InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Moon Dark, Star Bright ❯ Father Figure ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: The characters of InuYasha are not mine, they are property of Rumiko Takahashi, Shogakukan, Yomiuri TV, Sunrise, and Viz. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. I do not own nor make any money off of the lyrics of George Michael's Father Figure.
Warning: NC17 minor, soft NC, anal, oral, fingering, blood, violence, death
[A/N] Just something squicky for Halloween. Inspiration came from a certain someone ;) who knows who they are.
=#= Father Figure =#=
Thats all I wanted, something special,
Something sacred in your eyes,
For just one moment, to be bold and naked
At your side
He watches with helpless, possessive eyes as she turns that bright, alluring smile upon the filthy human boy. He has ceased to call the creature by a name; has ceased to recognize the individuality of him as he returns his, Sesshoumaru's, protection with the degradation of his beautiful child.
He feels the deep, crippling humiliation of fear as he watches the boy remind Rin of her humanity, lacing silken threads to mortality and mundane dreams around her until she is caught like a butterfly in the spider's web. Caught between the unyielding wall of his pride and the cold, slick sweet intent to kill all who touch her, he is too slow to intervene as the worm places a kiss on his Rin's chaste lips.

Sometimes I think that youll never understand me
Maybe this time is forever, say it cant be

The crimson spray of blood as the human filth falls under his claws is strangely freeing; so much so that he dares to grip his errant young angel by the back of her neck and scorch away the taint upon her lips with a bruising kiss of his own.
“Don't you understand,” he chides her as he toys with the plumpness of her lower lip between his teeth, “That you are mine?!”

Thats all you wanted, something special,
Someone sacred in your life
Just for one moment, to be warm and naked
At my side
“Sess-sesshoumaru-sama!” she gasps out in outraged fury. “What have you done?!”
“Freed you from the work and toil of a peasant's life,” he growls back as he pins her wrists above her head and forces her to yield the vulnerable curve of her neck, “Taken you from the humans who treated you like filth. Treasured you like a rare, exotic flower.”
“You killed Kohaku!!” she cries with angry tears welling in her dark eyes.
“You killed Kohaku,” he snaps back, taking her kimono between his fangs and tearing it with sardonic delight. “I tolerated his presence for your sake. I protected him because he mattered to you. Yet he touched what is mine. Why should he not fall as the thousands of youkai before him who dared to threaten you?! Their blood never worried your mind!”
“Kohaku was human! He was my friend!!” she sobs; struggling futilily against him as he bears her breasts to his icy, glittering gold eyes.

Sometimes I think that youll never understand me
But something tells me together, wed be happy

“Would you choose him over me, Rin?” he purrs low, dangerous, and coldly furious in her ear as he digs his claws into the flawless skin of her throat. “Do you wish to join him in death?”
“Yes!” she chokes out defiantly, her tears spilling down her flushed cheeks. Her lushious young body squirms against him as she strains against his grasp, and he cannot stop from crowding in on her as he presses his lean, hard body into her slender curves
Despair and dark resolution burn in his gaze as he sees the hurt and pain on her face. The silver whisper of his hair falls around his face as he presses a slow, careful kiss against her forehead.
“For your happiness, I was willing to compromise. Sweet child, I do not want your tears…but I do not share what is mine. Why did you let him become so dear to you?!” Sesshoumaru grits out as he eases his hand down her collarbones and covers her pounding heartbeat with his large palm.
I will be your father figure (oh baby)
Put your tiny hand in mine (Id love to)
I will be your preacher teacher (be your daddy)
Anything you have in mind (it would make me)
I will be your father figure (very happy)
I have had enough of crime (please let me)
I will be the one who loves you
Until the end of time

“Why did you need a human boy?! You have me. Have I not always returned to your side? Have I not always come to you when you are in need?!” he murmurs, low and husky and tormented as he ghosts his hand over her small breast, flicking the tight tip with his thumb. He reverently places a kiss at her throat as she arches into his touch with a lost, frightened mew.
“You had only to speak your secret wishes, your most intimate fantasy, and I would have done all that was in my power to make them yours, sweet child. My only wish was to be included, to be the centre of your every thought and dream,” he whispers to her warm, satin skin as he skims his lips down the gentle swell of her breast.
“For ten long years I have shared you with him. I have let him see your bright smile, hear your pure song, hold your trusting hand. For ten long years I have denied myself so that you might yield to me willingly. I have sacrificed; and in a moment he and you have brought that all to naught.”
“Sess—” she tries; her voice breathless and shaky with shock. Her words die as his lips close over her pert nipple and he suckles her sweetly.

Thats all I wanted
But sometimes love can be mistaken for a crime
Thats all I wanted just to see my babys blue eyes shine
This time I think that my lover understands me
If we have faith in each other
Then we can be strong
“I will never apologize for protecting what's mine, Rin,” he whispers brokenly against the soft, taunt plane of her belly as he releases his hold on her wrists. “So I do not expect you to forgive or understand. I only demand that you accept me as I am.”
“Sesshoumaru-sama,” she says his name tenatively, her dark eyes large with sorrow, shimmering with tears, and soft with a sympathy he does not deserve. The feel of her little fingers threading into the silver strands of his hair is like a benediction as she clasps him against her. His fangs slice into her pale flesh with lightening quick strike, and the hitch of pain in her inhale comes with delayed intensity as he tastes the hot metallic tang of her blood on his tongue.
“Mine,” he rumbles into her flesh as he licks her clean.
Mine, she echoes him; her slender fingers clenching into his scalp.
Mine,” she says again, fierce conviction filling her high, pure voice.
Yours always,”he vows as he parts the soft, nude lips of her sex and slithers his tongue into the slit.

