InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Moods ❯ Moods- The Sequel! ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Moods- The Sequel
Everyone can read this, there is no lemon, just a story about Inuyasha and Kagome when they're about to have the baby, I think I'll be writing another sequel about them and the baby but at the moment I'm writing a prelude to the original story, it should be out some time this week.
“Oh, Kagome….I can't believe that you and Inuyasha are about to become parents!” Sango cried as she sat a glass of water down in front of the very much pregnant Kagome Youkai.
“I know…the baby is getting restless…it's been kicking day and night now and I've been having minor contractions. And Inuyasha has been stressing out over his finals and the baby.” Kagome sighed taking a sip of water.
“Yes, well trust me, Miroku was the exact same way when Sanku was born, and now he and Sanku are always outside playing basketball or some other sport.” Sango laughed as she looked out the kitchen window to look at her five year old son and twenty five year old husband act like two year olds.
“Oh, Sango. I don't think I can do this! What if I'm a terrible mother?” Kagome cried, Sango looked back at her before going over to sit by her sister.
“Trust me…you'll make a great mother!” she said, Kagome looked uncomfortable but she dropped the subject.
* * * *
“Mr. Youkai, you're paper was very well thought out, and your argument very good. I'm pleased to inform you that you passed your final exam in this class with a 90 percentile.” the professor said handing Inuyasha his paper as the rest of the class left.
“Thank you, professor.” Inuyasha walked out with a sigh of relief, he had only one more class left to know if he had passed. He had barely had anytime to study, because about two weeks after they had found out Kagome, well actually when Kagome found out he had already known thanks to his sense of smell, was pregnant she had started having midnight cravings.
He smiled in pleasure as he remembered the night that she had conceived all to well, she had been in one of her moods. But now he was beginning to feel nervous, how was he going to be sure he wasn't going to be a terrible father?
He climbed into his car and picked up his cell phone out of the passenger seat, he'd accidentally forgotten it in the car; he saw that he missed one call and that they had left a message.
“Hey, sweetie, I hope you did well on your finals, I'm going over to Sango's house, I don't like being in the house by myself and it being so close to my due date, just call me there if you want anything…I love you.” the phone beeped and Inuyasha smiled, his wife was always finding ways to remind him that she loved him.
* * * *
Kagome sighed as she leaned against the kitchen counter, Inuyasha was in the library typing up his last report, and she didn't want to disturb him. The baby gave a small kick and Kagome gave a small gasp of surprise.
She put her hand where the baby continued to kick, it always felt weird, as though she had eaten something extremely wiggly. And then she felt it, water pooled onto her inner thighs.
Inuyasha looked up as she opened the door, he cocked his head to the side as he saw the small soft smile on her features. Kagome usually didn't disturb him when she knew what he was working on was extremely important.
Then he noticed that she held her suitcase in one hand, he gasped and looked up at her and saw her smile had grown.
“Inuyasha…the baby…I've gone into labor.” she whispered but before she could say anything else he was running around the entire house, in a complete panic as he searched desperately for his shoes and a phone.
“Where are my shoes?! Where is the phone?! Kagome, where's the doctor's phone number!?” he cried.
Calmly she grabbed Inuyasha's shoulder and when he was looking at her she pointed down to his feet to show him that he already had his shoes on, he blushed and she gave a small laugh.
“Inuyasha…I already called Rin, she's at the hospital waiting for us.” she walked him out to the car and gave him the keys. She wasn't so sure that was a good idea because he drove like a mad man, she was just thankful that they made it to the hospital.
They took her into a room and helped her into a hospital gown and she lay down as Rin came in with a worried Inuyasha, Rin patted her brother-in-law on the shoulder before going over to Kagome and smiled.
“Nervous?” she asked, Kagome sighed before nodding slightly, Rin smiled and nodded for the nurse to take Inuyasha to the dressing room.
“Okay, let's see how dilated you are.” Rin said sitting on the stool between Kagome's legs. She inserted two fingers, before nodding and writing something on her chart as she wiped her fingers off.
“Five inches…you're coming along quickly. How far apart are the contractions?” she asked as Kagome convulsed as another contraction shook her body.
“I don't know…maybe ten minutes.” she whimpered in pain, Rin nodded and gave a small smile pushing the bangs out of Kagome's eyes.
“It'll be okay. When the contractions are five minutes apart we'll start preparing for birth.” Rin said as Inuyasha walked in with her husband.
“Well…if my brother gives you any trouble, you just tell me and I'll beat him into hell, `kay, sis?” Sesshomaru said to Kagome, Kagome smiled and nodded. Rin laughed and took her husband by the hand leading him out of the room until she was sure Inuyasha couldn't hear them.
