InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Moon Dark, Star Bright ❯ Moon Dark, Star Bright ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: The characters of InuYasha are not mine, they are property of Rumiko Takahashi, Shogakukan, Yomiuri TV, Sunrise, and Viz. I do not make any money from the writing of this story.
Warnings: NC17 Minor, blood
=#= Moon Dark, Star Bright =#=
He watches the firelight flicker in her large dark eyes, sees the way she looks at him with a mixture of awe and quiet, desperate loneliness, and like that, the wall of his resolve dissolves, leaving him to face the dark, ravenous monster of his demonic lust. He finds himself suddenly tired, as if he has carried the weight of the world on his shoulders for all of his long life and there has been none to ease the burden. No one to offer him succor, no one to break his solitude, no one to make the effort to try and reach out and touch him.
There is only her, tousle headed, bright eyed little girl who gazes at him like he matters. Who sees beneath his perfect façade to the flawed, imperfection that is the real him. Who, despite her youth, makes no demands of him nor holds any expectations in her acceptance of him.
He has been alone too long; has neglected his underlying need for others so long that now, when he has at last found one he prefers as a companion, his hunger knows no restraint and will accept no limitations. He can feel the demand of his body aching inside of him, like a raw wound that gives him no reprieve.
Within the dark depths of her steady gaze he sees an echo of his own hunger; but where his is dark and sordid, hers is bright and pure—like the child she is, all she wishes for is his touch, his attention, his affection. What he wants from her is so much more—the joining of bodies, the shudder and strain of passion, the heady culmination of orgasm. She deserves a gentle reverence, to be savored sweetly until the haunted look vanishes from her eyes. All he can offer is the cruel kiss of teeth and fang, the unforgiving invasion of his body in hers, the broken, brutal surrender of his vulnerability as he climaxes within her—and yet, in her innocence she turns to him to fulfill her need and he, with his own need, cannot find it within himself to deny her.
With quiet despair and guilty acceptance, he bids her crawl onto his lap.
His lips are light and delicately gentle as he kisses her small mouth. His fingers as tender and soothing as they sweep along the ridge of her collarbone, pushing her kimono off one smooth, round shoulder. His voice is soft as he murmurs wordless sounds of comfort and encouragement as he licks the tears from her cheeks. His tongue tickles her lips apart as his hand kneads the firm flesh and muscle of her upper arm and shoulder. He savors his first taste of her as his hand stills and his thumb ghosts over her pert little nipple.
With a desperate little sob, Rin throws her arms around his neck and kisses him back with ferocity, clinging to him like a starved kitten. Unbidden, a snarl of response trickles from his throat as he changes the angle of the kiss; slanting his mouth across hers as he dominates her completely. His fangs press against her lips as his tongue invades her mouth; and the sharp, metallic tang of her blood flavors the kiss as she whimpers softly. Below, his large hand completely covers the gentle swell of her young breast, squeezing until his claws sink into her skin. Rose red, bright beads of her blood rise to pearl on her skin where he has pricked her and with belated regret he realizes he has hurt her already.
Hissing with discomfort as his erection throbs painfully; he tears his mouth from hers and pushes her away. His eyes fasten on the bright, swollen pink of her lips and despite his best intentions, he finds himself immediately reaching out to bring her back. Fisting his hand until blood drips from his palm, he locks eyes with her and lets her see all the ugly, ravenous need inside his naked gaze. He shocked down to the core of his being when, with soft and loving eyes, she crawls towards him and straddles his hips with her legs. Between them, the jut of his erection pushes invasively against her pubescent flesh and there is no way she cannot be aware of what it is—yet she does not pull away but settles herself more firmly against him. Her small hands reach up to cup his cheeks and with dark eyes that are over bright with desperate longing, she presses a timid kiss against his lax lips.
“Please,” she whimpers with greedy, soul deep hunger.
“Please...” she pleads shamelessly, and he can hear all the mute cries of her lonely heart as the strength of her grip triples with anticipation of his rejection.