I will be your father figure
Put your tiny hand in mine
I will be your preacher teacher
Anything you have in mind
I will be your father figure
I have had enough of crime
I will be the one who loves you
Until the end of time
“My Rin…” he purrs with base vibrations as he teases her clit with tongue and probes her tight opening with long, cruel fingers. “Sweet Rin, so sweet…”
He nibbles and licks his way down into the valley of her sex, spearing his tongue between the fingers in her sex before nipping the silky ridge of skin running to her anus. Smiling with dark, predatory intensity as she cries out, he parts her buttocks with two fingers as he teases the rosy pucker with his tongue. Wet and glistening, he smears her moisture until he can slip one fingertip inside. Once, twice, again he wiggles another in, pressing the length of his fingers within her sex against the lengh within her anus. Pleased with the way she squirms and whimpers with that double stimulation, he returns his attention to her clitoris and drives her ruthlessly into her first climax.

If you are the desert, Ill be the sea
If you ever hunger - hunger for me
Whatever you ask for, thats what Ill be
“Will you ease my hunger, sweet child?” he whispers in her ear as his fingers undulate within her, prolonging the overwhelming bliss of her orgasm until she is blindly clinging to him for support. For a long moment all she can do is shiver and tremble in his arms, but as his dark, cruel, cold voice sounds beside her she turns and presses a tearful kiss against his cheek.
His resulting smile is beautiful, icy, perfect.
His fingers leave her flesh long enough to tug loose the front tie of his pants, the blood on his claws leaving long red smears across her pale flesh and the white silk of his hakama. The hard prod of the tip of his erection against the relaxed opening of her anus causes her to instantly tense. The hard ring of muscles close like a vice around the head and he hisses into her ear with pained, intense pleasure.

So when you remember the ones who have lied
Who said that they cared
But then laughed as you cried
Beautiful darling, dont think of me
“Relax for me,” he pleads low and longing to her, stroking her arched, straining body with loving hands. “Please…”
His arms hold her close as tremors of sobs move her above, around, and ever so slowly, onto him. His fingers dance restlessly over the flushed, hard tips of her nipples, to the swollen bud of her clitoris, to the bruised, oversensitive darkness of her sex, and back again. His large frame cradles hers protectively as his hazed over, crimson and gold demon eyes look down into her wide, trusting, pain filled dark gaze.

Because all I ever wanted
Its in your eyes baby, baby
And love cant lie, no...
(greet me with the eyes of a child)
My love is always telling me so
(heaven is a kiss and a smile)
Just hold on, hold on
I wont let you go, my baby
Time stills and the world falls away as her small hands rise to cup his magenta striped cheeks. He ceases to breathe and his heart ceases to beat as she guides his lips to hers in an achingly innocent yet carnally erotic kiss.
“Mine…?” she whispers as she blinks away tears, her young body blossoming under the flicking caresses of his fingers until it takes all of him in easily.
“Always,” he promises as he splays his hand possessively over the bared column of her throat. “Forever,” he purrs as he follows her kiss with one of his own, penetrating her completely with a deep, sharp thrust of his hips even as he penetrates her mouth with a deep, sharp thrust of his tongue.

I will be your father figure
Put your tiny hand in mine
I will be your preacher teacher
Anything you have in mind
I will be your father figure
I have had enough of crime
So I am gonna love you
Until the end of time
I will be your father
I will be your preacher
Ill be your daddy
I will be the one who loves you
Until the end of time
He swallows down her husky cries of distress and pleasure as his body moves in hers. His fingers burrow deep within her sex to stimulate her sensitive spot there as his thumb torments her clit with rough, rapid circles. His mouth never leaves hers as the salty spice of her tears flavor their kiss. Again and again he uses his brute strength and again and again she takes it all without complaint, whimpering for more as he withdraws for each forward thrust.
Nothing is more beautiful, more tempting, more perfectly sweet than her supple, young body clenching around him. Nothing is more satisfying, more fulfilling, more endearing than the moment she sinks her small blunt teeth into his lip and shudders with violent climax; her tears falling unheeded as she chokes back a scream.
His own orgasm comes in the form of a hoarse grunt as his body tenses and curls around hers, his erection deep enough inside her feel the twitching and rippling of her inner muscles. Hot and thick, his seed fills her with one quick rush; easing his passage as he slips out of her. For a moment all he can do is hold her, and when she wiggles in his arms, he is loathe to let her free.
“I'm sorry,” she says, soft and clear into the crisp night air, “Rin is sorry for kissing Kohaku.”
“You are forgiven,” he replies indulgently as he brushes her hair out of her eyes with his bloodstained claws.
“Will you revive him…for me?” she asks shyly; sweetly.
“Will you let him kiss you again?” Sesshoumaru asks with dark foreboding.
“Never again,” Rin promises meekly.
“Will it make you happy?” he ventures reluctantly after a long quiet pause.
“Yes,” she replies simply.
“Then,” he says with tired acceptance, “I will revive your friend and give him one more chance.”
“Thank you, Sesshoumaru-sama!” she sing-songs happily.
His gentle smile is for her eyes alone as he shows her all the ways she can please him in return.