InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mononisuru ❯ Chapter 4: the New Search ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I dunt own InuYasha or any of the charricters in this story (I wish I did,
dunt we all?)


Chapter 4: the New Search

The next day was beautiful and sunny. InuYasha and Kagome had left Kaede's village
at first light to look for the Shikon Shard in the near by village. Miroku had told
InuYasha and Kagome before they had left that Sango, Shippou and himself would
not be accompanying them this time; "It, was only two days travel there really
wasn't any need for all of us to go." he had said. Kagome thought it was strange,
but went along with it. InuYasha on the other hand had said, "Good, you guys only
slow me down."

As they walked down the path Kagome decided not to think about the event that
had happen the night before and said to InuYasha, "It's a beautiful day,"

"I guess" InuYasha grumbled.

"Don't be so sour, InuYasha " Kagome said.

"I'm not being sour" InuYasha said defensively.

They continued walking in silence.

It was about noon when Kagome said "InuYasha, I'm getting hungry, could we
*blub…blub…* her stomach growled.

"For crying out loud, Kagome you just ate!" InuYasha yelled.

"That was a while ago!" Kagome yelled back "If you don't stop and let me eat, I'll
make you stop, " she threatened him.

"Oh yeah?" Inuyasha sneered, then started to walk up the path they were following.

"OSWARI!!! OSWARI!!! OSWARI!!!" She yelled.

InuYasha hit the ground hard face first.


Kagome said, "I warned you"

He glared at her the best he could.

Kagome looked around for a place to make a temporary camp, she found a good
spot under a nice big tree and started to make lunch.

InuYasha got up, mumbled something under his breath and jumped into the tree,
unconsciously he watch as Kagome set everything up. He thought to himself "If I
ever get this damn cursed thing off me I'm going to give her a piece of my mind"
then he heard a little voice in his head "No you wont you care too much for her" he
kept watching her "She is very pretty and always smells so good, that sent of hers
drives me crazy, sometimes I think I might loose my control and just…" shaking his
head to clear his mind "What the hell are you talking about? She's a human! How
can you say such things about a human? A …very…pretty… stop torturing yourself
after what you did last night you will never have her, you scared her out of her mind,
she may never look at you as a hanyou again, you reminded her last night you still
have youkai blood running through your veins, and you can snap at any time" with
that last thought he jumped off his perch and landed on the ground without making
a sound. He silently approached Kagome from behind.

Kagome turned around to call InuYasha for lunch; she stood staring into two golden
orbs. She screamed as loud as she could from fright, she was about a half a second
from throwing the food onto this monster when she heard "Kagome?" It was
InuYasha. She stood frozen, then it all hit her, it wasn't a monster that she saw it
was InuYasha. She yelled, "OSWARI!!!" and for the fourth time that day, InuYasha
hit the ground.

"Ow!! " InuYasha cried.

"Why were you sneaking up behind my?" she demanded.

"I wasn't" InuYasha said rubbing the spot on his head where he landed. "I was going
to see if you needed any help, but obviously you don't need it or me " he said a hint
of pain as he said the last part.

"Oh!?!" Kagome said a little surprised, she felt bad for 'sitting' him now.

"InuYasha, G…gomen"

"What?" he growled still rubbing his head.

"Gomen," she said in a low voice.

InuYasha hearing what she had said pretended he didn't "What did you say?" he asked
in a somewhat softer tone. He wanted to make sure he heard her right.

"I said " she took a breath "Gomen"

He looked at her with a confused look upon his face, this was the first time she had
ever apologized for sitting him. "Is she going soft?" he thought to himself. "No, it's
my imagination". He regained his composure, still looking at her He said "Gomen…as
well, Kagome, I should have let you know I was behind you". She looked back at him
it was her turn to be confused. "What did he just say? Did I hear right? It sounded
like he just apologized," she thought to herself. They stood there staring into each
other's eyes for several seconds. Then Kagome looked away blushing slightly "lunch
is ready" she said in a low voice.

They ate in silence both deep in their own thoughts about the other. After they
finished with lunch. InuYasha said "I guess we better go, we've wasted enough time"
he still had the coldness in his tone, but Kagome noticed something else there, it
seemed like pain was also present in his voice. "No, it's not pain, it can't be, why
would it be?" Kagome wondered.

