InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Moon Dark, Star Bright ❯ Sex Ed Feudal Style ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: The characters of InuYasha are not mine, they are property of Rumiko Takahashi, Shogakukan, Yomiuri TV, Sunrise, and Viz. I do not make any money from the writing of this story.
Warnings: Minor, Hand Job
Rated: NC17
Summary: Rin's curiosity leads to a bit of hands on experience…
[A/N] Another squicky, although this one's more humorous than dark and angsty. What is it with loli and me? Geez. And I'm not entirely happy with the title, but meh.
=#= Sex Ed, Feudal Style =#=
A small noise outside of the crackle and pop of the fire catches his attention so that he looks over, meeting her large dark eyes over the dance of the flames. Like dark, unreadable mirrors, her eyes reflect back the sinuous flicker of the tongues of fire. The glisten of fallen tears on her cheeks is enough to soften his cold demeanor as he allows himself a small frown. With a mental tally, he chalks her unease up to her usual night terrors.
He watches her watch him, tensing only slightly as she crawls to him, dragging her blanket. Wariness holds his body still as he waits for her to come, regarding her with a gaze that is not altogether welcoming, not altogether foreboding. His expression is a mixture of discomfort and resignation as she clamors sleepily into his lap and settles herself there with a couple prods of bony limbs. He grimaces quietly as she hits a sensitive spot, and relaxes faintly as she gives the first soft sigh of sleep.
Inevitably, with the non awareness of sleep and sexual insensitivity of youth, she shifts in her sleep and tucks her little hand under the hard plate of his armor. Small fingers curl into the soft silk beneath and brush against the sensitive flesh of his groin. Typical of a restless sleeper and disturbing dreams, her hand wanders as she shifts and turns.
Despite his steely control, despite his thoughts holding no nefarious intentions otherwise, the prolonged play of her small fingers in that area gradually entices him to erection. Enduring stoically with a thin, displeased twist to his lips, he waits with the long patience of the immortal for dawn to relieve him of his silent suffering.
Rin gives a jerk in her sleep, hitting perilously close to there, and he at last decides he's had enough. Encircling her wrist with his fingers, he starts to drag her arm away and lets out a breathless hiss of pain as she instinctively jerks against his grasp and hits him where it hurts most.
Dark eyes regard him with drowsy confusion as she sits up, leaving him to reach under his armor to delicately probe the tender spot. He lets out another soundless hiss of discomfort as his fingers find the forming bruise, the drawn features of his face and the hard set of his mouth betraying his pain. Distracted, he does not immediately register the creep of her little fingers as she tentatively touches where his fingers have just been.
“Does it hurt?” she asks softly with obvious anxiety and worry. “Rin is sorry! Very sorry! Please let Rin see!”
Catching hold of the plate of his armor in her other hand, she makes to lift it up to peer beneath, halted only by the press of his hand holding it down.
“Leave it be, Rin,” he warns with a husky snarl to his voice. “That's not for little girls to see.”
“But Rin hurt you!” she cries with rising protest. “Rin had a brother, so Rin has seen it before. Please let Rin see that it's alright!”
Eyeing the sleeping Jaken with sharp disgust, Sesshoumaru glances back down at Rin. He studies her determined expression for a moment longer and then closes his eyes with an inaudible sigh.
“Do as you please,” he grits out shortly.
Relief and curiosity immediately cross the little girl's expressive face as she reaches out and unties the fastenings of his armor. The wry, displeased expression of endurance on his face never changes as she lifts the flap and sets it aside. A slight tic begins in the corner of his eye as her hands untie and pull away the front of his hakama. The unsettling sensation of air movement over the sensitive skin of his groin makes his frown harden as he refuses to look at her.
Soft, small fingertips brush butterfly caresses across the silvery furred plane of his abdomen, stirring the downy fur that thickens at the base of his erection. For long, tense, disturbingly exciting moments, he lets her touch and explore all of him from the velvet soft flesh of his testes to the rigid hardness of his sex.
“What's wrong with it?” Rin asks without embarrassment, straightforward in her childish ignorance.
