InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mononisuru ❯ Returning to the Past and Building Anger ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I dunt own InuYasha or any of the charricters in this story (I wish I did,
dunt we all?)


Chapter 3: Returning to the Past and Building Anger

Reaching the top of the well Kagome thru her bag out, then climbed out herself, she
was dusting herself when she got a feeling she wasn't alone. "Who's there?" she
asked a little nervously.

"Who do you think it is?" a voice called back almost in a growl tone.

She let a sigh of relief escape her "InuYasha, What are you doing here?" she asked
him happily.

He jumped out of the tree he was in "To get you, we need to leave now, There's a
Shikon Shard in a near by village" he replied in a cold tone. Neither his tone nor his
mood would improve because he caught the scent of the male Kagome was with the
other night.

"Now?" she asked noticing his very bad mood

"Yes! Now! I didn't stutter, did I wench?" He all but yelled.

She narrowed her eyes at him and said as coldly as she could "No, you didn't, I'll go
with you to find the Shard, but first I am going back to Kaede's to clean up a bit, if
you have a problem with that you can look for the shard by your damn self." she
picked her back pack up and walked towards Kaede's village, with out looking back,
leaving him standing dumb founded. Her mind racing in anger "Who in the hell does
he think he is?"

InuYasha turned and watched Kagome walking towards Kaede's, "What did she
mean clean up a bit?" He called to her, this time trying to hide his anger and fear.
"Wait for me, Kagome" he took a couple of jumps and caught up with her, swiftly
picked her up into his arms.

"InuYasha!?!" Kagome said, "What are you…"

"Ursai! It'll be faster this way", he said to a surprised Kagome. "Besides I figure it's
the least I can do to try to get rid of your awful smell, maybe the old hag will have
something that will help" he was referring to the males scent she carried, not hers.

Kagome put her arms around his neck to hold on so she wouldn't fall. They speed
through the forest, it looked like they were about to hit a tree, Kagome gave a
sharp gasp and tighten her grip around InuYasha's neck, burring her face in his
kimono, she took in his fragrance, thought to herself "he actually smells good". He
glanced down at her and gave a quick smile, thinking, "this is what I wanted, it feels
right some how, she belongs in my arms". They arrived at Kaede's hut; InuYasha put
Kagome down so she could walk.

"Shippou, Sango, Kaede", Kagome called out.

Shippou was the first out of the hut, followed by Sango, Kaede and Miroku. Shippou
cried out "Kagome your back!" leaping into Kagome's arms and hugged her as tight
as his little arms could "I've missed you so much, Kagome", he exclaimed.

"Yeah, I'm back", Kagome giggled at the little kitsune.

"Welcome back", Sango said.

"Yes, welcome back, Kagome", Miroku repeated Sango's words.

"Arigato, Sango, Arigato, Miroku", Kagome said to the both.

"How is ye today?" asked Kaede.

"I'm good, Kaede, how about yourself?" Kagome asked back.

"I fair well" the old miko responded.

"Would you like to go with me down to the stream, Sango?" Kagome asked "I want
to clean up a bit, before we go looking for the shard".

"Sure", Sango replied "but what sh…"

"Ye must be very tired, child", Kaede interrupted, giving Sango a warning glance.

Picking up on what Kaede's intensions were, "oh yeah the shard", Sango said

Sango ushered Kagome down to the stream. Calling over her shoulder, "we'll be back

*~~~Bath Time~~~*
At the stream, Kagome slipped out of her clothes and waded in up to her neck.
Sango stayed on the banks of the stream. "Kagome, what's it like in your world?"
she asked. "It can be a big head ache," Kagome said. "What are the men of your
would like?" Sango asked "Hmmm" Kagome thought for a second then said, "some
are very nice, but then there are some that are very mean, I know this one guy;
he's very sweet and kind, he would never do anything to hurt me", Kagome said a
little dreamy. "Do you like this guy?" Sango asked.

Listening in a near by tree was InuYasha. He had been there to make sure Kagome
was safe, but now he wanted to hear her response to Sango's question.

"Well, yeah, I do, I like him a lot", was Kagome's response.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~
As if her word was a knife they stabbed him in his heart, InuYasha jumped silently
away, not wanting to hear anymore. He had lost her to a human.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ "As a friend only, though" Kagome said "He's all right and all, but not for a boyfriend".

Sango didn't say anything in response. Kagome finished cleaning up and got dressed.
They walked in silence back to Kaede's hut.

Kaede had explained to Miroku what she thought about InuYasha and Kagome, and
about her little scam to get them together. Miroku thought it was a great idea, "We
need to let Sango know about it when she gets back", he said to Kaede. "Hai, that
we do", she agreed with the monk.

Miroku went outside the hut; he saw Sango and Kagome coming up the path. He
walked towards them with a serious look on his face, he looked at Sango and said,
"We need to talk", in a tone of voice letting Sango know it was important. "Alright"
she replied. "Kagome, I'll be there in a few seconds", she said. "Okay" Kagome
replied. Kagome walked up to Kaede's hut by herself, and went inside.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~< br> Miroku took Sango a few steps away, looked around for InuYasha, not seeing him he
spoke to Sango in a very hushed voice about Kaede's thought's and her scam. Sango
agreed to it as well.

It was mid afternoon when InuYasha showed up at Kaede's hut "Where's Kagome?
Monk" he said coldly to Miroku. Surprised by InuYasha's tone he said "Inside with
Kaede and Sango". InuYasha stormed into the hut "Are you ready, wretch?" He
said just as coldly to Kagome.

"Kaede suggested we wait until morning, this way we can get an earlier start,"
Kagome said, not sensing the ice in his voice.

"Did she now? Well she needs to keep her nose out of my damn business" He
growled looking directly at Kaede with slightly barred teeth.

"InuYasha" Kagome said with anger, fear, and hurt running through her at once. She
had never seen InuYasha so angry before.

InuYasha sensed the emotions. The strongest one was fear, "His senses had to be
screwing up or something" he thought to him self "Kagome can't be afraid of me" he
looked at Kagome to make sure he was right about her not being afraid of him, but
was very wrong not only could he sense her fear he could see it also, seeing her
afraid of him hurt him more then anything, it was the last thing he had ever wanted.
"Fine, will leave in the morning, as soon as the sun is up" he said as he turned and

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*~*~
Outside Miroku looked at InuYasha "What's wrong, InuYasha? You look like you just
saw a ghost," he asked.

"Nothing's wrong" InuYasha said in an unconvincing tone.

InuYasha stared at the ground for a minute, then without warning leapt away. He
had so many thoughts running through his mind. "She was afraid of me," he thought
painfully. "How could that have happened?" he asked himself "I have to fix this, she
can't be afraid of me, I'll loose her to that human for sure" he perched in a tree still
deep in thought.

Kagome thought to herself "I have never seen him that way before, he really scared
me, I thought he was going to harm someone" trying not to think about it anymore
she slowly drifted asleep.