He lets out the breath he didn't know he was holding and feels the dark stain of the sin he is about to commit settle deep into his eternal being. The thought of denying her never once crosses his mind again as he captures her chin with his fingers and licks the blood away from her bruised lips. He makes no protest as she pushes the folds of his kimono from his muscular shoulders, baring his chest. He kisses her deeply, brutally as her small hands smooth up the ridges of his abdomen and chest. He tears his mouth away as he feels her tug his obi loose and eases back, allowing her room as her small hands dip beneath his waistline. The first soft brush of her little fingers over the blood gorged tip of his erection makes the air slam from his lungs and his entire body go rigid.
With a dark, threatening growl rumbling deep in his chest, he feels those slender fingers and tiny palm try to wrap around the thickness of him. Involuntarily his spine arches, his head flung back against the tree supporting his back as she uses both of her small hands to squeeze him. A soft, muffled, sweet little whimper of entreaty slips from his lips as she pumps her hands up and down the length of him.
“Rin,” he blindly calls her name, a demand for more.
Obediently she clenches her little hands and works her grip up and down until his hips are rising to meet her down strokes. For a moment, it is all he can do to ride the raging sensations inside of him as he loses his composure, the heat of passion coloring his pale skin. With a stutter to his breathing, he slits his eyes opens and looks at her, watching the motion of her hands on his erection. It is almost too much as a fresh wave of lust, selfish and insistent, overtakes him. Yet, even amid the hunger sinking its claws into his being, the concentration on her face and the determined little twist of her mouth strike him with a pang of lust tinged affection that goes straight to his nonexistent heart. Unable to help himself, he leans over and places a quick kiss on her lips. He deepens the kiss as her hands fall away, his fingers encircling the back of one slim thigh as he drags her against him.
His grip loosens and shifts as he tangles his tongue with her little pink one. The pad of his thumb skims its way down the tender slope of her abdomen, burrowing its way between her soft nether lips, finding the swollen little bud of her clitoris. Pressing against it, he makes a greedy sound of encouragement as her slim hips jerk in response. He lets her come up for air, trailing sharp little nips along her jawline and down her throat as she pants. Against his cheek he can feel the racing pulse in her neck, and it is all that he can do to sink his teeth deep into her shoulder rather than rip out her throat. His claws make short work of her obi as, with sudden driving impatience, he seeks to bare her body completely. With a hand around her throat he holds her away from him, allowing himself a long, slow sweep of her body with his eyes.
Sweet and slender, she is build like young doe—all graceful, lean lines without the full ripeness of womanhood yet. In the firelight, her flawless skin is like polished amber and sake. The gentle curves of her breasts are like ripe peaches, firm and edible with their dusky nipples. The faint curve of her ribcage aches over the taunt plane of her young belly, and the muscles of her long limbs are hard with the endurance she has build following behind him.
She is beautiful and perfect, within and without.
The giddy, excited anticipation of filling her with his length bursts through him in lightening spirals of dark pleasure. Without preamble, he cups her buttocks in the broad span of his palm and lifts her up over him. Pressing his lips against her ear, he instructs her to take him in her hands and position the tip against her. Trembling and covered with a faint sheen of sweat, she does as he bids and gives an involuntary cry of pain and surprise as he lets the fall of her weight push the flared head of his erection inside. Tears fill her dark eyes as shock, pain, and passion glaze them over until they are slightly unfocused. Yet, her gaze remains determinedly on his face as she watches him grimace with blessed, tortured ecstasy. Her small hands grip his shoulders until the little half moons of her nails dig deep into his skin, but she makes no attempt to struggle as he eases deeper into her. A small whimper escapes her lips as the tip of his erection presses harshly against the barrier of her hymen, and she clenches her eyes shut—tears leaking from her eyes to roll down her cheeks—as he breaks through.
With a haggard breath he removes his hand and lets gravity pull her down, inch by inch; her young body stretching so very tight around him as it strains to take all of his thick, long erection in. Under the touch of his palm, he can feel the shivering tension of her small form, and he is not surprised to hear her give a hiccupping sob as hot moisture anoints his erection inside of her, the musk of arousal tainted with the sweet spice of blood. Agony and pleasure pulse through his being in waves as the clench of her tiny sex around his large one makes him acutely aware of the surge of his own blood within his body. Every muscle in his body hardens to a rigid, quivering mass as she slides yet lower onto him.