The temptation to open his eyes becomes too great at last and he glances down to see the pale pink of her fingers against the darker, flushed skin of his erection. He then looks up to meet her bright, inquisitive, slightly worried eyes. A quick gage of his mood inclines him to be indulgent as he realizes she is genuinely curious and honestly concerned.
“Nothing,” he replies gruffly, his eyes fastened on the movement of her hands with unwavering intensity. “That is the way it gets when you touch it a lot.”
“Oh,” Rin replies ineloquently. “Does it hurt?”
“It is slightly uncomfortable but not painful. Yet.”
“Will it start to hurt then?” she probes as she traced the rim of it with her index finger.
“If it stays like that, yes,” he grimaces again as she pokes it with a fingernail.
Catching the nuances of his expression, she quickly responds with an apology he shrugs off.
“How do you fix it?” she wants to know.
“Either you stop touching it,” he tells her with a pointed look, “Or you squeeze and stroke it until what's inside of it comes out.”
“What's inside of it?”
“SEE-men? What's that?”
“White viscous body fluid.”
“Ewww,” she wrinkles her nose with disgust and fascination. She sits up, edging closer until her nose is inches from it. “I want to see!” she pipes with enthusiasm.
Sesshoumaru lets out a strangled, long suffering sigh.
“No,” he responds instantly.
He swallows back another sigh. “I will show you how, if you promise to do it gently.”
“I'll be gentle!” she exclaims, bouncing with anticipation.
He gives her a long, dubious look. “You will be gentle, or I will no longer allow you to sleep where you please,” he threatens ominously.
His words douse her excitement a bit, giving her back some of her self control.
“Rin promises,” she declares faithfully, waiting with attentive impatience.
He pauses a moment longer, a long list of reasons why he shouldn't be allowing her to do as she pleases marching through his head.
“Put your hands like this,” he instructs her, positioning her palms and fingers to encircle the width of his erection. Ignoring the litany running through his mind as his conscience thoroughly reprimands him, he places his hand over her two small ones and tightens his fingers until the grip of her hands pleases him.
“Keep your hands slack,” he cautions her as he guides her grasp first in a short stroke up to the head, then down his long length to the base. Again he glides their hands up to the head, encircling the sensitive tip with the pad of his thumb, then down.
“Got it?” he inquires with a rough burr to his voice.
“Like this?” she asks as she mimics the motion, her hands lightly squeezing.
“Yes,” he half sighs, half groans as he lets his hand fall away.
Gradually his form relaxes as her dark head bobs with her movement. With heavy lidded indulgence, he watches her as she uses her legs and hips to move her body up and down in time with her strokes. The strain in his face eases as his lips lift into an unconscious half smile.
“Are you okay, Sesshoumaru-sama?” Rin asks as she pauses, peering up with open interest into his face.
“Yes,” he replies a bit shortly, wishing she would continue.
“Why do you look like that?” she prompts him again.
Biting back mild irritation, he tries to order his thoughts into a cohesive answer. At last he decides to settle for the simplest explanation.
“It feels good,” he admits.
“It does?” she inquires with a mix of curiosity, wonder, and interest.
A longer pause lengthens into silence as he realizes his eyes have fluttered closed in anticipation and he can feel her puzzled gaze on him.
“Please continue,” he orders mildly, his irritation vanishing as her hands resume their administrations.
Slight signs of strain begin to show on his face as his pleasure builds, until he is biting back the soft exclamations of enjoyment that threaten to spill from his throat. His breath hitches as her little thumb repeats his action from earlier, circling the tip around the opening at the top.
“Harder,” he grits out, forcing his breath to come out in long even exhales instead of pants.
“But Rin promised to be gentle!” she protests immediately.
“Harder,” he insists, ignoring her statement.
“But Rin promised—”
“Please,” he urges with a gruff, broken plea.
Obligingly, at last, she grips him harder as she moves up and down. Slitting open his eyes, he stares unabashedly at her hands encircling his thickness. Despite himself, the contrast of her dainty fingers dwarfed by the largeness of his erection excites him and desire flames to life in his mind as pleasure slowly consumes his body. He can feel the quiet buzz of his youki increasing as his body's excitement spikes. With reluctance he closes his eyes, hoping to hide the crimson that is creeping into the whites. The ragged harshness of his exhales is overly loud in his ears as his regulated breathing slips into quick pants.