“Sesshomaru, she's five inches dilated but her contractions are ten minutes apart. If the contractions don't get closer much sooner the baby will die.” Rin whispered, Sesshomaru's eyes went wide.
“Isn't there anything that can be done?” he whispered back, Rin shook her head as angry tears welled up in her eyes.
“No….I've seen several cases like this, the baby will be born alive but it would have spent so long in the womb while the contractions grow closer that it would have already had a collapsed lung, and it would be lucky if its heart beats regularly.” Rin whispered.
“Then what are you going to do?” he asked, Rin sighed looking back down the hallway at the door leading to Kagome's room.
“I'll deliver the baby…every set of parents that I encountered like this wanted their child to at least know what it was like to live and breath if only for a moment. And…pray for a miracle.” she said with a sigh.
* * * *
“AAAHHHH!!!!!!!” Kagome screamed as the contraction shook her entire body, tears were welling in her eyes and it was becoming hard to breathe, she heard Inuyasha beside her begging her desperately to breath, but she was finding it so hard but she did as she was told.
“Inuyasha, it hurts so much!” she sobbed, she felt him gently stroking her hand and then squeeze it, she looked up at him and saw that he was smiling down at her with encouragement.
“Its okay.” he whispered as Rin came in with an extremely serious look on her face and Inuyasha shivered, his sister-in-law usually was a bright and cheerful person.
“Kagome, Inuyasha, there is something you should know. Kagome is too dilated for the separation of contractions.” she paused and Kagome and Inuyasha began to get nervous.
“What does that mean?” Kagome let out in a breathy gasp, her friend and doctor looked at her with the saddest look that she had ever seen in her entire life.
“The baby…if it doesn't die it will have breathing problems or heart problems.” Inuyasha felt his eyes widen and he heard Kagome's small mewl of distress.
“Inuyasha, please go to the waiting room….we are going to have to deliver this baby now, and Sesshomaru wants you in there.” Rin said, Inuyasha bent down and kissed his wife who's eyes were filled with terror.
“Kagome, it'll be okay…our baby has your stubborn qualities which means it won't give up so easily.” he whispered, a shadow of a smile passed across her lips.
“You're the one that's always so stubborn.” she whispered back before he left, he went in the sitting room and placed his head in his hands.
“I can't believe this.” he whispered as angry tears welled up in his eyes, he felt his brother pat him on the shoulder, Sango hugged him from behind and Miroku also patted him on his other shoulder.
“Why?! What the hell did I do?!” he screamed, he stood up jerking away from his friends and family, thankfully it was a private room, he glared at Sesshomaru.
“Is it because I'm a fucking half-breed? Is it?” he growled at his brother trying to suppress the tears that were making his vision blurry.
“Calm down, Inuyasha.” it was one of the few times Inuyasha had ever heard his brother call him by name and normally he would have been surprised.
“Calm down?! How do you expect me to fucking calm down when my wife is in there giving birth to a child we have both wanted ever since we got married…just to realize that our child…our pup…that it might die?! I will not calm down.” he growled at his brother before suddenly his brother was hugging him.
“I know….I know….but we can get through this.” Inuyasha broke down and started bawling on his brother's shoulder, something he had never done before.
* * * *
Kagome sat on her staring blankly at her hands, she stood up as Rin came in and led her to the maternity ward, Kagome went to her baby's crib, where doctors surround it, her small baby girl had been hooked up to every machine when she had last saw her.
Kagami had been born with an irregular heart beat and breathing problems, the doctors separated and left so she could go to her baby, they had arranged all the wires so Kagome could hold her.
“Hi there…I'm your mum.” Kagome whispered pushing the black bangs away from her daughter's forehead.
“And I'm your dad.” Kagome felt his arms join hers as they held their baby; she smiled as Sango and Miroku stood beside Rin and Sesshomaru, Sango came over and Kagome handed Kagami to her.
“Hey, I'm your Aunt Sango. You know you have a really cool mum….and dad, they love you a lot. I'm going to be a good aunt; hopefully as good as your mum is to your cousin.” Sango whispered before handing the baby back and breaking down on Miroku's shoulder.
“My baby…Kagami Izyaoi Youkai….” Kagome sobbed, she handed the baby to Rin and turned away as she shut off the machines keeping the baby alive.
* * * *
Kagome and Inuyasha walked into their house, Inuyasha sat the suitcases down before looking at his wife who held up another face against hers, Kagami was now an extremely healthy, and loud, baby girl and she currently had a look of joy on her face.
“Welcome home my sweet darling. Welcome home.” Kagome whispered, Kagami giggled and Kagome held her in her arms as Inuyasha kissed her on the lips, before tickling his daughter.
“We're a family.” he said, Kagami just smiled and two sets of noses scrunched up at the smell.