Her fingernails claw at his shoulders as she begins to struggle against the invasive pain, her tears flowing freely as sobs clog in her throat. His own unsteady exhale comes out tinged with a whimper—but neither of them make a move alleviate the pain as she clings to him and he holds her captive in his embrace. He drops his forehead to rest against hers, his eyes falling shut as he listens to her ragged sobs and feels the shivering tremors of her body.
The razor edged urge to move within her cuts through him like a knife; he grits his teeth against the raging demand of his body as he fights a silent, desperate battle to give her even a few, precious more moments to adjust to his size. Like scaling a slope of glass, he feels his self control slip bit by bit despite his best efforts. He gives a choked, stifled cry of regret as he loses the struggle against himself.
In a flash, he finds himself pressing her into the ground, his weight bearing down on her as he pushes himself farther into her tight passage. He lets out a guttural grunt as the brutal thrust of his hips meets unyielding resistance at last. Blind to all but the hot fist of her sex around his thick, throbbing, aching erection, he does not feel the scrape of her nails as she claws frantically at his chest, does not hear the helpless, whimpering sobs she gives as blood seeps from between her legs. He barely feels the curl of her toes as her feet press into the hard roundness of his buttocks, her thighs parted wide for the invasion of his hips. Again and again he slams into her, taking her with single minded violence as he fucks her with all of his inhuman strength.
With a rotation of his hips, he corkscrews himself into her, and is rewarded by a sweet little whimper from her that is not from just pain. Her small hands fist against his chest as he does it again and the grip of her toes kneads his buttocks as her toes curl involuntarily. Dragging her hips towards him, he changes the angle until he is sliding against the sensitive spot inside of her and the press of his hips grinds against her clit. He feels the changes within her body as her sex goes wet, the abused muscles of her tight sheath relaxing ever so slightly.
In between the sounds of his flesh smacking against hers, the wretched cries of her sobs quiet to helpless little whimpers that are like the lost, pleading bleats of a lamb. Faster and harder he takes her, allowing her no quarter as he works himself towards his peak—and yet, with timid little jerks, her hips began to rock with his. Her entire body shivers beneath him, the tips of her little nipples hardening against his chest as her breasts slide against his pectorals.
He is dimly aware of her arms encircling him, her little hands gripping his back with bruising force as she tries to match his frantic pace. Instinctively, without conscious thought, he slows marginally and falls into sync with her movements. Mindlessly his hips piston down to meet hers as he feels the thick, tingling, blackout of his climax begin to fog over his mind. His entire existence narrows down to the warm slide of her little body against his, the hot, wet clench of her sex around him, the tight prick of her nails in his back muscles, the sharp, sweet musk of her in his nostrils, the salty tang of her blood on his tongue, her breathless cries of pain and pleasure as he holds back none of his strength.
The star bright burst of fresh pain as she bites him registers a mere heartbeat before the coiling muscles of her sheath clamp down on him in rippling spasms. Agony dances through him as the grip of her sex becomes just this side of too much—and he walks the razor edge of pleasure and pain as his hearing fuzzes over with static and his vision goes dark. All he can sense is the hot rush of her blood beneath her skin as with a shudder his body spears itself completely inside of her and goes still, letting the tsunami of his climax roll over him.
With deadly ease the pleasure sucks him under, tumbling him over and over in hot spasms that start in the tightness in his testes and spiral out through his entire body until his fingertips tingle with the force of it. He feels his erection twitch deep inside of her, his seed flooding her womb in rush after rush. Her body shivers beneath his as her climax leaves her cold and drained, and a moment later he notices the chill of the air as his senses gradually return to normal.