“Faster,” he croons softly, silent whines of enjoyment humming through his vocal cords.
“Please,” he cuts her off with short eloquence, entreaty thickening his voice.
Obediently she responds, quickening the pace of her strokes. He feels his testes tighten in anticipation as the steep climb of his pleasure reaches the last desperate struggle before orgasm. Caught up in his own coiling excitement, he misses the way his hips instinctively jerk in time to her strokes and his erection twitches in her hand.
“Ooo,” she makes inarticulate noises of wonderment as more of his control slips and his reactions to her touch become more pronounced.
“Is it supposed to do that?” she queries, her bright youthful voice penetrating the fog of his pleasure.
Motivated more by the fear that she will stop rather than an earnest interest in keeping her informed, he answers her.
“Yes,” he exhales raggedly, his next inhale sounding almost pained.
“Is it getting close? Is the SEE-men ready to come out?” she asks with eager anticipation.
“Close,” he half whispers, half whines as his claws dig into the soft earth and his hips pump helplessly.
He can feel the flush of passion heating his face, can feel the dampness of a thin sheen of sweat covering his skin. In a detached part of his mind, he wonders what Rin is thinking as she sees him like this. The thought of her dark eyes watching him causes a dark curl of illicit desire to spiral up from his gut, heating his lust to scorching. Tighter and tighter the hot coil of sensations fist inside of him until the crackle of youki surrounds them, until every strangled breath he draws has a catch in it, until at last his body can take no more.
“I'm going…to cum,” he gasps out in warning as the heady obscurity of his climax overtakes him, wiping away his awareness of anything else but his body and her little hands on him.
“It's coming?” she asks a moment before his hot seed spurts out onto her hands.
His hand comes up to cover hers, holding hers still with a choked moan as his erection releases more with another spasm. He can feel the impatient press of her questions and curiosity as she waits for him to recover.
For a moment longer he lets the bliss of orgasm linger over him without interruption, then with conscious effort he makes his body relax from its tense arch. He gives himself time to smooth over his expression as he opens his eyes to her focused, keen regard. He watches as she struggles to decide on which question to ask first, and seized by a sudden whim, he lets himself indulge.
“Open your mouth,” he instructs, forestalling her queries. “Stick out your tongue.”
He waits with quiet expectancy as she complies, then reaches out and deposits a dollop of his cum on her tongue.
“How does it taste?” he asks intently, watching her face as she first closes her mouth with curiosity then grimaces with distaste.
“Bleh,” she responds.
“Indeed,” he comments somewhat wryly, silently curbing the less than innocent thoughts swarming his mind. With a touch of internal self mockery, he tucks away the rest of his dark intentions. Some things will have to wait until she is older and can appreciate the value of reciprocity. With a slight, sardonic twist to his lips, he stands.
“Where are you going, Sesshoumaru-sama?” she inquires immediately.
“To bathe,” he replies shortly.
“Can I come?” she hops up with a hopeful smile, her eyes drawn to his waist as he reties his pants.
“Not until you are older,” he amends with a sudden smile and an odd glint in his eyes.
“When will I be old enough?” she asks with disappointment and irritation.
“I will tell you when you are old enough. Until then, go wash your hands in the stream and eat your breakfast.”
Knowing the sound of an inarguable order when she hears one, Rin complies with a huff, stealing a glance over her shoulder as the tall, elegant form of her lord. With an impish smile and a secret, almost sly look in her eyes that makes her seem years older, she goes off to find the stream.
Later, at breakfast, when her Sesshoumaru-sama has still not returned, Rin is unusually quiet, so much so that Jaken asks her what she was thinking.
“Can you get used to something that tastes bad?” Rin inquires thoughtfully.
“Why do you need to get used to something that tastes bad?” Jaken asks with skepticism.
“Because SEE-men tastes yucky,” she clarifies, watching with bemusement as Jaken chokes on his food.