYasha tried to speak but it only came out as a squeak, pulling
himself together and finding his voice "Kagome, I…do still love Kikyou…" taking a
deep breath he continued, "Please, Kagome, look at me"

Shaking her head, She says "No"
Laying his ears back sadly "Please I want to be looking at you when I say this"

Rolling over fast to face him, her face angered and full of fresh tears "Why? So you
can tell me how much you love Kikyou, and that I'm foolish for falling in love with
you!" realizing her last words she quickly looked away.