He looks down, watches the way her teardrops sparkle in the firelight and feels a slither of self loathing snake through his heart even as his body still hums with the afterglow of pleasure. For a moment he fears to meet her gaze, then shamed by his fear he forces himself to look her in the eye. Large and fathomless, like bottomless wells in the flickering light of the fire, he cannot tell what she is thinking or feeling from her eyes. He can only guess at her thoughts; and he hates himself for the weakness of needing her acceptance even now, after he has hurt her.
“Rin,” he says softly, holding himself still above her.
The shadows in her eyes shift and change, with a wordless whimper she wraps her arms around him and hugs herself to him desperately, as if she fears he will pull away. He makes a soothing noise deep in his throat as he picks her up and shifts so that he is once more reclined against the tree, her small form sprawled across his chest. Gently he turns her head so that he can lap the blood away from the deep puncture marks of his teeth on her shoulder. When she shows no further reaction, merely holds still under his ministrations, he tenses and tightens his arm around her waist.
“You are mine,” he purrs low and dangerous in her ear, his voice filled with the weight of his conviction, “I will never let you go.”
He watches as her dark head lifts, the fall of her dark hair glossy with orange highlights from the flames. He braces for an argument that never comes.
“Forever?” she asks softly, her dark eyes large with a spark of curiosity and wonder.
“Forever,” he replies with a touch of quiet menace.
“Rin will die,” she informs him gravely, folding her hands under her chin as she regards over his chest.
“Death will not stop me,” he tells her, “Even if I have to conquer Hell to get you back.”
“Sesshoumaru-sama will always come for Rin?” she asks after a pause of contemplation.
“Always,” he vows.
“Rin will always wait for Sesshoumaru-sama,” she replies startlingly.
“No matter what?” he queries, stunned by her easy compliance after what he has just done.
“No matter what,” she promises.
Silence falls between them as he drifts deep into thought, his hand idly stroking her hair. The touch of his fingers seems to soothe her, so that she is content to doze right where she is, leaving him to his contemplation. At last, his puzzlement gets the better of his pride and he dares to ask a question.
“I know that I have hurt you...” he struggles to vocalize his thoughts, “Why do you still wish to stay?”
“Rin loves Sesshoumaru-sama,” she replies simply, stifling a yawn as she blinks sleepily up at him.
“That's it?” he asks with a touch of disbelief, “Just because you love me?”
Her head bobs as she nods against his chest. He studies her with sharp eyed interest, his gaze keen.
“Even if I hurt you again?” he prompts her.
She wakes up enough at that to return his gaze with lucidity, her dark eyes shadowed with remembrance.
“Rin likes Sesshoumaru-sama to touch her,” she replies slowly, sorting out her thoughts. “Rin will do anything for Sesshoumaru-sama.”
“Anything,” he repeats, seeking confirmation.
His respect for her grows as she doesn't even hesitate to answer affirmative. Slowly, with a small smile tugging at his lips, he acknowledges her statement. Affectionately, unable to stop himself from doing so, he brushes a soft kiss across her temple.
“Sleep,” he bids her, “I will keep you safe.”
“Yes,” she adds, gifting him with a crooked half smile before yawning hugely. She nuzzles her face into the skin of his chest, within the cradle of her arms, and drifts off as he watches over her. The soft sighs of her even breaths comforts him as she rests easily within the circle of his embrace.
The quiet joy of her acceptance of his violent nature gradually makes itself known to him as she sleeps. Mild shock sweeps over him as he feels the wetness of tears trail down his cheeks, the region of his heart clenched tight as if squeezed by a fist. His breath becomes labored as he fights to stifle the turmoil of his emotions. Harsh and bitter the ashes of his loneliness whisper through his soul as his heart—his cold, hard, unreachable youkai heart—swells and ripens with an unknown emotion. Silently and fiercely he denies the revelation that threatens to sweep through him until, bit by bit, he loses the struggle within. Gently, like sunshine breaking through cloud cover, the truth hits him.
He loves her.
Rin, his dark headed little girl child.
His, forever.
In the shifting flicker of the flames, a ghost of a contented smile lights his face. In the pop and crackle of the fire, the words his lips form are lost to all but the uncomprehending ears of the sleeping girl on his chest.