Kagome pack everything up, InuYasha headed up the path towards the next village,
he was quite a distance away from Kagome when he sensed a youkai nearby he
slowed his pace so Kagome could catch up to him, not realizing how far behind she

Kagome was deep in thought so she hadn't notice how far ahead InuYasha was, nor
the other youkai's presence, when out of no where a youkai jump in front of her, she
walked right into it falling to the ground from the impact "Itte!" Kagome wined looking
up to see what she had ran into. At first, she was very scared to see a youkai in
front of her and made funny noises in her throat, then realizing whom it was she
sighed with relief.

The youkai in front of her looked down at her and extended his clawed hand "Kagome!
Gomen Nasai." The youkai said

Excepting the out stretched hand Kagome stood up, and said while dusting herself
off "arigato, Kouga-kun"

"Did dog turd run off and leave you again?" He asked with a smile on his face.

From behind the youkai came a gruff voice "No, He didn't, what the hell are you doing
here, Kouga?" InuYasha asked. "Following Kagome around again?"

Kouga turned around to face the hanyou "Obviously someone has to, since your not
doing your job protecting her, walking so far ahead of her, any youkai could snatch
her up and you would never know"

Kagome just looked at Kouga open mouthed, smiled, and then blushed slightly at the
comment he had just made.

Noticing Kagome blushing, at the words Kouga had just spoken infuriated InuYasha,
He growled out, his voice edged with venom, "Kagome is a big girl she can take care
of herself, besides she's got a mate in her world that can protect her, she don't need
me around doing his job"

Kagome looked at InuYasha very confused "what did he mean by that?" she thought
to herself

Kouga quickly glanced at Kagome not wanting to keep is eyes off InuYasha for very
long "I…is that…true, Kagome?" he asked almost afraid InuYasha was right.

"Is what true?" She asked

"You have chosen a mate in your world" Kouga replied, silently hoping InuYasha was

Kagome said "Uh…what?" looking from InuYasha to Kouga, both their faces had the
same look of worry, smiling inside she decided to have a bit of fun with them both.
"Yes, what InuYasha said is true" she didn't say what part though. InuYasha looked
away so Kagome could not see the pain in his eye of her actually admitting what he
feared, Kouga gaped at Kagome not caring if she saw his pain or not.

"H…he…I…Inu…Yasha…is right?" he stumbled over his words

"Yes, he is" seeing the pain in Kouga was not new to her, Kouga always showed his
feelings to her, but InuYasha, that was a different story, Kagome was surprised at
his show of emotions, she decided they had had enough and said "But he's also very

InuYasha slowly looked up at Kagome, surprise in his face, Kouga had the same look
on his face.

"I can take care of myself at times, but most of the time I need someone to protect
me," she said.

Both of them still had a look of pain on their face, but InuYasha's look was a bit more
then Kouga's.

"And I'd like to know what my boyfriend looks like and his name, where InuYasha got
that idea from I don't know, I haven't got a boyfriend in my world or here" She

Kouga let a hugh sigh "I am so very glad to hear you are still available, Kagome"

InuYasha was very much relived although he didn't show it; Kagome could sense it
some how.

"Let's go, Kagome" InuYasha said in his normal tone.

"She's not going anywhere with you" Kouga growled.

"Yes, she is" InuYasha hissed.

"Kouga, I have to go with InuYasha" Kagome said

They both looked at her and said simultaneously "You do?" Kouga felt his heart
crushing inside, InuYasha's heart yelled with joy.

"Yes, I'm InuYasha's shard detector, and besides it's my fault we are looking for the
shards" Kagome said almost sadly "let's go, InuYasha" she went to walk past Kouga
when he grabbed her wrist pulling her close to him, he looked deep into Kagome's
eyes, InuYasha just stood dumb founded at the scene in front of him. Kouga released
Kagome lowered his head and said, "I…I understand now, I wont bother you anymore,
Kagome" he walked away slowly his head still down.

InuYasha called to him "Finally, you'll stop following Kagome around like a lost puppy
dog, Kouga, " not realizing how his words sounded he gave a small laugh.

