InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Moods ❯ Prelude to Moods ( Prologue )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Prelude to Moods…you might want to read Moods first to get the basic understanding, but this can stand on its own as well. Not as descriptive as Moods but oh well.
This is the story of how Kagome and Inuyasha had their first time with each other! Obviously hentai, please don't read if underage.
She sighed as the most popular girls in school walked past her, they were so snobby. Her sister was currently giving them the death glare as they hit on her boyfriend.
Miroku was a pervert, but loyal to Sango, no matter what although sometimes Kagome had to wonder with the attitude he took around all the other girls.
He hadn't hit on her thankfully but she had a sneaking suspicion that Sango would beat up any boy that came towards her with unsuitable intentions. Kagome was a junior while Sango and Miroku were seniors.
Suddenly the popular boys popped up and Kagome tried to sink into her locker as she saw a black haired boy eyeing her, suddenly a silver haired boy elbowed the boy before glancing at her with a look that could've meant sorry.
“Hey, keep away from her.” Inuyasha hissed to Naraku, the boy rolled his eyes before shaking his head.
“That girl is too sexy to let her stay a virgin forever.” he laughed before Inuyasha stomped on his foot and gave him a glare, Inuyasha wasn't the typical prep, he hated it when others talked about people behind their backs, with the exception of his brother.
“Just leave her alone, we're about to graduate and she's just a junior, so don't bother.” he said in his normal manor before going to class.
* * * *
The boy bent down whispering something in her ear as his sliver hair floated across her face, she whimpered as his hand slipped up her skirt and began to massage her throbbing core.
“OH!” she gasped her head falling against the wall as his fingers slipped under her panties and slid into her she threw her head from side to side as he stroked the nub.
“So hot…so tight….gods…” the boy whispered in her ear softly, she whimpered as he picked up the pace, she felt the tightness forming around her feminine area.
Kagome woke up in a sweat; she knew the crotch of her pajama pants were soaked through. She'd been having such erotic dreams about one boy in particular, the boy that had elbowed the boy who had been giving her the eye.
Inuyasha Shikon Youkai…the most popular boy in school, Kagome had liked him every since she'd been a freshman, but he'd always been with Kikyo one of the snobs that always picked on Kagome.
Kagome sighed before getting up out of bed, it was five thirty and she needed to start getting ready anyway, Sango had spent the night with Miroku, she and Kagome shared an apartment since their parents had died, and though she had swore they weren't going to anything Kagome had known she was telling a big fat lie.
She stepped in the shower and quickly washed up and stepped out, she dried her hair and put it up in a ponytail and pulled on her school uniform, she took the apartment keys and walked out.
The school day went by fast and she was putting her school things up in one of the class rooms when the door opened, she whirled around and there stood the black haired boy again, he came up and stroked her face before shoving her against the blackboard and kissing her harshly.
She struggled and gasped as she felt cold air on her skin as he ripped her shirt off, she felt tears welling in her eyes when she suddenly saw him walk past the open door, carrying his school books.
She ripped her mouth away. “HELP ME!” she screamed, the boy stopped and looked in, she saw his amber eyes widen before narrowing he jerked the boy off of her and she fell to the floor as Inuyasha punched the other boy in the nose.
“Don't you ever dare to that or next time you'll get more than a fucking bloody nose.” he growled, Naraku hissed before running, Inuyasha took his school jacket off and dropped it around the girl's shoulders as he knelt in front of her.
“Hey…are you alright?” he asked in a soft voice, she looked up at him, her eyes were full of tears before she launched herself into his arms, he hugged her tightly, and picked her up before leaving the room.
* * * *
She felt warm, she yawned as she opened her eyes, the room was filled with moonlight, and she looked down and saw that she was in an over large t-shirt, she smiled in relief when she realized she still had on her undergarments.
She climbed out of the bed and went over to the door she hoped led out of the room, she was correct, it led into a living room, and she realized she was in someone's apartment, she stood in the middle of the living room wondering what to do when the someone walked out of the kitchen.
“I-Inuyasha!!” she cried taking a small step back, he gave a small laugh, she realized that he had changed from his school uniform to a pair of jeans and a university sweatshirt.
“Look whose up. Don't worry about Sango getting worried she went over to the pervert's house again.” he said going backing into the kitchen, curiously she followed and felt her stomach grumble at the scent of fried chicken.
“It's almost ready….are you alright?” he asked turning to look at her, she nodded, he laughed as she was still eyeing the chicken.
“Okay, okay, go ahead and get a plate.” he smiled as she rushed to the plates he had set out, normally he didn't cook, but that didn't mean he didn't know how. He just never got the time, and he had known Kagome had probably not eaten since lunch.
She ate slowly, but he could tell she was controlling herself, not that he cared, it gave him more time to study her delicate face and lips and eyes. She seemed to sense his gaze because she looked up and met his gaze.
“You know… I never thought you and Sango were sisters until I heard your last names.” he said, she giggled, putting her fork down, she had a nice laugh and Inuyasha found himself wanting to make her to do it more.
“Yeah, well, she looks more like our father and I look more like our mother, everyone is like you, they don't make the connection until they hear our last names, it's a good thing sometimes because then I'm not overshadowed by what Sango does.” Kagome said with a smile.