Kouga stopped and called back half-heartedly "Yeah, you do a good enough job" then
dashed away.

InuYasha turned bright red realizing what he had said mumble something under his
breath and headed back up the path.

Kagome giggled at the comment.

"What are you giggling about?" InuYasha snapped.

"Oh, nothing" she replied; then InuYasha's words from earlier flew through her mind
"besides she's got a mate in her world that can protect her, she don't need me
around doing his job, what did Inuyasha mean by that? "Where…how…why" she had
to know

"InuYasha" she called to him "wait up, I want to ask you something," she said running
to catch him.

Coming to a stop "what is it now?" He said a bit of annoyance in his voice.

"Um…w…what" she started slowly

"Well, spit it out already, we haven't got all damn day" he said his annoyance turning
into agitation.

"What d…did you mean when you told Kouga" she stopped then went on repeating
InuYasha's words "besides she's got a mate in her world that can protect her, she
don't need me around doing his job"

"Nothing, don't worry about it" he said his tone had changed from agitation to

"Shit, I did say that, didn't I?" he asked himself "Great now she's going to want to
know where I got the idea from, and I'll have to tell her I went looking for her when
she went home"

Um…why did you say that? What made you think I…uh…have a boyfriend? She asked.

"I said don't worry about it, Kagome, let's go," InuYasha said trying to hide the
concern in his voice.

"I'm going to worry about it" Kagome said a bit angry "Either you tell me now or I'm
not moving from this spot" she sat down in the middle of the path.

InuYasha stared at her "Kagome, get up" he finally managed to say

"No" was her only reply

"Fine, I'll tell you, now will you please get up?" he sighed "Well baka you really did it
this time, prepare yourself, you will loose her after you tell her what you did " he

"You will?" Kagome looked up at him a bit surprised, he quickly looked away so she
wouldn't be able to read his face.

"Yeah, if it'll get you to move" he said sadly

"Okay" Kagome said as she stood up waiting for him to start

"Uh…you remember the last night you went to your world," he started, Kagome
nodded, looking at him wondering what he was hiding, I uh…I went…to your world… I…I
saw you with…" he closed his eyes remembering the painful scene "With a…another
male" he sighed "I know I shouldn't have gone but, I…I was lonely and I…I wanted
to be with y…you" he blushed at admitting he wanted to be around her. He waited
for her to respond "Okay, here it goes, she's going to yell at me, tell me she never
wants to see me again, then go back to her world, baka, you lost her for good this
time" he thought to himself miserably.

" wanted to b…be with m…me?" Kagome was completely caught by surprise.

Too lost in his thoughts InuYasha sat down not hearing her, afraid to look at her,
fearing the anger he knew would be there, he waited for the word that would pin
him to the ground. "Here it comes, any second now," he thought.

Smiling very happily Kagome moved towards him, his eyes hidden from her, she knelt
down in front of him and put a hand on his arm, "InuYasha, What's wrong" she said

Turning slowly to look at her he said in a low tone "A…aren't you mad?"

"No, Why should I be mad?" she asked

"I…thought you would think I was spying on you or something," he said still in the
same low tone

She leaned over and gave him a hug "InuYasha, I couldn't be mad at you for wanting
to be with me, I'm very surprised you would want to though, your always saying how
bad I smelled, and calling me names all the time " she whispered to him

"Wh…what?" He stammered, mindlessly returning the hug, he held her tight to him,
almost afraid to let her go, "Is this some kind of dream?" He thought to himself "If it
is please don't wake me"

Still holding her tight to him he confessed to her "Kagome" he whispered

"Yes?" She responded in the same soft voice

"I…uh…" he blushed furiously "I…didn't…like seeing you…w…with that male" he finally
managed to get out.

"Y…you didn't?" she asked "Is he jealous of Houjo" she thought

Letting her out of his bear hug, he stood up shook his head "No, I didn't" was his
response. "Don't ask why, please don't ask why" he begged her to himself. "We better
go, will have to find a suitable place to make camp soon" he said to her.

"Okay" Kagome said as she stood up. "InuYasha, why have y…" she stopped realizing
that the night he turned full human was in a couple of nights. "We better start walking
fast so we can cover as much ground as possible," She said.

"What? Yeah, we better" He replied.