“Huh. You're lucky, my brother went to the same school as me and we look….extremely similar except…I have these.” his dog ears wiggled and Kagome couldn't help but giggle.
She reached across the table and grabbed one, it was extremely soft and Kagome gasped, Inuyasha was issuing something akin to a purr, she pulled back and sat back down as Inuyasha opened his eyes, he blinked them before shaking his head.
“I hate when people do that.” he grumbled, Kagome got a sad look on her face and Inuyasha felt his heart clench.
“I'm sorry.” she said softly as he took the plates and started to the dishwasher before he looked back at her and smiled.
“You're the exception.” he said with his infamous smirk, she laughed and he felt his heart skip a beat and that wasn't the only thing that was different, his pants were beginning to grow tight.
He walked back into the living room and found Kagome curled up on the couch, he went over and sat down beside her and stared at the floor, he had a TV but he didn't want to turn it on, he liked having his attention on Kagome.
“Inuyasha?” when he looked up Kagome went on. “Thank you…for stopping him.” she whispered, she gasped as he was suddenly hugging her before burying her head against his shoulder.
“Hush….don't worry about it, if he comes near you again I'll knock his fucking brains out.” he whispered, she nodded and he felt himself grow even harder. He needed to get away from her even if for a minute, but when he started to move she held onto his arms and he looked down into her soft eyes.
Something in them compelled him to bend down and kiss her, she responded by shyly returning the pressure and he ran his tongue along her sweet lips she opened her mouth trustingly and he couldn't help but growl in pleasure.
She leaned against him fully, she had to wonder if she was dreaming, she hoped she wasn't, she gasped as she felt his hands pressing against her lower back, they had to pull apart as their lungs started to scream for air.
Inuyasha looked into Kagome's eyes and there he saw the soft passion that he had never thought to invoke in her. He'd loved her for the longest time, Sango had told him to dump Kikyo and go for her little sister, but he'd been to chicken.
But he and Kikyo were no longer together, and Kikyo was going to have to get over that fact, without a second thought he scooped Kagome up and headed for his bedroom, her hand went to the base of his head as he laid her down on the bed, he bent down and kissed her gently.
“Kagome…if we do this….there's no turning back.” he whispered, she nodded and brought his head back down to meet her lips, he placed his knee between her legs and separated them, his hand trailed up her thigh until it encountered her panties.
“Inu…” she gasped, he smiled at the nickname, his name sounded so sweet from her lips, she made it sound as though it was the name of heaven and he loved her so much for making him feel that good about himself.
“Shh…I won't do anything you don't want me too, but trust me, if only this once.” he whispered, she met his eyes and nodded, he slipped his fingers into her and she gasped in pleasure.
She reached up and began to pet his ears, he growled as his jeans grew even tighter, not even Kikyo, whom he had slept with before, made him feel the way Kagome was and she wasn't even trying!
She wouldn't look him in the eyes as he stroked her soft folds, he realized it wasn't from fear that she wasn't looking at him but she was shy, he knew she was a virgin and he knew that no man had ever kissed her before.
With the exception of Naraku trying to rape he, that made his blood boil, if the boy ever came near Kagome again there would be blood to spill, but then he heard Kagome's soft moan and he was broke from his reverie.
“Inu…” she whispered softly, he pulled off the shirt he had dressed her in when they'd gotten to his house and he gently undid her bra and pulled off her panties, she dropped her eyes and he nuzzled under her chin before capturing her lips in a soft kiss.
Her hips were moving with his hand and she cried out as she hit her first orgasm, her juices flowed onto his fingers and he pulled them out and licked his digits clean.
He moved away and undid his jeans and took his shirt off until he was as naked as she was, he climbed back onto the bed lifting her hips up against his, he felt her legs wrap around his lower back.
He nuzzled her neck asking forgiveness for lack of foreplay, but he wanted to be one with her so badly that he couldn't have handled it, maybe the next time he'd tease her and make her beg.
“Please Inu…make love to me.” she whispered, he slipped into her, she realized that there should've been pain accompanying, but the pleasure he was inflicting made her not care, she let him set the pace and she whined and moaned as their bodies met each other.
She screamed as she released and she felt something odd and realized that he had released his seed inside of her, she cuddled against his chest, not seeing the possessive smirk on his face.
* * * *
It was her senior year, she pulled on his silk robe and pulled on her rain coat before going out and hailing a cab, she gave the address and paid the driver and walked up to his apartment.
He was working on his term paper when someone knocked on the door, he called a quick come in before returning his attention to the piece of paper that had marks all over it, he looked up from his desk when he heard the small sound of cloth dropping on the floor.
His girlfriend stood in his red silk robe with a small pout on her lips, she'd grown much more confident in their lovemaking since their first time, she was always thinking of ways to please him.
On the night of his graduation she'd made a dinner for him and he could still remember her soft whimpers and moans of pleasure as he'd teased her and finally taken her on her living room floor.
“Inu…I'm bored.” she whispered going over to his couch and spreading her legs showing that she had nothing on except his robe.
“I think I can help you with that.” he growled before standing up and going over to her.